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A lot of people also seem to underestimate just how powerful the Berserk-verse is in general. Serpico was confirmed to be hypersonic+ and Berkserk armor Guts can be scaled to him. Guts is also confirmed to be somewhere between small building level to building level according to a certain calc. Not sure how Nightmare compares.

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I'm not really going to argue the other two, but I believe Guts VS Nightmare was handled correctly. I don't know much about Berserk while I know a little about Soul Caliber. But I still think Guts had that fight well under control. He deals with demons daily. Things like Nightmare are his bread and butter. From what I understand, Nightmare had very little he could do that Guts couldn't match. Heck, I'd even argue that while I wanted more of a fight from Night Terror, the fact that Inferno did anything feels suspect. I played Soul Caliber 2, where Inferno was from, and I can't tell you he did none of that flame crap.


On a separate note, I'd rather like a Nightmare VS Black Knight (Fire Emblem) on OMM.

Though Nightmare DOES lose in a straight fight Guts was given somewhat incorrect if not biased advantage in the fight.

I am glad that he won though.

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So, according to calculations done in Narutoforums, DBZ god tiers (i.e Goku, Golden Frieza, Vegeta, Beerus, and Whis) are now at least multi galaxy level+, with direct statements actually supporting them being as high as universal:


They're also MFTL:


I...I think I need a break...


Actually, also worth noting. In the new EQG3 movie...

The power of 5 of the alternate world Mane Six, when absorbed by Twilight, was actively ripping apart the barrier between the "human" world, and the Equestria world. It's also worth noting that both Sunset Shimmer and Twilight held onto this energy pretty casually, and evil Twilight tanked her own blast, as well as Sunset Shimmer's, at the same time. And, this was coming from the leftover magic from the last time the Element of Harmony was there.

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Yang From RWBY will be in the next deathbattle

So, according to calculations done in Narutoforums, DBZ god tiers (i.e Goku, Golden Frieza, Vegeta, Beerus, and Whis) are now at least multi galaxy level+, with direct statements actually supporting them being as high as universal:



They're also MFTL:



I...I think I need a break...


Actually, also worth noting. In the new EQG3 movie...


The power of 5 of the alternate world Mane Six, when absorbed by Twilight, was actively ripping apart the barrier between the "human" world, and the Equestria world. It's also worth noting that both Sunset Shimmer and Twilight held onto this energy pretty casually, and evil Twilight tanked her own blast, as well as Sunset Shimmer's, at the same time. And, this was coming from the leftover magic from the last time the Element of Harmony was there.

Looks like the DBZ writers heard their fans wishes and are granting them in this new series. Goku can beat Superman now with these new calcs if they are true indeed.


Makes more sense than what the Reflections arc tried to explain how their worlds dimensions can be ripped apart considering how ridiculously powerful the elements of harmony are. Now we know that the elements of harmony can rip dimensions apart without even being at full strength or possibly even a fraction considering how long it has been since they've actually tapped into an object that was generating the elements of harmony. So by these new calcs, what does this put the elements of harmony power at least?


The great battle between Hercule Satan and Dan Hibiki is here.


Now for some spoilers for the upcoming deathbattle:


Sorry for positing it below as the spoiler tag is broke.




























Yang from RWBY will be in the next deathbattle.


Edited by Nuke87654
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Looks like the DBZ writers heard their fans wishes and are granting them in this new series. Goku can beat Superman now with these new calcs if they are true indeed.


Makes more sense than what the Reflections arc tried to explain how their worlds dimensions can be ripped apart considering how ridiculously powerful the elements of harmony are. Now we know that the elements of harmony can rip dimensions apart without even being at full strength or possibly even a fraction considering how long it has been since they've actually tapped into an object that was generating the elements of harmony. So by these new calcs, what does this put the elements of harmony power at least?



The great battle between Hercule Satan and Dan Hibiki is here.


Now for some spoilers for the upcoming deathbattle:


Not surprised by the outcome


Even with Hercule's joke character status, people tend to forget that he's still pretty strong by normal human standards, and late in the series lifespan there was moments where he does show some balls against the DBZ mainstays like Buu, even if his power is pathetically dwarfed compared to them


Meanwhile, Dan is still a joke character who is not only pathetically weak against literally every other character in the series, without any moments(that I remember) where we're supposed to take him seriously


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That DB was literally painful to watch. I honestly hope they don't do anything like that ever again.


The only good things I took from it is:




2. Ryuko's scissor blade made an appearance. Hopefully that's a hint of things to come. I sure hope she's not pitted against Sam because he'd get torn apart.

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My brother who is a major RWBY fan actually is disliking the idea of putting Yang out in a deathbattle this early in the series as he believes it is far too soon. He also doesn't like her possible mu's in the form of possibly facing Tex (who he says has far greater solo combat experience than her and is stronger too) Carolina (lesser than Tex, but he still believes Carolina to be better, though she can probably be her more fairer mu), Sakura Haruno (Much stronger, more experienced, and heals for days), Vi (Vi carries two 20 ton gauntlets and uses them like they're her plain old fleshy fists, also her ult is oped), and even Tifa (imagine Yang if she had tons of magic abilities, including time hax). 


Only one he's not sure of and that is Garnet from Steven Universe as I've told him along the lines of speedy with lightning level dodging speed, but is a glass cannon and has outliers to her abilities. What do you guys think.

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I don’t have much of a clue about Yang. I’ve only seen her in action once, when a friend of mine was watching the series on the workstation next to me. So I don’t have a whole lot to go on, though she looks cool. The only person I can really think they might match her with is Aigis from Persona 3, but I highly doubt that. She looks cool though and I’m glad to see she’s being put in a Death Battle. It’s not very often Web Series tend to be included in these things.


She’s definitely not a Chandra rip-off. She doesn’t have nearly so much fire power. Chandra isn’t afraid to fight dirty, but she’s a lot different from a girl with ballistic fists. Chandra just starts throwing fire at whatever is bothering her until it’s burned to a crisp or slagged. …It usually works for her too.


Speaking of which, I would actually love it if they did rope a Planeswalker into battle. Magic is a large franchise with a surprising amount to dig up. Most of the work would be putting it into terms you can actually compare against other fighters. The problem is that Planeswalkers are often very powerful. 1 damage kills birds, goblins, and thopters. 2 damage kills bears and men. 4 kills dragons and demons. It’s some ridiculous power scaling. But besides burn instants and sorceries, they don’t really do much fighting themselves, instead summoning the help they need. And do you interpret their opponent as a creature or a player/planeswalker? Whoever they face, which ever one they choose, has to be pretty powerful.

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My brother who is a major RWBY fan actually is disliking the idea of putting Yang out in a deathbattle this early in the series as he believes it is far too soon. He also doesn't like her possible mu's in the form of possibly facing Tex (who he says has far greater solo combat experience than her and is stronger too) Carolina (lesser than Tex, but he still believes Carolina to be better, though she can probably be her more fairer mu), Sakura Haruno (Much stronger, more experienced, and heals for days), Vi (Vi carries two 20 ton gauntlets and uses them like they're her plain old fleshy fists, also her ult is oped), and even Tifa (imagine Yang if she had tons of magic abilities, including time hax). 


Only one he's not sure of and that is Garnet from Steven Universe as I've told him along the lines of speedy with lightning level dodging speed, but is a glass cannon and has outliers to her abilities. What do you guys think.


It's true that it's too soon for Yang to make an appearance. It would've been betterfor SA to feature her when the series had established enough feats where one could really tell where the verse stands in terms of power scaling.


That said, I'm not sure why Tex and Carolina are stronger than Yang. I can see Carolina being stronger if Epsilon is equipped (which he should be) because of all the augmentations that he could provide her with along with Epsilon's own MFTL+ reaction speed (he can literally stop his perception of time in order to decide what to do). That's the only advantage I see Carolina having over Yang. They may be pretty close in terms of speed, but if Carolina were to let damage pile up on Yang, she's screwed.


That said, Garnet should be the better match-up like you say. But I would be highly amused if they bring in Leone from Akame ga Kill xD

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Curious to see Yang in this. I was hopign for a Ruby vs. Maka (Soul Eater) duel of scythes, but I'm still excited for this.


I'm wondering if there will be some collaboration with Rooster Teeth on this. Perhaps letting Screw Attack use the actual Yang animation puppet? Maybe even have Barbara Dunkelman reprise the voice? If Screw Attack can somehow secure those, then it will be the actual character fighting in the death battle. Not just a really good replica animation. Not just a nice fandub voice. Yang Xiao Long herself, officially in a death battle. 

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They're both based in Austin from what I hear. Barb getting spare time to voice Yang for this should be easy in terms of travel. She'll prolly do it. And yeah, Ruby vs Maka would be nice, tho I'd want to wait until closer to EoS RWBY for that to happen.

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I wouldn't be surprised if they used one of the girls from Senran Kagura. Katsuragi, Yozakura, etc.


They could use someone from Air Gear or Ikkitousen.

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And now I wish that I had thought to try RWBY sooner...I was gonna try that anime soon...Haven't even seen it yet...


That last Death Battle was definitely the most humorus one I've seen so far. I'm glad Hercule won. I was afraid he was fucked at first after I found out they were allowing Evil Dan but I'm glad he won.


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Actually you know what? I'm gonna call it. Yang vs Leone (Akame ga Kill). It's happening.

My guess is Ryuto Matoi from Kill La Kill but I'm probably wrong. Speaking of which Ryuto would make a great future Death Battle combatant.

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My guess is Ryuto Matoi from Kill La Kill but I'm probably wrong. Speaking of which Ryuto would make a great future Death Battle combatant.


She'd cream Yang within milliseconds realistically. No. Trust me. Yang will fight Leone.


I can see Yang vs Ryuko being done on OMM by virtue of their having the same VA in Japan. Ryuko will make an appearance eventually tho. Her scissor blade appeared in Hercule vs Dan so count on it.

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