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Bronies: Cancer of the Internet?


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Bigotry and Ignorance is the cancer of the human race.

I doubt that truer words were ever spoken.  Or, uhh - typed.

  • Brohoof 1

"It uses the faculty of what you call imagination. But that does not mean making things up. It is a form of seeing." - from "The Amber Spyglass"

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Unfortunately, every fanbase has haters. That's just the way things are. Before I was converted to the herd, I had nothing against bronies. I wondered why everybody hated them so much. It just didn't make sense to me. Anti-harmony is the cancer of the universe.


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i love this label


no seriously


i go up to haters and im like


"hey there. im a brony. im the cancer of the internet. im plaguing your society. your children will be infected. EVERYONE WILL CATCH THE PLAGUE"


"love and tolerate, fucker"


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I'm not entirely sure if "cancer" is the right word to describe us, but I can certainly understand the irritation of people on the Internet. To be fair, there are lots and I mean LOTS of Bronies who jam the show down everyone's throats, bring it up in places where its irrelevant, and generally just tout it around in a douchey way. Its like militant religious or atheist people who shove their ideas in other people's faces. If enough people do that sort of thing, the whole group earns the irritation of everyone. So I guess although a good number of Bronies aren't pretentious, irritating, or embarrassing in their devotion to the show, enough are like that that we've given ourselves a bad name. Not much we can do about it besides not be dicks about our fandom

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Except bronies are a cancer of the internet. Many of us still insist on posting spam on every forum and then refer to anyone who questions us or states that they don't like the show a "hater."


Everyone is prone to that though, not just Bronies.


Taking the actions of a few of the more eccentric Bronies and painting the entire fanbase as doing that is ludicrous. That's like saying every Anime fan is a raging Otaku who goes around glomping people.



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I would like to disagree, but most bronies I've seen online are pretty terrible people.  I guess that's just them personally though, and not bronies in general.  Sadly, we all suffer from associating with them.

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Being a brony I've been accused of autism, misogyny, sexualising characters from the show, being gay, in need of a girlfriend, even racism on one occasion (no idea how watching MLP makes me any of those things) so being called cancer isn't the worst abuse that's been thrown at the community...however I'd say the true "cancer" of the Internet (and in people in general) is just being hateful in general. :/

  • Brohoof 1
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I would like to disagree, but most bronies I've seen online are pretty terrible people.  I guess that's just them personally though, and not bronies in general.  Sadly, we all suffer from associating with them.


I dunno, I personally love being called autistic and being told to go off myself with a pistol in an alleyway somewhere.


A lot of people complain about fanbases giving them a bad name, but I say just tough through it and break the mold, and people won't care about you being a Brony, or a fan of whatever.



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I dunno, I personally love being called autistic and being told to go off myself with a pistol in an alleyway somewhere.


A lot of people complain about fanbases giving them a bad name, but I say just tough through it and break the mold, and people won't care about you being a Brony, or a fan of whatever.

I don't mean autism.  I mean there's just some really BAD people.  Tons of pedophiles that use this as a way to 'relate' to kids and stuff like that.  And other various creepy things.

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I don't mean autism.  I mean there's just some really BAD people.  Tons of pedophiles that use this as a way to 'relate' to kids and stuff like that.  And other various creepy things.


That pedophile thing is a complete and total falsehood. You have no evidence of that.


The creepy things part I guess you mean as "clop", but that exists for every cartoon fanbase ever. Including Anime, obviously.



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That pedophile thing is a complete and total falsehood. You have no evidence of that.


The creepy things part I guess you mean as "clop", but that exists for every cartoon fanbase ever. Including Anime, obviously.

I've seen them participate in polls specifically for that and yes they admitted to it.  And it was the majority of the results agreeing with it.  I'd say confessions are evidence enough.  This was.. a year or so maybe ago, so I can't look it up for you.

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I've seen them participate in polls specifically for that and yes they admitted to it.  And it was the majority of the results agreeing with it.  I'd say confessions are evidence enough.  This was.. a year or so maybe ago, so I can't look it up for you.


I have never heard of or seen a poll where pedophiles said that My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic was their main way of obtaining victims. No offense, but I'm seriously calling BS on that. If there was really a poll out there like and confessions, more anti-Bronies would be using against Bronies, but I haven't seen anything of that nature used by them.



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I contribute to the part of the fandom that most people hate. As a Rule 34 and grimdark artist, i can safely say that i am more then likely "Cancer on the Internet", or at the very lease a tumor. But there is more than just one type of cancer, and if Bronies are "Cancer of the internet" because we enjoy a TV show, than every fandom is a Cancer. And the internet is a god because it's still standing strong.

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According to the internet us and our fanbase are"the cancer of the internet." That doesnt bother me, cause i dont care what people think. What i think is that bigotry and ignorance is the "cancer of the internet." Anyone agree with me?


If you actively look for crap, you're obviously going to find crap. The internet is full of arguments where people often have a "selective memory bias" towards furthering their own agendas. In other words, they'll only make statements that fit their ideology and shun those that don't. The pattern appears time and time again for everything from brony haters to SJWs.

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It was a brony site, I doubt there were antibronies accessing the poll.  


I would like to see proof of this.


I seriously doubt there was a poll where Bronies openly admitted to being pedophiles who wanted to lure children in with the show. You say there would be no Anti-Bronies accessing the poll, but if a bunch of Bronies did admit to being pedophiles, I'm pretty sure some Bronies would leave the fandom in disgust and leak this information.



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I would like to see proof of this.


I seriously doubt there was a poll where Bronies openly admitted to being pedophiles who wanted to lure children in with the show. You say there would be no Anti-Bronies accessing the poll, but if a bunch of Bronies did admit to being pedophiles, I'm pretty sure some Bronies would leave the fandom in disgust and leak this information.

Trust me, I left for a good long while.  I would hope others felt the same as me.

Like I said, it was a long time ago, I wouldn't even know where to find it now.

And you don't have to believe me, I'm just telling you why I feel the way I do from my own personal experience.

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I think coparing us to cancer is sickening. How dare they compare us to a disease? A serious one too. Not only are anti-bronies jerks, but empty hearted.

      ℓ٥ﻻ  ﻉ√٥υ

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Trust me, I left for a good long while.  I would hope others felt the same as me.

Like I said, it was a long time ago, I wouldn't even know where to find it now.

And you don't have to believe me, I'm just telling you why I feel the way I do from my own personal experience.


You can say it was your personal experience and that's fine, but I will continue to not believe that. This is something that, since it was on the Internet and apparently on a Brony forum, that you should be able to link to. I sometimes do take personal experiences as truth, but that seems a bit extreme to be believable, especially since you should be able to link to it. I'm going to have to look this up sometime, but I will continue to doubt it until I see proof of it.



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You can say it was your personal experience and that's fine, but I will continue to not believe that. This is something that, since it was on the Internet and apparently on a Brony forum, that you should be able to link to. I sometimes do take personal experiences as truth, but that seems a bit extreme to be believable, especially since you should be able to link to it. I'm going to have to look this up sometime, but I will continue to doubt it until I see proof of it.

That's your choice not to believe me, I won't take offense to it.  

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Bigotry and Ignorance is the cancer of the human race.


And I've seen that label before, alongside the favorite term "autistic" that is used to describe our fanbase, but I just laugh that off. People like to mean for no reason but their own enjoyment sometimes, and I just take it in stride.

YOU SIR, HAVE JUST WON THE ENTIRE INTERNET! I agree with you completely!


  • Brohoof 1
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There's a bit of a thing floating around in the roleplaying-game Twitterverse/blogiverse, and I think it's spread to (or as far as I know adopted from) other fandoms: "badwrongfun." The idea that because some game or play style isn't fun for you, someone else who plays that (or builds a fandom around, or whatever) is clearly having Bad Wrong Fun and must be stopped for their own good.


Usually it's a silly thing to be arguing - if I wanna play hack-and-slash D&D and you wanna play deep-angsty-roleplaying D&D (or vice versa) neither of us is BWFing unless we're in the same game group. And sometimes when you point this out to folks, they''ll realize how silly it is to mandate what others find fun in. Other times not so much, and those are the folks you can safely classify as not worth listening to.

(On t'other hoof, you don't want to flat-out dismiss all criticism as unfounded. Don't listen to anonymous haters, but if friends and family think you're getting too deep into a fandom, at least do a reality-check on yourself. Moderation is healthy. Take it from someone who's been around various fans and fandoms since before G1.)


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