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open Fallout Equestria: Ground Zero [RP]


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@@Defender of Tomorrow


Ragnar kept an easy gait, and the two made for the merchant camp side by side. “Don’t matter much to me at all,” he said. “Just tryna make conversation.” The mare didn’t seem too eager to talk about her weapon, or much else for that matter.  


She didn’t speak again until the tents came into sight. “So anyway, what are you? A caravan escort?” The mare looked Ragnar up and down, head to tail, her eyes passing over the tattoos on his flanks. “You look like the type that can hold up really well in a fight.”


Ragnar smirked. How flattering. “I’m a freelancer, kid. And I like to think to so,” he said. “But I can’t say the same for you.” The girl looked out of place in more ways than one. Her weapon, her appearance, her demeanor. She wasn’t your average wasteland wanderer, that was for damn sure. And if she was trying to pass herself off as one, she was doing a piss-poor job of it.


The caravaners had set up camp in an open space at the edge of town. A long train of wagons sat in a circle, their holds packed to the brim with all manner of wasteland necessities: weapons, armor, food, and bottles of pure water, among other things. One rough-looking stallion sat near the weapons cart, counting out boxes of ammunition. Another was practically tossing rolls of cloth and linen at a local mare, trying desperately to make a sale. Most of the rest was junk that Ragnar would sooner burn for warmth then drop caps on. Too bad there wasn’t a fucking chem wagon. The thought made Ragnar groan.


“Well here we are, kid.” Ragnar spread his arms wide, letting the mare take in the scene. “Knock yourself out. But don’t stand around too long without buying anything. They don’t much like that.”


Already an older merchant had hobbled over towards them, pushing a rickety cart full of dubious-looking food. “Roasted bloatsprite!” the old lady cried. “Squirrel kebobs!” She shoved a skewer laden with cubes of charred meat towards the unicorn mare. “Only one cap each! Ya can’t go fightin’ raiders without a belly full ‘o squirrel!”


“I’ll let you deal with that,” Ragnar quipped. “Now if you don’t mind, I got some business to attend to in my tent.” He slapped the young mare gently on her shoulder, and took off. The caravaners and their guards had set up a cluster of tents next to a bunch of dead trees. All the guards that weren’t on duty watching the wagons sat here and there, talking in groups or gambling. Some threw dice, trading caps and insults alike. Someone had a cookfire going off to the side, and judging from the smell, Ragnar guessed they were making stew.


“Hey, Rags!” A swarthy gray stallion called out from beside the fire. “You up for cards later?”


Ragnar waved him off, but smiled. “Depends on how much you’re willin’ to lose, Buckshot,” he called back.


Buckshot laughed, stirring whatever was in the pot with a rusty ladle. “Oh, fuck off.” He chuckled again. “Hey, what’s the pussy situation like in town? See anything we might like?” A couple of the other guards perked up their ears at the question. When it came to running escort for a bunch of crotchety merchants, there was little a stallion had to look forward to besides gunshot wounds, caps, and tail.


Ragnar humored him, stopping in his tracks and scratching his chin like he was deep in thought. “All things considered, for a little shithole like this, I’d give it a solid seven out of ten.” Ragnar grinned wide. “So in other words, they’re all out of your league, Buck.”


“Oh fuck off,” Buck repeated, slapping his flank and roaring with laughter. “Cards. Tonight! Be there, birdy!” He called as Ragnar went on his way.


Ragnar found his own tent quickly enough. It wasn’t much to look at, just a bunch of patchy cloth draped over a set of sturdy posts. He threw back a flap and ducked inside. The air within was warm and uncomfortable already, and Ragnar felt a wave of nausea accompany the pounding in his head. He took a moment to steady himself, rubbing his temples between two fingers. He needed a hit right now. Ragnar knelt and flipped over his dirty bedroll.


Thank the Goddess, he thought. There they were. Two full Dash inhalers. And right now, they were the most beautiful sight in the entire world. Ragnar snatched one up without further delay, gave it a solid shake, and clenched the mouthpiece between his beak. A press of his thumb later, and a blast of cool vapor filled his lungs.


The effect was near instantaneous. The chems hit his system hard and fast, and Ragnar closed his eyes, smiling. There was a reason they called it Dash. His head filled with an electric buzz, banishing the pain immediately. He could feel his senses sharpen, his hands steady. He took a deep breath, and opened his eyes again.


That’s more like it. Still, part of him wondered what that mare was up to. 

Edited by MasterCombine
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@@Defender of Tomorrow,


Remembering Kayle talking about ponies she had like about how kind and sweet they were. Was he one of those ponies? Not like there any other ponies there. Her trotted over to the table and placed the can of beans next to Noble, he'll probably be hungry and this will provide some trust, she thinks. "Bazooka Joe left the premises as well as Hazmat. They're up northeast."  Steam said, "As for what I'm doing here? Well... I'm here to take and steal all I want before we get killed by hitponies." her sarcasm came back. Newcomers are a struggle at times. "Was suggesting her to pack up and steal as well. You too, unless you're some type of macho pony then I'm all for you killing yourself." or maybe even Rambo. Not like she hasn't seen that kind of stupidity before. Even with scrawny ponies. 

Edited by NinjaCPU

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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I sighed as I took of my helmet to light a cigar in my mouth tossing the helmet to maple. I walked up to hazmat blowing a cloud of smoke at his visor. " It's only you and the robot out here, running out of supplies, practically no armor, and to top it all off you seem lost. Face it hazmat you do need help, and i'm here to provide just that as you did the same to me back at the shack. So how about you stop pointing your revolver at croissant over here and get in the apc so we can take you to the nearest town to resupply and get the actual location to Stalliongrad cause i'm pretty sure east is not where you want to go." I said before noticing a hole in my minigun from the sniper shot earlier. I turned back to hazmat to give a quick reassuring smile.

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"I don't need your help, I made this it far haven't I, remember I am from the Moohave which is hundreds of miles southwest of here. Also ED-E has a map on his database, which the Steel Rangers in the Moohave gave him. It says that Stalliongrad is north of here." Hazmat said as he lowered his revolver. ED-E made a beeping noise. Hazmat looked at him and said "No, I will not except help, from anypony you know that ED-E" ED-E made another beeping noise (He is black mailing Hazmat) Hazmat stayed silent, knowing that if he spoke it would somewhat translate what ED-E said.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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(As Shinon)


He kept calling me kid, did I REALLY look like a kid to him? She frowned as he told her that the merchants didn't like ponies looking to long, stealing was looking less and less worth doing.


Shinon yawned as she looked at the caravans, most of the stuff didn't look appealing to her as most of the guns were in semi-decent condition and filfthy same thing went for the assorted parts they carried. She evaluated the merchandise the caravans had for wandering eyes until one of them, an older and not so charming mare began to hustle her for caps using food that looked less appetizing than a rotting apple. As the mare attempted to shove some suspicious looking meat into her hooves she merely turned diagonally from the sales pony and yelled "Sorry Not interested!" 


Walked around the circle of carts she took every opportunity of a gap to look at the direction Ragnar was heading, her eyes following him until he disappeared into a tent, probably his. She ever so carefully inched her way to his tent to compensate for the sniper weight, she was very discreet as she peeked her head inside the tent.


"Please don't tell me you're a junkie." Shinon said as she thought aloud while looking at him inhale the Dash. "I-I didn't mean it like that!" She frowned as Rags gave her an awkward look, he wouldn't hit a mare...right?

Edited by Defender of Tomorrow
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Never seen a duo quite like this in a long while, a bit refreshing if I do say so myself. Croissant started to walk back to the apc taking my broken minigun with her. One of the other rangers replaced her with an LMG in tow attaching it to my battle saddle and then returning to the apc like croissant. I spat out my cigar and stomped it out as I put my helmet back on. " Look this is your choice, i'm not gonna force you I don't know about your robot though hehe. Just get inside the apc if you decide to we'll wait." I said before me and maple walked back into the apc and sat down in our seats."Awww nobody died not even an injury c'mon man that's no fun." "Look here blood I already accepted your not gonna leave alright, the least you can do is just wait for me to decide to kill something it's my choice. So in other words fuck off and don't control me got it you'll get your blood when i choose too." " Fine fine your the boss blood is blood anyway, glad you finally stopped bitching at me about earlier." " Yeah I know i'm a clood blooded murderer it comes with my job so how about we stow it and just sit here." " Roger doger inquisitor gigantor I will do just that but if you need a little push of aggression just think about me." I let out a sigh as I put my hoof to my head. If this mare in my head is gonna stay I might as well make good terms with her if that makes any sense.

Edited by steelranger22
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Hazmat just looked at ED-E "come on ED-E, He will only be in Stalliongrad for a few more days, and I don't want to go back to tracking him again." ED-E made a beeping noise. Hazmat nodded and said "alright so, whats his name" ED-E made a scared beeping noise "really... He doesn't sound so dangerous..." ED-E made another beeping noise. Hazmat looked at his hooves and his voice went his normal 'always angry' tone to a sad tone. "Oh... yeah" Hazmat then raised his head and didn't say anything more, he just continued to walk.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Noble slid out of bed and stretched, feeling a few vertebrae give a slight pop. He was a little wary of this new pony, but then, Noble regarded everypony with some measure of wariness and distrust at first. “I see. Well, can’t say I blame you. I’d probably try and loot the place too.”


He took out his combat knife and started to open the can, only wishing he had a pot to empty the contents into for a hot meal. It became apparent exactly how long Noble had been without food when he was unaware that he was drooling on himself as he opened the can. And how fast he started practically shovelling food into his mouth. He ate half of the contents of the can before pausing, swallowing and looking to the two mares with an apologetic grin. “Heh heh, sorry. My insides have been trying to digest themselves for a while, and last night was the first time I’d eaten anything in a few days.”


Noble offered the can to Kayle and tried to regain his composure, though judging by the rising heat he felt in his cheeks, he was blushing. “Breakfast?” He asked, not wanting to say much more considering how embarrassed he felt at making a pig of himself in front of mares.

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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We sat and waited for another five minutes before we realized he wasn't coming in. His life his choices I guess hope he doesn't get frostbite or something up there.The apc closed its hatch and began to drive forward and made a u turn to go back the way we came. I set my head back on my seat as I slowly closed my eyes to submerged myself in the darkness known as sleep. Not to my surprise I awoke in the plain white room as I always have if I had any dreams. There she was like always on her bloody damn couch, I mean seriously where does it come from. However i noticed blood didn't confront me or mock me as usual, she just sat there looking down on the plain white floor.


 i started walking to blood with a nice steady pace sitting myself down next to her. "Hey" "hey" blood blandly responded back not her usual self. " You know, I waited for you to tell me what you said earlier. To finally realize it was always your choice to kill not mine. In all honesty I don't know why i'm still here, aren't I suppose to you know..disappear?" She sounded reluctant, the way her final word was said what did that mean. " Look uh thanks for making me realize that every single time...it was my choice not you, not hailstorm, me. I also want to apologize for taking so long to figure it out and making you wait. In the end I guess what ever happens is my choice now." Bloods ears perked up as soon as I said my choice, she looked down for a bit and then back up at me. " Please...don't forget, don't send me back" her voice sounded of genuine fear what...what as happening? " Please don't forget!, please...I don't wanna go back into the dark." " What...what are you?" " I don't care i'll do anything i'll be anyone you want hail,blood,anything just don't forget me again!" Blood yelled at me as she started hugging me sobbing as she did. " You don't know what it's like being shoved into the dark. tossed away like garbage never to be noticed. No matter how loud you scream you won't even be spared a look, just don't forget me again." This wasn't just me being a mental case this was something else, I needed to help this pony out. I put my left arm over to pull her close embracing her just as much as she did me. 


 " Your name is bloody mary, a name you came up with yourself. That's who you are not a ghost,a representation, or a made up entity your a pony. After all you have done for me, and everything you had to put up through. You deserve to be viewed by your own identity not somepony else's. Trust me i'll never forget you, i'll even make a reminder for myself. If I need any assistance I have a pony in my head to help me out." I reassured blood as I patted her head before a shining light blinded me. I awoke to hear the familiar humming noise of the apcs engine. The vehicle wasn't moving however making me wonder how long I was out. " We are right in front of junction town sir, passed through the shack on the way they didn't look like in any hurry so nothing to worry about." I stepped out of the vehicle stretching out my legs as I eyed the fortification of the town. " Thanks ummm I think you guys better go back to the facility I think I got this." I need to find some paint or something i bet this town got something like it. The apc driver closed the hatch and started to drive off into the distance, all alone again scratch that not alone. My smile was hidden under my helmet as I walked into the entrance of the town.

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Hazmat and ED-E continued forward, He began to think to himself.


'After who knows how many years, I finally found the stallion that lead the raid against my family's homestead. He was the one that cut my dad's throat right in front of the rest of my family, and I'm going to do the same to him...'


Hazmat then stop after questioning why he was explaining everything to himself. He looked at ED-E and said "ED-E, if something goes wrong... then I want you to escape and go get help, if they haven't killed me yet, but If I do get killed, just escape and Go back to Stable 19." ED-E replied with a sad beeping noise. Hazmat looked forward and said "I said IF, if doesn't mean something will go wrong, it only means something may go wrong..." ED-E just made another beeping noise.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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Junction town as said on the large sign placed outside of the hastily done fortification meant to hold of any would be attackers. Barely a few steps into the town I was soon surrounded by its' local guards. Most of them had leather armor with hastily added plates of metal on crucial areas. Two of them had the decency of greeting me with actual combat armor, one of the leather guards gets a gold star for wearing a combat helmet. Armed with shotguns, assault rifles, and varmint rifles these fellas could protect there town a decent bit. Before I could get a word out a sudden wave of dust and feathers greeted my eyes. The griffoness before me had a beautiful white coat making sure she stuck out of the crowd. "You know sorry for singling you out but where ever rangers go death and explosions follow, so please tell me what your here to do and cut the attitude crap I don't need it." Said the griffoness aiming her hunting rifle at my head. "My reasons to come here are my own and I wish not to harm any, but if you do need to know I am here to meet the white blacksmith." The griffoness upon hearing my reason started to tuck her face into one of her wings trying to hold back her laughter. "Is that what you guys call her hahaha! forgive me for laughing but that's a new one. Alright come on in just don't hurt anybody nice ya hear, the legendary white blacksmith paint brush is two buildings down on the right side." The griffoness put emphasis on the legendary white blacksmith with finger quotes before flying off to a a sniper perch I didn't notice. The rest of the guards started to leave with one even lifting her hat in a friendly gesture.


  The town itself looked to be built of the remains of another small town. Races off all kinds littered the streets all except for pegasi go figure. Base of operations of the white blacksmith was a decently large warehouse with a large sign saying paint and welding. I opened the door hearing a bell as I did,which made me feel happy inside. The familiar sound and light of a blowtorch welding metal echoed in the room ahead." Hey umm customer here I..agh," was all I could say before hitting my head on a hanging piece of unidentifiable metal. The mare stopped working on her project as she turned to hear the commotion. Upon sight of me she jumped tossing her torch into the air, after a quick fumble with her torch she finally grabbed hold of it shaking as she did. " Oh shit...uh I got your stuff umm it's in the back, I am terribly sorry it took so long I had other projects and uh hehe." The mare quickly muttered before staring at me for a good minute shaking as she did." Look I am not who you think I am let me introduce myself, I am inquisitor Hazel nut and I formally request a major rework on my armor set." " Wait seriously woops, sorry for fumbling about earlier another ranger like you requested something too a bit more scary like though. Either way yeah standard fee for a major rework for something like that with risk of blowing up would be around lets see...2500 caps." the mare said with a smile taking off her welding mask revealing pure red eyes." I can see why they call you the white blacksmith albinos are pretty rare. Either way your prices are fair considering the tales of your work, I will also watch you at work to get the exact detail of customization I want." I eagerly said before I started to take off my armor piece by piece.


 "Ookie dookie lookie just follow me to my wok station and tell me what to do kay!" The snow white mare said as she levitated my ancient armor to her workplace. The process of reshaping glorious armor of the ministry was a long and difficult one. From the way she worked I could tell she worked with power armor. The way she moved enchanted gems and placed them into suitable positions. Her techniques were flawless, no mishaps were made as she welded new pieces of metal unto the suit. After two hours of hefty cooperation and imagination our work was done. My heart pounded as I stared at the beauty of the albinos work. The armors grey was replaced by a color that seemed to change between dark blue and black with a blink of an eye. Sheets of metal painted chrome lined the edges of the armor. A second layer of shoulder armor went on top of the original layer which once smoothed edges were cut down and reshaped into flat edges. The main rivets of the pauldrons was topped with emblems of skulls painted gold, with strips of enchanted paper hanged on them in which my favorite verses of the codex were written upon. The chest piece was lined with chrome and a large stylized "I" was placed in the center which connected with the newly added neck guard. The final coup de grace was my helmet that was completely redone. Non recognizable as a helmet of the rangers anymore. Its' once gender defining face respirator was inter graded into a non define able plain face guard, both of the tubes moved to one side of the helmet leaving a plain side. The left visor was replaced by a red circular eye piece that included a couple of new features. The all too familiar crest on top of the helm was cut down into an inch of extra armor on the dome of the helm.


 Crimson gold trimmed cape was added as a first time shopper deal which made the armor oh so better. I hoofed over the caps not caring if it was practically all of my money except for emergency funds. " You know all the work and materials I put into your armor would actually cost way more then that. But I am feeling rather generous today so in return for the armor I request three quick favors to be done." The little albino mare said as I put on my newly crafted set of gear. " First task I require you to kill the ranger who owed the set I used to help make your gear with, the second and third task are simple deliveries pretty please." The cute little mare said with an adorable smile as I put on my helmet and carefully attached my weapons under the cape. As she did a rather angry looking stallion barged in the room with a steel ranger tattoo on his right shoulder. Before he could say a word I put a single round into his head. " Hey, he looked like an asshole so what do you need delivered?" " Alright quick to work I like, alright here's the deal I need two packages delivered. The first one is for a griffon crossbreed he gots a box of jet I owe him and the second one is a custom made pistol I crafted for a fella named Big money. Ragnar is usually found wandering town, find him at the caravan tents. Big money is a whole new level of creep he runs the brothel in town, I don't want to even go near the disgusting place so i hope you can. You do that for me and I call us even deal?" The gave me the run down and the jobs were fairly easy, damn time I actually did something. " Deal," was all I said before putting on my helmet and walking out of the blacksmiths store. 

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@@Defender of Tomorrow


Could feel some uneasiness from him. His body language gave a weary of her presence. Nothing she could blame, the wastelands wasn't a place where you could find a friend all too easily. Even now, she does not trust them either. She just is trying to decide on her next plan of action. Noticing the devouring of the food she left on the table for any of them. He apologize and gave off a tint of red, embarrassed by his actions. "You're new to the wasteland, aren't you?" he did seem more squirmish than others and his clothes seem a lot more cleaner as well. Most ponies know not to move out of settled lands without some type of food. What have this "group" been doing? "If you are, my opinion just coming out here. I suggest you stick with Kayle over here or follow me down over up north. As long as you have some redeemable skill, of course." she glance over at the window, noticing the time of day from the sun. Better get out of here now!

Made by: EQ-Style

"For Science, I shall see if this is true."

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@@Defender of Tomorrow


Ragnar let the buzz wash over him for a few seconds longer. The effect was already tapering off, but at least it would keep the cravings at bay. That is, until the next one hit. 


“Please don’t tell me you’re a junkie.”


The voice startled Ragnar. He whirled around, reflexes enhanced by the Dash pumping through his system, and came face to face with the unicorn mare, her head poking in through the entrance to his tent. “The fuck!?” Ragnar spat the words without thinking. Judging from the rising heat in his face, the chems weren’t doing any wonders for his disposition.


The mare seemed taken aback by his outburst, even frightened. She shrank back slightly, one leg raised off the ground like she was trying to guard her body. “I-I didn’t mean it like that!”


“Did I tell you to follow me?!” Ragnar snapped. One hand shot out like his body was moving on autopilot, seizing her by a foreleg and pulling her roughly towards him. The other hand was in the air, talons bent into a claw. This close, he could smell her, smell the sweetness on her coat, not yet washed out by the wasteland dust. Her ruby eyes stared up into his, whether in shock or fear he didn’t know. It made his blood boil. He oughta slap her. Teach the naïve little bitch a lesson for- No. Stop. Easy, Ragnar. Easy. The violent impulse was gone almost as fast as it had come on. Ragnar loosened his grip on the mare’s leg immediately. In the dim light of the tent, he couldn’t read the expression on her face, couldn’t tell what she was feeling.  


“I- I’m sorry,” was all he could manage. “That wasn’t me. I’m not like that.” They were words he wanted to believe. And he was right, wasn’t he?


The girl stared at him, quiet. Ragnar sighed and dropped onto his hindquarters, taking a seat on his bedroll. No sense in trying to play it off. “Yeah, I like Dash. What’s it to you?” The mare’s continued silence just made him scowl. “And what’s your story anyway, kid? You look about as hardened as a fucking marshmallow. What are you doing out here? The hell else do you want from me?"

Edited by MasterCombine
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Hazmat looked at ED-E "Lets take a break, my hooves are killing me..." ED-E made a beeping noises. Hazmat sat down next to the road and ED-E fell to the ground. Hazmat sighed and opened a panel on ED-E's back. He pulled out an electron charge pack, that powers ED-E. He then replaced it with a fresh one and threw out the drained one. He closed the panel and ED-E powered back on. "That should keep you running for a couple more days before I can get you a microfusion breeder. or something to make you solar powered." ED-E made a beeping noise. "Yeah, Yeah, Yeah. I know I could have just ripped on off of that recharger rifle but it would take to long..." ED-E made a sad beeping noise. "Don't worry buddy, I have enough Charge packs to power you until I get it, I'm not going to let you power down." ED-E made a happy beeping noise.

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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(Ok, I've waited for Suri too long. I'm sorry guys, I'm goin back in.)


I stared at the guards grinning at me. Why? I wasn't making a fool of myself was I?


"As if we'd actually take you to her!" one of the said laughing. "After all the crap we been put through because of her and people like her, I was surprised we didn't kill her outright." He took out the pouch of caps and tossed it at my feet. Now go on. Get outta here before we start ta shoot ya.


I walked away from the stallions and sighed. I'd failed. I couldn't face Baryon after this, what would he think? But, what was I supposed to do, die and still not get anything accomplished? He wouldn't see it that way of course. I'd seen the way the two had been fawning over each other, it was too obvious. He would be heartbroken and probably go after them and try to get her and die trying. I sighed again. Oh well, I guess I had to head back.


I walked back to camp solemnly, tears starting to come down my face.


(Probably not how Suri would have done it, but seeing as the circumstances have changed, I just wanted to improvise and get it over with.)




I was startled awake by the card shifting suddenly. Apparently I had fallen asleep. I looked over to see Amber lying down and crying. I put my hoof on her shoulder and gently asked "What happened? Could you not find her?" After telling me her story, I pulled her in and held her close to me. "How can I tell Baryon? He'll be so devastated."


"Hey, hey, hey. It's ok. There was nothing you could do. There would have been no overpowering that many ponies without support and surprise. It will take a while, but I'm sure he'll understand." I pulled something out of the cart and opened it. "Here," I said, hoofing her a can of Cram. (Wait, REALLY!?! More of that crap!? How much did we have?) I helped her eat it between bouts of sobbing, and when she was done, I tossed it on the ground. 


Look, let's go inside and talk to the others. Baryon can wait. I took Silence from beside me and looked through the scope, adjusting it to max zoom. "Yup, let's go."


Amber was leaning on my shoulder as we walked in, still crying, and I held my head low as we walked into the shack. "I have some news."

Edited by 2 Happy 4 You
  • Brohoof 1

Banner By @Kyoshi
My OCs:
SOL Characters :Happy "Bladed" HeartLyrical Verses & Satin Wings
FoE OC: Steady Hoof

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I had the slightest idea of where the caravan tents were, I guess i had to go fish for information. After a moment of approaching strangers and questioning them i found the locations of the caravan tents. It took a couple minutes of walking but I finally reached my destination. The area was a cesspool of merchants and guards. Ponies swindling and backstabbing each other trying their best to milk each and every pony they saw out of their caps, it made me sick. But these merchants did have a lot of unique and interesting stuff so I didn't see the problem in looking. Out of all the ponies crowding the merchants I stuck out the most, it was either my height or my armor. I was usually called out by weapons merchants trying to sell me guns and explosives that I admitted were eye candy. Non of them really took my interest until I saw a piece of history stuck behind a glass frame. The m1918 light machine gun or more commonly known as the BAR was a powerful rifle used in the early stages of the war with the zebras. It was decommissioned after it's low ammo count didn't help with the swarming tactics zebras used." I'm taking this gun," I bluntly said catching the merchant by surprise. The merchants guards started to move on me before I took off my lmg and assorted ammo. We happily swapped weapons, I was practically skipping off when we were done. I then asked for Ragnar's tent location from some locals. After being directed towards it's location I simply stood out the tent wondering on how to introduce myself to this character. Judging by the size of the shadows inside the griffon was a decently sized fellow, I however still stood a head or two taller then him.

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(As Shinon)


Just her luck, couldn't shut up and now this half-breed was about to claw my face off. The sudden outburst of his stroke fear and anger inside me, but I managed to keep somewhat calm, just as I saw his talons raised I magically activated my energy sabre, the blade of pure energy angled at his torso.


"I'm Sorry, that wasn't me, I'm not like that." And with that he let me go, returning to his bedroll sitting on his hindquarters, probably ashamed at his outburst. "Yeah I like Dash, what's it to you?"

I remained silent, he had a serious addiction for this..Dash, and Dash had an addiction for him, it ruled his life. I couldn't help but feel a bit sorry for the half-breed, not many accepted unusual breeds, in fact many shunned them out of their establishments and businesses, and he probably turned to Dash for some type of comfort. 


We then began a cheery session of 'Twenty Questions, such fun!' "Whats your story anyway kid, you look as hardened as a fucking mashmellow what are you doing out here, what do you want with me?" He kept calling me kid, and now a marshmallow! 'UGH! If there was such a pony that existed just to crawl under my coat and piss me off it was this guy'


I tried to keep my cool as best as I can. "You're a smart guy, I'm pretty sure you already deduced that I was a stable dweller, and I don't have much of a story." He remained silent still directing his gaze downward, was this junkie even listening!? "What I'm doing out here...is looking for a communications array or something along that line, and what I want from you is..." I awkwardly held that last word as I didn't even know what I wanted from him, I don't even fucking know why I even followed him! I allowed an awkward and long silence fill the room as I thought really hard for a good long moment, THE SUSPENSE WAS PROBABLY KILLING HIM! "Umm...I want.." Yeah this was going very well, "You too....help me with my quest?" I smiled at Ragnar with that last bit



(As Kayle)


Smiling at Noble I refused the breakfast, "I already ate, but thanks." She didn't think much about how he ate, she wasn't exactly a girly girl.

Kayle turned at Steam as she began speaking, she hadn't given much thought about Nobles 'worth' to the group, he was definately a good talker, but she hadn't seen him in combat, to determine his worth there. "So you're heading north...what's up there" I inquired before being interupted by Steady as he barged inside the shack, her ears perked up as he claimed that he had news, what news did he have?!

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Hazmat stood up and they continued on their way to Stalliongrad. ED-E was flying next to him. Hazmat looked at ED-E, who had SD-E engraved onto his zapper. It stood for 'Spritebot Duraframe model E'. Hazmat just calls him ED-E because he always liked the name Eddie. Also because ED-E always introduces himself as 'Enclave Duraframe model E' Hazmat looked forward and kicked a rock as he went. He used his magic to levitated and throw it at a dead tree. He hit exactly where he was aiming and said "Even with rocks I'm still one of the most accurate ponies in the wastes..." ED-E made a beeping sound. Hazmat replied "I know I'm over exaggerating, but I like to think so." ED-E made a beeping noise. "Anti-material rifles are too heavy, expensive, and there ammo is the same; heavy and expensive... Military Grade sniper rifles require too much to repair and I don't want to be carrying a welding torch with me everywhere I go... So I will just stick with my Hunting Rifle... also if you don't remember, the rifle belonged to Moonshine, so I wouldn't give it up for anything..." Hazmat said as he tried to repress the thought of Moonshine...

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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   Noble raised an eyebrow at the new mare. “Miss, I’ve lived in this rotten land for a while. I’m not as new as you might think, and I tend to use my charm and my intelligence to get by. But my luck is horrible. Well, it was until recently, anyway.” He said, looking towards Kayle with a charming smile at the last part.


   He returned his attention to his food, seemingly trying to decide whether to eat it fast and sate his hunger or eat it slow and maintain his usual composure. Though the seemingly casual mood was swiftly soured when Steady came in with a distraught looking Amber. 


   “What’s happened? Is she ok?” Noble asked, cleaning and sheathing his knife as he started looking through the drawers for a spoon or a fork. With his mind (mostly) cleared of hunger, he wasn’t going to tempt fate by using a combat knife as an eating utensil. Then again, the dirty cutlery he found was probably just as lethal, just in a different way. 

Otanoshimi wa kore kara da!

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@@Defender of Tomorrow



Ragnar let the mare finish. After his outburst, he owed her that much, regardless of how stupid her words sounded.


When she was done talking, the mare squared up and faced him down like she had just made a good point. Her tone was hesitant, wavering even, but her body language was that of a pony trying very hard to be taken seriously. She wasn’t convincing Ragnar, but she was making an admirable effort.


Sweet, awkward silence filled the tent once more as Ragnar processed her little speech. She was a Stable-dweller. Of fucking course she was. And she was on a quest. Where in Celestia’s name had he heard that one before? She’d wasted enough of his time. It was taking every ounce of willpower he had not to burst out laughing in her face, but finally, Ragnar figured he’d let her keep her dignity.


He let her sweat for a bit longer, then swept one hand through his crest feathers. “That’s, uh…that’s cute, kid. Really.” Ragnar reached off into a corner near his bedroll and dragged out an old, weathered-looking rucksack. The cloth had seen better days, like it had been torn and patched over one time too many. The Dash had done its job, but with the headache this girl was giving him, he could use a smoke. “I’ll bet the day you left your stable you strapped on all that fancy tech and waltzed right out that big steel door like you were gonna make the Wasteland your bitch, huh?” He jabbed a thumb at the fancy blade strapped to her side. “And I can respect that, honestly, I can.” He could at least respect the courage it took, even though the whole idea was sheer idiocy. “But that last part–something about you wantin’ my help–that’s where we hit a little snag.”


Ragnar fished around in the pack until his hand seized upon what he was looking for. “You see, simply put, I’m a merc. And there’s a reason they call us guns for hire.” He pulled out a lightweight paper carton, it’s front and back decorated with a colorful label. Lucky Sparks, the words read, bold typeface set against the backdrop of a rainbow starburst. “I don’t do charity work. So unless your special talent is magicking up a big fuckin’ bag of caps, I think I got business elsewhere.”


He shoved the remaining Dash inhaler into the rucksack and flung it back into its corner. Brushing himself off, Ragnar stood and pushed past the girl to the exit, stopping just short of the outside. “Besides, I really wouldn’t want to be there when you step on a landmine. You want my help, kid? Fine, I’ll give you some advice. Stick around here. Take a good, long think about what you’re doing. Then go back home.” With that, Ragnar threw back the tent flap and stepped out.


What he saw nearly stopped his heart.


Steel. Fucking. Ranger. The thought scored his mind like a bolt of hot, green plasma. Ragnar stopped dead in his tracks, and froze. The pony standing in front of his tent was perhaps the largest he had seen in his life, bolstered by the fact that it was bedecked in an impossibly-ornate suit of power armor: more than half a ton of steel, gems, and high-tech weaponry set to blow him off the face of the planet. This was bad.


Ragnar let the cigarette carton slip from his talons. It fell to the earth with hardly a sound. One hand flew to the grip of his .44. But what good would it do? For whatever it was worth, his meager supply of AP rounds was tucked away in some pocket of his rucksack. By the time he moved, he was dead. I’m fucked, his mind screamed.


Almost as if the behemoth had sensed his movement, the Ranger shifted its weight and turned to face him. Ragnar was assailed by a chorus of hissing servos and the jingle of rounds in a feed box. The giant was facing him now, weapons leveled and staring him down through the helmet's cold black eyeports. On one side was strapped a light machine gun, and on the other a quad-barrel rocket launcher that looked like it could level a building.  


Ragnar’s leg muscles tensed. One second passed, then another, all in silence. Ragnar felt sweat beading on his forehead, and he winced. Why the fuck wasn’t he dead yet? Still, the Ranger just stared.


“If this about that troop outside Fillydelphia,” Ragnar started. His throat was dry and his hand still clenched the grip of his revolver, ready to tear it free from its chest holster. “They had it coming.” Was killing a couple Rangers really enough to warrant a fucking hitbuck sent after his head? Ragnar was just carrying out a contract. He hadn’t payed to have them dusted.


Still there was nothing. No hail of bullets. No fiery explosion. Ragnar had no more words. He just cocked his head and stared back at the Ranger. Now this was just getting bizarre.

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The first thing that came out of his mouth was money, of course how could I be so stupid to think any merc had the self-control to not advertise their services! As he swung that little carton at me I realized I probably didn't have enough money to pay his fee, but I thought about other forms of payment and perhaps helping him get over his addiction might suffice. "I don't have the caps, but I do have something better." I left it at as he cut me off just to tell me to go home, UGH the NERVE of that half-breed junkie!


He left the tent and froze outside as I opened the tent flaps to give him a piece of my mind I saw a gigantic Steel Ranger towering over him. I saw his facial expressions and body language, he was clearly terrified of him. "What's wrong Ragy...that tin can scaring you? Y'know, this energy sword cuts through metal like butter, for a small fee that is." OH CELESTIA I WANTED TO SAY THAT SO BAD!


The Ranger had some sick armor, it was clearly personalized, and very intimidating, yet fashionable with that cape. I knew it offered no real protection, however it did add a bit more weight, hardly noticeable for a Stallion of his size. Neither of them moved, they stared at each other like lovers, if I may say so myself.


I pat Ragnar on the shoulder as I placed myself between the two. "Don't worry kid, I got this" I turned to see the shocked ragnar too say that, THIS WAS TOO MUCH!


Facing the ranger I looked into his eye slots and gave him my best cute look I could dish out and spoke softly. "Umm Mister Steel Rsnger, if you can please not kill my feathered friend here that would be my day maker!" I couldn't help but feel a little girly speaking, and I stared into his soul...or at least I'd like to think I was as we stared each other down....what an awkward pony.

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Before I could introduce myself I found the griffon right up in my face, leading to an awkward stare off. Before I could say anything a small mare hurried in front of the griffon making an awfully adorable face. My left eye piece rotated and glowed red as I observed their heat signatures, x-rays, and heart rates. The griffon's heart was beating like crazy while the little munchkin mare in front of me stayed as stable as possible."I will deal with you in a little bit," I said to the mare before patting her hair and pushing her aside a bit."I actually came here to deliver something little miss albino owed ya," I said before tossing the box in front of the griffons talons."Oh yeah don't think I haven't forgot about you saying you killed rangers at fillydelphia, and this little stable dweller probably planned on trying to kill me so I got my eye on her also. So how about helping me out for a quick spell and we call it even?" I said putting my hoof out.

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Hazmat continued walking, he looked at his hunting rifle, the words 'nam te amica mea' were engraved on the scope. He frowned and sighed before putting it on his back. He looked at ED-E and said "Play.. hmm, I don't want to set the world on fire..." ED-E made a beeping noise and the song began to play out of his speakers. 


"  I don't want to set the world on fire, I just want to start a flame in your heart. In my heart I have but one desire, and that one is you. No other will do... I've lost all ambition, a worldly acclaim. I just want be the one you love. And with your admission that you feel the same, I'll have reached the goal I'm dreaming of..."


Hazmat looked forward and listened to the music, He then said "Never mind, how about An't that a kick in the head?" ED-E made a beeping noise, stopped playing the first song and began to play the next song.


(starting now I'm going to stop typing out the lyrics...)

"I had a name... forgot it many, centuries ago. It faded away like many things, but me. I'm still here, still here trying to find something. What is that something? I don't know, I forgot." -The Nameless Knight

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@@Defender of Tomorrow


Before Ragnar could respond to the mare’s interjection, the ranger lifted one massive piston of a leg, petted her softly on the head, and shoved her aside. The girl staggered, nearly tipping over with the added weight of the rifle on her back. If Ragnar hadn’t been staring down the iron giant, he would have laughed. This mare might be dumb, but at least she was consistently brave. He had to give her props for that.


“I’ll deal with you in a bit,” the ranger grumbled. The voice that filtered through the helmet’s respirator was deep and decidedly masculine. “I actually came here to deliver something little miss albino owed ya.”


The blacksmith? Ragnar’s mind flashed back to a hazy memory of bandits and bullet holes from a few months back. It was the only other time he could remember that he had passed through this town.


A small box crashed to the earth in front of him, sliding to rest at Ragnar’s feet. Ragnar glanced back up at the ranger, still standing there and staring. The face behind the visor might have been expectant.


You have got to be kidding me. Ragnar rocked back on his haunches and picked up the box with both claws. Rags was scrawled in rough pencil across the top. She got a ranger to play fuckin’ postmare.


Ragnar tugged at the string binding the box’s lid and tore it open. Sweet merciful Goddess. If it ain’t Hearth’s Warming Eve already… He felt like a cub staring at a birthday present. Dash. The box was packed full of Dash inhalers, with a couple of small pill bottles off to one side. Presumably a bonus. About damn time that favor payed off.


The ranger spoke again. “Now don’t think I forgot about you saying you killed rangers in Fillydelphia.”


Fuck. Ragnar clenched his beak. It probably would’ve been better if he hadn’t let that little factoid slip out. One hand drifted back to his revolver again. Well, live and learn. Ragnar grimaced. But most importantly, live. Was this shit about to go south for real?


The ranger thrust a hoof at the unicorn mare, stopping short of her chest. “And this little stable-dweller probably planned on trying to kill me, so I got my eye on her, too.”

A smirk formed at the corner of Ragnar’s beak. So he’d pegged the girl as a stable-dweller, too. Not like she was a very tough book to read. Ragnar scratched the grip of his revolver with a thumb.


The ranger kept talking. “So how about you help me out for a quick spell and we call it even?”


What? Ragnar bit his tongue. A Steel Ranger wanted his help. He exchanged a quick glance with the mare. And hers, apparently. Ragnar sighed. He didn’t suppose the ranger would take “no” as a valid answer.


Ragnar let his hand drop from his weapon. At least that meant no fight. In this situation, that was a damn good thing. “Help you with what, exactly?”

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" I need assistance in dealing with a pony named dead money. I was tasked to deliver a custom pistol to this brothel owner and to request payment for the gun. His name doesn't help with the situation, and I will probably not get compensated for the piece. He will most likely try to kill me without any thought of the consequences on doing so. I can handle his goons but I can live another day without denting my suit." I calmly explained before eyeing the mare again. She was clean and had access to decently advanced equipment, this mare must have come form a pretty unique stable. " Don't think I won't confiscate that gear of yours if I don't deem you worthy enough to use it." I said firmly before pulling out my 12 gauge machine pistol out of a holster I hid behind my cape. I aimed the blocky custom pistol at the mares head." This gun is reserved for executions of the highest degree, I don't go out my way to buy ammo for this thing so I don't want to waste anything. Don't make me use it on you, so treat that technology with care or you will be deemed a heretic and executed." I barked at the mare before holstering my pistol and facing the griffon again. " That is all I request of you and if you choose to assist me further I promise you, your rewards will be great."

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