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T.P.A.M. (The Pony After Me...)


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Favorite non-sweet food! :D


TPBM will reply with a TPBM in their post. X3 And TPBM loves white chocolate.

Edited by IncognitoKiwoy
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This might be a silly question, but what does TPBM stand for?

Sorry if I sound retarded or anything...


The.Pony.Below.Me. C: T'is fine. I have blonde moments too. Even today. XP


TPBM has had a blonde moment today.

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There was a ninja.

Well yes, I am blonde so I guess all the moments in my life are "blonde moments" tongue.png

But I assume you're talking about moments when you are retarded smile.png

It's still a yes though


TPBM thinks it's silly that we call it "TPBM" instead of "TPAM".

Edited by Lolnus
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You.. What? :( *cries in a corner*


She is probably my least favourite mane6 character, but they are all very awesome.


TPAM likes this sites smileys.

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Nerp. I drew a ship, however! XD And we have my brother's quilts with ship patterns on it... 


TPBM likes 'oldies' music?

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