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private Johto Storm


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"Hyeh?" Abigail uttered, partly in surprise and partly in relief, when the bell rang and the students started to leave. Her clefairy had stepped forward to continue her battery, but Abigail walked up and picked her up, knowing the battle was ended. Her pokemon squirmed and wriggled around, but Abigail patted her on the head and she calmed down in resignation. "-ry." The clefairy puffed out its cheeks.


"It was our pleasure, really. I think I learned a lot, too." Abigail said in response to Rin thanking her for her participation, before running off to supposedly grab something. Abigail looked in blank confusion as she heard a cacophony of sounds from Rin scuffling inside the school. She looked down at her clefairy, who simply shrugged her little shoulders in mutual confusion.


When Rin came back, Abigail beamed as she saw what was being presented to her. "Oh, wow! Really?" She let Isabella down so as to receive the egg. "Of course I would want it. That's so generous of you, Rin!" She nodded her head in excitement, "don't worry, I'll take good care of it! This wouldn't be the first time I took care of a pokemon egg," she looked down at her clefairy, "isn't that right, Isabella?" The clefairy puffed out its chest, turned away with its hands on its hips, but had a fluorescent blush on her cheeks. "Clef."


Abigail simply smiled at her suddenly embarrassed pokemon, but turned her attention back to Rin and the egg. "Thank you so much, again, Rin. I hope we meet again sometime!" She held the egg and its container in her arms, and bowed in a respectful farewell to Rin. She headed towards the pokecenter, to heal her pokemon first, but also because she hadn't noticed anywhere else to spend the night.

Upon receiving her newly refreshed pokemon, Abigail headed upstairs where a helpful nurse had directed her to a vacant room. She stepped into the room, and carefully set the egg's container down, and summoned both her pokemon out. She let out a hearty sigh as she flopped onto the bed, eager to rest in a proper bed for the first time in a while. She stretched out her arms and then looked at the egg she had received that day. "We're gonna have to figure out a way to carry that around with us, team." She looked at her clefairy, "back when you were just an egg, I could just carry you around in my arms wherever we went. But I fear I'll need to keep my hands free now... that is, if we're to help with this, um, situation we found ourselves in now. Heh-he." She nervously laughed. She was quite scared of what laid ahead of her.


"Non-non. We can't just stand idly by, right? I mean, that's not what she would do in my position." She resolved, trying to follow the example of someone she admired dearly. She stood up out of her bed and turned off the room's lights. "Dormez bien, Isabella. Dormez bien, Jeanne." She laid back down on her bed, and fluffed her pillow before resting her head on it. "Clef!" "Koo!" Her pokemon bade her good night, as well. Abigail smirked in appreciation of her pokemon's responses, and quietly fell asleep.

Edited by Aged Rain
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@@Umbreon, @@Leafeon,

((OOC: I think @Leafeon did not see my post. It's alright I guess.))


Jason watched Stella walk off to a room not even turning to notice him. "I guess she was tired and sleepy... Oh well." He turned towards the direction Stella went off too and headed towards a vacant room. "Thanks for the room Nurse Joy." He said as he walked of and signaled for Lumi to follow. 

Jason picked an empty room and went inside. The room was simple and consisted of a desk with a chair and lamp and a bed. Jason  hung his jacket by the doorknob and put his pack and shoes on the floor next to his bed.

"Goodnight Lumi and Joltik. Get some rest for we have a big battle tomorrow." He said to his two pokemon who lay by the foot of the bed. "Glaci." "Joltik!" His two pokemon replied and Lumi gave him a nod before they all went to sleep. 

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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---Dawn of 2nd day---

48 Hours Remain

(Oh wait, wrong game)


The night was quiet for Johto, thankfully, considering what had happened that evening.  As the sun started to creep over the horizon, it cast its light upon a number of sights.  In Violet the Sprout Tower still smoldered, though it stood strong through the damage it had taken.  The last of the ice had melted out of Blackthorn's Dragon Den, and the wild Pokemon there were returning to their usual habits.  A pair of trainers seemed to have just walked out of the Ice Path rubbing their eyes - were they in there all night?



@@Glaceon,@, @@Aerodynas, @@Leafeon, @@Sylveon, @@Vaporeon,  

  • Brohoof 2











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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@@Umbreon@@Leafeon, @@Vaporeon,


Abigail woke up to a pressure on her chest. "Huh?" "-ry!" The pokemon had crawled up on to her to wake her up at an early hour. "Oh, Isabella?" She put her arms around the pokemon and squeezed it in a hug, "thanks for waking me up! We wouldn't want to sleep in today, after all." The clefairy puffed out its cheeks and responded with a flat, "clef."


Abigail let her pokemon out of her embrace and stood up in her bed. She stretched out her arms and let out a content sigh. Her hair was a complete mess, and it was quite evident upon her face that she had just woken up. She patted the clefairy on its head and stood up to go open the door of her room. She peaked down both sides of the hallway, and satisfied there was no one there, she proceeded to the restroom on that floor.


Stepping out, she felt quite refreshed, her hair neatly combed and her skin newly moisturized. She slapped her cheeks in a final resolution to face the day with a bright outlook, and walked back to her room. She looked at her two pokemon, the clefairy and the krabby, and then looked at the egg she had set down in its container. "Well, sorry you two, if I'm to pay enough attention to this little fella, I can't have you out of your pokeballs and running about. Especially you, Jeanne, I don't think you could keep up walking along." The krabby snipped its pincers once in dissatisfaction, but couldn't really argue. Abigail picked up their pokeballs from the nightstand and returned the pokemon to them, before clipping said balls onto her belt.


She picked up the container and the egg inside of it, "hmm... I should probably get a bag to carry this around in. I'm sure a mart here would sell one, and some nice comfortable cloths to pack it in with." She walked out of her room and down the stairs, and bade the nurse on duty good bye and thanks before heading out the door. She walked to the local mart, and soon stepped out of it with a new back-pack on her shoulders, the eevee egg comfortably inside.


Content that it was now okay to divert her immediate attention from it, she summoned her two pokemon and picked up her krabby to cradle it in her arms. "Alright! I think we're ready to go!" She looked around her, looking for a familiar face, "huh, I guess we should meet up with Cilla first, huh?" She looked down at her pokemon, "I think it'd be alright if we took a stroll around town for a little while, y'know, get the muscles warmed up for our long day ahead." The pokemon nodded their heads. Abigail smiled and took off at a leisurely place, humming a soft melody as she walked along, her thoughts wandering as she considered the day ahead of her.

Edited by Aged Rain
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Stella rubbed her eyes as she slowly awoke. She had no idea how early it was, though she also didn't particularly care. The sun was out anyways, so there was no point in staying in the tiny room. Both Phanpy and Axew remained asleep, though Magikarp flopped excitably about noting the fact his trainer was awake. "Gooood morning..." She whispered, as to not wake the two sleeping pokemon, and returned the three to their pokeballs. She then shook Helioptile gently til she woke. Yawning, the electric type stood up, waiting for her trainer to change.


Once Stella was ready, Helioptile climbed up onto her shoulder, and the two made their way out of the pokemon centre. "We best head to the ice cave..." The girl said, clearly still tired. "We'll need an ice type to stand a chance against Clair." Helioptile nodded in agreement.


Stella wasn't exactly watching where she was going, and as she was about to enter the ice cave, she bumped into someone. One of the two trainers exiting the cave. "Agh! Sorry!" She said in a panic, backing up quickly.




@, @@Vaporeon,


An Elgyem cautiously glanced around the unknown city, pressing the multi-colored sensors which made up for its lack of hands together. It had never been to the region of Johto, nor even outside the city of Luminose before. Therefore, now was simply no time for error! Elgyem's job was rather important, or at least the psychic type believed it to be. The psychic type played chaperone to its trainer, after all. His trainer needed some guidance after all. His trainer's eye sight was rather poor, to the point of being non existent. To combat this, Elgyem broadcasted information of the location using his Telepathy ability to his trainer. The method worked like a charm, and dare not a single person would immediately noticed the boy to be blind.


Elgyem hovered closely to his trainer. The boy was much more comfortable with this whole "journey in an unknown region" than the small psychic type was. "Elgyem..." The boy muttered softly. "You needn't mention everything about the area, you know. Unless of course there is an attractive young lady around, of course! Then you may describe her in great detail." Elgyem sighed at the remark. Didn't he know that even attractive women could be potentially dangerous? Probably even more dangerous than the average person! What a fool his trainer was...


The boy's eyes appeared to be clouded. They focused on nothing in particular, and appeared to be currently aimed at the ground. Again, the whole blind thing. He fiddled with the cuffs of his jacket, giving him a reason to somewhat ignore the Elgyem's cautions. This ignorance to the being acting as his eyes caused him to bump into a girl, who was most likely wandering around town. Thankfully, the bump was a bit more of a nudge due to the speed he had been walking. "Oh. Pardon me." He said. "It appears I wasn't looking where I was going." As he said this with a sarcastic quip, he side stepped to attempt to walk around her.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Sirens blared as Sable ran down the deck of a large air ship. "There you are Sable." A man in all black said. His mouth was covered by cloth and a "P" logo was embellished on his hat. "Zinzolin wants us to get to Kyurem's chamber before they do. The last thing we need is for that thing to escape." Sable nods giving a "Yes sir" before the two run to Kyurem's chamber.


When they get there it seems it's too late as Zinzolin's Cryogonal is knocked against the wall before fainting. Zinzolin talks with the two trainers before summoning the Shadow Triad to take them away. "Damn those guys creep me out." She says quietly as the three disappear with the young trainers. "You all are too late, the Shadow Triad has already taken care of our little nuisance." He explains before walking past Sable. "Now get back to your posts." Sable watches as he and the other grunt leave the room before walking up to Kyurem. "All this trouble for a dried up husk of a Pokemon? Even if you are one of the legendary dragons, I can't believe Colress and Zinzolin have taken this much of a liking to you." Just then the ice dragon started struggling before roaring and breaking free of his bonds. "KYYYUU!!" it cried out. "Oh shit..." Sable says, her throat suddenly becoming dry. Before she could react, Kyurem glowed in an icy blue aura and let out another roar as it let off a powerful Glaciate attack.


Sable's eyes opened as she gasped. Looking around the room she realized it was all a dream. "Always liked Zekrom better anyway..." She whispers as she climbs out of bed and gets dressed. "Come on Umbreon, we're leaving." The Pokemon yawns as he gets up to follow his trainer. Sable thanks Nurse Joy and tells her to inform Muna she would be in Ice Cave once he woke up. Sable could see a couple trainers outside of the cave and, upon further inspection, one of them seemed to be the girl from Dragon’s Den. “Not now.” Sable thinks to herself as she rolls her eyes. With nothing else to do Sable quickly scurries past the trio of trainers into Ice Path, hoping Stella didn’t recognize her.



Cilla sat up in bed and stretched as she woke up. “Good morning Espeon.” She says after yawning. The psychic type was looking out the window having already been up for a while. It was classified as the Sun Pokemon for a reason after all. “Espe.” The Pokemon responds quietly. Once Cilla gets dressed she and Espeon thank Nurse Joy for the room before walking out. “What a beautiful day.” Cilla says taking in a deep breath and ignoring the half burnt Sprout Tower that stood in the middle of the city. “We should find Abigail and get ready to travel to Ecruteak. Assuming she’s awake of course.” she says.

After walking around town for a bit Espeon calls out to Cilla, letting her know she had found Abi. “Hello Abigail, ready to go to Ecruteak?” She asks before noticing the trainer with Elgyem. “Oh hi there are you a friend of Abigail’s?” She asks before holding out her hand. “I’m Cilla, and you?” Espeon on the other hand stares intently at the trainer’s Elgyem. Could it be that Espeon was trying to communicate to the thing telepathically?



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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@@Vaporeon,@@Leafeon, @@Umbreon,


"Oh, non-non! I should've been looking where I was going, I'm sorry." She waved off the concern she thought she heard from the boy. He was being somewhat sarcastic, of course, but Abigail wasn't particularly attentive to his tone, as she was just broken out of her reverie. The krabby in her arms, however, snipped its pincers, clearly irritated by the shock of bumping into someone. "Oh, and I'm sorry to you, too, Jeanne. Please, no need to be so upset." "koo..."


She finally brought her full attention, and her gaze, to the person she bumped into. He was an odd looking fellow, or at least his attire was. Not that it was anything particularly special, on paper. No, it was how he wore it. It was as if though the person didn't know that their collar was popped, and their shirt wasn't fully tucked in. But there was something familiar about him, some sort of distinctive air about him that Abigail had noticed before, some time ago. She looked him in the eyes, but it was if though he wasn't looking back, at least not the way an average person would.


Then, Abigail heard a distinctly familiar voice calling her name, and she turned to see Cilla greeting her, and a smile reappeared on Abigail's face, "oh, bonjour Cilla! Yeah, I'm ready to go!"

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"You needn't be sorry, miss!" Elias said, bowing slightly. It was nice to know he had bumped into a girl who sounded rather cute, as opposed to some muscle bound man who had no condolences with beating up him, or worse, stealing his beloved Elgyem. She sounded to have a Kalosian accent too. Splendid. He was from there as well, but his accent wasn't exactly as prominent. "You are from the Kalos region, are you not?" He commented. "Ah, yes. I am familiar with the region. A region of beautiful spectacle! Of course, that would include the wome-" 


Elias was cut off by the approach of another person. Another girl, to be specific. She referred to the Kalos girl as Abigail, therefore that must of been her name. "I'm afraid not. We merely bumped into each other. A fortunate coincidence." He said, seemingly not noticing her outstretched hand. "The name is Elias. Pleased to make your acquaintance." 


Meanwhile, Elgyem had been hiding behind Elias. He was much better at handling with people than the little psychic type, due to obvious reason. He floated out from his cover somewhat when he noticed Espeon, who seemed to be trying to communicate with it. Elgyem didn't like this very much. It flashed the multicolored censors on its hands as a warning. Espeon, clearly not picking up on the warning, continued to try to communicate with Elgyem. To try to rid Espeon from Elgyem's thoughts, Elgyem began to squeeze Espeon's brain, causing a minor headache. The feat was not uncommon for Elgyem, and the pokemon was actually rather known for it.


This presented an additional problem to the obvious one of being overly hostile to someone just met. Elias had been somewhat disconnected from Elgyem. Though he still noticed the psychic type's presence, it was a rather quiet one, no matter how much he focused on it.

Edited by Leafeon



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"Ah nice to meet you Elias, I'm Cilla." She said introducing herself and retracting her hand as the boy clearly did no notice it. Before Cilla could say another word, Espeon flinched and gave a slight cry. "Espeon, darling what's wrong?" Rather than answer the question, the psychic type responded by making it's eyes and gem glow blue and firing a weak Psybeam attack at Elgyem. "Espe!" the Pokemon says angrily, the tip of it's tail quivering.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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"Woah, heh, sorry, wasn't really watching where we were going, you okay?"  As Cecil got his balance again, the trainer behind him caught his shoulders to make sure he didn't fall over.  The boy smiles as he sees who bumped into him, reaching to rub the back of his neck.  "Oh, hey!  Stella, right?  Fancy running into you out here...  Heading to the Ice Path I'm guessing?  Word of advice, watch out for the holes in the walls...  A Snorunt took my Pokedex, we were in there all night chasing it around on the ice trying to get it back..."


As Cecil spoke, the boy behind him stared intently at Stella.  Or more precisely, at Helioptile.  The boy was almost an exact copy of Cecil, they could have passed for twins...  The primary difference being the unnamed trainer had black hair, and his fingernails were red.  The other 'trainer' still didn't say anything, but while staring at Helioptile it slowly brings one hand to its face and uses one finger to pull down one of his lower eyelids and stick his tongue out at the electric type.






-----Ice Path (Blackthorn Side)-----


Ice Path has seen some construction work recently to make it easier to traverse, mainly in the clearly marked path of frozen gravel offering an alternative to sliding around on the ice.  The trail has handrails going alongside it, though every few feet there is a break small enough to let trainers step off the trail to explore the undisturbed parts of the cave (and the Pokemon habitats to be found there).


A flock of Zubat are nesting near the cavern's roof.  To the right of the path, a few Swinub can be seen rooting around in the dirt searching for food.  A Delibird is sleeping on a large snowy boulder.  A couple Bergmite are wandering around on a large patch of ice, with a Cubchoo sitting down watching them.  In a small clearing to the left of the path a number of holes can be seen in the cave walls.  Based on the scratches in the rocks and the disturbed stones, some kind of battle happened around there recently...

Edited by Umbreon











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Before the psybeam could hit Elgyem, and Elias as well due to the fact Elgyem was hiding behind him, the psychic type quickly used Protect. As psybeam collided with the force field, Elias' eyes widened slightly. Not when the attack was headed his way, but just when the explosion had sounded. "What was that...?" He murmured, forgetting Elgyem couldn't reply for a second, as well as the fact the two girls could hear him.
Elgyem let out an angry "Yem!" though didn't fire any attacks at Espeon. Instead, it squeezed its brain even tighter, making the headache much worse. The action also put a strain on Elias, as the two were psychically connected, causing him to suddenly grab his head and grit his teeth. "Elgyem, return!" He said, pulling out a pokeball and returning Elgyem to it. Fortunately, Elgyem had been grabbing onto his jacket, so the boy didn't need to simply guess where he might be.


Elias rubbed the back of his head and bowed slightly. "My apologies for wasting your time ladies, but now I really must get going." He said, turning to walk in the same rough direction he had been before. Thankfully he didn't bump into either of the girls this time. He looked to be headed to Route 36.




"No... My fault, really." Stella said in response, turning to look away slightly. She wasn't really in the mood for confrontation. Then she noticed who the trainer was. Oh joy. Him again. "Uh... Yea." She said in response to both of the boy's questions. "You were in there all night? Jeez..." The girl then crossed her arms over her chest, bringing her attention to the other trainer who looked almost exactly like Cecil. Though she didn't say anything. Clearly didn't want to. They were probably just brothers. Who wore the exact same clothes... Okay perhaps it was a bit odd.


Helioptile glared back at the other trainer, but as he made a face at her, the electric type jumped back with a surprised expression. Thankfully, Stella managed to catch her, causing her to then glare at the other trainer. "Uhm... This your brother, or something?" She asked Cecil.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Jason was awoken by web being sprayed on his face. "Gah. What's wrong?" He said pulling the sticky webbing from his face. The Jolteon gestured to his mouth with his small leg. "Oh are you hungry? I'll get you some food soon. Hold on; Just let me get up." Jason stood up and fixed himself for the day. After several minutes he walked out of the room looking his usual neat self.

He headed towards the gym but not before passing by the nearby bushes to get some berries. "Here you guys go. Eat up, we have a battle coming." He gave the his Joltik one while he gave Lumi several pieces. His two Pokemon ate the berries happily. Jason arrived back at the gym and entered. He looked around for Clair hoping to challenge the gym leader.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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"Huh?"  Cecil turns his head to look at the trainer in question, scowling when he sees the taunting face he was making at Helioptile.  "Hey, knock that off!  At least don't do it when you're trying to look like me!"  As he starts to scold his 'brother', Cecil makes a move as though to smack the other trainer.  The small jolt of when he hits him causes the other boy to shimmer for a couple seconds, before a Zoroark stood in the place of where the other trainer had been.


As Cecil starts to turn his attention back towards Stella, Zoroark huffs and crosses his arms across his chest before looking away from Stella and Helioptile.  It almost seemed like he'd lost interest now that he no longer was able to mess with them.  "Er, sorry about him...  After our battle in New Bark got interrupted, I don't know, he started acting like this.  Even went all out a few times until he actually evolved."  "Zorrrr..."  The dark type had seemingly been more interested in watching a girl walk past them into the ice path with an Umbreon, still seemingly haven forgotten about Helioptile.




----------Route 36----------


Route 36 acts as a crossroads of sorts between some of Johto's more popular cities, with a number of ways off of the Route.  To the east lies Violet, to the north is Route 37, to the south is the Ruins of Alph near Violet, and Route 35 on the western end of the Route, and to the west is the National Park.


There has been a little bit of work done to the route recently, though that would primarily be that a few trees have been cut down near the center crossroads of the map.  Likely to help prevent a single Sudowoodo managing to block off the entire path again...


The small Route was mostly forested, and while it was sort of a main path for many locals, there were still some wild Pokemon that made their homes there.  Nidoran of both genders played around the trees, and some green leaf Burmy hung from the upper branches.  A Growlithe slept under a bush near the side of the path, and a Vulpix was scratching at a hole in the ground a little further off of the main trail.  Some sparks could be seen coming from one of the larger bushes.  A Bonsly, while not large enough to even remotely block the path, seemed to be sitting directly in the center of the crossroads pretending to be a bush.



(Just since I know you're all going that way - not trying to rush you, just putting it up)






The Blackthorn Gym seemed mostly empty this early in the morning.  In fact it would almost seem deserted.  There was no one around, and if it wasn't for the fact the door was unlocked, it would be easy to think it was closed.  Listening closely though, one would likely start to pick up voices from behind a closed door near the back of the Gym.


"I'm just saying, if they already attacked once, they could come back again.  I think I should stay around town for a few days, to help keep an eye on things."


"What's that supposed to mean, you don't trust me to be able to handle it!?  I fought them off while you were off at the Plateau, but that doesn't mean anything to you, does it?"


"Of course it does!  But what if next time they come back with more, or you don't have help?"


"Oh, so I need help now?  Just say it, I'm not as strong as you!  That's the point you're trying to make, right?"


"Don't get like this!  At least keep some of the elder trainers nearby!  Clair, I just don't want to hear about you getting hurt the way I heard about the Den!"


"Whatever...  Worry about yourself, big-shot.  Let me worry about Blackthorne."











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Lumi's ears picked up the sound coming from the back area of the gym. She tugged on Jason's pants and walked towards the source. "What is it Lumi? Lead the way." Jason knew that Lumi would call his attention to something if it was notable. After walking through the narrow bridge towards near the back of the gym Jason began to hear the sounds of a conversation. One of the voices sounded like Clair while the other was unknown to him.

Jason approached the door and knocked. "Hello? Miss Clair? Are you in there? If you are not too busy I would like to challenge you for the Rising Badge when you are next available." Jason said in a loud but respectful tone, so that those behind the door could hear him.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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As Sable entered Ice Path, Umbreon noticed Zoroark watching them though did nothing about it but stare at the Pokemon for a second or two. Once inside the cave, Sable held her arms and shivered. "God it's cold in here. Guess that's what I get for wearing a tank top and sleeveless jacket in a place called Ice Path." She says before heading deeper into the cave. Sable ignored the Pokemon, only seeing things like Zubats, and maybe a Swinub or two scattered about. As such she followed the newly created path with the handrails. "Muna better wake up soon because I'm sure not coming back for him..." she says still shivering.



Cilla gasped and held her hands up to her face when Espeon attacked Elgyem. "Espeon, what's gotten into you?" She says scolding the psychic type. Espeon once again flinches and cries out as Elgyem squeezes her brain harder. Her eyes and gem start glowing once more but before she can attack, Elias returns his Pokemon. "Wait!" Cilla calls after Elias as he walks away. "I should apologize as well. Espeon is usually so well mannered." She explains. "My friend and I are heading to Ecruteak City. Why don't you come with us since you seem to be going that way anyway?" She asks him.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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@@Vaporeon,@@Umbreon, @@Leafeon,  


Abigail blushed slightly at Elias's comment on 'beautiful Kalos women'. "Oh, uh, I wouldn't know about that... heh-heh..." She laughed nervously. Clearly, that comment had been directed as flattering, or even flirting, towards Abigail herself; she hadn't quite taken it that way, though. "He's right though, but, I certainly wouldn't say the most beautiful is from Kalos... that honor goes to Sinnoh..." her blushing intensified.


Her sudden fluster distracted her from the mental battle that had occurred between Elias's and Cilla's pokemon. She snapped back to attention, though, when Elias tried to excuse himself. "yeah, come on with us, Elias. No sense in traveling all alone, right?"

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"Oh... That's pretty impressive." Stella said, squeezing tightly onto the squirming Helioptile in her arms. Helioptile suddenly stopped squirming when it noted Zoroark. Was this her ex-rival? Not possible. This pokemon actually looked threatening! Her rival - ex rival, rather - began to cry in the middle of fights! She'd have to prove who the more powerful pokemon was, in any case. Helioptile flared her ears up, in an attempt to taunt Zoroark.


Stella took a while to note Helioptile's actions, but when she did, she lightly tapped Helioptile's head, causing the electric type to stop her taunt and look up at Stella with slightly tear filled eyes. "Come on, now. Something like that will rip you apart." Stella said in a sarcastic tone to her pokemon, who let out a cry of agitation. "Besides, we need to catch an ice type. And I doubt Cecil would want to battle anyway. Plus, I've had my fill of battling for a while... Or at least regular single battles, anyway." Helioptile growled at her trainer. How could she not notice the pokemon's determination to best its foe?





Elias quickly spun around when he heard Cilla's question. Intriguing. Though it was a bit of a risk to be around anyone for a long amount of time for him, especially when he required Elgyem to be out and about at almost all times and didn't seem to get along with Cilla's pokemon. On the other hand, he'd be traveling around a foreign region with not one, but two young ladies. Decisions, decisions. 


"That's a wonderful idea!" He said, with a suddenly warm smile. "However, I am afraid there are some... cautions I might warn you about." This probably wasn't a good idea. They'd immediately turn him down if he seemed too dependant. "I'm afraid due to some... reasons, my Elgyem needs to be outside of its pokeball at almost all times. So I fear that will not blend well with the likes of your Espeon, Cilla. Though, you needn't worry! I shall be fine on my own regardless, and you two already have each other. So, it's your choice, knowing that." Elias looked to begin to turn, waiting for an answer.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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The voices went quiet for a moment before Clair opens the door, glaring angrily at Jason before pushing past him to walk over towards the arena.  "How many badges do you have, let's make this quick."  A man steps out of the room as she walks past, wearing a black cape similar to Clair's, with a head of dark red hair.  He sighs quietly before stepping off to the side, until Clair glares at him.


"What, are you going to stay around to watch me take challenges too?  Get out of here!  Go back to the Plateau or something."  The man sighs before turning to walk towards the door, rolling his eyes.  


"I'm going to go check out the Den. I know you're mad at me, but don't take it out on the challenger, cousin."  Glaring at his back, Clair grunts and turns her gaze back to Jason as she crosses her arms across her chest.






Cecil rubbed at the back of his neck while Stella spoke with Helioptile, trying to come up with a solution of some kind.  Zoroark wasn't helping - at Helioptile's taunting gesture, the dark type had brought a paw to his mouth and started to snicker at the other Pokemon.  "Er...  Single battles, huh?  What about a Double?  I mean, if you want to.  Who knows, maybe we wouldn't get interrupted this time..."






-----Ice Path (Deep Cave)-----


The path starts to tilt downwards as it leads further underground.  There are a few lights placed along the trail, and while it seems like the cavern should still be dark, the layer of ice on everything reflects the light surprisingly well to keep it lit up.


In this deeper section of the cave, more Pokemon can be seen.  A Smoochum seems to be building a snowman with a Snover.  A couple Bronzor are slowly floating through the air, and of course, more Zubat are hanging from the roof.  A Cryogonal is floating up near the ceiling of the cave.  A number of deep scratches lead towards a hole in the ground, where a glint of light can be seen from deep in the hole.




At this moment, there was also something else of importance in the cave.  A very large Beartic stood blocking the path, and it growled out menacingly as it spotted Sable.  However the sound stopped as Yiree stepped around from behind the Pokemon and put a hand against his side, coldly looking over Sable.


"...Heh, you're the one that Clair was yelling at, aren't you?  Looking to get your hands on an-"  "Oh hey, it's you!  Where's your friend with the little Audino, what are you doing out here by yourself, OH are you running away from Clair?  I bet you are, she's kinda scary, I mean she beat Yiree and that's mmmrmmmrmmmrmmm!"


Viro was hanging upside down from a ledge near the path, her legs up on the top of it, and she'd been cut off by Beartic placing a paw over her mouth.  Yiree sighs as she pinches the bridge of her nose before glancing at her Pokemon.  "Thanks, Beartic."  Turning her attention back to Sable and ignoring Viro's muffled protests, Yiree tilts her head slightly.  "Viro does bring up a good topic though, even if she is annoying...  You're not running, are you?  Or would you be more interested in revenge..."






Inside the Dragon's Den, a small Dratini was prodding at Allen's cheek with its tail, trying to wake him up.  From not far away, Lance was sitting on his Gyarados' head watching the sight with a small grin on his face.  When it didn't seem like the Dratini was having much luck, the dragon trainer clears his throat and speaks up.  "Long night, huh?  Looks like the dragons are comfortable with you at least, I get the impression this has happened before..."

Edited by Umbreon
  • Brohoof 1











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Stella's face went blank for a second. She was planning on getting Cecil to not want to battle her. Not propose a double battle. She had never been terribly good at those, though it might be fun to work with a ground and electric type, she supposed. She could always decline, but it wasn't like Helioptile would let her do that.


Speaking of Helioptile, she had perked up, and looked at Stella with puppy dog eyes. A look Stella could never say no to. "Alright...!" The girl said, quite effectively faking enthusiasm. She then backed up a few steps to make room for the battle. "Alright... I'll suppose I'll use Helioptile -" That was a given. Helioptile jumped in front of Stella. "- and Phanp-"


Before Stella could pull out Phanpy's pokeball and summon him, another one opened. A set of bright, orange scales seemed to glitter in the sun as Magikarp popped out of it's pokeball and beside Helioptile. It flopped about on its side. "Karp!" It said, clearly wanting to battle instead of Phanpy.


Stella raised an eyebrow, and rubbed her head in frustration. It wasn't like she could switch out now anyway. "Uh... Helioptile and Magikarp, then." She said, sighing in defeat as her two pokemon looked absolutely ecstatic that they were in each other's presence again. Stella covered her face. It was embarrassing enough to own a Magikarp, but why did it always come out when she wanted to summon Phanpy? That made twice now.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Allen jumped immediately to the voice. "Wha what?!" he yelped before rolling to get to at least a sit on the blanket, Noi still snoring as if nothing had happened. Oh dang! I slept in again! Crap...I probably look so stupid right now. Surprising enough, Allen didn't recognize the voice surprisingly. Looking around before seeing blue and yellow scales in front of him. In terror, he thought he might have been dreaming at seeing the sight of a gyarados looking down at him. Then, Allen's eyes caught sight of a trainer he had only seen from a distance or at celebrations. Even as kid growing up with Lance, Allen never really saw him.


"Oh my gosh Lance, I'm so sorry I slept in!" Allen plead, shuffling to his feet but still allowing Noi to sleep. He hardly recognized the small dratini at the sight of the trainer legend before noticing its reaction at his feet. I probably scared the poor guy...Kindly, he knelt down and pet the little dragon pokemon's white nose in an attempt to comfort it before gazing up at Lance in shame. "Er...I was just...um..." Allen couldn't think of what to say.

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Blinking at the sight of the Magikarp, Cecil shrugs and taeks a few steps back as Zoroark steps forward.  Zoroark's reaction was much less collected, laughing rather openly at the sight of the eager fish.  Tossing another Pokeball out, Cecil quietly says "Skiddo, you're up."  A flash of light and a small goat Pokemon stood next to Zoroark, bleating loudly.


"Er...  Ladies first?"  Zoroark didn't have the same idea as Cecil though, the dark type starting to glow slightly as a wicked grin split his muzzle.  He was already starting to come up with a Nasty Plot for the battle.






"Woah, woah, calm down.  I'm not Clair, after all."  The Gyarados lowered its head a little so that Lance could jump off of it, landing on the ground near Allen.  "I'd heard about what happened and thought I'd come out to inspect the damage...  Just didn't expect to find anyone sleeping out here."


Lance watched as the Dratini nuzzled against Allen's hand, smiling again.  "Like I said though, the dragons seem to appreciate your company."  His gaze drifts towards the sleeping Noibat, and he nods his head towards her.  "She yours?"

  • Brohoof 1











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

Pokemon fan? Play X and Y? Wynaut check out the

MLP Forums Pokemon League!

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Stella hid her face a bit more as Zoroark laughed. Helioptile growled at the dark type. How could he not see the power that was this water type? Jeez. Why did Helioptile ever decide that such a dumb pokemon would be her rival? Oh well. She'd make do.


Alright... Both of these guys are kinda walled by grass types. This should be fun. Stella thought. "Helioptile, get close to Zoroark, the paralyze it! Magikarp, you..." As Helioptile proceeded to run towards Zoroark, spreading its ears out and letting its entire head glow, Stella had no idea what to command Magikarp to do. "Uh... Tackle on Skiddo." Magikarp flopped happily towards the Skiddo.



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal        @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Allen backed up a little with a nervous chuckle, wanting to give Lance room after he patted the dratini. "I try to keep them company, knowing that I've been on Den duty for most of my nights. It's alright though...I'm used to sleeping with them that I almost prefer it," he shrugged before continuing. "Wish I'd bring a pillow for once though heh..." For a moment, an awkward silence ensued, or at least it felt like it to Allen. He was still astonished at Lance's presence. Allen's eyes followed Lance's respectfully to his Noibat, still sleeping peacefully with a little flick or her small ear and smile creeping up her face.

"Oh...Noi? Yeah. She's a good hearted pokemon...A lot more courageous than me," Allen chuckled lightly, trying not to act as intimidated as he was from the appearance of the famous champion, Lance. "I uh...wasn't here for whatever happened..." 

"You have to establish the horizon. You have to mark the white. A simple enough act, you might say, but any act that re-makes the world is heroic. Or so I've come to believe."

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Jason did not quite expect to see Lance here. He recognized the famous dragon trainer from the TV ang magazines. From what Jason could make out, Clair was in a rotten mood. "I uh... I don't have any badges in this region at the moment.... This would be my first gym challenge in Johto." Jason answered looking downwards somewhat shamefully as he walked towards the arena. After a brief conversation with Clair, Lance had left the gym before Jason could say anything further. 

"Alright, I have two pokemon with me right now so I assume we will be using two pokemon each?" Jason gestured towards his Joltik and the electric type stepped into the arena. He turned to Clair to see what she would send out first.

Previously: Mal (Starbolt)


@Eevee: Eevee     @Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        Ampharos       @FlareonDescant/Bard

@Espeon: Locked        @UmbreonLhee        @LeafeonFirebolt        @GlaceonMal        @SylveonDontDropThatDedenne

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Sable groaned upon seeing some of the Pokemon deeper in the cave. "There's nothing good in here. No wonder everyone finds Clair so hard." she complains, though the scratches on the ground did intrigue her. But before she could investigate them, a Beartic blocking the path caught her attention and growled at her. This was not just some wild Beartic, however. No this was the same Beartic that belonged to Yiree, one of the trainers that had attacked the Dragon's Den. Upon seeing her, Umbreon jumped in front of Sable and growled back while Sable herself put her hand on Galvantula's Pokeball.


She was about to speak up but both Yiree and herself were interrupted by Viro. "Damn she's annoying..." Sable thought to herself. Thankfully Beartic soon shut up the rather annoying girl allowing Yiree to continue her conversation with Sable. "Ha, me? Running? As if I'd let Clair of all people scare me away." She says almost laughing. "I'm just tired of this damn city. Besides, I came to Blackthorn to get a dragon Pokemon and that's exactly what I did, whither Clair likes it or not." 


At the mention of revenge Sable raises one of her eyebrows. "Umbreon...Get back." The dark type looked at Sable for a few seconds in surprise but soon did as he was told and got back behind his trainer. "I'm listening..." she says taking her hand off of Galvantula's Pokeball.



"Don't worry I'm sure Espeon will be on her best behavor. Right Espeon?" She asks looking back at the Eeveelution who turns her own head away before giving a unenthusiastic "Esp."


"Great. Since it seems Abigail is okay with it I guess it's settled." Cilla says excited. "Tell me, Elias, you wouldn't happen to be from Unova would you?. I am from Unova myself and Eleyem are not found anywhere else to my knowledge. In fact Eleyem are rather rare even in Unova, so how did you two meet?" she asks trying to make conversation while the trio travel to Route 36.

Edited by Vaporeon



@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia        : Ampharos      @Flareon: Descant/Bard

@Espeon:  Locked        @Umbreon: Lhee        @Leafeon:   Firebolt        @Glaceon: Mal       @SylveonDon'tDropThatDedenne

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