TheChosenPony 279 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 (edited) Some people just don't like kindness. Which is strange, Edited March 27, 2014 by TheChosenPony 1 May the force be with you, always Subscribe to my youtube channel, It'll give you a laugh, hell maybe two Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anilewe 2,178 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 (edited) I like Fluttershy, though I'm not a big fan of her. In my opinion, she has less to offer than the rest of Main 6 as a character and the writers constantly focus on only one aspect of her character, which doesn't really help, because for me she just became boring and predictable. Her cuteness doesn't really speak to me, maybe because my own definition of cuteness doesn't apply to external appearance that much. Besides, people like that get on my nerves in real life. Yeah, I'm shy. And I love animals. I can somehow relate to Fluttershy and understand her, but such extreme shyness is just... well, annoying. She's also very underdeveloped as a character (though season 4 actually changed it a little) and to be absolutely honest... most of the time she's there, side to side with her friends, but as if she wasn't. Oh, and "Putting Your Hoof Down" has nothing to do with how I feel about her. While I liked Fluttershy in season 1, later she had less and less to offer me as the character. I dislike the idea of ''hey, let's turn Fluttershy into something else!". Instead of developing her character and challenging her kindness they change her into some stupid creatures. I mean, I love design of Flutterbat, but Flutterhulk? Fluttertree? Breezie? Bee? Flutterguy? Seriously, writers? You should focus on HER. Not on some stupid ideas of her, which have nothing to do with reality. And "you're going to love me" never was really funny in my opinion. I laughed the first time I heard it, but that's all. Of course, I don't want to offend her fans It's just my opinion. And I still like and care about Fluttershy, just less than the rest of them. I'm far from hating her. All Main 6 (and not only) ponies deserve deserve love. And I know how it hurts, when someone hates and offends your best character. Edited March 27, 2014 by Anilewe Fan of Applejack? Join us! We have the best cider from Sweet Apple Acres! ORANGESEXY IS THE BEST PONY! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Throwaway19573639385 764 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 It's because she's annoying. Why? Easy. Her character is absolutely flat, I mean it. Every episode that circles around her hasn't developed her character at all, at the end of the day, she didn't learn anything. Being assertive? Lasted one more episode. Her persistence to achieve something? Gone after Hurricane Fluttershy. Yes, we're finally seeing some development in her character, but it's too late. The damage has been done. Almost 4 years guys, cmon. In fact, her shyness and phobia for everything, even her natural ability of flying, has brought the mane6 in a hella-lot of danger. Remember Dragonshy? Yeah, that avalanche didn't happen naturally, and they had to take an entirely different route to get her even up there. Sure, she put her fears aside at the very end, but even then she didn't learn anything from it. She remained that bland character that's always been in the background. Her personality is great, yes. But the writers handicapped her with all those phobias and fears. That's what's the most annoying. People walk over her all the time, and she's just incapable of doing mundane tasks as bargaining and standing her ground in a damn line to buy celery or whatever. Honestly, the shyness was cute, really cute. Her more anti-social nature was kinda cute too. But now? No, it has become annoying and boring. 3 seasons guys. Three. Seasons. No. Change. That kind of thing is crippling for a character. It's like Kristen Stewart but in a different coat. No offense, but this is what I think, this is what a lot of people think that don't like Fluttershy, at least to all the ones I talked to. Yes, there are some counter-arguments, of course. But don't deny it, her development in character has been the least out of everyone, even Pinkie outshined her in that regard. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Violet 37 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 I don't hate any of the ponies, I love Fluttershy, though. My favourites in order are - Fluttershy Pinkie Pie Rainbow Dash Applejack Twilight Sparkle Rarity DeviantArt - Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Shanks 10,816 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 There are some Fluttershy haters, but I just haven't seen that many of them. A lot of people including me though are a bit annoyed by how inconsistently she as a character is written with her learning a lesson one minute then forgetting it the next and then remembering it again when convenient. Fluttershy has had a lot of attention over the series so that is not the issue, she has a great deal of potential the problem is is that the inconsistency. I can understand given Fluttershy's nature how certain lesson may take a bit longer to settle in and even Applejack has backslid occasionally but the only character that has been even more inconsistent than Fluttershy has been Spike. This isn't hate, this is constructive criticism I don't hate or even dislike Fluttershy but I dislike the inconsistency and don't find her as interesting as the others. Rarity Get's Cockroaches Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nine 707 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 (edited) @@Winterbass, I tend to think Fluttershy's character can't tolerate much lasting change, since shyness is like .. the point of Fluttershy. I'm curious to know what should be done to fix the faults you've named. Should she radically change? Or should different facets of shyness and kindness be explored like they have been this season, or in some other way you might suggest? I mean, I love design of Flutterbat, but Flutterhulk? Fluttertree? Breezie? Bee? Flutterguy? Seriously, writers? You should focus on HER. Not on some stupid ideas of her, which have nothing to do with reality. Yeah .. some of that's a bit ridiculous. Kinda starting to think they're just fueling the fetish artists out of spite or something. Edited March 27, 2014 by Nine Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Throwaway19573639385 764 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 @@Winterbass, I tend to think Fluttershy's character can't tolerate much lasting change, since shyness is like .. the point of Fluttershy. I'm curious to know what should be done to fix the faults you've named. Should she radically change? Or should different facets of shyness and kindness be explored like they have been this season, or in some other way you might suggest? Well, shyness isn't really something she should have anymore. She should be reticent and quiet, not socially crippled. That should've gone out the door months ago. She opened up to her friends, hell, even tertiary characters, but she still acts like everyone is trying to kill her From what I have seen in all my life, and the same goes for me as I was extremely shy myself, is that shy people bloom when they find those couple of friends that are patient, understanding and caring. They open up, they don't radically change in their personality, they'll always be a little bit held-back except with the closest of friends. I have yet to meet any shy person that hasn't grown up to a person who actually can interact socially with everyone, after they have met those people. She should realize that her fears and phobias are able to be overcome. Standing up to a dragon is apparently fine, but talking to a someone who cuts in line, that's too much. I mean, I was even more socially inept than Fluttershy, there have been weeks where I couldn't even say one word to others, I was just that shy. But her character? There's no development, she forgets what she learns in merely ten seconds, and only remembers them when it's convenient. Don't get me wrong, shyness and kindness are great aspects of someone, but hers is just too much, her shyness has gone on for far too long, and I'm shocked to see that people still like her. Fact is, people will only like her for either those two points. She's shy and thats cute, or she's kind and that's cute. Or both. People who have other characters as their favorite, I've heard far more reasons why they like the character they like. Some overlap, but I've heard many different points. For fluttershy, not so much. She lacks that development in character, she lacks that growth that should make her into a better person. I've seen people bashing on Rarity all the time, and that's fine apparently. Because people think generosity means being completely selfless beyond the point of taking care of yourself and giving away anything materialistic. But disliking Fluttershy? You just gave yourself a ticket to the ninth ring of hell. Because, how could you dislike an under-developed character that has done only 2 significant things in the entire show with her only function being is annoyingly and forcefully cute. I don't know how they can fix this handicap of hers, it seems like she's going to be stuck in an endless downward spiral. When the show ends, I put my money on Fluttershy being the one who has learned the least, even less than the CMC, even less than the Cake twins. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nine 707 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 @@Winterbass, How do you think the other ponies fare under the same light? Have they changed significantly? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doc. Volt 2,561 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 fluttershy was the charachter that prevented me from joining the fandom at the start... but luckily Pinkie saved me! i mean.. come on! the episode with Iron will is the only good one! who likes a pony who is scared of everything and so damn shy? the question is how the hell she has so many lovers... mah.. well opinions are opinions but i despise her. plain simple Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave" Proud member of the Code3 Bronies! My OC page, click here! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ribbonfree 2,383 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 There's no development, she forgets what she learns in merely ten seconds, and only remembers them when it's convenient. Childrens cartoon though. Really, nobody with the exception of Twilight has shown a significant change in characterization over the course of the four seasons. They are all inconsistent. I recall that your complaints were my complaints back when Flutters held my undivided dislike (with Luna), so I see the validity of your points of course. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ardhacandra 133 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 Eh, yeah.. Fluttershy is easy to misjudge, I think. I also hear a lot people see that she has no personality at all, and that her personality doesn't progress like the other ponies do.. Can't disagree more on that! Shy and introverted people tend to LOOK like they lack personality, and it often takes a long time for them to become more confident and assertive.. And that brings me to the assertive fluttershy episode. It is actually very well done. A lot of people who are like fluttershy pile up a lot of negative emotions, even towards their friends. It is very well possible that they will EXPLODE evantually, and that will harm people (Despite their good nature. Everyone has agression in them). I think it is wrong to judge a character on one fault thas was seen in a single episode.. She learned her lesson, and she does things pretty good right now. Still, people need to hate. 1 Something (or someone) is TRULY discriminated against if we can't talk about it without any fear of suffering prejudice yourself. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Throwaway19573639385 764 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 @@Winterbass, How do you think the other ponies fare under the same light? Have they changed significantly? Yes, at least more than Fluttershy. - Applejack has become less stubborn and takes the advice of her friends seriously now, we have discovered her family situation as well. She also learned more about the importance of family - Twilight Sparkle has grown from the anti-social bookworm to a happy, friendly and intelligent unicorn. Rather than having a teacher, she has become the teacher herself now. - Rarity has become less of a snob, she never was one in the first place. Also. she has become more generous, in more than in just a materialistic way, ie. Giving away dresses (Materialistic), teaching Coco that her boss is not doing the way things should be done. She's progressive. - Pinkie Pie gave us the insecurity that comes from a hyper extrovert. She's really sensitive to negativity but she learned that that negativity isn't always about her. She learned that sometimes people need some distance from others and that not everything can be a party. She learned to handle that fact. - Rainbow Dash has learned to tone down on the bragging, rather than being full of herself, she knows her potential and shows others that they can also reach that potential, she's a loyal friend that people can look up to, she's an idol of sorts. - Fluttershy has always been shy and quiet. She never changed or has grown. It's been three years guys, the biggest change she had was in the first episode. She used to be an accurate representation of introversion and social anxiety, she isn't anymore. Unless we're going to overanalyze, we haven't seen any significant progress at all. She's still the same since the first episode, exactly the same. 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flutter's lover <3 8,206 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 I like Fluttershy, though I'm not a big fan of her. In my opinion, she has less to offer than the rest of Main 6 as a character and the writers constantly focus on only one aspect of her character, which doesn't really help, because for me she just became boring and predictable. Her cuteness doesn't really speak to me, maybe because my own definition of cuteness doesn't apply to external appearance that much. Besides, people like that get on my nerves in real life. Yeah, I'm shy. And I love animals. I can somehow relate to Fluttershy and understand her, but such extreme shyness is just... well, annoying. She's also very underdeveloped as a character (though season 4 actually changed it a little) and to be absolutely honest... most of the time she's there, side to side with her friends, but as if she wasn't. Oh, and "Putting Your Hoof Down" has nothing to do with how I feel about her. While I liked Fluttershy in season 1, later she had less and less to offer me as the character. I dislike the idea of ''hey, let's turn Fluttershy into something else!". Instead of developing her character and challenging her kindness they change her into some stupid creatures. I mean, I love design of Flutterbat, but Flutterhulk? Fluttertree? Breezie? Bee? Flutterguy? Seriously, writers? You should focus on HER. Not on some stupid ideas of her, which have nothing to do with reality. And "you're going to love me" never was really funny in my opinion. I laughed the first time I heard it, but that's all. Of course, I don't want to offend her fans It's just my opinion. And I still like and care about Fluttershy, just less than the rest of them. I'm far from hating her. All Main 6 (and not only) ponies deserve deserve love. And I know how it hurts, when someone hates and offends your best character. I kinda agree here, they need to focus more on her as a character, not "what can we transform her into next". I mean yea, most of her transformations have been funny or awesome,but they need to focus on making her a more dynamic character, and they've been starting to do that with Season 4, which to me is kinda late. It's because she's annoying. Why? Easy. Her character is absolutely flat, I mean it. Every episode that circles around her hasn't developed her character at all, at the end of the day, she didn't learn anything. Being assertive? Lasted one more episode. Her persistence to achieve something? Gone after Hurricane Fluttershy. Yes, we're finally seeing some development in her character, but it's too late. The damage has been done. Almost 4 years guys, cmon. "She's annoying" I could say the same about Pinkie with her in your face attitude, or Rainbow with her ego. But that's what makes FlutterSHY, Fluttershy. Her shyness it part of her character. Yes it's into season 4 and we're finally seeing some positive change, but "too late" No. It's never too late for anything. fluttershy was the charachter that prevented me from joining the fandom at the start... but luckily Pinkie saved me! lol. How does ONE character prevent someone from joining a fandom? That's just stupid and ignorant. That's like saying I don't like this certain brand because I don't like their one product. i mean.. come on! the episode with Iron will is the only good one! who likes a pony who is scared of everything and so damn shy? Me. because I can relate to her oh so well, when i'm in with a group of people. As, I'm sure a lot of other people can. the question is how the hell she has so many lovers... mah.. well opinions are opinions but i despise her. plain simple WHY do you despise her? you never gave a reason...THIS is what I mean, people hate her for no damn good reason. Eh, yeah.. Fluttershy is easy to misjudge, I think. I also hear a lot people see that she has no personality at all, and that her personality doesn't progress like the other ponies do.. Can't disagree more on that! Shy and introverted people tend to LOOK like they lack personality, and it often takes a long time for them to become more confident and assertive.. And that brings me to the assertive fluttershy episode. It is actually very well done. A lot of people who are like fluttershy pile up a lot of negative emotions, even towards their friends. It is very well possible that they will EXPLODE evantually, and that will harm people (Despite their good nature. Everyone has agression in them). I think it is wrong to judge a character on one fault thas was seen in a single episode.. She learned her lesson, and she does things pretty good right now. Still, people need to hate. THIS so much. This is why I relate to Fluttershy so well, I'm a pretty introverted and shy person in real life. It takes time for me to come out of my shell and be more assertive around people. We're seeing that with Fluttershy more consistently in Season 4 now. Which is fantastic. - Fluttershy has always been shy and quiet. She never changed or has grown. It's been three years guys, the biggest change she had was in the first episode. She used to be an accurate representation of introversion and social anxiety, she isn't anymore. Unless we're going to overanalyze, we haven't seen any significant progress at all. She's still the same since the first episode, exactly the same. Not really the same as the first episode. it's Season for and she's changing quite a bit (for it being Fluttershy), She's learning to combat her stage fright and social anxiety. 3 Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng* Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page! 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Guest March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 (edited) Yep. I don't like Fluttershy or Rarity. I dislike Fluttershy more though. Okay, we get it. She's shy. That's it. No progress. Her voice is annoying to me, I hate her color scheme, she bores me. I hate Angel, which is associated with her. I think her eyes look weird. So yeah. I don't like her. INB4 fluttershy fans point out how "wrong" I am. She may have more character progress at times, but it seems like it always goes back to the same stuff, Edited March 27, 2014 by Rae ~ Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doc. Volt 2,561 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 stupid and ignorant easy with the words you want to know why i don't like her? because simply i don't like shy persons, so the same turn for a charachter, it is a personal view, plain and simple, dislike is not "hate", hate is a strong word remember, i don't have time to "hate" a fictional character, but i have more than enough time to dislike said charachter, why do you like a color and i like another? it is the same. 1 Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave" Proud member of the Code3 Bronies! My OC page, click here! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Moved to Elsewhere 11,331 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 I haven't really met any Fluttershy haters, just people saying she's overrated. I think it's just that on these forums, her fans aren't as vocal about their love for her as say a Rarity fan or a Pinkie fan. But I did find this facebook page Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootaloodle 1,623 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 tbf, it's the same for RD, it's just a lot of it is just people going "ewww, popularity" I also hate it when people use only one episode as the only reason they hate a character Tbh I know exactly what you mean!!: it really annoys me actually. It’s like some people say why they like MLP, and often say one reason is because the characters are 3D. Yet that one time one hugely loved character appropriately in the story is a bitch then they go all against her. Don’t get me wrong, just not being that fond of a character just because isn’t my beef, but the whole because there popular reason pisses me off, not that I’m innocent of applying that to somethings myself to be hands up honest about it xD 1 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flutter's lover <3 8,206 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 (edited) easy with the words you want to know why i don't like her? because simply i don't like shy persons, so the same turn for a charachter, it is a personal view, plain and simple, dislike is not "hate", hate is a strong word remember, i don't have time to "hate" a fictional character, but i have more than enough time to dislike said charachter, why do you like a color and i like another? it is the same. Same reason I don't like Pinkie and Dash, I don't like those kind of in your face, obnoxious people in real life, nor do I really like people with huge egos in real life. I haven't really met any Fluttershy haters, just people saying she's overrated. I think it's just that on these forums, her fans aren't as vocal about their love for her as say a Rarity fan or a Pinkie fan. But I did find this facebook page I'm plenty vocal about my love for Fluttershy, if you haven't seen my profile. She's my waifu after all. Edited March 27, 2014 by Not FadedSkies 1 Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng* Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Doc. Volt 2,561 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 Same reason I don't like Pinkie and Dash, I don't like those kind of in your face, obnoxious people in real life, nor do I really like people with huge egos in real life. You are like saying that Pinkie and Dash are obnoxious for the way they are... Red cross voluntier:""The first to arrive,The last to leave" Proud member of the Code3 Bronies! My OC page, click here! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
GrauWitz 1,010 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 fluttershy was the charachter that prevented me from joining the fandom at the start... but luckily Pinkie saved me! i mean.. come on! the episode with Iron will is the only good one! who likes a pony who is scared of everything and so damn shy? the question is how the hell she has so many lovers... mah.. well opinions are opinions but i despise her. plain simple Must.... resist.... going.... apeshit.... XD easy with the words you want to know why i don't like her? because simply i don't like shy persons, so the same turn for a charachter, it is a personal view, plain and simple, dislike is not "hate", hate is a strong word remember, i don't have time to "hate" a fictional character, but i have more than enough time to dislike said charachter, why do you like a color and i like another? it is the same. You don't like shy people? Well, you wouldn't like me in real life then XD Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Scootaloodle 1,623 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 I’ve personally not met any Fluttershy haters, but maybe some people such as myself just ain’t her biggest fan. To me Fluttershy is a good character, and I wouldn’t wish her not to be in MLP FIM that would be really sad she's part of why the show is what it is. But for me, other characters often have more of an impact on me when I see them doing there thing on screen Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Anilewe 2,178 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 (edited) You don't like shy people? Well, you wouldn't like me in real life then XD Haha, I 'dislike' shy people, too Though it depends what you mean by shy. I was always really shy, but I didn't want to let my shyness stop me. I was pushing myself out of my comfort zone to become more confident. I can understand people, who are shy, but I dislike those, who use it as an excuse. And I wouldn't start a relationship with someone, who because of shyness is socially maladjusted (and for me Fluttershy kinda is). The reason why I'm not big fan of Fluttershy (beside everything I mentioned before in this topic) is because this show wouldn't really change for me if she wasn't there. In episodes about all of Main 6 she usually just stands there doing nothing. Edited March 27, 2014 by Anilewe Fan of Applejack? Join us! We have the best cider from Sweet Apple Acres! ORANGESEXY IS THE BEST PONY! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Flutter's lover <3 8,206 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 You are like saying that Pinkie and Dash are obnoxious for the way they are... Not really. I just don't really like them, and lately I've been finding Pinkie being more obnoxious than just being her random self. I used to really like Rainbow, but not anymore. Fluttershy's lover, she's my waifu. I'm in love and obsessed with her, she's given me shyabetes. *Hnnnng* Yellow Pink Squee Blogs | Ask one of Fluttershy's biggest fans | Official Fluttershy fanclub page! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gary S. 102 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 Hating or disliking the shy is not much different to despising the weak for me. I just leave it with that such a mindset is not very pleasant. but I dislike those, who use it as an excuse. Okay, this can be really annoying Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bird Mom 900 March 27, 2014 Share March 27, 2014 Are you crazy? Bad side of Tumblr? Ate too many burritos last night? Fluttershy is actually one of the most loved ponies of the Mane 6! 1 "Pay attention to these petals, Steven. The petals' dance seems improvised, but it is being calculated in real time based on the physical properties of this planet. With hard work and dedication, you can master the magical properties of your gem and perform your own dance!" What do you think of me?: Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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