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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Tom

  1. Great episode, now if only they could've added another song in somehow. One thing that has been on my mind, does the alicorn amulet make it's user as powerful as Celestia/Luna? And where do all these artifacts of power keep coming form anyway? Perhaps some of our questions will be answered in the season finale.
  2. @@Lost, I've never seen you around, likely due to myself not being here very often nowadays. Still 4/10
  3. Speculation: Is the alicorn amulet as powerful as Celestia/Luna?

  4. The new episode is on youtube, in 1080p:

  5. Is it just me or has the minimum charater counter dissapeared?

  6. Rarity's hoof was bleeding after being stabbed by a needle, and I've been ninja'd.
  7. Tom

    gaming Games give away!

    That's the one, and here's some random trivia: Did you know a sequel is being made, The Ship: Full Steam Ahead.
  8. Tom

    gaming Games give away!

    I vote, but I just bought the bundle myself... There is something I can do however. I have a couple copies of The Ship, anyone want one?
  9. Good day today! I got myself a Wii U.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Vicke


      Well that sucks :/

    3. Tom


      On the bright side I only paid £50.

    4. Vicke
  10. Tom

    What's going on?

    An interesting conundrum. I've found two solutions: [*]Press ctrl-a to select everything then press delete/backspace. [*]change editing mode and remove the quote tags, if you don't know pressing the button on the top left will change editing mode.
  11. Sad news, one of my pet cats has died. :(

  12. That would be a useful feature, currently searching "This Topic" would only return posts in which the user's name is written. And I can confirm this, try searching "Mei". The above post won't show up.
  13. As Zoop said, making guests register before being able to view any of the forums content would be detrimental to the intake of new users. And the staff here are very good at their jobs, so trolls shouldn't ever prove to big a problem, just make sure to report them whenever you do see one.
  14. And I finally get some free time, this has been a long weekend. -_-

  15. I was sold before even watching any of the episodes. At that time all I had seen was this clip from season 2: But I never paid it any head. Later on, around this time last year I accidentally found myself reading some fanfic and then realised that it was related to MLP a few chapters in. And the rest is history.
  16. I'd have to say the web isn't so, after all it's just a collection of digital data whizzing around at approximately the speed of light. The internet however is the physical (and wireless) connections that connect computers around the world, so it could be considered the work of Satan.
  17. If you're interested there is a Skype group, here's the official thread for it. And back to the topic, I joined on the 10th of January, so it's close enough to 2011 me thinks.
  18. My thoughts: you and your friend have some active imaginations. On the note of having to paying for printing, that's true at my uni. But the tuition fees are paid by the government, so I guess it's all fair.
  19. Favourite user? ...what's with you people and hard questions? I'll have to go with Zoop, for reasons I don't think I have to mention.
  20. I think this has been asked for in the past. It probably won't be done, at least anytime soon. As expanding the mobile theme with new features would be a lot of work, it'd probably be more worthwhile developing andoird/iOS apps. On that note IPS does have an app for iOS, I can't say how good it is though. And I heard some time ago that they're working on an app for android.
  21. That does sound good, perhaps if we could filter the treads shown by tags we could do that.
  22. Tom

    Naga DeMon

    I decided since NaNoWriMo is on the calendar, why not add Naga Demon. Nation Game Design Month. Check out the website here: http://nagademon.com/
  23. I wake up to 105 notifications... looks like someone's been busy. :)

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