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Everything posted by MrMammal

  1. my ign is mrmammal. I played in beta but havent played much since s I guess I'm newish still to the new wot lol. I have the american Td's up to the T-28 Prot and mediums to the E2. Also World of Warpalnes is pretty fun if anypony is in that beta
  2. ive seen furries pop up at conventions and talked with some of them and it's always kinda fascinated me but never really took time to look into it. Now I'm watching MLP big into the fandom and everything and this seems like a great time to learn more about it if any of you furries wanna share some info and talk
  3. fucki told you im terrible with names i meant the dad of the lannisters whatever his name is Im blanking on it if you know who im talking about
  4. MANNNNNN YES!!!!! I like Ayra, Tyrion, Jon Snow, Imp, and that one red head wildling that Mr. Snow needs to fuck! lol I've only seen the series want to read the books and I'm terrible with names most the time But I hate Sansa and Joffrey
  5. so decided to make a random 5s team with some friends and went 8-1 woot! on another note zed is OP and does ridiculous amounts of damage luckily he can be stopped if he tries to 5v1 lol
  6. If anybody is watching LCS/MLG HOLY SHIT the game with complexity and vulcan that just ended was a crazy close and good game (filled with mistakes but whatever ahah) still had tons of amazing plays
  7. fiora mid is the best fiora! also I only bought her recently when her headmistress skin came out haha. Only reason I'll ever play her. But honestly all I do now is play jax top/jungle, or mid if I can haha because he's a pimp
  8. I can top lane fiora pretty well <3 shes awesome haha but ya I hope there is a pony team made that'd be sweet haha until I shall continue to push plat half way there 44 LP in gold 1 but solo queue takes a lot of effort putting up with trolls/ragers
  9. Played a game with Crs Elementz today. Didn't go to well. I was drunk already and they camped his lane and basically we lost! HAHA but it was fun
  10. What crops did you march man? That's what I marched in Scouts and the Cavaliers! What a blast that was! I miss it a lot but ya it's tough but why can't you do both that and bodybuilding? haha
  11. I basically deadlifted today... a lot haha I did a quick warm up followed by 8 sets of 1 @ 405lbs with box jumps(3 high) in between. After that I did a quick leg work out and did some biceps. Feeling good I'm thinking thursday I might go for a new leg press 1rm
  12. Look for more natural foods. The less ingredients the better. I would suggest eating more meals if you can. Chances are your body isn't getting the right amount of nutrients it wants to function fully. Look for whole wheats and grains, lean meats mostly, nuts are good too for snacks. Try to stay away from saturated fats also. Eggs, sandwiches, fish, chicken, rice, turkey, broccoli bananas, and oats are some examples of good food.
  13. I know how the college thing works but going grocery hopping can actually be pretty cheap if you do it right and if you have a meal pass just don't go for the burger and fries (at least not every day haha) As for the cold why not throw indoor if you have an indoor arena or you can still throw with a hoodie on and such. Try think of going to the gym as a way to stay active during the off season and do Frisbee specific work outs.
  14. personally I haven't found somebody who can hypnotize me which kinda sucks cause I wanna see what it's like But I also haven't cared enough to really dig deep into it. I do think it's cool though
  15. ULTIMATE FRISBEE!!! YES! I go to the gym 5-6 times a week and barely do cardio and I'm still agile enough for Ultimate, so don't worry about that. What tips are you looking for I would love to help! Also are you talking about a bent over row? My one general tip would be that you seem to do general full body work out & cardio but don't jsut focus on main muscles (legs, chest, back) hit your core, shoulders, traps. I'm not laughing at a 30 min work out. They are actually becoming popular with some clients because with how busy people are they can't always dedicate a full hour or more. As for the only focus on losing weight then gaining muscle, it's BS. Why can't you do both? The wonderful thing about resistance training is that is still burns calories and helps lose fat while you build muscle. Why can't you kill two birds with one stone? P.S. Added to my first post where I will post something motivational daily(or I will try at least)
  16. I'll PM you motivational stuff everyday and tell you to do your core work outs then I'll help you see the light until you start PMing me to get me off my lazy butt and work on my core haha
  17. ahhh ok ya that makes sense. Ya the stomach, unfortunately, is where fat likes to hide the most. Since you seem to be fine I would suggest keep eating healthy and keep working on your core or actually start! haha I did gymnastics when I was younger and I know we got out core super strong and I'm sure you can't get away with that in cheer so cmon and step it up! ahaha I love making core work outs because they are so fun and easy so I can through some together for you if you want.
  18. ya I love working out with a partner and find that it helps a lot to keep you honest and motivated because they can help give you that extra push and they won't let you wimp out of stuff if you feel lazy music is a great motivation I hate working out with out it. Also for muscle building maybe it will help if you think about not needing to build muscle but jsut shed the fat? That's not me saying you need to lsoe weight but muscle is under fat. It's like that for everybody how big your muscles doesn't matter (unless you are a bodybuilder) so if you want to look in shape and have your muscles op just "tone up" work out but don't worry about lifting heavy or doing huge work outs. Just keep yourself active! If that makes sense... I have trouble saying whats on my mind sometimes
  19. Yea it's true that going to the gym helps a lot with gaining mass or losing fat but the number important thing for your healthy gains or losses is the nutritional aspects. Remember: A good work out starts in the kitchen, and ends in the gym. I do love to work out when I'm angry or upset and feel 100% better after it's nice. Though why does everybody expect me like cardio so much haha
  20. My first gym was planet fitness as well. It's a good gym I hope so! working out is fun and extremely healthy and can benefit nearly every aspect of your life.
  21. metric!! AHHHH. good thing I like metric haha ya you don't really need a gym for much. You can do whatever on a good budget or for free. I like it cause it makes things easy and some machines you need cause you can't substitute with free weights. ALRIGHTY! Glad to hear your motivation and goals! Time to give my input! I hope you don't mind . I don't know what you look like now or how big you are only that you look like Mark Wahlberg with a little extra fat? haha What I get from reading this, and correct me if I'm wrong, but you do full body work outs 3 days in a row then take a rest day and repeat? What you do comes down to a simple thing. DO WHAT YOU LIKE. Don't take a program and do it because it's what somebody else did and they got a good look. If you don't like an exercise or anything really don't do it make an adjustment. I say this only because you say you do a lot of cardio and I personally hate cardio (at least int he gym I run when I play sports). Anyway to your workout: Stretching- I am going to assume (again correct me if I am wrong) that you do static stretching(stretch and hold). This is actually not the best thing to do before a work out. Dynamic stretching is way better to wake up and ready your muscles for the work out ahead. Cardio- It's not terrible. It can get your heart rate up before a work out and get the blood flowing I just don;t do it. Also you have to be careful with how much cardio you do if you are trying to gain because if can make it harder. Also I personally wouldn't suggest doing cardio in the middle of an exercise. If you want 2 cardio sessions I would say warm-up and cooldown. Machines- I'm gonna group the rest into here. I have nothing against full body work outs and I even like them. Why do you do it 3 days in a row though? I'm just curious. If you are going to be working out that much it is generally a better idea to break up your work out days into groupings so you can do continuous cycles and give the areas you worked good recovery instead of only 1 days rest after 3 days continually working them. For Example: (2 days on, 1 off) 1: Chest/Back 2: Bis/Tris 3: Rest 4: Legs 5: Shoulders/Abs/Calves 6: Rest Repeat Or do chest/tri, back/bis, etc. I like to do something along those lines switching it up every couple months. I like to keep shoulders calves and abs on a day because they are mostly minor compared to the other muscles so they are just a nice grouping. Anyway! Back on track. It also seems that you are going for muscle endurance over muscle gain or hypertrophy. If you already have the muscle size you want that's not bad but if you want to get bigger you might want to make some more adjustments. Abs- I'll leave this alone since you seem to like it and that's whats important. Shower/Whey- Hell ya! Best part (added with a smoke cause I'm terrible). But better than chugging a protein shake try to eat like a PB&J sandwich or some simple carbs. I always eat some honey or have some milk with my shake and some quick snack. This is because right after your done working out your body is in a catabolic state so it wants to break down your tissues for energy so you give it something to satisfy it's need while the protein or dinner or whatever comes next is taking time to take affect. Sorry that's a tone of words and probably grammar mistakes and such. I hope that makes sense and if you have any questions on the crazy post lemme know!
  22. you can do both ont he floor with like a pillow or something. It will help ensure that you don't extend too far back which can be nice. Also it seems you are lacking some back, so perhaps bend over rows, (the pull ups), basic pull exercises
  23. Do you do any chest press or fly with dumbbells? Also for shoulders so front and lateral raises. Also shrugs. Don't just shoulder press. Pull up bars are awesome unless you have like a tree outside with a branch you can reach haha. Try to focus on activating all the muscles involved on your work outs. For example jsut doing shoulder press is create a muscular imbalance if you don't work out the other muscles that are involved. holy crap haha how tall are you? 115 is tiny!!
  24. I'm jealous I wish I had that kind of bodytype haha I tall skinny and a hard gainer. I'm about to break 200lbs though which I'm excited for. Next stop 215! Also my goals all involve me ~10% body fat or less so it's hard to gainer lean body mass
  25. well what weight are we talking? If you want you can reply or pm me. Have you been active lately? I would suggest a basic stabilization starting point using simple body weight exercises. This with an improved diet would give you good results fairly quickly. Just make sure that your given yourself ample rest between same muscle groups. Also pull-ups are great if you can do thing. Try doing squats and dead lifts with heavy stuff that is around (but not to heavy and make sure you are using proper form to prevent injury) Also anymore info on your program?
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