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@@Alicorn Fluttershy


Sunset started breathing heavily, then started to laugh "wow, that was fun, i haven't had fun like that since i was a colt!" Sunset said then started to think about himself a bit more "would gardening include apples in any way? i would really like to do something with apples"Sunset asked Quickrose  

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It was becomeing rather obvious that sunsets talent was apple farming. QuickRose smiled "if you bring one you can plant one!" She said "drill horn you in?" She knew it wouldn't be his strongpoint but it was all she knew to do and nothing else she could think of would be fun.

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(Sorry I don't respond often, I'm busy cause im moving and have a lot of stuff to do. I hope you guys don't mind)


"Sure! I'm down for anything as long as it's with you guys. It would also probably help with my magic to". The only magic Drill Horn was able to do were simples ones or spells that help him repair/make things. He didn't really need to know any other magic to be an engineer, but it would be nice to learn more spells. Since he doesn't really have any hobbies besides building cool machines, he should practice his magic on other activities to see what else he's good at. Maybe it will be gardening! QuickRose would probably be happy about that.

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QuickRose's eyes shimmered happily "you guys really want to garden? That makes me so happy I could burst!" Tears rolled down her cheeks, the happy kind of tears. "Thank you thank you thank you! You guys are the best!" The tears of joy however soon changed to years of sorrow because neonlights had helped her in her garden numorous times before

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Sunset returned from collecting apple seeds, to see Quickrose crying .First Sunset thought that she was just crying of joy so he smiled as he walked over but then started to look at Quickrose a bit more to see she wasn't happy, he suddenly started to stop smiling and tried to talk to Quickrose "is everything okay?" then looked at drill to see if he was okay

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"Oh it it's nothing really. You don't wanna hear about it. It's probably stupid anyways. Lets just go to the greenhouse sunset, drill horn." She slowly walked towards the greenhouse with her head down, and her hooves dragging as she went. Her head telling her to snap out of it but her body not responding.

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Sunset realised something was wrong with Quickrose but tried to forget it . As Sunset followed Quickrose he couldn't help but notice there was something wrong "are you sure Quickrose? you can tell us, like you said we are friends" Sunset asked again, begging Quickrose to tell him

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"Ahh ok. Well it's just that my best friend NeonLights helped me In my garden all the time and I just miss her so much gardening, well I can't help it it reminds me of her and now she's all alone and it makes me so sad to have left her like this." (Tnrjrrndbntnhrhh)

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Sunset stood there asking himself what he should do next, he decided to not bring up the topic again and just get to gardening "so, are we going to start this?"Sunset said with the apple seeds in his hand and smile on his face before he looked back at his flank, with an even bigger smile than before

Edited by madjack2001
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"Yeah! Lets do it!" QuickRose had a sudden attitude change. They walked through the greenhouse doors. "Ok. apples. We'll start with apples. You'll need water, a shovel and apple seeds which you already have. Ok. Now Sunset, dig a hole about 2 inches deep and put the seed in." She mumbled a few more things that were indistinguishable

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Sunset followed Quickrose's instructions, first finding a shovel and digging himself a hole as accurate as he could get it, then placing his seeds inside and finding some water, then burying and watering it, he stood there waiting for Quickrose to either criticize what he had done or smile  

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"ok great! thats perfect! wow you really are a natural Sunset! now do you want to let it grow naturaly or," she smiled mischeviously "do you wanna use magic on it?" she wasn't sure what he'd say but she knew it was probably a bad idea to even think about useing magic after the last incident, but hey it would be fun.

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Sunset seemed unsure about the idea "how about i get two apple trees? I have another seed so I could have one grown with magic and one grown without magic" Sunset asked, pointing at his blank flank as a little hint as to why he would do this, then grabbing a shovel, looking back at Quickrose, eagerly waiting for a reply 

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"go ahead! this'll be great! which one do you want to grow with magic?" this was gonna be great! sunset'll get his cutiemark for sure now! even QuickRose could see it was apple farming ya didn't need a cutiemark in talent seeking to see that. really he should have figured it out by now.

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Sunset planted another apple tree, quite far away from the other one, he looked at his flank then started to move back "okay, go ahead and use your magic on that one"Sunset said, pointing at the seed he just planted with a look in his eye as if he wanted something to go wrong

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"ok here goes!" QuickRose's horn began to glow and shimmer and before long the seed started to grow. soon it had grown into a giant apple tree touching the top of the greenhouse with its canopy. "heh heh. there might have been a little more fertiliser than i thought."

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Sunset stood there, astonished by what Quickrose had just done, he quickly picked an apple off the tree and tasted it ,not caring about whether he had a cutie mark or not .Within a couple seconds Sunset ran to Quickrose "that was amazing, are all unicorns as good as you?"Sunset asked, not knowing very much about unicorns or magic in anyway, as he came from a town filled with mostly earth ponies

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"Well every unicorn is good at a certain kind of magic based on their cutie mark. Mine is plant magic. Drill Horn is good at building magic. And princess twilight's is magic! All magic!"QuickRose was at her coronation so she felt a special bond to princess twilight.

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Sunset looked back at his flank "blank, again" Sunset stated before sighing and sitting down"is getting a cutie mark really this hard?" Sunset asked himself, taking another bite out of the apple

he had taken from the tree, Sunset just sat there with his legs spread out across the floor waiting for something

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When Cas gave Bicerin a chocolate bar, he immediately ripped off the aluminum wrapping and broke off one piece of the grid-like bar, letting it melt in his mouth. "Fuwanks," Bicerin muffled, breaking off another piece. "You're uff liaiff saeffur."


Basic Training... Bicerin has never been in the Royal Equestrian Guard before, though he had heard many rumors from it. He wasn't very keen on running laps in the hot sun or doing spear-sparring. "Anyways, why are you here in the Bolt Academies? I found my paper in the mail a few days before– which was a bit unusual, considering I don't have much military experience myself. I guess it's one of those occasions where something hits you in the back out of nowhere."

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"Uh... don't mention it..." muttered Cas, trying not to be grossed out by the chocolate and saliva mixing in Bicerin's mouth.


Then Bicerin asked why Cas was in the Bolt Academies.


"Pretty similar to you, bud - I got a paper in the mail, and I do keep telling myself I should improve on my magical abilities. I wonder what kind of spells I'll be learning about?"

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@@Alicorn Fluttershy



Sunset cleaned himself up then looked back up at his two friends, in shame, then at Drill Horn "are you going to do some gardening, Drill ?"Sunset asked while getting back up and brushing himself off, he started to search around for seeds, finding some very quickly, Sunset held his hoof out as he offered one to Quickrose while he waited for Drill to reply

Edited by madjack2001
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QuickRose accepted the seed and planted it in the ground. She covered it up with dirt. As she started to use magic her horn glowed neon green, not evil green, just plant green. Soon the seed sprouted into a little sapling. QuickRose stepped back satisfied with her work.

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