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Status Updates posted by FlareGun45

  1. The people who say "the new MLP movie is woke" are really ruining the fun of the movie.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Don't pay them any mind. To people like that, nearly everything is woke these days. They are definitely becoming The Boy Who Cried Woke because the term has no real meaning anymore, other than "I hate minorities of any kind". 

    2. Lucky Bolt
  2. If Lil' Cheese ever has a voice role, it's gotta be Tom Kenny. I won't take no for an answer.

  3. Ya wanna know I have a problem with Spike's old assistant role? This image pretty much explains it.



  5. Uhhh.... Spike's a girl now..... yeah, that just happened.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. FlareGun45


      Will he be a serious character though, or a punching bag again? That's what I'm afraid of.

    3. Tacodidra


      Maybe the eyelashes were an error (they do look wrong, I agree). :dash: They released two pictures of him – in one, he has them, while in the other he doesn't. :mlp_blink:





    4. FlareGun45


      Alright that's good to know! 

      Looks like Spike and Rarity might interact alot, but hopefully it's more causal, cause it looks pretty causal there! 

  6. Happy Birthday, fellow birthdayer! And many more to come! :D 

  7. Happy Birthday, fellow birthdayer! And many more to come! :D 

  8. Happy Birthday, fellow birthdayer! And many more to come! :D 

  9. Happy Birthday, fellow birthdayer! And many more to come! :D 

  10. I dunno if the show made it that clear: is it the Mane 7 ruling Equestria together, like all 7 of them are leaders, or is it Twilight ruling it and the friends just assisting her but she has the final say?

    1. Tacodidra


      It hasn't been made clear yet, but I've assumed it's the latter. :) Maybe we'll find out more before the series ends – I wouldn't be surprised to see the rest of them get some (official) royal duties, even if Twilight is the ruler.

  11. Hey Will, my good friend! :D How's it goin'?

    1. Will Guide

      Will Guide

      Tiring. The anticipation of the last few episodes is killing me!

    2. FlareGun45


      Don't worry! It's so close to over, and the stress will finally die down! It's happiness or sadness from there, but at least no more stress! THAT we can rely on!

  12. You are important! You are awesome, and don't let anyone tell you otherwise! ;) 

    1. Tacodidra


      Something everyone should remember! :rarity: *hugs* :kindness:

  13. It's stormin' pretty bad here!

    1. Angle Alastor

      Angle Alastor

      be safe ! also i can see how bad it is 0-0 (weather app on my phone)

  14. Oh yeah, Happy Friendship Day! I'm really lucky to have friends like all of you! :D


    1. FlareGun45


      Thank you, @FeatherStream! You deserve great things! :)

    2. Angle Alastor

      Angle Alastor

      Lol your quite welcome :3

  15. Yunno what really grinds my gears? Waiting till it's dusk to mow to the lawn cause it's so damn hot outside, but then it starts storming in the middle of the day! >~<

  16. Whatever Spike's final episode is - I really wanna see Thorax in it! When was the last time Spike and Thorax interacted? Triple Threat - that's how long ago!

  17. Yunno, it would be REALLY COOL if Sunset just made a short cameo in the series finale! Like just popping out, helping out against Grogar, then disappearing!

    I know it sounds unlikely, but knowing how this season is full of surprises, there's a slight chance!

  18. The new live-action SpongeBob is tomorrow at 8 PM! :D

    1. Kion


      Can’t wait for SpongeBobs Big Birthday Blowout hopefully it’s fantastic I wish Stephen was here to celebrate with us.

  19. Not much point of making more theory posts when the show's gonna end in 4 1/2 weeks. :(

    1. BastementSparkle


      Why not? I wouldn't care if the show was like 10 years old, if I had a cool theory I'd wanna post it.

  20. Happy 20th Birthday, Sweetie Belle! :D

  21. Obligatory "Can't believe America is [current year] years old today!" Joke

  22. I have a huge question about a few songs I heard of.

    Is Stacy's Mom and Jessie's Girl the same person? Also is her name Jenny with the number 867-5309?

    1. Sparklefan1234


       Now I have all three of these songs stuck in my head at once. :blink: Thanks. :nom:

  23. It would awesome hearing Marble Pie saying more than "mhm" at just the right time one day!

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