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T.P.A.M. (The Pony After Me...)


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Yes, actually. They made me laugh a bit.


TPAM has seen someone solve a rubix cube in less than 30 seconds in person.


A lil' Catherine <(^.^)>

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I always gave up on a Rubix Cube after about 30 seconds. Cuase they're evil...


TPAM is secretly working with Pinky and a small white mouse to take over the world....

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"Whats the vector, Victor?" (Bonus points if you know that movie)

I've seen vectoring mentioned here on the forums...but I have NO idea what it even means.


TPAM is a pinball wizard.

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I never played pinball... Unless it involved gumballs...


Now, for the sake of technicality, vector is a field of mathematics--


No. It's a digital design thing where instead of having a bunch of squares spread about to represent a picture or shape, you instead have these geometric shapes that actually look like shapes, and not an amalgam of squares. Ever drew a circle in Microsoft Paint and zoomed in on it? Yeah, looks really pixellated... Draw a circle in, say Inkscape, and zoom in and you'll notice that no matter how far you zoom in, the curve still looks like a curve.


It's used a lot in Flash games and Flash-based animations, such as My Little Pony. And I use it all the time, as well.



And "Vectorisation" is where you take a bitmap, or "raster", image, essentially a picture made of squares each having independent colours between one another, and "re-draw" it over into a vector image.


And no, I don't know the reference.


And for that matter, TPAM likes to use really obscure references.



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TPAM is tired...


ee-yup. Worked 10 hours today (I have 8 hours of mandatory overtime to do before the 15th. so two are done...and it was a Monday ALL day!).


TPAM drinks coffe by the gallon.

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Now if I did that, it would all go right through me, now would it?


But yeah, I do drink coffee, just not in ridiculous volumes.


TPAM is a terrible speller sometimes, despite the fact that most browsers now have spell-check.



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Ner, nvr evr am i a teribul speeler!!!1!

(In all seriousness, grammar is a pet peeve of mine >.>)


TPAM is a constant page refresher to see if there's any new replies.


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