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open Children of the Night -- version 2.0


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Everypony was sitting in front of this huge stage. There was going to be a reading of the history of Itoshigo. The lights dimmed and everypony got quiet. The curtains opened to show Lunar Eclipse, Lightening Flair and Midnight Shine standing center stage. Lunar, of course, always looked so behaved and serious. Midnight was, as usual, standing next to her with her head slightly bowed. Lightening Flair was standing tall and proud, waiting for the reading of his beloved mother's history. Lunar cleared her throat then began to talk, Midnight's timidness instantly getting replaced with the normal calm and coolness she always had during these kind of speeches.


"Discord reigned over Equestria for quite some time. After Luna and Celestia defeated him and turned him into stone, not much of the beautiful land was left. Luna and Celestia ruled from then on," Lunar explained.


"One day, Luna saw the struggles everypony was having trying to rebuild the great nation. She proposed a plan. She proposed that she take the little fillies and start a new colony, where everypony could grow up strong and happy." Midnight smiled at everypony.


"But Celestia forbade it. She felt that it would divide and shatter the weakened kingdom forever. However, Luna went ahead with her plan. She waited until the dead of night, then set out on her quest," Lightening boosted, smiling triumphantly.


Midnight smiled. "She awoke all of the orphanged fillies and used her magic to carry them to a new, undiscovered land. This land was then named 'Itoshigo' - 'Beloved Dear Child' in Japanese."


"Most ponies do not remember us, but we are still here... Smiling beneath the moonlight and remembering our dear mother..." Lunar sighed, looking at the crowd.


"Because we are her Children of the Night..." Lightening, Lunar and Midnight said, drawing and end to the history behind Itoshigo.


There was a long silence after that. Everypony was in awe every time they recited the history of Itoshigo.


"However, after all these years, Celestia still does not accept us. She wants us gone; wants up to turn into her little Equestria drones. We will not fall for her cheap tactics." Lunar look at everypony's faces.


"Our blessed mother Luna created this land for us and us alone. She doesn't have to give it up. And if those Equestrians want it so bad.... Well then they'll have to pry it from our cold, dead hands!" Lightening cried, raising his hoof as everypony cheered and applauded for them. They were going to win this war, no matter what!


Lunar got serious again. "Now I understand some of you want to go far here, but there are only a select few who will actually make it." She looked at the crowd. "Ma'am, it's time!" She hollered back to the curtains.


At that moment, Luna walked through the curtains, Grell and Stained Steel on either side of her, and Aiko behind her, guarding her protectively. Midnight , Lightening and Lunar both bowed and stepped out of the way so she could have center stage. Luna smiled and looked at the crowd. "We will be picking a select few of you for certain areas of this army. We have based it upon your abilities and your personalities." She grabbed a piece of paper from Midnight.

  • Brohoof 2

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Steel and grell stood at Luna's side grell the normally bone white unicorn was black as wet velvet and his eyes which normally had the color of dried blood where crimson matching his mane

Steel the grey Pegasus with a black and grey mane with white accents had blades of all kinds strapped all over his body

Edited by dashian500

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Lightning flair makes lightning sparks come out of nowhere and shoots up in the sky. Of course he was a unicorn in this rp. He smiles triumphantly as he looks down. I swear to luna herself i will protect all my friends and my mother for this day and night. He thinks and promises to himself.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Stormwing, the mildly young grey pegasus with one of the most odd manes, which was striking blue and black, sat near the front of the crowd, looking on. He was smiling, his dual toned mane over one eye. He loved the storytellings of his history. Stormy sat up more properly, since Luna was on stage. He was always taught to be be proper when their princess was in his presence, as he did now.

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Luna looked out on the crowd. "Will Indigo Night and Stormwing please come up to the stage?" She looked around the crowd, waiting for her to step forward.


Aiko peaked over at Lightening Flair. She was a new member of her royal guard, wearing the traditional night armor. She sighed at his randomness. -So childish...- she thought to herself.


Midnight looked over at Grell, smiling a little. She had a massive crush on him, and Lunar had told her he liked her. She was just waiting for the right move.


Lunar stood, watching the crowd. As Lunar's right-wing alicorn, she had to be on her toes 24/7.

Edited by rainbowdashlover19

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Grell seen midnight look at him and if he had a heart beat it would have sped up but he didn't so it wouldn't he really liked her but he didn't think he had time for love he was far to busy protecting Luna he held his scythe at the ready and didn't mine an Inch only his eyes moved back and forth over the crowd

my ocs

stained steel

demon blood

lawleit pronounced law le it

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Indigo Night had a pale pink coat with a black and blue mane/tail. As far as she knew, she was an Earth Pony but was a bit shocked that she was called forward. She knew not to show fear in front of the princess. Indigo Night walked up to the stage, being careful not to bump into anypony. Once there, she bowed to her Princess and stepped to the side. 'She's picked me for an area of her army. Which area would that be?' Indigo thought to herself.

Edited by Pixelate



What else am I meant to put here?


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Stormwing heard his name and perked his ears up. "Me?" he said under his breath, then got almost as excited as a certain pink party pony. Standing up excitedly, he weaved through the mass of ponies around him, politely uttering his "excuse me"-s and "thank you"-s. He walked up to the side of the stage. Storm trotted up the steps to the side of the stage, looking around, then assuming a spot near the end of the stage. He bowed his head, and dared not look up.

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Lunar walked by both of them, handing them each a piece of paper. She smiled slightly at Stormwing.


Luna cleared her throat. "These pieces of papers are the details to your new jobs. Indigo, you are the head of the battle lines. Stormwing, you have a very special kind of job. You will be the personal guard of my dear student, Lunar," Luna explained, pointing at her.


Midnight blushed slightly, looking forward.


Aiko blinked, looking at Luna. -Personal guard...?-

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Indigo accepted the piece of paper with a smile and looked at it. 'It appears I'm the head of the battle lines. That's good. At least I'll be out there fighting.' Indigo thought to herself. Sje liked mining resources, sure, but actually being out there is a nice change of pace.



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Shadow had not bothered turning up to the ceremony, he was too focused on his training. Wielding an all too familiar sword he hacked at the dummies again and again, cleaving through them with relative ease.


"Not nearly as challenging as real combatants." He could hear the sounds of the ceremony coming over the walls, he sighed "Perhaps I should go, it's not like it would do any harm." He places the sword within it's scabbard and made his way to where most of the others were gathered in a large crowd.

"Q'sal, a singular, labyrinthine mind composed of a billion conflicting, paradoxical wills. Have you ever seen the swirling Aetherstorms in it's atmosphere? Smelled the shifting perfumes of intrigue upon it's people? Tasted the gluttonous banquets of ambition permeating from the Sorcerer-Technocrats? Heard the exquisite lies and thoughts of an unknowable population? No Slaaneshi pleasure I have indulged in comes close to that feeling, only in the embrace of Apotheosis could one aspire to find anything greater."

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Luna looked at them. "Both of you will be living in the castle, as to make sure you, Stormwing, can always watch over Lunar, and so that you, Indigo, can train for our battle." Luna looked over at Lunar.


Lunar looked at the two ponies. "I will show you each to your sleeping quarters after the ceremony."


Midnight looked onto the crowd. "As for the rest of you, you will find your armor and weapons of choice in the rec hall. You may pick them out after dinner. Mares may choose two weapons, colts choose one."


Aiko looked over at Lightening Flair. -Even though he's quite annoying, he IS quite handsome...- she thought, feeling herself blush.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Lightning flair grins wickidly as he chuckles he was so happy he was finally with his beloved mother of the night he keeps sneaking a peak over at aiko, 'where did she come from' he asked himself looking over at her and blushing a deeper shade of red he then looks back.

Edited by odd9120

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Stormwing nodded to the princess, showing his understanding. He straightened himself up once more, attempting to at least seem proper. He found the one named Lunar and smiled cheesily at her, waving his hoof childishly. She would soon see that Stormy could be quite childish at times, but when needed, could be very serious in times of dire situations.

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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Lunar nodded at Stormwing, smiling.


Luna looked at the crowd once more. "That concludes our meeting. Have a wonderful evening, my beloved children..." And with that, she went bak behind the curtains.


Lunar stood beside the two ponies. "Follow me," she cooly said, trottind down the stair, her elegant alicorn wings still outstretched, as if aching to fly.


Midnight blinked, looking at Grell. -Maybe if I follow them back to the castle, I can muster up a conversation with him...- She walked behind the curtain too, following Grell.


Aiko followed Luna, her eyes darting around, making sure no trouble was near.

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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'This is all very real then. I'll be living at the castle to train for the battle. This should be fun!' Indigo smiled to herself and started to follow Lunar to the castle. 'I wonder what I'll do there besides train.' Indigo thought to herself. She looked around and just realised the enormity of the situation.



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(I suppose we can lol)


Luna stepped onto her chariot, sitting down. "Ahh it feels so nice to sit down..." She smiled.


Midnight nudged Grell. "H-hello, Grell..."


Aiko peaked over at Flair again. She didn't notice a hole in the ground, stepping in it and causing her to trip and fall. Her face became bright red and she stood up quickly.


Lunar continued to walk, staying a little closer to Stormwing than she'd normally stand to somepony. "So, what are you guys' special talents?"

Edited by rainbowdashlover19

~*~ My Characters ~*~


Lunar Eclipse

Midnight Shine


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Stormwing looked up at her, since she was a bit taller than he was. "I'm quite good at changing weather, as all pegasi are. I've just really got a knack for making storms, hence my name and cutie mark." There was a single lightning bolt on each of his flanks. "Like most ponies here, I was chosen by Luna to come here to Itoshigo. I, however was a little older than most here." The pegasus seemed not to be a small colt, but a young stallion. He was about twenty or so. Storm looked up at the alicorn he was meant to guard. "What's your special talent, m'lady?

There's death from the beginning, to the end of time. And I'm the Cosmic Champion, and I hold a mystic sign.

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"Are you sure?" He asked as he blushes. way to not strike up a conversation he thinks to himself as he smiles. "My names lightning Flair whats yours?" He asked as he helps her get on her feet blushing not knowing what to say or do. He then stands next to her. He was a real tall stallion at that.

dat zelda wings


My characters

Blacky pie

Lightning Flair

Oceon Skies

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Indigo Night's eyes widened when sHe heard that Lunar could control the lunar eclipse. "You control lunar eclipses? That's so cool!" Indigo Night said in delight. "Stormwing, right? Can you make a storm on a whim?" She asked him. 'Why did he get chosen as Lunar's personal guard ....?' Indigo thought to herself.



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