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Conflict is an essential part of harmony

People have dreamed of an ultimate peaceful world with no worries, no war and absolute harmony. But when you actually think about it, most people don't really understand the true meaning harmony and rather mistake harmony with peace, considering ultimate peace is not achievable in a realistic way in our known universe. It all starts with turning on your Television and seeing war around the world, which for many people consider as a consider as a conflict. But conflicts don't just happen on

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

And then there was this one time, the ghostbusters di-wait...these are not MY ghostbusters.

I know what you're thinking: "These are not the ghostbusters." Well, yes and no. You see, this is Filmations Ghostbusters made in 1985 by the same studio that gave you masters of the universe and bravestarr. The show came out a year, after Sony released the huge blockbuster hit Ghostbusters and is actually based on a mid 70s live-action show also called Ghostbusters. After Sony released their own Ghostbusters cartoon, Filmation went to court against Sony and forced sony to change the name of the

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

WWE 2K17 Online Stream at 2 PM EST

https://www.twitch.tv/hypnosparkle Everyone who isn't busy today, is very welcome to join me in my WWE 2k17 stream today. I will play some online matches for probably around 2 hours. I sadly don't have a microphone yet, but i can speak with you in the chat between matches. Hope you're all coming. EDIT: I might be able to use a mic after all, so come in if you want to hear me trashtalking during gameplay. EDIT 2: Stream is cancelled. I will try it again tomorrow

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy a telltale series: First impression after the first episode (Spoiler free)

Guardians of the galaxy has certainly become one of the most surprising box office successes in the last couple of years in 2014. A Marvel comic, which was certainly one of the more lesser known series, has become one of the more quotable movies recently (I AM GROOT) and is personally one of my favorite superhero movies ever. When i heard that Telltale will make a game from them with an original story, i was very excited since i was already a fan of Telltales the walking dead and the Wolf among

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

10 Playstation Characters, that i would like to see in a sequel for Playstation All-Stars Battle-Royale

When this game came out in late 2012 on the PS3, peoples opinions where mixed, but most people said that it was a decent effort. So with the Remastered version being released now at the end of November for the PS4, i kinda though "Why not make a sequel with more characters that are actually known for their Playstation titles?" I mean i never played this game and will certainly pick up the remastered version, but the fact that characters like Big Daddy from Bioshock and Isaac Clarke from Dead Spa

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

Gonna be away for a little while

I will take a break from the Forum for a bit. Right now, i am way too much into personal stuff, playing games mostly and i just don't feel like coming to this place right now.   I don't know how long i be gone. MIght be one day, or one month. I need to see about that.   SSSSSSSSSee you around guyssssssss.

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

And then there was this one time, the starship sagittarius visited me.

This is a show that recently came through my mind and that i haven't seen in almost 2 decades.   Starship Sagittarius (in japan called Uchusen Sagittarius) was a sci-fi anime that aired in 1986-1987 for 77 episodes.   The series depicts the adventures of four astronauts who travel through space and visit many planets. On each planet they have an adventure. Each adventure seems to have a sort of morality, like the importance of friendship or about the state of the enviroment.   It had alot

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

emotional outbursts and depression

During the last 2 years i always tried to be the best guy that i could be and i always try to help anyone out if they have any sort of problems. But then there are these episodes that i have from time to time, where i feel like that nobody appreciates me and then i feel totally different.   I sometimes have a feelng that i could just stand up and feel angry, because i feel like the whole world has turned against me and that the whole world is talking badly behind my back. And then there are ot

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

All locations of every Disney and Pixar animated movie (as of 2014)

This is incredibly impressive. Theantilove from Deviantart has plotted out the locations of each location of every disney and pixar movie. Of course, the map is missing some movies that came out in the last few years, but it's amazing nonethenless.       NORTH AMERICA Little Mermaid: Caribbean Although the author and original story are Danish, the wildlife is clearly tropical. There is simply no way to have that type of flora and fauna anywhere near Denmark. It is very reasonable that

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

It's not about "Bear Necessities vs. Hakuna Matata." It's about "what economic system do you live under?"

I always get the question by other big disney fans, who always ask me "what is the better motto for life: Bear Necessities or Hakuna Matata?" I think people go at it the wrong way, because here is what i always answer: "it depends on what economic system your are living under. With communism, all you need is the bare necessities, because that's what you are getting from the goverment. But Hakuna Matata, you will always run into alot of hardship under capitalism, because you might not make alot

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

I appreciate your fascination...but please stand back a bit

I gotta admit that i am sometimes very flattered when someone comes up to me and says: "Hey, that OC looks awesome and very original." Or if someone wants to roleplay with me, so we both can have a good time. I like the fact that i get this attention and it also gave me a bit more confidence in myself, when it comes to showing off my interest in hypnosis and snakes and a few other stuff.   But there are a few people out there (which i out of respect won't mention) that go a bit too far with it

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

Let me tell you about the spirit of christmas!

You know guys, it's really incredible. We just received our main goal in our Making Christmas Merrier donation drive of 3000 US Dollars and the year ends in 20 days. When it started, i was a bit skepitical, since it came so fast, but i was really proven wrong.   But then i realized why this is all happening. It's Christmas Time.   It's the one time when we all act a little nicer. We smile a little easier. We share a little more. For a couple of days we are the people we always hoped we would

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

Rainbow Dash gets a Checkup

RD: Hehe...s-stop it Mesme. T-That tickles.   Me: Hehe, it's over soon. if you behave, you'll get a nice lollipop in the end.   RD: S-Stop Patronizing me...       Just a silly idea i had. Yes, i am turning 27 in 9 days. Yes, i obviously play doctor with my plushies. No, i don't have any regret, eventhough i probably should.

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

Now, tell the good doctor where it hurtssssssss

Hello, i am Dr. Messsssme. I cure all of your sicknesssssses, from little knee scrapesssssss, very annoying flusssssss, or if you jussssssst come for a routine checkup. Come to me and you get a Lollipop at the end.   So yeah, i also have some interest in Medicine, so Mesme also is a Doctor from time to time.   Thank you to Crecious for this wonderful pic.

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

My list of Steam Games (as of November 1st 2016)

I am bored, so i'll make this list of my current steam games. They are all in alphabetic order. Here we go.   80 Days Age of Empires II: HD Edition Age of Empires III: Complete Edition Another World (Out of this World) Antichamber Atari Vault Audiosurf II Back to the Future: The Game (Episodes from 1-5) Baseball Stars 2 BEEP Bionic Commando Bionic Commando Rearmed Bioshock Bioshock 2 Bioshock Infinite Blood Omen 2: Legacy of Kain Braid Broken Age Brothers - a tale of two sons Brütal Legend Bu

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

SSSSSSSSSome fun, with the Tapping little colt. :)

Look who jumped into my coilsssssss. It'sssssss the sssssshy and nervousssssss little Tender Tapsssssss. He won't have to worry though, assssssss my hypnosissssssssss will keep him calm and relaxed, assssssss me and my new friend, will have ssssssssome fun together.   Thanks to my good friend Hypnopony, for this great pic: http://www.deviantart.com/art/Mesme-s-Entertainment-641997018

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

SSSSSStarlight made a very big missssssstake

SSSSSSSShe needsssssssss to learn, that i am sssssssstill the bessssssssst hypnopone around here and not her. Time for her, to get a tassssssste of her own medicine   (Thanks to my good friend LunaHazACookie for this Pic: http://lunahazacookie.deviantart.com/)

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

The Friendship is magic franchise needs to find an end very soon

After this season, which in my opinion was the second weakest season (third one is the weakest) i have come to the conclusion, that there is not alot of things left for me, that really keeps me hooked, because our main characters, most of the time this season, didn't had that much progress and some of the best episodes in this season, where actually about side characters.   Let's look at some of the good episodes this season:   The Crystaling Gauntlet of Fire No Second Prances A heartswarmin

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

SSSSSSSSSSpikey Wikey isssssss snug as a bug. <3

Just some little hypnosis and snuggle time, with me and my little baby dragon, Spike. He is very relaxed and comfy now.   Art made by my good friend Lunahazacookie: http://lunahazacookie.deviantart.com/art/Coils-for-a-Dragon-634205015

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

My list of future Wii U virtual console purchases

It's pointless. But i thought people might be interested, in the VC games i want to purchase the wednesday.   Mario Power Tennis for GBA Bonks Adventures for TG16 Fire Emblem shadow Dragon for DS Game and Watch Gallery Advance for GBA Advance Wars for GBA Castlevania Aria of Sorrow for GBA Zelda Ocarina of Time for N64 Pokemon Snap for N64 Kirbys dream course for SNES Super Punch Out for SNES Castlevania Dracula X for SNES Mega Man X for SNES Super Dodge Ball for NES Super C for NES Double Dra

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

How does Mesme Rizes Hypnosis work?

(Don't take anything what i say is as FACT. This is merely something i did for fun and to also understand my own character better.)   I am pretty sure, some of you have seen it a dozen times by now, being it through fanart or by writing how Mesme Rize is hypnotizing his friends and others, by using his seductive charms, thick coils and his colorful hypnotic eyes. And for whatever reason he does it (mostly for entertainment purposes) there is always one question in our mind, that keeps plaguing

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

Ecco the Dolphin for the Sega CD = Underrated Soundtrack

I wonder how many of you actually remember Ecco the Dolphin? He was a character created by Sega in 1993. He had two great games on the Genesis/Mega Drive and a Dreamcast game i never played.   Even less remember that there was a Sega CD version of the original Ecco the Dolphin game. It's pretty much the same game. But what sets it apart is an amazing soundtrack, that takes full use of it's CD based technology at that time and is probably one of the most underrated soundtracks, of the 16-bit er

Mesme Rize

Mesme Rize

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