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private Bloodlines~ (SOL / Dark mystery)

Midnight Scribbler

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@@Midnight Scribbler,



Cherry Bomb


"Of course you would say that wouldn't you?" despite her predicament, Cherry still took the moment to poke a little fun as she threw a sly smirk towards Coat Tail before winking at him, giggling she looked over to Mirror, and then the rest of the ponies as they approached and surrounded her.


"Uuuuuum," Cherry stared straight up at the huddled small crowd of ponies standing over her, it was beginning to get more than just a bit embarrassing, "Do you have to cut it? I mean it's like it's expensive string, not that I've ever heard of expensive string before, I mean if there were it would probably be golden thread ..which this isn't sooooo...yes you can cut it, I guess...can they cut it Mirror? It's just this is reeeeeeeeeeeeally uncomfortable and I'd really like to get out now! She would agree with me, wouldn't you?" Grinning sheepishly towards her performing partner, Cherry nodded towards Sunset who was nearly in a bad predicament as Cherry was.

Mirror walked up to Cherry, standing opposite of the other ponies out of habit. Looking at the stallion and then back to Cherry. Then back to the stallion for a few seconds more. "What? Oh...um...sure, they can cut it. As long as you're alright...you're okay right?" Mirror asked as she looked towards the ground.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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@@Midnight Scribbler, @@Umbreon,  (I'm sorry, not sure how I missed this reply?)


She looked towards the stallion with a confused stare and slowly shook her head. She had absolutely no idea what a 'Time loop' was, much less that her mind might be jumping through a few? 


"We have been here for longer than you have.. We don't recognize you.. Are you.. Visitors? Hmm?"

 'Well, at least that solves that one thing... I have no idea who this stallion is... Then exactly how did he know my name as well?' The thought seemed to troubled her for a moment, before she pushed the thought aside. 'One thing at a time, right? Besides, it's not like a name is causing me too much harm.' 


She shock her head no and looked at fizzle, before turning her attention back towards the stallion. "Well, as far as I know, this is our first time here." She refrained from extending her hoof when she said, "Uh, pleased to meet you?" 

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Sunset Glow







Sunset found herself suddenly entangled to her surprise. One of her hooves was tied in her attempt at releasing the actress, and somehow her mane had become caught in the lines as well. "Oh dear.. This seems to have been a bad idea. Perhaps we should cut them.. I'm sure they won't be too difficult to replace. Besides, it may even be easier at this point, seeing as how badly they are tangled." She managed to shake her hoof free from the mess of cords, and began fussing with her mane to free it from it's prison of strings. After some struggle, it came loose again, though it was rather ruffled looking. "Oh no.. and it took me so long to fix it this morning." She thought with a sigh of mild annoyance. Hairs poked out randomly from what was left of her groomed style.



Suit Twister





A little sketch to give you an idea of what he'd look like in this particular situation. (note, it's ink on him, not blood)




The stallion withdrew for a moment as Muddle pondered her situation. He seemed to be thinking, but his eyes were wildly darting around from her, to Fizzle, and then behind them, and then he'd twitch his ear, and turn to look behind himself. It was as if he was paranoid somepony was coming for him, though there were clearly no ponies around, save for one approaching in the background, but he was farther off, and didn't seem to bother the stallion. Whatever was on his mind, it was entirely unknowable, at least for the time being. "HmmHmm HEHEH! You.. I mean.. Many apologies.. our name is.. S-ss-Suit Twister." His words sounded broken, as though there were far too many things he wanted to say, and couldn't articulate them into speech. He spoke again, steady at first, then it broke down into a nearly fearful tone. "Hehehe! We know many things.. but what you seek should not be here. No. HAHAHA! Hmm no.. not here at all... Wha... Who.. Hehehee!! No, we shouldn't speak anymore.. We'll get in trouble.." He made a strange sound as though he were choking for a moment, then he sat down, huddling down and spoke softly to himself. "One thing to another.. one after the other.. Hmmhmm"

Edited by Midnight Scribbler
  • Brohoof 1

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@@Midnight Scribbler,


By reflex, Fizzle had backed up slightly to let Muddle speak with this strange stallion...  How did he know both of their names?  He seemed very strange...  And the way he kept speaking, what was he even talking about?  It was kind of creepy, but she was trying her hardest not to show she thought so.  At least, that's what she was doing until Suit Twister sat down and started talking to himself.  Blinking her eyes a couple times, the younger mare steps forward and tilts her head.  That close to fearful tone had suddenly made him seem less frightening, to Fizzle at least, and she slowly extended her muzzle a little closer.


"Erm...  Mister Suit Twister?"  Fizzle spares a very quick glance towards Muddle before she extends a leg, trying to place a hoof on the stallion's shoulder.  "Are you okay?  What did you mean what we seek shouldn't be here?"  She was thoroughly confused and rather convinced the stallion was crazy by this point, but they couldn't very well wander off to leave him talking to himself there in the road.  Could they?











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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"I'm fine Mirror, really, I'm fine...my flank broke most of the fall...eh heh..." Cherry wanted to hit a hoof ove her head, even she knew that was a poor joke."

"Now can somepony pleeeeease get me out of here because IreallyneedtogotothelittlefillesroomandIdon'tthinkIcanHOLDONMUCHLONGER!!" As if trying to emphasize her point, the red mare began to one again struggle fruitlessly at her bonds, clearly she was beginning to get a little desperate...in more than one way.

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Emerald Gaze.


Still chuckling slightly to herself, Emerald stepped forward. It was all good and well discussing the event, but the poor girl seemed to be getting distressed.


"Hold still for a moment dear..." The diplomat instructed - horn illuminating slightly as the pair of ebony spikes holding her mane in place were removed. As they hovered in the air, a faint edge could be seen running down a single side of each of them - giving the sticks a teardrop shaped cross-section.


"With a little precision, we might save ourselves a good deal of effort... and a little embarrassment perhaps?" She winked at the downed mare. "This one... and this one..."


Manipulating this into place in the air beside the mass of strings, Emerald paused to think. Learning from sunsets example, she selected a few sections and bundled them together rather than attempting to deal with everything at once. Double checking her selection and finding herself satisfied, she deftly sliced with the edged accessory.


Hopefully it wouldn't simply make meters worse.


"Is that any better darling? Try now."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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@@Midnight Scribbler,@@Umbreon,  


Muddle wasn't sure what to do after the stallion had responded. Nearly everything he had said puzzled her and sounded like insane ramblings. 'What does he mean we're seeking something, and why would talking get him in trouble.' From what she could tell, everyone that had arrived with her was seeking a vacation. '...and to be honest, some weren't even seeking that?' 


She was starting to make it a habit of pondering things. 'Maybe it's just a... weird prank, or ramblings of a mad pony...' After some thought, the idea of turning around and wandering off, leaving the stallion talking to himself in the middle of the road started to sound like a good idea... until she heard a change in his tone.


No, we shouldn't speak anymore.. We'll get in trouble.."  "One thing to another.. one after the other.. Hmmhmm" 


It was hard to hear it at first, but the timid sound in his voice was gradually growing... Maybe this stallion really was insane, but she could tell something clearly troubled him. '...' 




"And let me guess, you can't turn your back on that?" She didn't hear the voice coming from the roof or the sound of a small apple being bitten into. ''This is why I don't have one of those beaty things... Also makes shopping a lot easier." From the looks of it, Shadow had a small bag of apples...




She was glad to see Fizzle take the initiative and approach the stallion with a caring hoof. It seemed like she cared what was wrong too. Muddle followed suit and moved slightly closer, mainly to listen for a response.

Edited by Dreamless
  • Brohoof 1

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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@@Midnight Scribbler,



As Emerald approached Cherry with her surprisingly sharp hair accessories, the bound red mare held her breath as the unicorn levitated her "improvised" tools around her and setting them to work on the many strings holding her fast.

Cherry didn't need to be told she needle to stay still, not that she had much choice before to begin with anyway.


After several of the strings were cut, Cherry could feel her limbs able to move more and more freely. Seeing her chance, not allowing Emersld to entirely cut all the strings Cherry abruptly kicked all four limbs outward, effectively snapping the remaining strings left and finally freeing herself.


As she rolled herself onto all fours, Cherry didn't waste any time in relishing her freedom as she hopped up in the sir and started buzzing over the other ponies heads,"I'm FREEEEE, I'mfreei'mfreei'mfreeeee, thank you so so much!"


The red Pegasus quickly swooped down and wrapped her hooves around Emerald, squeezing her tightly as she showed her gratitude,"thankthankyouthankyouthsnkyouthankyou!! Oh....ohohohoh..OHOH...I gotta, I'm sorry, I REALLY need to go, I'm sorry....thank you again!!"


Realising she still needed to "go", Cherry abruptly disappeared behind the curtain backstage as she left her partner alone with the guests.

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Coat Tail


Coat looked around at the others. "Well, that was interesting. Hopefully the main performance will go more smoothly." He pawed the ground awkwardly. Suddenly, he noticed the broken strings on the ground.

"Oh, hey, some of these look like they might still be serviceable, they might want them back."


Coat quickly levitated the strings and followed the red pony.

"Umm.. excuse me? I thought you might want these, some still look long enough to use..."

Edited by Evilshy

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Mirror Image
@@Evilshy,@,@@Midnight Scribbler, @
Mirror Image watched as Cherry flew off to the little filly's room. She started to follow her but stopped. That would look weird....especially if they were to come back afterwards....which Cherry would probably want to do. Instead she took a step backwards and looked to the pony that cut the strings. "Uh...um....thank you for your help. I'm sorry you all had to see that. It was my mistake...." She said as she turned her head towards the stallion. Her horn flashes briefly. For just a second it looked like Mirror was glaring at him. 
@@Evilshy, (OOC: Remember this only affects the OC's played by the mentioned player)


A semitransparent wall suddenly appears from nowhere "blocking" your path. A hollow voice is barely audible to your ears. "Don't follow her."



Mirror nervously looks back to the ponies in front of her, glancing towards Coat Tails our of the corner of her eyes. "So...um...I...uh..." She fell quiet for a moment before trying to speak again. "W-we weren't expecting an audience today, did....uh...did Mr. Cask send you for a-uh...evaluation?" she asked, taking another step back.



@,@@Umbreon, @@Midnight Scribbler,


It seemed as if the pony was in no real hurry, as the distant pony slowly shambled along the street and kept its head down. Eventually it stopped and lifted its head. Though it was difficult to tell from the distance, the shape of its head was clearly a stallion, with a light brown coat. His clothes were worn rags that were thrown over a dark gray overcoat. Around his neck hung a wooden puppet. The stallion stood still, his ears twitched as if he were trying to hear a distant noise. A few moments passed before he broke into a gallop straight towards you.

  • Brohoof 1

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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(Short post, sorry guys. I'll post for Sunset later tonight)


Suit twister





Suit sat still for a moment, his head clutched between his hooves. Then, sensing one of the mares attempting to extend her hoof to comfort him, he recoiled silently, then noticed the stallion charging towards them. "EEEERRK!" He choked, attempting to contain a shriek of fear. "Run.. runrunrun we must run. HEHEE! No, RUN!!" He yelped, and rolled backwards, onto his hooves and took off galloping into an alley between the buildings.

  • Brohoof 1

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@@Midnight Scribbler,


Cherry Bomb


The door to the "Little fillies room" opened as Cherry emerged from it, breathing a sigh of relief "Hhoooo, that could have been a disaster, hee hee."

As abrupt as she had left Cherry emerged from behind the curtain as she returned, as she stood on the stage she toom a moment to look at the visitors with a beaming smile, looking quite cheerful and keen before she bounced off the stage and joined Mirror.


"Sorry about that, but that was unavoidable situation, I hope you understand," Cherry smiles at the group rather sheepsihly before she clears her throat "Aaaaaanyhoo, you must be the "trial run" group Lord Blue Bunce asked for right? My Name's Cherry Bomb, professional Clown performer at your service," The young pegasus took a step back as she bowed politely, "....and this is hooded and-in-no-way-whatsoever Mysterious hooded friend of mine is Mirror Image," As Cherry introduced her friend she wrapped one hoof around the mare's neck and slightly squeezed her.


"I'm  sorry you had to see that little happy accident of ours, personally I just Mirror's been workin' too hard, ain't ya?" Cherry glanced her gaze towards the hooded Unicorn and flashed a cheeky wink at her before turning her gaze back to the group, "Did you guys just get here? Wouldn't you rather like to see your rooms instead?"

Edited by Golbez
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Emerald Gaze.




"Admittedly dear, that was one of my next destinations..." Emerald smiled. "But after hearing about your performance, well... we simply couldn't help but come to see for ourselves! You were quite the delight - a most peculiar combination of performance and illusion: I'd love to learn more about it at some stage..."


She blinked - as if only just realising that she was prying into what were probably stage secrets - and quickly raised a hoof to her mouth.


"That is... ahem, I am a performer of sorts myself, on occasion. Quite the amateur I'm afraid, but I'm always looking to improve...."


She trailed off, shook her head and smiled.


"But yes dear, you're quite correct: I don't suppose you could point us on our way from here? I'm hopeless with directions, don't you know? I'm certain that the gentlecolt who greeted us gave instructions but... oh I am simply hopeless!"

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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((And the long awaited post I said I was going to make two nights ago. Sorry guys :P ))

Sunset Glow







Sunset stood, attempting to groom her mane back into some semblance of order for a moment. She stopped, noticing that Coat tails was met suddenly by a semi-transparent barrier as he attempted to follow the actress. The thing didn't look solid, but it was difficult to tell. "That's odd, though, I can understand why.. It must be that unicorn." She thought, gazing to Mirror Image who appeared to have her attention focused on him for a moment.

Overhearing Cherry returning with her cheery tone, and Emerald responding, Sunset chimed in. "Oh, heh yes. I suppose we should be on our way soon. I believe we're expected for dinner, if I'm not mistaken." She smiled at Emerald. "Don't worry, I remember where we need to go." She chuckled lightly "We got out of the carriage right in front of the hotel, remember? It's just back the way we came."

Edited by Midnight Scribbler
  • Brohoof 1

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@@SilverHeart,@@Midnight Scribbler,   


Muddle's ears had started to lower at the sight of Suit Twister moving away from Fizzle's hoof. She was afraid that they had upset him in some way? 


It was about then that Suit Twister had stumbled back and started to make a mad sprint for a near by alley way. He was screaming, "Run!" loudly and seemed like he was trying desperately to escape something. Unfortunately, Muddle thought it was them.  


She had started to lift her hoof behind her head and speak to Fizzle. @@Umbreon"Oh, I guess we frig~" The sound of loud hoofsteps, coming from behind them, stopped Muddle from speaking. She lowered her hoof and looked behind the two. '...?!' 


She was facing towards a running stallion and had started to slowly step backwards in Suits direction. "Uh, Fizzle..."

Edited by Dreamless
  • Brohoof 1

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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@@SilverHeart,@@Midnight Scribbler, @,




Fizzle scrunches up her face as Suit Twister starts to shout, her ears going back before managing to pick up on the sound of galloping hooves.  She turns her head and her eyes widen when she notices the new strange stallion charging towards them, instinctively starting to back up.  "Wh-what's going on!?"  The young mare looks towards Muddle, though she seemed just as confused as she was.  


"Uh," Fizzle blinks once before turning around, away from the stallion with the puppet around his neck.  It was split decision time, and they didn't have a lot of information to work with...  So, Fizzle was just going to have to trust her gut.  Suit Twister had been speaking with them, even if it had been strangely, but this mysterious pony was just... Running at them.  And Suit had seemed rather afraid of him for some reason.  "Well you heard him...  Run?"  


The young mare was already starting to move as she spoke, turning her head back to glance towards Muddle and to see if the stallion was getting any closer.  She probably should have been watching where she was running instead, as she missed the alley Suit Twister had ran down and ran into the wall of one of the buildings a few feet away.  Bouncing back a couple feet, Fizzle lifts one hoof to rub at her head before staggering towards the alleyway.  "Owww..."

  • Brohoof 2











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Coat Tail


Coat Tail was quite surprised when he bumped into nothing, and even more so when he heard the voice in his head. He saw the glint of a horn out of the corner of his eye, and turned quickly. It was gone before he could really see, but it seemed that the hooded mare had stopped him with a glare and a bit of magic. Odd, he thought. Something was definitely fishy, but he decided not to push it. Not knowing what to do, he dropped the strings in the ground near the invisible wall and slowly walked back to the group.


It was only when Sunset mentioned dinner that he realized how hungry he was. Makes sense, all I've had for the better part of the day is wine. He glanced around casually, acting as though the invisible wall thing had never happened.

"I'm quite hungry, now that you mention it. Been something of an eventful day." He turned to the performers. "Perhaps you two would like to come with us? If its okay with everyone else. Unless you're busy, of course." He added, somewhat hastily.

  • Brohoof 2

Signature now 99% less edgy!

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Emerald Gaze.


@@Midnight Scribbler,




"Aha, excellent! Well then, shall we be off?"


Emerald smiled with a slight look of relief at hearing that Sunset wasn't quite as hopeless as she was when it came to directions - and as much as she would have liked to discuss the performance more, there was plenty of time to do that another day, and they were probably overstaying their welcome.





"It was a splendid performance: I look forward to seeing the final act." The diplomat nodded towards Cherry (and the very reserved, hooded figure identified as 'Mirror') as she made to turn and leave.


"Dinner sounds excellent - I do hope that things continue as they have began - I'm growing quite partial to this holiday already!"

Never quite forgotten.

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Mirror Image


@, @@Evilshy, @@Midnight Scribbler, @@Golbez, @


"H-hold on just a moment please." Mirror called out to the other ponies before leaning over to whisper into Cherry's ear. "I know you like meeting new ponies...so if you want to we could head back early. I know it's a waste of the extra time they gave us but...I just...don't think that practicing would be a good idea now. And I don't think we would have to worry about packing our equipment. Harmony...or...maybe it was Tragedy...well one of them said that they wouldn't be practicing for their play today. So do you want to walk back to the hotel with them?"




@@Umbreon, @,


The Stallion continued to run as fast as he could towards the ponies, which for a pony of his age was quite commendable, doubly so for a pony with his handicap. He was just lucky that the streets were largely abandoned. "Get away from him! That stallion is dangerous!" the elder pony shouted at the two mares. He considered himself lucky that he had been close enough to hear Suit Twister's voice, who knew what would happen if that nutjob had his way?

  • Brohoof 1

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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Cherry Bomb


Cherry smiled at Mirror before talking quietly back to her cloaked friend, "Are you sure Mirry?...It was just a little accident that could have happened to any-pony..maybe...sorta...anyway I'm fine really....are...are you ok? Cherry reached a hoof up Mirror's face as she ever so carefully slid her mask down to look at her friends face and moved her own head closer to Mirrors , blocking the view and preventing any-pony else from looking, Cherry knew exactly why Mirror wore a mask and she respected her friends wishes, hence why she was being so careful with it.


After sliding Mirror's mask back Cherry playfully poked Mirror's nose with an accompanying giggle, "Y'know ya do look alittle worn out, do you wanna get some rest before dinner while these guys around?"

Edited by Golbez
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@@SilverHeart,@@Umbreon,@@Midnight Scribbler,


"Well you heard him...  Run?"

When Muddle looked back, the little filly standing next to her was gone. She had run off in the direction behind her. It didn't take long for Muddle to start doing the same, but before she could turn around and chase after Fizzle and Scribbler.


"Get away from him! That stallion is dangerous!"

Suit Twister may have seemed off when they met, but dangerous? She didn't put much time into figuring out if the old stallion was telling the truth or not. Acting quickly, and without much thought, Muddle ran after Suit and Fizzle.


It was only moments later that she felt something hindering her movement. It was the dress she wore. '... Oh come on!' She could feel herself losing balance and soon fell to the ground. 



Shadow watched Muddle from it's seat on the roof. It didn't really have a comment other than, "Feathers," for what it just saw. It sighed and slowly started to climb down from the roof. 


Edited by Dreamless
  • Brohoof 2

"This mead is five silver, but I only have four... Lets roll initiative!"

My OC: Witty Thought

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Mirror attempted a smile, hoping to put Cherry's mind at ease. "I think I'm-" the magician began to speak but cut herself off when Cherry reached for the mask. She found herself nearly frozen, almost unable to move. Without the mask Mirror lowered her gaze toward Cherry's hooves and turned her head to the right, hiding most of the right side of her face behind her hood. A few seconds went by before Mirror mustered the courage to look back up at Cherry who chose this moment to slide the mask back on. With her mask back on, Mirror found quickly leaned forward and nuzzled her friend's cheek. That um, does sound nice.

Silver HeartLapisMirror Image-My OC Ponies.


Signature by PixiGlow

Are you bored? Read my fanfic! Canterlot in Chaos (Criticism is welcome)

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@@SilverHeart,@@Midnight Scribbler,  @,




Fizzle, oblivious to Muddle falling or the new stallion's words through the throbbing in her head from running head first into the wall, was still in the process of staggering down the alley.  "Hello?"  The young mare glances around as she walks, trying to figure out where Suit could have possibly taken off to.  The fact that she had a map slipping her mind for the moment, Fizzle just wandered down the alleyway aimlessly, still thinking that Muddle was behind her.


"Suit Twister?  What was that all about?"  Finally turning to try and ask Muddle what she thought, Fizzle froze up when she saw the other mare wasn't with her.  Slowly looking around, Fizzle very slowly starts backing down the alley, hoping to see Muddle coming up behind her by walking backwards.  "Uh...  Muddle?"  Glancing around at the alley, Fizzle's ears go back against her head a little.  "Anypony?"











@Vaporeon: N-Harmonia : Ampharos @Flareon: Descant/Bard



@Espeon: Locked @Umbreon: Lhee @Leafeon: Firebolt @Glaceon: Mal @Sylveon: Don'tDropThatDedenne

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Sunset Glow







Sunset glanced around as the group seemed to unanimously agree that it was time to get ready for the dinner. "Well then, the more the merrier." She said, grinning as the two performers even seemed interested in tagging along with them. She was interested to learn more about these two, they both seemed very interesting. Especially the masked one, Mirror. What was she hiding behind that colourful, false visage? It would be rude to ask outright here and now, it seemed as though she was shy, perhaps she suffered stage fright? It wouldn't be hard to believe. Standing up in front of an audience was a terrifying thought for Sunset, she'd never liked doing it. Perhaps Mirror would be more open to talk later, once the attention was less focused on her and her companion.


Sunset had noticed there was a member of their own group that seemed to be quite shy or just simply quiet and reserved. Gardenia had barely spoken the whole trip. Maybe she and Mirror would make good friends, Sunset thought for a moment before shaking her side tracking thoughts aside. "Shall we be off then? I'm going to need to fix this mess of a mane before we go out tonight." She said with a chuckle, and began turning towards the aisle leading out. "Oh, I just had a thought." She turned her head back around to face the group. "Does anypony remember if Red Cask told us where the dinner was? I seem to have forgotten." She asked with a slightly sheepish grin.

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@@Midnight Scribbler,



Cherry Bomb


Cherry giggled as she returned the gesture to her friend as she nuzzled her nose into Mirror's neck, her flicked as she heard one of the other guests asking where they were supposed to head too next, giving Mirror's ear a quick nudge with her nose Cherry abruptly swung round and began to jump up and down on the spot, "Oh! Oh! I know! I know! Mr Cask said we would be having a special dinner up at the grand mansion specially for you, come on I'll show you!" Without further warning the red mare skipped her way past the guests and out of the theater entrance.


"Well come on then, slowpokes! I thought you were hungry?" Looking back Cherry beamed at the guests as she waited for them to follow her.

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