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I may be leaving



Hey guys, I know its been a while since I've written up one of my blogs. But I feel as though this is kinda serious and that some passing people may read it.


But I'm considering leaving the forums, not for ever of course. I love it here, I have many a friend and I love so many people on here, but sometimes the bad outweighs the good.

I'm actually thinking that maybe I just ignore everything except for just a roleplay, I have heaps of other stuff to do so I'm sure that the very distracting forums won't be much of a distraction anymore, but I think thats really the only activity you'll see from me. Or if I have to work through here, which is possible because I do have a round of messages to do for the Inquisition project.


But I just have been getting a lot of abuse on here, I already have one continuous abuser that I was able to get out of my life for the most part, though sometimes I see the "you've ignored the member's post" when I go through threads. I blocked him fully to the best I can. But recently an old abuser popped up again. I can't deal with threats to myself or my team right now, nor the abuse we were getting. Hopefully that situation will be dealt with somehow, but you never really know with the internet of course.

Many people here have also been very depressing, rude, mean, they've been arguing, I get about a million status updates of people who want to die or they don't feel appreciated or anything. I'm usually fine with the status updates, there's always someone out there whose depressed and I like to help them out the best I can, and so do many other people. But they have sky-rocketed to the roof lately and it's slightly bringing back my own depression and thoughts. I don't want them, I've gotten rid of them for a while now and I don't like being all happy and bubbly on the outside while I already feel the knife on my throat on the inside. I don't want to go back there, I really don't. All these things that people are shoving to the world is really triggering for me, or at least when I'm exposed to it every 10 mins, and I can't seem to get away from it since it seems to be everywhere.

And last but not least, my health has been really bad lately. Sometime ago the doctors said to me that I wasn't going to live for very much longer, which sure as hell hit hard for me and my family. I was told that I should be careful, because it is possible that I could drop dead at any moment, and dear god that scares me so much, and my poor mum who is taking care of me. Though not long ago, after my wish day, the doctors said.

"Hey, we think that you've been doing really well Sab. We're going to put you on some more and new meds and I think that we may have you in a good spot. Let's say that we don't think that your going to drop dead any second. Though please do be careful."

That's what I got last time I visited them, great news really. But of course, I've been getting some side affects from the new meds and my body is still degrading on me. So I'll keep living till I'm not no more, but I'm hoping to get to the doctors soon and so they can help. I keep having to wear long pants when I go out or if people or family is coming over, I don't like people seeing the weird blotches on my legs and at least the rest are covered up anyway, but hell it's bloody hot over. God damn it summer! Why must you plague me!

Sorry, went a little funny there. I guess I can't help trying to be a little light hearted about this kind of stuff, I usually do it anyway.

But of course my heart hasn't been faring too well either, it seems as though the body is either giving up but not, or its confused as to whether it wants to die or not. I don't understand most of it, I just sit here and feel and the pain and watch it, its very scary really from my view.


But hopefully you guys can accept my reasons as too why I may be leaving. I think I'll be going with something along the lines where I'll only be on here for 3 reasons, but for everything else I just wont bother dealing with. I think that is personal messages (may not reply anyway unless they're important), an amazing roleplay I have been waiting to partake in- and I had quit all my other rps and the like so I could join this one and not feel overwhelmed, and my request thread on here too. I still want to practice my skills in that field and the rp I'm too excited about to just give up on it, I'm sorry guys but there is just too much going on right now on here and in real life. I'll still be working though, I don't want to complete drop everything since I do care about a lot of people, but I'm just unsure about everything really.


Right now I actually still unsure of staying or not, but I know that I have at least presented my case already so I can just slip away if I decide too.

Thanks to all who read this and the like.



  • Brohoof 5


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Sorry to see ya go, since your posts were always of a high quality.
Im very sorry, to hear about your abuse and health problem. ( im having trouble identifying it btw. What do you have, if i may ask? )

I had a health problem very much like yours for a long time too and know, what it feels like to have the possibility of dropping dead any day. I hope, that youll hang in there as long as is possible, because hell... you deserve it.
I hope, you're gonna get a clear head off the forums and have a lot of fun, despite the hate you and your team is getting.
Have a good one.


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I've taken breaks from forums and even quit some all together, it can get abit much when several threads of a depressing nature turn up, more so if they seem to just keep repeating over again.


If your busy and need to free up time then do so. I'm sure some folks will miss you but i'm sure you'll be able to stay in contact with members here you get along with. and focusing on just the parts that interest you is what I thought folks did on forums anyway. There are sections on this forum i haven't even clicked on, let alone taken part in :P


Hope your health improves and you and your team can work on your projects in peace. Take care. :)

  • Brohoof 1
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I'm sorry to hear this. You're one of the cooler users on here, and the amount of work you are able to accomplish despite these problems is something to admire. But you've gotta do what you've gotta do to be happier, and if that means you have to step back for awhile or longer, than you have every right to. Just remember that you have friends here that support your decisions and that we far outnumber the Butthurt Brigade.


I pray that you're able to overcome these troubles. I'll see you around, friend



  • Brohoof 1
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Whilst it is always sad to see someone announce that they're leaving the forums, yet I can see your reasoning and justification behind such actions. I'm going to make this short, but I hope the best of success for you. Have fun, and hopefully I might see you on again one day. For now though, Have fun and see you later.



  • Brohoof 1
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Once again, I'm really sorry to hear about all of this and your bad health. I only hope that my RP can bring some joy into your life, and make you forget the awful depressing troubles of the rest of this place. I really appreciate you staying for it and quitting all of your other RPs to partake. I'll definitely try my best to keep it alive, interesting, and fun for all. Let's make it an awesome go!

  • Brohoof 2
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Sorry to see ya go, since your posts were always of a high quality.

Im very sorry, to hear about your abuse and health problem. ( im having trouble identifying it btw. What do you have, if i may ask? )

I had a health problem very much like yours for a long time too and know, what it feels like to have the possibility of dropping dead any day. I hope, that youll hang in there as long as is possible, because hell... you deserve it.

I hope, you're gonna get a clear head off the forums and have a lot of fun, despite the hate you and your team is getting.

Have a good one.



I just explained a little about it to someone else, but I really don't like talking about my health a lot or often because it I just feel comfortable about it and I feel slightly depressed about it. 

And thanks Twist, you have no idea how much better I'm feeling from reading yours and everyone's comments


I've taken breaks from forums and even quit some all together, it can get abit much when several threads of a depressing nature turn up, more so if they seem to just keep repeating over again.


If your busy and need to free up time then do so. I'm sure some folks will miss you but i'm sure you'll be able to stay in contact with members here you get along with. and focusing on just the parts that interest you is what I thought folks did on forums anyway. There are sections on this forum i haven't even clicked on, let alone taken part in :P


Hope your health improves and you and your team can work on your projects in peace. Take care. :)

Thanks malinter, and I hope to only really do a couple things on the forums anymore for a bit. 



I'm sorry to hear this. You're one of the cooler users on here, and the amount of work you are able to accomplish despite these problems is something to admire. But you've gotta do what you've gotta do to be happier, and if that means you have to step back for awhile or longer, than you have every right to. Just remember that you have friends here that support your decisions and that we far outnumber the Butthurt Brigade.


I pray that you're able to overcome these troubles. I'll see you around, friend



Thanks Citrus, and yeah I know we do still pretty much overcome the depressing and butthurts, but they seem to be take a large hold over everything lately. But thanks for your support, I really do appreciate it. 

  • Brohoof 1
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Whilst it is always sad to see someone announce that they're leaving the forums, yet I can see your reasoning and justification behind such actions. I'm going to make this short, but I hope the best of success for you. Have fun, and hopefully I might see you on again one day. For now though, Have fun and see you later.



Thanks Nomadic, I'm sure to come back. But thank you all the same. 


Be strong, but take brake from forum if feel you need it. And don't think abut dos people vise you bad things to much.


You second person to day, i linked this too.


I have yet to listen it, but I hope to when I give my headset (may take 10mins) But thank you for it. And yeah I saw the other person you linked it too and he is one of those really depressing dudes out here today, I hope that we can all get out of our depressing states soon. But its actions and gestures like yours and everyone else's that does make things easier.

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Once again, I'm really sorry to hear about all of this and your bad health. I only hope that my RP can bring some joy into your life, and make you forget the awful depressing troubles of the rest of this place. I really appreciate you staying for it and quitting all of your other RPs to partake. I'll definitely try my best to keep it alive, interesting, and fun for all. Let's make it an awesome go!

Yeah, your rp is really the main deciding factor as to why I'm staying at all on here. I'm really excited for it, and it did take a lot of work and effort for me so that I could get in. Including having to get out of the other rps I was in so that I knew I was going to be fine on this one, and yeah. 

Let's make it the best ever!



God bless you, Sai.  We're here for you all the way :)

Dunke Iain, I knew you would understand. Still going to be working and all that, just need a break from this place. 

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why i am crying now? snif.. no serius.. you guys should stop making me sad.. i devoted my life trying to smile everyday like my girlfriend and Pinkie told me to do.. and now you do this? i am very very sorry friend :( i feel worthless because i can't do a buck to cheer you up.. i just hope everything goes well for you :( sorry if i can't help... i'm really really really sorry...

  • Brohoof 2
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You do what you've got to do, at the end of the day the forums will always be here if you choose to come back.


Try your best to stay positive and surround yourself with those with like minded thoughts, if ya need someone to talk to I'm sure everyone here in this blog would be more than willing to do as such! To the users whom are being abusive and/or down right threatening towards you and your crew, they need to be reported. Nobody should be acting in such a way towards someone else and be able to get away with it.


Most importantly though, take care of yourself. There's clearly quite a bit of users here who love and care for you! Don't worry about the little things such as these forums, your personal health and well being are always top priority.


Feel better soon, ok?



  • Brohoof 1
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Sorry to hear about your health condition. I hope it all gets better for you, including the abuse. It'd be a shame if you left, since your posts were always interesting to read.

  • Brohoof 1
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Oh my god...i'm sorry to hear about your health condition...:(

We understand your reasons, and although I haven't really got to know you very well, you will be missed, buddy.
I dislike the abuse going on here too...hopefully, that member get's what he/she deserves. Love ya...


  • Brohoof 1
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Sorry to hear about that. My heart goes out to you, mate. Take all the time you need to feel better, because it sounds like you could really use a break. My sympathies to your team as well. You guys deserve better than the abuse.

  • Brohoof 1
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Ok, first things first I really hope you'll get somewhat better soon. I wish you the best of luck!



  • Brohoof 1
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*Hugs* I dont know what much more to say really, other than you are a great person, and if you live I will miss you alot, but it was a pleasure knowing you, even for a short time :) 


And to whoever that abuser is, fuck him and I hope he rots and if I knew who it was i'd make sure he did.  >_< 


Your awesome rascal *hugs tighter*

  • Brohoof 1
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Hiya, Sai. I've never really known you for long, but despite that, I'd really like to say that I'm rooting for you when it comes to improving in terms of health, and also in continuing all of the things that you enjoy despite the negativity that you may encounter. 


I really hope you feel better soon, and I also hope that we (as presumably the non-negative acquaintances of yours) may help in maintaining a positive experience in the rest of your stay in these forums. :)


Let's make that RP the best and the funnest! 

  • Brohoof 1
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I am disappointed I didn't get to know you better while I still could, you seem like a kind person. I can't think of any reason that anyone would want to abuse you, and they have made a horrible mistake, alienating such a great person.


Feel better ;)

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Hey, I suffer really horribly from depression, and have even contemplated suicide on many occasions. I hate saying that we're in the same boat, because we're not. But for me, I always feel ignored here, and that only tends to worsen my issues. Once again, I feel very similar emotions, but I'm not sure what's going on in your shoes. If you ever wanna talk with someone, feel free to PM me.

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Do not give up, you are strong. I may not have known you for long, but you have a strong will and are doing more than most people do. You gathered a team of people who would rally behind you without thinking twice. 

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