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T.P.A.M. (The Pony After Me...)


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^I'll try it one day and no I haven't tried it.


Also Make sure you have health care before you attempt to do the hoedown throwdown. I like miley's new music, ok i like we can't stop, however I hate the substance abuse in that song as well as all the videos she did since we can't stop. It just screams attention whore which falsely claiming that that is the real her. When everyone with half a brain knows that every singer in the industry today is a character sinning someone else's song. (Aside from Lorde she writes her song and her videos are a refection of her life and art)


TPAM Thinks that the music industry should be real again.

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I'm going to say no. I have read them, but I'm not much of a reader. Trying to change that, though. I'm trying to collect all the books by Raymond Chandler, and I want me some MLP:FiM comics.


TPAM recently broke something they really liked.

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