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Anon In Equestria

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About Anon In Equestria

  • Birthday 1996-05-01

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    london england
  • Personal Motto
    FREE HUGS!!!!!!!

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  1. As the sound of metal sawing through bone fills the air, the arm falls and hits the floor with a wet thump. He then withdrew back, as the Chaos marine tried to grab him and then leaped forward, lining his fist up with the face of the Chaos Marine, his fist surged forward, aimed squarely for the Marines nose.
  2. Reven watched the ponies closely until they had left, once they had left he charged towards the two Chaos Space Marines, bringing his chainsword down trying to cut through the shoulder pad of one of the Chaos Marines, intent on taking its arm off. "Prepare to die Chaos Scum!"
  3. Reven nodded and followed her back to the library. "I see your predicament could be seen as bad, but a few of my brethren suffer from something that is eerily to yours, but I may be able to assist you if you crave blood, my body is designed to give me to most likely chance of survival if injured, so I don't mind giving you some of my blood if you require it" Reven enters the library and looks at the now open portal, a chill running down his spine. "Good work, the portal seems to be running, wait, is something coming through?" He recoils as two Space Marines exit the portal, noticing their deformities and markings on their armor he scowls and jumps infront of the ponies, trying to shield them from those Warped by chaos. "Chaos Filth! You Shall not Claim this World! Not While I Draw Breath!" Reven Grabs his chainsword and revs it up, holding it at his side, ready to charge, he looks to twilight through the corner of his eye. "I suggest you leave, and quickly! I shall deal with this filth"
  4. Reven looked down at the bat pony and kneeled down so that he was closer to her hight. "I don't have any food on me no, what do you mean before anything happens to someone?" He notices her fangs grow but doesn't recoil or show any signs of fear. "Does it have something to do with your kinds biology? You remind me of a vampire with those fangs"
  5. Reven notice the bat pony seemed to be struggling with something, his hearing picking up the quite counting and then when she bit herself, he was about as what was happening when she ran off, he knew something was up, he decided to try and make use of himself and ran outside after her, being careful to not to rip the door off of the library as he left, following behind her. "Excuse me little one but I don't think I caught your name before, I see something is troubling you, can I help in any way?"
  6. Reven watched the group while sitting on the floor in the corner, he smiled under his helmet. "Its nice to see a world at peace, or at least as close to peace as you can get. Enjoy the time you have together. Emperor knows that your closest allies could be ripped away from you in a heartbeat. I know it all to well" Reven stood up and stretched, Sitting still wasn't something he did a lot he looked at tech and pointed at the portal. "I'd suggest getting that portal open quick, who ever took the dragon was most likely of evil intent, and the dragons safety may be in danger" He looked to twilight almost apologetically. "But I'm sure he is still fine Twilight, but the quicker we get him back the better..." He looks to the floor, whispering the last of his reply. "Although I'm too weak to make the journey..."
  7. Reven finishes the book and places it back on the shelf, turning to face the others. "If anything happens to attack I will be more than willing to throw myself against it" Reven looked towards Tech and the canister of gas in his hoof. "Prey tell what is the effects of contact with this gas?"
  8. Reven continued to look through the book, learning all he could about Princess celestia, looking to twilight for a brief second he replied. "But surely for someone as old as her she would have knowlage on this matter, it would be wise to seek her advise, even if you too are a princess, she might have access to information that you do not"
  9. Reven watched as the human turned invisible, well to everyone else he did, to reven it didn't really work seeing how his helmet just scanned the area to locate his biometric ID "Optic camouflage, Imperial guard doesn't have that, I'm guessing your not from the same place as I" Reven sighed and started to scan the shelves, finding a book of interest. A book on the history of Princess Celestia. He opened and started to read through, being carefull not to damage the book. "Twilight, if I may ask, why haven't you sent for Celestia's Aid during this time?"
  10. "My World?" Reven looked around for a second and shrugged. "Ultramar. That's my Chapter planet. But I won't be using that portal. Warp Traval is not something I take very well" Reven looked to the humans and stepped closer, still towering above even them. "You come from Earth? But Earth was Destroyed Years ago. And what kind of gear is that? Your Imperial guard correct?"
  11. Reven almost stepped back at the word Dragon, but held his ground. "Dragon? You had one as a pet? Your kind is very strange indeed." Reven rubbed the back of his head feeling somewhat under prepared for something like this. "Well... I'm sure he should be fine, he is a dragon after all. But if I can I will assist you in recovering your dragon" Reven looked down at the Xe... Equestrian and nodded. "It is not your fault Equestrian, I acted unjustly, you were well within your right to act"
  12. Reven nodded and stuck his Chainsword back on his side. "Thank you Xeno... Pray tell what is your species called? If we are to be on better terms I would at least know your kinds name" He looked around, taking in the scenery. "What did you mean by one of your friends was taken and visitors?
  13. Reven sighed and lent down on one knee. "May I please offer my apology, Not often do I have the pleasure of not being attacked on sight, The imperium of man has many enemies among the stars. It is only my instinct that drove me to act like I did. Again accept my apologies." Reven then rose to his feet and drew his sword again, this time holding it by the blade and holding the handle out towards the Xenos. "Take my blessed Chainsword as a offering peace between us"
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