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Worshiping this show?


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Perhaps its greatest flaw, imo

I'm sorry.

What is your definition of religion?

Psyco Dash has a point I mean just take a look at all the plaques, floods, and massacres all in the name of god that is not fun.

God had his reasons for has actions.

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Anyways, a sane person cannot make a TV show their religion.  Aside from Princess of the Sun's attempt to make Celestia a god, I don't think I've seen anyone think of this as a religion.

Edited by StarSwirlTheBearded
  • Brohoof 1


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Keep in mind that Christianity is based on the History Channel miniseries The Bible.  It isn't like this would be the first religion based on television.


Anyways, a sane person cannot make a TV show their religion.  Aside from Princess of the Sun's attempt to make Celestia a god, I don't think I've seen anyone think of this as a religion.



Are you kidding me?

Tell me your trolling.

Christianity is based off of the book of the Bible which has been written over the course of many thousands of years.

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Well yeah.

Christianity is a tad bit different.

I'm just saying its a bit ridiculous to base your religion off of a TV show.


Yeah. You seem to have a point.

It may be silly to you. But this "silly" belief, many people happen to believe in it. At least the egregore part. And I would rather have a benevolent matriarchy than a malevolent patriarchy where most of humanity is shoveled into an everburning hellfire. And I'll end it there, because I don't want to start a flame war. But I advise you to educate yourself more on religious and spiritual matters, before insulting someone else's beliefs, when yours would look just as silly to those who never heard of them before. I admit, scripture has a "possibility" of being written by God. But egregores have just as much of a possibility of existing.

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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Anyways, a sane person cannot make a TV show their religion.  Aside from Princess of the Sun's attempt to make Celestia a god, I don't think I've seen anyone think of this as a religion.


Hey...I resemble that remark and take offense to it.

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[controversial content removed]


Anyways, a sane person cannot make a TV show their religion.  Aside from Princess of the Sun's attempt to make Celestia a god, I don't think I've seen anyone think of this as a religion.

Well, I didn't come up with the idea. Although I do kinda support it. But I doubt I'm gonna learn advanced dangerous magicks just to make it a reality. I value my soul.

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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I will say things like "good Celestia," but I don't actually worship the show. (This is not supposed to be offensive or satirical either. It's just a joke.)  


Sig made by Kyoshi.

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Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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Well, I didn't come up with the idea. Although I do kinda support it. But I doubt I'm gonna learn advanced dangerous magicks just to make it a reality. I value my soul.


Pfft. Souls are overrated.

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I haven't really seen someone legitimately worship the show,  and I hang around nearly every MLP site barring /mlp/...


Not sure if it is counted as worshiping, but a few of my friends had come across some dislusional fool who believed that Equestria was real and that he came from there.

  • Brohoof 1


(Avatar art done by and Signature art done by @Guardian Braveheart (Aka my little brother), Avatar and Signature done by myself)

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It may be silly to you. But this "silly" belief, many people happen to believe in it. At least the egregore part. And I would rather have a benevolent matriarchy than a malevolent patriarchy where most of humanity is shoveled into an everburning hellfire. And I'll end it there, because I don't want to start a flame war. But I advise you to educate yourself more on religious and spiritual matters, before insulting someone else's beliefs, when yours would look just as silly to those who never heard of them before. I admit, scripture has a "possibility" of being written by God. But egregores have just as much of a possibility of existing.

You might as well create your own Bible.

I believe the Scriptures go beyond the mind do to God influencing and using the person writing the Bible.

To me egregore is merely inspired by


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Does anyone legitamately worship MLP? I'd think a lot of people who say "Praise Celestia" are joking...fandoms are known to go over the line in some cases (cough "cut 4 bieber" cough) but making it an actual religion? I'm not sure...

  • Brohoof 2
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I'm sorry.

What is your definition of religion?



A system of beliefs indoctrinated into a population so that the authorities that established said beliefs may exert control over said believers when there isn't enough survailence and police force to control the population I thought it was a fun game of pretend.


What in world kind of silly statement is that?


A statment made in irreverance to the concept of the soul, in light of my personal beliefs on the subject of the soul, which are more or less based on Peter J Carrols ideas of "the soul", modern science, and my own personal philosophy.

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I remember when I had a soul...


Sig made by Kyoshi.

Cool things people have said about me:

Never heard of him but I guess just you mentioning him is a good reason not to go anywhere near that name.

(In reference to an author I suggested.)



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You might as well create your own Bible.

I believe the Scriptures go beyond the mind do to God influencing and using the person writing the Bible.

To me egregore is merely inspired by

There is so much I can tell you that would blow your mind. But I don't want any warning points, or to turn this into a flame war. I'll simply say, the information is there if you can open your mind and at least research about it. If you're up for a debate and feel strong in your beliefs, you're welcome to PM me and we'll talk about it there.


Also, now that I think about it, I don't think any of the mythos surrounding deities is true anyway. I believe they're all just wise spirits/angels/something else who want to help guide humanity on the right path. Or maybe, the universe is divine, and it uses different messengers to spread the message of peace, love, etc. And beings like Yahweh, Zeus, Odin, could've actually been human wisemen, who became so well respected that they were deified by their cultures. Ever notice how all religion has a common theme? (or at least most of them)

  • Brohoof 1

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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Myself, and some others, believe that there's an egregore of Celestia floating around somewhere, and we were going to use chaos magick to give her godhood. Because any egregore that becomes popular enough, can become a godform. But as for myself, I abandoned the idea, because the egregore is based on the Celestia from the cartoon, so it would have her memories. So, I don't think her inclination would be to help earth. She would be confused, and wondering how to get back home. And that, would be a cruel fate. So instead, I'm gonna see about creating an original egregore to make into a goddess.


Also, worshipping a cartoon character doesn't make any less sense than worshipping a deity based off an old collection of random stories. Although back then, the people had a legitimate reason to worship him, because they really believed he was real. But it's not like people wouldn't have a legitimate reason to worship Celestia as well, as long as they were willing to use magick to make an actual goddess based off her, but like I said. We'd be basically pulling her out of her own cosmos.


It makes me wonder if such a thing were possible, the "greedy" people would be scrabbling to "capture" her and make money off of her. Also if it were possible to make a god being based off of "Celestia" then this could start a religion war of sorts. You would hear things like  "Why did you make that kind of god? *Insert popular religious figure here* is the TRUE savor, burn in HELL!"  Our most bloody wars were fought over religion.


As for bronies turning it into a religion, that is news to me, then again someone on here did say the some Star Wars people think Jedi is a religion.   Wouldn't surprise me that the press would have a field day with this.

Edited by Rye_B_P
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There is so much I can tell you that would blow your mind. But I don't want any warning points, or to turn this into a flame war. I'll simply say, the information is there if you can open your mind and at least research about it. If you're up for a debate and feel strong in your beliefs, you're welcome to PM me and we'll talk about it there.


Also, now that I think about it, I don't think any of the mythos surrounding deities is true anyway. I believe they're all just wise spirits/angels/something else who want to help guide humanity on the right path. Or maybe, the universe is divine, and it uses different messengers to spread the message of peace, love, etc. And beings like Yahweh, Zeus, Odin, could've actually been human wisemen, who became so well respected that they were deified by their cultures. Ever notice how all religion has a common theme? (or at least most of them)

I do not wish to get into a debate about this stuff.

I've already looked up the definition of "egregore" and seems pretty much immpossible to me.


Let me sum this all up.

Each of us have a secular side and a religious side whether we like it or not.

There's always something that clicks in the back of ours minds that either says "Is there something out there?" or "That can't possibly be scientifically true".

It's a Faith vs Fact ratio here.


I give you my respect because you'd have to have ALLOT of faith to believe what you believe.

To me it takes less faith to believe in Christianity.


How about this.

Let's not debate and we can end on a happy note.

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Worshipping the show would be a bit... cuckoo but whatever. To each their own.


But here's another question: If Celestia was actually a true god in real life, would you like that?

  • Brohoof 1

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind.

-Bernard M. Baruch

You've gotta dance like there's nobody watching, love like you'll never be hurt, sing like there's nobody listening, and live like it's heaven on earth. -William W. Purkey

Muffins for everyone.

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I do not wish to get into a debate about this stuff.

I've already looked up the definition of "egregore" and seems pretty much immpossible to me.


Let me sum this all up.

Each of us have a secular side and a religious side whether we like it or not.

There's always something that clicks in the back of ours minds that either says "Is there something out there?" or "That can't possibly be scientifically true".

It's a Faith vs Fact ratio here.


I give you my respect because you'd have to have ALLOT of faith to believe what you believe.

To me it takes less faith to believe in Christianity.


How about this.

Let's not debate and we can end on a happy note.

Done. Although I'll add one thing. I think that a religion is really a tool that can be used to educate, and help the people improve their lives. Some people abuse it, to give themselves authority. But if believing in a certain deity/idea/person/etc makes people happy, and inspires them to grow as people, and do good in the world, then that belief is a force of good, regardless of beliefs. I won't presume to know what goes on in the afterlife, but there's a story that can be adapted for all beliefs. The holy books were written by wise men, and they really wanted people to read them for their wisdom. Not for people to fight over whose god is better. But anyways, like you, I don't really want to debate anymore anyways. I just hate it when someone calls my beliefs silly while acting like theirs are perfect. Because we have no idea what's waiting on the other side until we go there.

Worshipping the show would be a bit... cuckoo but whatever. To each their own.


But here's another question: If Celestia was actually a true god in real life, would you like that?

Well, my belief system about deities is a bit different from most peoples. I believe a "deity" is a powerful force for good. Whether that be an actual person, an idea, a philosophy, etc. Deities are like our teachers, we can learn a lot from them. But if Celestia was an actual goddess, with powers? I think that would be great. Although, I think if anything, Celestia and Luna should both be goddesses, because day needs night to balance it out.

  • Brohoof 1

“I am quite sure now that often, very often, in matters concerning religion and politics a man’s reasoning powers are not above the monkey’s.” — Mark Twain

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Worshipping the show would be a bit... cuckoo but whatever. To each their own.


But here's another question: If Celestia was actually a true god in real life, would you like that?


Yes. I would construct a temple in honor of her with bare hands.

  • Brohoof 2
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Can I have some sort of prof that people actually partake in worshipping the show seriously?

Word of mouth is a bit...finicky.

  • Brohoof 1


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You truly are the Rosa Parks of not understanding what r34 is.

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