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ooc OOC Discussion - Lightning Bliss' Birthday Party!

Lightning Bliss

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Lightning Bliss' Birthday Party! OOC Discussion


The RP:


It is Princess Lightning Bliss's 28th birthday today and you are invited to attend! Though usually most royals would probably celebrate in the security of their castles, Bliss is a low ranked, quiet alicorn who has chosen a citizen, open public celebration in the town square of Ponyville with the approval of Princess Twilight Sparkle! There will be food from Sugarcube Corner, drinks of cider (no alcohol), playing in the streets, music, presents and your typical chit chat about the life Blissy has had or her influence in the Ponyverse of this grand year in her life! Come and join the fun! Anything fun and exciting could happen this night!


RP Rules and Policies:


This RP is in fact a personal celebration for my own entertainment and yes, it will be hosted this coming Wednesday, June 4th, which is my real birthday date! The RP will be open at the earliest time for me, between 9am or 10am USA Central Time and will last till the end of Friday the 6th around 8pm.


There will be 10 slots open with 5 slots reserved for my closest friends here including myself. All slots will be closed on the day the RP starts which is June, 4th or if all are filled up. (So if interested in the RP, sign up for it quickly before the slots fill out or time runs out!) If you wish to attend please read on about the rules and how to put in your OC request to join!




  • Bring your own OC, it has to be your own creation. (You may NOT use cannon OCs that exist in the show, however you can interact with cannon OCs that will be in the party, like Pinkie Pie) NOTE: You can only be ONE OC in this RP, with the exception of Lightning Bliss bringing her husband into the party


  • No fillers! This is a pro-RP so bring your A-Game and be creative with it! Definition of Filler - unwanted text or symbols to fill in the word limit of a post, which is 200 words in this RP


  • Alicorns are allowed long as they are NOT OP (over powered) and make sense to the MLP fandom (In other words… If you have what I define as a poor or badly written background of your alicorn, I will NOT accept it. Sorry)


  • Some violence is tolerated, but keep it down on the language and at PG-13, remember children may want to play here


  • This is a birthday party RP… this isn't a war RP or a off dimensional story RP, this is a timeline related RP that exists just after the defeat of Tirek! So stick to the timeline and don't fall off the wagon.


  • Don’t throw in side stories into the RP without Lightning Bliss's permission, this is about her and her birthday party! She wants it to be the best party ever!


  • Please DO NOT take control of members' OCs, you may control other pony characters from the show, ex: Celestia, Twilight etc


  • Please post information about your OC when you register to the RP (Do NOT post on the RP until you make a request here and its approved by Lightning Bliss)


  • Please try to keep up on this thread so you know what's to come and who's in the RP! You might run into them!


  • Be mature, be respectful and have fun!


Here is the guidelines for posting your OC if you wish to make a request to join this RP



 --- Insert an image of OC if you can ---





Cutie mark:



Here's mine:




Name: Lightning Bliss


Age: Turning 28yrs old


Race: Pony


Species: Alicorn


Cutie mark: A rainbow heart with a black lightning bolt going down the middle


Traits: After three years of being an alicorn, Blissy is turning 28yrs old, and wishes to celebrate in a simple fashion, back at home in Ponyville with her husband Night Lights, and good friends as well as some friends from the town. She's learned quite a lot in regards to her magic abilities thanks to the help of Polaris and other friends. She's now able to multitask in levitation, can teleport several miles in one time, can light up her horn, and is even growing confident in other magical abilities! She hopes that with the celebration of her birthday party, will spark a new and better year for her to learn more magic and gain more confidence in herself, as a low ranked alicorn, but a humbled pony citizen too.



- Lightning Bliss & her husband Night Lights

- Doc. Volt (OC - Doctor Electorn Volt)

- Arkman575 (OC - Seth Eclipse)

- Polaris (OC - Polaris)

- (Reserved for Wayzer (OC - Nightstrike))

- Brechard (OC - Obscure Serenity)

- Curly Swirl (OC - Curly Swilr)

- Adept Aiden Pearce (OC - Raze)

- Skystorm (OC - Skystorm)

- C. Thunder Dash (OC - Thunder Dash)

- Roac (OC - Roac Dustfeather)

- DragonKing235 (OC - shadow rain)

- Blue Eclipse (OC - Riley)


RP Link - http://mlpforums.com/topic/100337-lightning-blisss-birthday-party-rp/

Edited by Lightning Bliss
  • Brohoof 4

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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Much yay

Name:Obscure Serenity.


Race: Draconequus (Somehow remembered how to spell that)

Species: Non-pony

Cutie mark: No cutie mark

Traits: He's random at most times. Likes parties. (Don't know what else to put here).


I think this'll be a fun RP, and also slightly easier to reply to as it said 200 character minimum.

Also happy birthday in *checks calender* like four days.

  • Brohoof 1
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OMG yay!!! I love your OC SO much, so this should be very fun! :D Happy birthday btw! My b-day is coming up soon as well - June 16th. :D


(check my sig for pic reference and all that jazz)

Name: Curly Swirl

Age: 16

Race: Pegasus

Species: Pony

Cutie mark: None

Traits: Check the link in my sig! ;)

Edited by Curly Swirl


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Aww your OC sounds like she had it rough but very nicely developed! I wonder how she'll socalize with Blissy and her friends at the party? I'm sure we'll find something in common because even Blissy didn't get her cutiemark till she was a teen, and she was picked on for her looks and traits too.


Wow great OC! You're in! Welcome aboard and thanks for signing up! I hope others will soon join in.

  • Brohoof 1

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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Aww your OC sounds like she had it rough but very nicely developed! I wonder how she'll socalize with Blissy and her friends at the party? I'm sure we'll find something in common because even Blissy didn't get her cutiemark till she was a teen, and she was picked on for her looks and traits too.


Wow great OC! You're in! Welcome aboard and thanks for signing up! I hope others will soon join in.

Wow, really? Thanks so much! I worked really hard to make sure she wasn't a "Mary Sue" or any of that. :) I can't wait for this roleplay to start. I'm so excited! :D


Only have one question, however - I just changed her age to 14 (my same age, as she is kinda my ponysona) and was wondering if the reason for this age change makes sense (at the end of the "history" part of her bio). Just want some advice... as I will change it back if needed. Thanks so much! :) (as tbh, your Alicorn OC is probably one of the best, if not THE best I have ever seen!) ^_^

Edited by Curly Swirl


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Uhhh.... you wouldn't mind me joining in, would you? My oc's name is Raze, link is in sig.


I hope you accept my oc!

I would accept you but plz still fill out the registration format, it helps me so I don't have to go back and forth on people's OC pages, and allows others to view your OC quickly through this discussion thread. Here's the format:


 --- Insert an image of OC if you can ---





Cutie mark:





You do what you like with your OC! Thats part of what makes it yours! Heck my OC is my ponysona, or litterally me. Her backstory is similiar if not near exact to how mine is as well as her personality in some cases. So ya I'm good with you changing your OCs age! ;)

  • Brohoof 1

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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Haha, well thank you very much for the advice! :D My OC is my ponysona as I mentioned, although she isn't EXACTLY like me... I wasn't raised on a farm or had a tragic thing happen to me, I never went to school but am homeschooled instead, and my hair isn't curly (to name a few). Although she is very similar to me in many aspects - she has depression and anxiety, often feels like she is worthless or always messes things up, is tall, etc. I think she would still count as a ponysona though... would you? ^_^ (sorry for cluttering up this thread! >.<)

Edited by Curly Swirl
  • Brohoof 1


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@, @,


Come on you two, you both rock it on your OCs! They aren't typical, they are well thought out and look interesting to meet!

Aw, thank you! I will stop overthinking it. I love my OC and that's all that matters! (she is the first OC I've really "connected" with and made to be like my ponysona, and I've had many OC's XD)

  • Brohoof 1


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- I'm fairly sure you know what my OC looks like ;) -


Name: SkyStorm

Age: around about 17

Race: Pegasus

Species: Pony

Cutie mark: tornado!

Traits: optimistic, adventurous, athletic, open minded


Happy Birthday for Wednesday! :squee:


/) free hugs included (\

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After thinking about it for a couple of days now, minus well join with Thunder Dash


Name: Thunder Dash

Age: 20

Race: Pegasus

Cutie Mark: A thundercloud with twin branched lightining strikes surrounded by six stars. Thunder can wield electricity and convert it to magic. He can do many things with it.

Traits: Courageous, outgoing, sometimes self-doubful, has a little bit of anger issues, generally friendly and can be silly at times

Pic: 52two6ihuqu4rvhfg.jpg

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Ooooo, I really really want to join in with Roac!... I think I might be able to be on at the time, so here's a bit of info;


Name: Roac Dustfeather

Age: 29

Race: Griffon

Cutie Mark: "Cutie Mark?! What the hay is a cutie mark?!"

Traits: Calm, quiet, and analytical. When he talks, his words are wise and chosen carefully.


Notes: Roac, at the time of this RP (because I assume that it takes place after the Gala) will have become somewhat reformed, and has actually found himself an honest job as a member of the Lunar Watch. He has also discovered some sort of power, which I won't go into unless you're OK with it, Bliss.


Anyways, I hope that everypony has fun with this, and I want to wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!


*blows on noisemaker*


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Pegasister... it's been so long, I really hope you get the time to post as much as you can in this RP, do it for meeeeeeeeeeee!!! Your in!


@@C. Thunder Dash,

I've seen you around, I'm surprised your interested? I figured I wasn't the type you'd like to RP with, I'm hummbled and blushing at once! Thanks for joining your in! Looking forward to interacting with you OC!



So your OC has developed magical properties? I wouldn't mind you going into some details, long as its not OPed.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,


Yeah, was kinda debating whether to enter. Honestly, when I first saw your OC I was like "Oh boy, here comes a Mary Sue..." I still kinda think Bliss is borderline Mary Sue though. But glad you accepted me. Where else have you seen me? 

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


Just in other posts from time to time, to which most I've related to you in responses.


My OC a mary sue?




I've tried my hardest not to make her one though. Hope you at least gave her character page a read. I've updated it since then thanks to some feed back from an OC reviewer. She got an 8/10 for the most part i think.


But everypony has an opinion and I respect that.

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

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@@Lightning Bliss,


Yeah well, you know how first opinions are right?I think I remember Blue Moon giving your OC around a C or C- or something. Might've been someone else though. But what did Bliss truly understand that made her an Alicorn? 

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@@C. Thunder Dash,


The true meaning of loving your neighbor in all ways, in peace and harmony. She was engaged to a dragon which triggered fear and hate amongst her husband's people etc etc


She went against all the odds, even when others said that their love was 'wrong' or not worth fighting for, that they were two completely different people that would never succeed in their relationship.


A war nearly broke out over it in a private RP I did with my friends. But she along with her friends stopped the war through harmony and peace. She married her husband and in that moment of kissing him, she ascended into an alicorn because she truely knew the meaning of peace and love for your neighbors. Whether dragon, gryphon, etc, she understood in order for peace to truely exist in Equestria, they all had to get along and work together.



Short sum up, I did explain it best i could in her character thread. And well a C- thats an ouch... But thats one person's opinion. I get a few others who say she's the best alicorn OC around (but I think that's an exaggeration, I've heard of far better). She's my ponysona, who I am in a nutshell on the 'blissful' side. She used to be a pegasus, up until I graduated from college and married my husband. I felt a huge life change occurred with me that I wanted to also implement that into my OC, so I made her into an alicorn and struggled for months on developing how to do that with her without it sounding cliche' or poor like some alicorn OCs I've met. Like I said, "I tried" lol.

  • Brohoof 1

I'm just a silly little alicorn, trying to get by in the fandom ^^


The Lightning Bliss Show

Lightning Bliss DevianArt

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@@Lightning Bliss,


Wouldn't that be like Cadence? Besides, Cadence became an alicorn because she understood the true meaning of love itself.  

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Okay i'll join my oc name shadow rain storm age 24 race Pegasus place he is from unknown he  cares about his friends and family more then anything else in the world job he works solo to help out others with the weather things he likes joking around playing music and going to the club with his friends and if some pony wants to start a fight he well never back down from a fight also he likes to race to so yea thats about it. @Lightning Bliss I hope you think this is good for you if not I tried lol

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Pardon me if it's too late, but can I join with Riley? (link in signature and profile)



Name: Riley
Age: 19
Race: Pegasus
Species: Pony
Cutie Mark: Directional Arrow
Traits: Playful, Spunky, Naive, Goes-nuts-over-Anala
Edited by Blue Eclipse

OCs: RileyAnala

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