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open Casual Baltimare RP Reboot


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When the other mare approached, Violet turned slightly red, and froze. After a moment, she turned her head to the other mare. "Yeah, I've read it." She said, carefully, while also trying to sound polite. She had read far too many books about ponies being betrayed by others that they had met along in life. She wasn't sure why she always thought that would happen to her if she wasn't careful. Violet realized that she was probably mulling over those thoughts a moment too long, and finally spoke again. "Oh, and my name is Violet." Her voice cracked nervously when she spoke, this time.

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@ @@Filthy Cropper


SkyHeart could tell when a pony was nervouse, because she suffered from shy awkwardness herself. She spoke softly, and looked at the books, she Violet wouldnt feel like she was focusing to much on her.


"Well, my new friend Lorem and I are heading to the house I am staying at. I am new here. Then we are goignt to the park. would you like to come?" She said, a gentle smile on her face.

Edited by SkyHeart
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Signature by the beautiful Scarlet <3 

Always listen to your own heart...

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@ and @SkyHeart


Lorem took a sigh of relief. Usually, ponies were weirded out when he asked that they talk straight to his face but Sky had just acknowledged it. He watched as the mare went over to another pony in the library.


Even from where he was standing, Lorem could see that this new mare was anxious about something. He went to go over to see if he could help but stopped at the door. His large body usually just made ponies more nervous. Also, Sky had asked to be excused so it wouldn't have felt right to follow and watch her whenever she went somewhere. Lorem chose to just wait by the door for Sky.

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@@Filthy Cropper,@@SkyHeart,



Violet forced a smile, "Sure, I will tag along." It made her uncomfortable that they were just willing to drag her along with them without knowing anything about her, but she was interested in the fact that they seemed to care about a stranger. Her forced smile turned into a little grin when she would think of her fathers being the same way.


Violet approached the Stallion near the exit. "He's huge." Her eyes showed her surprise, but her mouth betrayed the look in her eyes with a "Hello," directed at the stallion. "I'm Violet."

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@ and @SkyHeart


Lorem perked up when he saw Sky and Violet exit the library. He'd given the pair some privacy by restraining from reading what they were saying but resumed reading when they got close. This turned out to be a good idea as the moment they left the library, one of them was talking to Lorem.


He looked down to see a still rather nervous Violet introducing herself. "Hello Violet," he replied quietly. "I'm Lorem. Please don't be too scared of me. And also, it may seem odd but I need you to face me when you talk otherwise I can't understand you."

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@@Filthy Cropper,@@SkyHeart




Violet, still slightly intimidated by the Stallion's size, was almost afraid to ask, but her curiosity got the better of her. She looked straight at him, "Nice to meet you...and...why, exactly?" She asked in an innocent tone, so as to seem at least a bit more polite about it.

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(I'm so, so, so, so, so sorry! I've had a creative block and school and am currently sort of sick, and haven't been able to put together aa post. i'm really sorry for taking so long.)
Kisu used eating as an excuse for not answering Ambrosia's offer right away. On one hoof, she wanted to just get to... wherever she was going to live and be alone, but on the other, the mare seemed friendly enough and didn't seem like she would be the prying type. And she did want to look around Baltimare...
"Um, sure," she replied, giving her a weak smile. "I don't have much to do. No... pressing matters to attend to."

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@@Mint Drop,

(('tis alright. I am a patient person. 'tho, now I am not certain of where exactly we should go. Most everypony seems to be in the library. Perhaps you could think of someplace that could exist our characters could check out?)) 


"Ooh?" Ambrosia exclaimed with chipper enthusiasm, her tail twitched. "Great!" She smiled widely, and got up from her seat with excitement. But then she remembered that Kisu was still enjoying her own snack, so she sat down, a slight blush of embarrassment on her face. "Um, whenever you're ready to leave, that is," she rubbed the back of her neck with her hoof, "heh-heh."

Edited by Aged Rain
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@ and @SkyHeart


It was obvious to Lorem that he would have to prove to Violet at he wasn't as scary as he size made out. She seemed like the sort that would need reassurance. "Well," Lorem began. "Miss Violet, if I can't see your face and more importantly, your mouth. I can't understand you. I'm deaf so I have to lipread to be able to understand you in conversation. Unless you know sign language, that is but I find sign language is awkward and can limit conversation."


Lorem wasn't too sure how Violet would take the news that he was deaf. She was already nervous of his abnormal size so what we she think about his abnormal hearing?

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@@Filthy Cropper@@SkyHeart


Violet's expression was one of intrigue and surprise. "I never would've guessed." She forced another smile. The mare had turned a bit red due to her trying to use an "innocent" tone earlier, or any tone for that matter, she was embarrassed, and would just never be able to explain why, so she didn't bother trying. Violet always wondered how she could be so socially awkward.

Edited by Becker (Fender)
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@ and @SkyHeart


Lorem took what Violet said as a compliment. "When you've been lipreading since birth," he said with a pride in his voice. "You start to become quite good at it." He smiled but stopped when he saw that the mare was still feeling nervous or anxious about something. He crouched down to he level. "There's no need to be nervous around me," he whispered. "You don't have to impress me or anything."

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Scarlet Rose.


"Why though? Why get to know me?" Scarket huffed - slumping back into the chair in a frustrated manner: though it was herself that she was most frustrated with that that very moment for being so careless and giving so much away.


"Look, I'm being as nice as I can here!" Came the grumbled expression. "I don't want to talk about myself: not to you - not to anyone - so just drop it already."


Finishing her drink, she eyed the moody stallion uneasily.


"Is that so hard to understand? I don't like it. Vengeful Celestia... I'd rather be with my brother - at least he doesn't harp on about 'getting to know me' all the time, even if he is an arrogant idiot... Why do you need to know about me? I'm just some stuck up mare that you met in the street, nopony special!"

  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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Scribblegroove sighed. He didn't know what he wanted now anyway. He just didn't understand. Was he supposed to just keep guessing what she did want to talk about if she wouldn't reveal anything about herself? It was simply stupid!


"You know what, you are special. You are the first pony I ever met who was so difficult to interact with. If you don't want to talk about yourself, I wont know what you like, and then I don't know what to talk about. It virtually negates any social interaction we could possibly have." He uttered with a frustrated look on his face. He looked around to see if anypony was listening to their conversation. He already started to feel a little embarassed about all of this.


"I don't want to keep talking about myself all the time either, and if we aren't going to talk I might as well work on my composition. Take some initiative... or something. If you don't want to talk at all why would you sit here with me... Do you enjoy getting into arguments like these? What makes you happy? Up until now you only seem to be dissapointed with anything I say." He really wondered what made her act this way. Not liking to talk about yourself is easy to understand, but why even bother starting a conversation with somepony if you aren't going to say anything about yourself? Were they supposed to talk about the weather?


He shifted in his seat again and grabbed his drink and neurvously slurped at it. He calmed down a little and relaxed. Even though this mare was rather uneasy, she was interesting to talk to. At least she was not as empty-minded as the mares in canterlot. They would just smile dumb and nod... He looked at her again and spoke softly this time, also easing his frown a little. "I'm sorry if I annoy you, but what am I supposed to do? Just sit here and do nothing? I'd be fine with that if that is what you want. I mean, talking is something you do for fun right? I you aren't having fun we might as well quit..."

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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@@Filthy Cropper @


Skyheart smiled to see her two new friends getting along. Some ponies may find it odd that she was willing to trust and befriend ponies so fast, but it was just another one of her special talents.


"Well" she said, making sure to face Lorem. "Shall we go?" she fluttered out the door, and into the evening sunshine. She needed to find her aunt's house, and care for her goldfish. Her aunt was a bit eccentiric, and had a strict feeding schedual for her 'Sweetie Weetie Goldie'.


"I think we should visit the park. Or maybe the cafe down the lane?" she looked back at her new friends.

  • Brohoof 1


Signature by the beautiful Scarlet <3 

Always listen to your own heart...

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Scarlet Rose.


Scarlet smiled. It was actually more if a leer than a smile, but there was at least some emotion behind the display that wasn't pure resentment - however little. Either way, it was an improvement over the usual scowl or sarcastic smirk that adorned her expression.


"Isn't this fun?" she asked - voice syrupy sweet for a moment, just as when she had spoken to the ponies she knew well - if it was an act, then it was a damn good one. "You shouldn't presume that you know a pony you've just met, you know - didn't they teach you that at 'Sunbutt's special school'?"


And with the same suddenness, the tone (and scowl) returned just as quickly as they had faded.


"What you don't know about me could fill a book... trust me, If I wanted you gone? You'd be gone. You think I'm difficult? I can show you difficult if you like. Maybe I just don't want anyone I know to see me with you - maybe I'm just mean."


She flashed a smirk.


"Or maybe your not as eloquent and charismatic as you thought you were? Maybe your disappointed that somepony isn't just falling over at your words? Maybe you just resent me because I make you resent yourself?"


Placing a hoof very lightly against her muzzle, the mare feigned deep debate for a second.


"Or maybe I am just mean after all?"

  • Brohoof 1

Never quite forgotten.

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Scribblegroove's expression turned from frustrated to confused, to dumbstruck and then to sad. It was a piercing remark, and there was an essence of truth in it, though it was not entirely correct. His ears pointed down, and his eyes followed. He resented himself a little for not having anything except music to give, and her for not being interested by it at all... But this was different.


"Well, I can't say I wasn't disappointed when my social skills lacked too much to get you to talk..." He started. He looked up to her and suddendly smiled, his eyes opened wide in fascination. "But after a while I lost hope... But you just changed it. What an excellent breakdown of character! How did you do that? You found precisely what was bothering me and left me flabbergasted!" He exclaimed. "Are you some kind of diplomat? Or an actress? I'm impressed..."


He laughed to himself, and slurped on his drink again. Yet again she had shown a little more of herself and of her talents. Perhaps it had taken a serious toll on his ego, but he was getting there.


"And I'll admit, I didn't get much social interaction through my years of study in 'Sunbutts special school'. I don't consider myself charismatic at all. But look at how far I've come with you now? I find it quite a good job considering the circumstances. You haven't declared me a moron yet and ran off, so that's a good sign... Oh, and by the way. I never said I resented you, I only found it difficult to talk to you, but that just changed as well, so..." He said with a smirk. He was a little surprised by himself really. By trying to bring him down this mare had given him confidence again!


"Now I am having fun! Come on! Try to make me resent myself even more. I find your acting entertaining!" He said whilst snickering, ridiculing the mare a little. "Or do you want to see my acting? I'll warn you, I am horrible. I'd rather make music!"

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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@@SkyHeart and


Lorem broke into a trot to catch up with Sky. He smiled. It was odd to see a pony remember to face him when they spoke so quickly and it was a relief that at least somepony in this town was able to remember. 'It's only fair that I tell her' he thought. He made sure that he was next to Sky before addressing her. "Excuse me, Sky," he said. "If you're wondering why I need you to look at me when you talk, I don't blame you; it's odd. I need ponies to look at me because I'm deaf and if they don't look, I can't lipread what they're saying and understand them."


He took a step to the side to give Sky more space. He didn't feel bad when it came to telling ponies that he was deaf and that his seeming strange request had a reason behind. He told hundreds over the years so the feeling of being abnormal had gone and passed. Lorem didn't see being deaf as a freakish problem, more of a challenge that makes life all the more satisfying.


Eagerly, Lorem looked at his surroundings. The buildings were starting to become more sparse as the trio neared the edge of the city. Lush forests rolled into view over the horizon and starlings flew in a flocks of brown and black. The wind was still so grass and leaves stood undisturbed and branches dangled silently.

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@@SkyHeart,@@Filthy Cropper,  


Violet followed along, in the back of the pack. She didn't think to say much during their walk to...wherever they were headed. Instead, she returned to the subject she had in mind earlier, about not being able to hold a book and walk, or at least not easily. She had tried flying and holding the books in her hooves, but she usually drifted off and hit things because she couldn't feel where she was going in the air. The mare soon realized she had been zoning out on the flank of the Earth Pony in front of her for far too long, and quickly turned her head elsewhere, hoping he wouldn't notice.

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I always point out that my character aren't a way for me to voice my own opinions: quite the opposite in fact. Even so, I just waited to mention it before Scarlet got nasty. She does that - she's more than a little sour, so to speak. I'm really terrible at writing nasty characters because I always feel bad when I do!
Seriously though: Scarlet is nasty, and I know that Scribblegroove is your ponysona. Just pointing out that this is all drivel that she's saying and I don't mean for it to be interpreted as an attack at all. I don't agree with any of it - I'm just good at making anything and everything into damn nasty insults, and thats the skill that I share with Scarlet.



Scarlet Rose.
Scarlet gave a dark, half smirk to herself as she pushed the empty glass across towards the center of the table - awaiting collection. Well, this had been a tremendous waste of time: she'd not achieved any reading whatsoever - just managed to pick up another idiot fancolt who fancied himself as being a little sharp-tongued. His words stung - regardless of how much she deserved them - and he had asked her to make him resent himself. Acting as she did, it was sometimes hard to tell where the real her ended and the scathing facade began.
Well, if there was one thing that Scarlet was good at - that she as the world saw her was good at, at least - it was insulting ponies. Blind jibes were ones thing, but it had taken years of maintaining a frosty exterior to learn what social cues to pick up on. Just how to twist words, how to ignore how she actually felt in favor of blind spite.
"Oh, another game? Yeah okay. Meanwhile, I'm going to be over here in Equestria. You know, where we have to work to achieve things, and cant just coast through life on some useless hobby."
It wasn't good when she got herself worked up: nine times out of ten it was her own fault - but it never ended well.
"Did you just say 'how far you've come with me'? Somepony like you couldn't even begin to try and understand somepony like me. I might not be special but at least I've got my integrity. You go pretending that you're actually contributing to life somehow. You pick up some worthless, benign pastime that you can pass off as hard work, then you think your so clever, sitting making noises while the rest of us actually work to achieve what we dream of!"
Indeed - Scarlet had snapped. She never quite shouted: only raising her voice to put emphasis on certain words. No - her volume remained level as her tone turned from cold indifference to icy contempt. All the while glaring at the stallion.

"And then, when you realize that you're talking to a mare that wont just nod and tell you how amazing you are, you start to panic as you see just how worthless it all is. Music? Oh yeah, great - tell me when music feeds a starving family or picks somepony down on their luck out of the gutter. I bet you don't know anything about the world out there, do you? Of course you don't!"
Finally seemingly deciding that she had had enough (or perhaps simply running out of words), the mare stood abruptly - speaking slightly more loudly so that she could be heard as she sauntered away without looking back.
"I don't need this... go find some airheaded filly to impress."

Edited by Cinderscribe

Never quite forgotten.

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Verdant hurriedly bounced back to the cafe where she had met Kisu and Ambrosia. She soon arrived there and froze in front of one of the windows.


Verdant could see fiery expressions and words being exchanged by two ponies through the window. She skipped into the cafe and placed herself in front of the mare who had just stood up. "Whatcha dooooin'?" Verdant simply kept bouncing while awaiting an answer.

Edited by Becker (Fender)
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(AHA! I've got you NOW! You stole that! I gave you that very information that this was his greatest fear! But now, fear scribblegroove's eardrum tearing wrath)


Scribblegroove stood there for a moment. The words flew past him like wind, the insults that were brought among them stung heavily. He looked at her with an expression on his face that would surely statisfy her. It was pure grief. He still couldn't help but feel impressed. They had been talking for about 15 minutes and she managed to grab him by his most emotionally painful spot.


is she some kind of witch? How did she get me so worked up? I know I asked for it but this...


As she walked away he kept staring at the horizon, thinking about what she said. He felt like he was about to break away in tears. That he was about to start sobbing. He stood up and looked back at the mare. She was walking away. "So this is what makes you happy" he said softly. She wouldn't have heard that because she was too far away already. He stood still for one more second. Thinking... Was this responsible what he was about to do?


"Screw responsibility, I've got a reputation to uphold"


He had tried. Throught the last few weeks Scribblegroove had tried to be a nice personality. But this mare, she was asking for it.


He stormed after her out the door, into a relatively crowded street, with the cafè still close behind him. He saw her sauntering away. Inside him a rage built up into a blazing fire. He wouldn't hold back now...


"DON'T YOU WALK OUT ON ME" he screamed, his voice amplified several times through his magic. It resonated throughout the streets, and would surely have hurt a few of the bystanders ears.


He caught up with the red maned mare, stepped in front of her and looked her straight in the eye. "IS THIS USELESS!?" he asked the mare in a totally reasonable tone of voice, but with so much more power that it could've torn both of their eardrums.


He continued without his magical amplification, but spoke loudly still. "I study at one of the most prestegious schools in canterlot, and I will not be insulted by a passionless, grey, sadistical and outright mean mare like you. I study about 7-9 hours on a normal day, with more integrity than this entire town combined. I have travelled around equestria to find the wise few that could help me construct a bloody new spell! I am not only a musician, I AM A MAGE, for fucks sake! I contributed to the works of a few of the greatest mages alive and dead! And you?!"


He paused for a moment. He looked at her with his most disgusted and contemptuous look. He then grinned. "You are a coward and a leech on society. Instead of expressing your passions that you clearly have you act like a mare that will and should be hated by everypony. You insult me for studying music... Ok I get that, but at least I inspire ponies. I make them wonder and follow their dreams. People look up to you in fear!"


He continued with a sarcastic tone "Contributing to the world? I know I do, and I am certain whatever you do means something as well..."


He brought up something she had said before. "You've got a reputation to uphold? The reputation of someone who should be despised and avoided? Of someone who doesn't want friends but needs social interaction to sate her sadistic means!?" He stepped forward, closer to her face. "You like music, more than you show it. You don't hate me for making music, nor for 'not working' for what I achieved, which I clearly did. I don't think you really hate me at all. All you want and seem to enjoy is to hurt other ponies. Well, I hope for you that you have some other kind of special talents besides exploiting ponies' weaknesses, and then proceeding to walk out like a-" he charged his horn, it lit up bright and then: "COWARD!" he yelled again, with his voice amplified greatly.


"What have you achieved in your life when you live in a shitty town like Baltimare? Are you some kind of gardener? A failed writer? Perhaps you are a muscisian, but you just hate me because I took the time to invest in my talents and you didn't? ... Or perhaps I am just mean after all." He added softly in the void of silence that his loud outburst had left behind, his face looked tormented and aggrevated but at the same time he had a slight grin on his face. He kept standing there, staring straight into her eyes, ready to strike back at any insult she could throw at him. He was done with this mare...


Only now he noticed that there was a pony who had addressed to them. He answered his question briskly. "'We're having a lively conversation'... What does it look like?" He said with the endless sarcasm in his voice that he hasn't used for a long time.

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Scarlet Rose.


Scarlet felt the impact of the words in more ways than one as they hit her like a freight train. She leaned back an inch or two - towards the mare that had just approached and away from the roaring unicorn. It was at times like this that she felt her worst - yet her best. Depraved but exhilarated - alive! She had done this: triggered this reaction. She had roused the dragon from this feeble form - ignited the same fire of passion in him that she hid away inside. So what if it meant that - were she speaking the truth - her own dreams were as meaningless as what she claimed his were?


And of course, she died a little bit inside. He wasn't wrong - not completely anyway. Surprisingly accurate in all honesty - was she really that transparent?


It was a curious feeling - to both love and loath the very same emotion.


"There it is, see? 'Oh no, not all of us are like that' but when a filthy earth pony turns her back on a great and powerful Mage, that all changes, doesn't it?"


Snorting in contempt, she glanced towards the mare who had approached. She hadn't had chance to say much at all - but from what little she had said, it wasn't likely to be a conversation she enjoyed. Rather than entering a conversation, she simply sidestepped around Verdant eyes stinging as she muttered in a seething tone.


"I was just leaving."

Never quite forgotten.

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Scribblegroove outright groaned. "You arrogant piece of stubborn shit that is not what I meant at all" he snapped at her. "At least I do something with the talents that were given to me!" He turned around and went back into the cafè to retrieve his bags, stomping his hooves loudly on the ground in frustration. It's not the horn that made him better than her, it was what he did with it! If she were a unicorn it wouldn't have made a difference!


As he walked in he got several strange glares from the ponies around who had heard him scream with the volume of a heavy metal concert in it's prime. He knocked over the chair, levitated the bags on his back and threw a bunch of bits on the table, nearly twice of what the drink had cost him, and walked out again.


He stepped out on the street and approached the red maned mare one more time. "You don't have to be a unicorn to acknowledge and utilize your talents and become a diplomat, a writer or an actress! A psychologist of psychiatrist perhaps? It doesn't matter, but don't leave it at this! If there is one thing I hate more than ignorance it is wasted talent! I don't see myself as a better person that you just because I am unicorn, but because you are blind" He said to her infuriated but in control this time, softly slithering the words between his teeth.


He gave her a mean look and sneered at her. "Go on then... leave. Nopony wants you here..."

Edited by Scribblegroove

How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Three percent of the population likes classical music, if only we could get it up to four percent we'd be back in business and all our problems would be over." How would you walk, how would you talk if you thought: "Everybody loves classical music! They just haven't found out about it yet!" It's an entirely different world. It's what you make of it that counts.


I found an easy way to find out if you've inspired someone. If their eyes are shining, you know you're doing it!

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Scarlet Rose.


"Fine - have fun."


Scarlet left.


Striding away, she only let the harsh smirk fade once she knew that she was far enough away that she wouldn't be noticed - it wasn't easy to maintain her composure at times like this, but breaking down in front of ponies was a sign of weakness.


She wasn't weak - she had build this exterior to be the exact opposite...


Rubbing a foreleg against her eyes as she stopped to take a deep breath, the vindictive mare shuddered a little. Had she been rational? Of course she hadn't! That wasn't the point though - better to be considered an arrogant failure than a weak one. At least this way they all knew that she shouldn't be crossed - that she wasn't just going to change who she was just to be accepted, or that she was going to just accept someone because they demanded it.


She was Scarlet! She didn't need their acceptance...


Turning into an alley, the mare slipped between the nearest buildings - weaving between them with an uncanny familiarity as she made her way home, all the while blinking rapidly as a soft, comforting tune caught in her throat. She had better things to do that argue with some egotistical foal... she wasn't exactly certain what exactly, but something!

Never quite forgotten.

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Verdant simply hopped along several pony-lengths behind the mare.


The seemingly mindless mare simply ignored all the anger back at the cafe. When in the alleyways, she again popped up next to the mare. "What was all of that about?" She said happily, a big smile on her face.

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