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request shop Psyco Dash Photoshop Art


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Some people think that using a couple apps to do photoshopping compared to how you do it on the computer is like comparing microwaveable pizza to oven baked pizza.

I say that is not the case!

I can do many things (as shown in my past artwork) with my photoshoping apps.

Although it is not as good and advanced as the PC, I always seem to impress people with what I can do.

Here's an example of what you would expect from the apps I use:




What you must do:


1. Post a photo you want to be photoshopped.

2. I will brohoof your request if I except it.

3. I will reply back with the finished picture.

Edited by Psyco Dash
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Ponify it.

Could you be bit more clear?

Give it a Rainbow Dash feel to it. Change the colors, background to make it like something that Rainbow Dash would drive. 

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Give it a Rainbow Dash feel to it. Change the colors, background to make it like something that Rainbow Dash would drive.


I think I sort of over did it with the brightness.


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