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Knowing Bronies That Fit The Negative Stereotype


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I think that's a trait closely linked with people in general and not necessarily bronies.


I'm 22, don't have a neck beard and I'm an active feminist! I'm socially awkward though. Not a wasteroid I hope!

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I think that's a trait closely linked with people in general and not necessarily bronies.


I'm 22, don't have a neck beard and I'm an active feminist! I'm socially awkward though. Not a wasteroid I hope!


Yes but I see a lot of them at brony meetups. Like, I don't care, I'm not personally getting creeped on (mostly, at any rate), so I'll hang with them, but the way they talk... Just, ack.

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Hmm :/


I still think I'd like to go to a brony meetup. I don't think they happen so often in the UK though.


Hey, by all means. Go, just be ready to deal with some shady people. Same as going out to most things, to be honest. Always gonna be someone there you'd rather not be there and all.

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My friend slightly fits the bill. Ever since we graduated High School he's getting overweight and becoming a basement dweller. If he didn't have a couple college classes here and there he would play TF2 all the time with no stop. I'm not saying playing TF2 is a bad thing but all day, every day is a little overkill.

Just checked Steam, it's 446 hours to be exact. 

I'm the uber-conservative one.
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A great man once said, "ON MLP 4UMS ERRYTHIN IS SRS BSNS"
20% Chance I'm on my Wii U while posting this.


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I've met some... er, interesting bronies in the meetups I've gone to. Not in the clopper sense or whatever, I'm 100% cool with that. These guys seem to go a level further into the 'neckbeard, misogynist, social wasteroid' levels.



A level further?


Wow thats crazy.

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I actually think I have a friend exactly like that.


But he has a good heart, I don't think he's how society portrays him, but he does fit the description.


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I'm...normal. ish.


To be perfectly honest I'm skinny, geeky, and kinda hate humanity with a burning passion that puts Lucifer to shame, yet I still find myself in situations where I go help people out that I probably shouldn't...


Part of the reason I now have a criminal record...It led to drugs and bad company, let's leave it at that.


I fit the sterotype in that I'm a loner, but that's from a childhood of being sheltered, negative social experiences, and the fact that being friends with people irl is pretty low on my priority list at the moment. I got things to do and another job I'm about to take on, so I just try to keep it online. I don't need another frenemy.


It's kinda ironic that I love MLP: Friendship is Magic....not in a hipster sort of way either. Grrr...hipsters. (j/k, hipsters, I hate you equally with everyone else. Love and Peace.)


It's perfectly understandable why Bronies are potrayed in a negative light, however. Not justifiying it, just saying that it is what it is. Human nature.


People are embarrased to be called out on being a Brony. Vsauce explains this embarrasment phenomena and it's biological reasons in this video.


What it boils down to is the common majority trying to coerce, as a collective, social cooperation out of a minority that has deviated out of the norm. As rational beings we should be able to become aware of this and reason with ourselves, but that's not the case with homo sapiens. Eventually after a few decades or even 1000 years, the social norms will change and something like being a brony would be considered mainstream and something else will be taboo.


Human nature.


While in this modern era, if you're a brony, it sucks. Well...depending where you are and who you know. Some don't care, some will call you fag.


Here is the thing that we should keep in mind however: the very same phenomena that leads you to be labeled an outcast, or a stereotype, is paradoxiacally the same phenomena that has helped our species survive in the past. Coercion of social cooperation, via use of embarrasment and shame.


This is part of life and the human condition. Good comes of bad, bad comes of good, and there is no end to this cycle.


So...Next time you find yourself being labeled by someone or a group for the thing you love, remember that you're not really fighting them as people, but your fighting against the effect of a hard wired phenomena that nature selected for us to have.


I'm not going tell those who are closet bronies to come out, since that could have serious implications in your life, but if you want to come out, find friends that have a common interest or are tolerable to it, and stick close to the herd. Who should you tell, who you shouldn't? Use your instincts. Or be brave and say screw em. It's your life, you make the call.


And if you're sick of the stereotype and the hate (not just against Bronyism but all of the b.s. of the world) there is only one thing to do.


Be the change you want to see in the world.


I've been the only brony I know in this town that I live in, though I'm sure that they're others around. I don't know if they fit the stereotype or not, but I'd like to meet them one day. However, being a brony is not the crux of my identity, so I'm not that eager to reveal it to everyone.


I'm on probation. I don't want to go to jail over my Applejack wallpaper on my phone. But if I get hate for it, and grouped into a negative stereotype, I just might.


:okiedokielokie:  I'm running out of bucks to give.

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I actually think I have a friend exactly like that.


But he has a good heart, I don't think he's how society portrays him, but he does fit the description.

Unlike the jerks in society despite having the stereotype appearance I too judge one base on their character.


Also one of my friends who is a brony fits the stereotype but he is very outgoing when you get to know him and can be very quirky

Edited by GXPBlast
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  • 4 weeks later...


I'm...normal. ish.


To be perfectly honest I'm skinny, geeky, and kinda hate humanity with a burning passion that puts Lucifer to shame, yet I still find myself in situations where I go help people out that I probably shouldn't...


Part of the reason I now have a criminal record...It led to drugs and bad company, let's leave it at that.


I fit the sterotype in that I'm a loner, but that's from a childhood of being sheltered, negative social experiences, and the fact that being friends with people irl is pretty low on my priority list at the moment. I got things to do and another job I'm about to take on, so I just try to keep it online. I don't need another frenemy.


It's kinda ironic that I love MLP: Friendship is Magic....not in a hipster sort of way either. Grrr...hipsters. (j/k, hipsters, I hate you equally with everyone else. Love and Peace.)


It's perfectly understandable why Bronies are potrayed in a negative light, however. Not justifiying it, just saying that it is what it is. Human nature.


People are embarrased to be called out on being a Brony. Vsauce explains this embarrasment phenomena and it's biological reasons in this video.


What it boils down to is the common majority trying to coerce, as a collective, social cooperation out of a minority that has deviated out of the norm. As rational beings we should be able to become aware of this and reason with ourselves, but that's not the case with homo sapiens. Eventually after a few decades or even 1000 years, the social norms will change and something like being a brony would be considered mainstream and something else will be taboo.


Human nature.


While in this modern era, if you're a brony, it sucks. Well...depending where you are and who you know. Some don't care, some will call you fag.


Here is the thing that we should keep in mind however: the very same phenomena that leads you to be labeled an outcast, or a stereotype, is paradoxiacally the same phenomena that has helped our species survive in the past. Coercion of social cooperation, via use of embarrasment and shame.


This is part of life and the human condition. Good comes of bad, bad comes of good, and there is no end to this cycle.


So...Next time you find yourself being labeled by someone or a group for the thing you love, remember that you're not really fighting them as people, but your fighting against the effect of a hard wired phenomena that nature selected for us to have.


I'm not going tell those who are closet bronies to come out, since that could have serious implications in your life, but if you want to come out, find friends that have a common interest or are tolerable to it, and stick close to the herd. Who should you tell, who you shouldn't? Use your instincts. Or be brave and say screw em. It's your life, you make the call.


And if you're sick of the stereotype and the hate (not just against Bronyism but all of the b.s. of the world) there is only one thing to do.


Be the change you want to see in the world.


I've been the only brony I know in this town that I live in, though I'm sure that they're others around. I don't know if they fit the stereotype or not, but I'd like to meet them one day. However, being a brony is not the crux of my identity, so I'm not that eager to reveal it to everyone.


I'm on probation. I don't want to go to jail over my Applejack wallpaper on my phone. But if I get hate for it, and grouped into a negative stereotype, I just might.


:okiedokielokie:  I'm running out of bucks to give.



Very well written post my fellow brony

Edited by GXPBlast
  • Brohoof 1
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I only have one brony(or pegasister, if you like)friend. We were once one of the most popular, but chose to drift down the list due to the extreme social pressure and the sheer stupidity of everyone in that clique. We now reside at a decent level and only adhere to the "Geek" stereotype. That particular brony friend is my only point of reference when it comes to these sorts of things, so please excuse me if my views are warped.

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I really, really, REALLY couldn't give a miniscule sh*t. :)

"Every brony is a homie" isn't just an empty phrase I say, y'know.


The only people who are bronies I have a problem with are the ones that think shouting "I LOST THE GAME" and "LLAMAS" is the thing to do, which is not really a brony problem as it is a quirky teenager problem. I hate quirky teenagers.


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You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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Here's what I think of what a stereotypical Brony looks like.



Except this is Gabe Newell. The guy technically is a billionaire, and could technically BUY Hasbro with all the Value money. But if only if Half Life 3 is released (lmao, he's probably waiting for HL3 stock to go up so he can sell and buy Hasbro)


Now you'll be like, that iPad has 3 numbers on it. HL3 Confirmed.

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  • Brohoof 2

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socially awkward, overweight, neck beards, nerds, virgins, loners, basement dwellers or just ugly...




Ah, I think I know some...But they don't fit all of those stereotypes



My dad is slightly overweight, and I think if I try I can convince him to grow a neck beard. He has ***loads of friends and he's a business manager so not so socially awkward. He's not a nerd but he wished he was one when he's in high school. He's definitely not a virgin LOL. Again ***loads of friend and my mom so he's not a loner. He likes to hang out just about anywhere ranging from restrooms to outer space but he does occasionally lurk in the basement to desperately attempt to fix that broken bike. He is moderately uglier than me hahahaha - kidding, he's not really ugly, b/c otherwise he won't be able to get my mom.


One of my friends is trying to grow a neck beard but instead it came out of his armpits (ha ha). He's UNDERWEIGHT, and a leader of a club so goodbye social awkwardness. Gets pretty lame grades in terms of school average (school average GPA 3.4-3.5, he gets 3.2 ish) so not a nerd. He is probably a virgin b/c he's 15. Again leader of a club so not lonely. He does not have a basement, and he's just a bit less handsome than me; since I'm the 134256th sexiest human being in the galaxy, he should be pretty handsome.



Rest? They don't fit any of those stereotypes mentioned above (including virgin 0_o)

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I have met people on both sides of the spectrum, just like with anything. You can't look at one person and judge a crowd. Are there stereotypical bronies? Yeah. But there are a lot of normal people too!

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The typical stereotype for bronies is that we are socially awkward, overweight, neck beards, nerds, virgins, loners, basement dwellers or just ugly...




I don't have a neck beard.


And I don't live in a basement... I live in a garage.

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I don't know any bronies that fit those sterotypes - but then again, I don't know many bronies in real life.


As for me...

Ugly? yea.

Shy? very.

Socialy Awkward? yea.

Overweight? Underweight.

Nerd? Depends. Most people classify me as a nerd.

Virgin? I'm 13, I think the answer is obvious.

Lonely? I chose to be lonely.

Basement dweller? Well, I often use my computer for hours in the dark.


Oh. Didn't realize till now how well I fit these sterotypes. O.o

Eh well.

Brony and proud, I couldn't care less what people think of me. :)



  • Brohoof 1


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I don't have a neck beard.


And I don't live in a basement... I live in a garage.


So that makes you a garage brony :lol:

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I don't really know any people who fit the stereotypes that you mentioned, but I think another stereotype is that we're defensive fanboys. I think it's a more recent tag.


I know a few people, even people here on the forums (Not pointing fingers,) but overall, these stereotypes are just that: Stereotypes.


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I don't really know any people who fit the stereotypes that you mentioned, but I think another stereotype is that we're defensive fanboys. I think it's a more recent tag.


I know a few people, even people here on the forums (Not pointing fingers,) but overall, these stereotypes are just that: Stereotypes.


Well there are fanboys in everything really lol, but yeah some bronies are very hard core about the show.

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