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Which Brony Musicians Are Still Active?

Stellar Hunt

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Since I am in the Military, it's hard to stay active in the Brony community.  And I feel really bad about it.  But there is nothing I can do to change my schedule and stuff, LOL.  So since I could only watch the episodes and didn't have time to chat on forums, surf youtube, check on updates from EqD and other brony news sites, I kinda fell away from the fandom.  I still had my brony music on my phone and iPod, but that didn't fuel my love for MLP very much since it stayed the same for so long.  However, the Season 4 finale was just the fuel I needed to get my passion for MLP back up to par and I made it a promise to get back to being active on the forums.  I am still new to this site so I hope to make new friends on here and stay in contact as much as possible.


Anyway, the reason I am putting this post in this section is because since I have been out of the loop for so long, I have no clue which Pony Musicians are still in the fandom and making new music.  I have a list of favorites from when I was downloading music months ago and they are: Aviators, WoodenToaster, BlackGryphon, AcousticBrony, MandoPony, Baasik, MicTheMic, Odyssey Eurobeat, The Living Tombstone, Thorinair, Alex S., IBringDaLuls, and a few others I can't think of.  I was wondering if anyone knows who is still active in the fandom from the time around Season 2 when I first got into MLP and then on.  I stopped searching on youtube around 5-6 months ago and I can't stop kicking myself for it.  Or if anyone knows of a site that lists all currently active Brony musicians, that would be great too!  Thanks!  Brohoof to all!

  • Brohoof 1
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Welcome back to the fandom.



I have a list of favorites from when I was downloading music months ago and they are: Aviators, WoodenToaster, BlackGryphon, AcousticBrony, MandoPony, Baasik, MicTheMic, Odyssey Eurobeat, The Living Tombstone, Thorinair, Alex S., IBringDaLuls, and a few others I can't think of

Funny thing is, I wasn't active at all until after Season 2 ended, and I find that most of the musicians above aren't making as much music. The only ones that still does so is BlackGryphon and Baasik, though Gryphon does a ton of collabs with Michelle Creber quite a lot now.


I think music definitely has evolved, and and a lot of names you see nowadays are ones you probably won't recognize two years ago. You can try a few things:

Check the Everfree's top 100 most popular songs of 2013:

Go on this channel (Top 10 pony songs of the month and look for the 2014 versions)

Or just go on EQD and click click through the media tab, all music, spotlight music, MOTD.


Hope you find what you're looking for. Brohoof /)

  • Brohoof 1
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Ok. Thanks. That's quite a bummer if they are starting to slip away. That's what makes me sad sometimes in this fandom. Real good people with amazing talents disappearing from the fandom and nothing I can do to keep in touch with them because I don't know them personally. Only from the Internet by what they post.

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Well Tombstone still makes pony music , just not as frequently, same goes for a lot of the people you mentioned, but i doubt they'll stop for some time. Blackgryph0n and Baasik still continue to pour out pony music, just less often.

Hope this helps, and welcome back!


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Tombstone said he was looking to leave the fandom all together ala h8 seed. But Glaze/Wooden toaster still produces pony music (albeit at a very slow rate). Mik the Mic still does fanfic readings, and produces somthing every once in a blue moon. Even silly filly studios is leaving the fandom, and moving on to non pony works. But if you search on youtube "best pony music of 2014" you should be able to find quite a few new artists that are rather good.

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Tombstone said he was looking to leave the fandom all together ala h8 seed. But Glaze/Wooden toaster still produces pony music (albeit at a very slow rate). Mik the Mic still does fanfic readings, and produces somthing every once in a blue moon. Even silly filly studios is leaving the fandom, and moving on to non pony works. But if you search on youtube "best pony music of 2014" you should be able to find quite a few new artists that are rather good.

I heard that Tombstone might be leaving the fandom, but I heard from someone else that its just a rumor and he is staying it for the time being.

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I heard that Tombstone might be leaving the fandom, but I heard from someone else that its just a rumor and he is staying it for the time being.

http://www.horse-news.net/2014/05/thelivingtombstone-preps-to-get-off.html He said it himself over his twitter. But artists in this fandom have a penchant for saying they are leaving, and then comming right back within a month.

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