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Flailing Dinosaurs

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Everything posted by Flailing Dinosaurs

  1. Why thank you! I'm glad you liked it ^-^ Though, I'm sure if you try and practice lots, you could do something like this I didn't get to where I am without a lot of... well... failing LOL And, yes, his attire is nice, isn't it xD
  2. Custodian taking a walk in the dark I guess lol I don't know. It's supposed to be raining, but, I didn't feel like setting up that atomosphere LOL. This is the first time I've ever done a piece like this 8o so, do be gentle, you art critic wolves you. Don't make me release ze hounds! XD And I know, the hind leg's messed up, as always LOL No need to mention that.
  3. I don't think I've ever drawn these two D8 What a shame! These are my characters Orphan and Custodian. Orphan is the blue one and Custodian is the green one ^-^ I used these guys as a lore building exercise a while ago, and I just kind of adopted them as my favorite pony OC's lol xD I'm not too sure if I like how Orphan's colors came out... I'll tinker with his color scheme some other time I suppose >.>
  4. Thank you! I use paint tool SAI (a free version that I found in the bowels of the internet >.>) and I use a Genius Slimtablet to draw with, and to draw the clouds I used my laptop's dragpad ^-^
  5. It's been... almost two years since I last did any sort of Spyro fanart LOL This is TLoS fanart, not the original stuff. Shitty background is shitty ._.
  6. I'm... really... tired. FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF LIGHTNING O-O Ahahahaahahahahahahahah Nope. Nopenopenopenopenope. Nope. Nope. No, Nu, Nah, Nada, Nope. *hides under pillow ;-;* Anyways, I wanted a picture of my bobcat character (who adapts an anthro form every now and then in my pics, lawl) wearing a white shirt while having a nosebleed. It kind of shifted from that idea to her in a white sweater -becausepotato?- and bleeding all over it after winning a small fistfight 8D The orange tabby is my friend Lillee's character, Dawn, and the bobcat is Cara Mia. Yay friendfluff! I love drawing happy stuff. I don't do it often enough :/ even though this is a kind of weird sort of happy pic, it's still there XD Cara. Pull your pants up. There are children about. Also, since when does your arm have a second elbow LOL how do I anatomy.
  7. A gift for my close friend, Kat. A poster of her character, Koe the cog, holding a moth that bears a striking similarity to my dragonsona, Claire...hmm... c: It would seem that the moth!Claire is offering a gift... I actually worked really hard on this one *-* Look. A backgound. omg. Look, lighting. omg. It's all so beautiful *tears*
  8. Uh. Muh. Guhd. This thing is so big LOL. A poster of my beloved dragon character, Fletcher Whiptail 8D I love my new background technique *-* It's so pretty. The font is Dungeon.
  9. Oops, I Homestucked. Oops, I Homestucked my favorite character. Oops, I Homestucked my favorite character as a grub. Oops. Also, figured out a new background technique 8D
  10. I don't even know what I'm doing with my life anymore. All I do know, is that I'm never drawing a damn keyblade ever again. Jegus these things are hard to draw. Anyways, this was a request I got over on dA. Decided to post this here for tips and stuff I guess. I don't know lol XD Also, not too sure if this is even the right place to put this XD I apologize if it's not. Character does not belong to me~
  11. A gift for my best interweb twin, Kat c8 This is a pic of our characters, Koe and Claire (Koe being the salmony pepto bizmo colored one lol, and Claire the weird dragony thing) being evil plotting sisters, ready to tear people apart LOL Silly Claire, why do you wear your necklace everywhere other than your neck. Honestly, you'll lose the thing like that. Anywho, these two are my babus. Even though Koe's not mine, I still love her XD BATTLE SISTAHS... UNIIIITE /} { awyeah, spikey battle brohooves. AHAAHAHAHAAHAHA WHY AM I STILL AWAKE.
  12. Exactly. Her leg's just shy c8 And, yes. Legit as all legit things can be. The very embodiment of legit. That's just how legit this thing is.
  13. OOPS, I FANARTED. The character on the left is my R&C fancharacter, Carrie. The character on the right is the main antagonist-that-kind-of-turns-good-in-the-end, Kaos, from the Ratchet and Clank fanfiction: Ratchet and Clank Future: Kaos Rising. I have a definite love for this silly fanfic. Kaos: "Freaky space magic?" Carrie: "Yup. Freaky space magic." This was insanely fun to draw XD I only own Carrie. Kaos is KiwiLombax's ._.
  14. I had a dream about a ballroom dance thing. There wasn't enough room on the dancefloor for everyone, so, all the people got stickers. Sticker colors were called one at a time, and by the end of the dream, I was all alone, standing there at the entrance of where the dance was being held. Then they closed it before I got to go in. I was rather tragic.
  15. It's like a dance, you decide. Yes. A dance. A beautiful ballet. A tango. One partner forever to be the mouse, the other, the cat. The land is your stage, the wind and birdsong your music. The grass and trees are your props, and your own skin, the most creative costume to be created. That was redundant. It doesn't matter though. Redundancy is good. It's a constant, right? A constant, a constant, all you want is for things to be constant. Changing, it's always changing, why does it keep changing? You wish the wind would stop blowing the leaves out of your skull. They're the only thing that keep your brain warm. What's that? A mouse. No. A deer. A deer? There are no deer here. Ha! That rhymed! Brilliant. And away you go, stalking. Like a most fearsome hunter. What are you? You don't even know. Ever since the crows started to make nests in your head, you can't seem to recall your species. You know you're small though. Maybe you're a mouse? A cat? You don't know. Oh! The crows! The crows! You circle the deer. Is it a deer? It shouldn't be a deer. There aren't deer in this place. This you know. Leaves fly- perhaps they are the ones from your head? They seem to be falling out a lot of late- as you spring at the creature. A swift paw knocks you away, and stones tumble out of your ears. Paws. It has paws. What is is? What is it?! THE CROWS, THE CROWS ARE COMING FOR ME, OH, THE CROWS! You're pinned. Claws rip into your body. The face of your killer comes into view. A cat. Hah. A cat. Ahahahah. AHAHAHAH. You twitch. Crickets are crawling out of your guts. Curious. Caw. Caw. Oh. The crows have come for you, already? You suppose it's alright. All of the stones have trickled from your head at last. It's clear now. You can think again. The wind whistles through the hole in your skull, and, for once, you're glad for it. It's here to take you home. To spirit you back. Back to where? You don't know. It's not one of the constants. It's part of the unscripted play. The dance. -O- I shouldn't write stuff like this. It drains me too much emotionally.
  16. Nothing's ever perfect dude. C: Also, the whisps attach... with... MAAAAGIIIIIC 8D *wiggles fingers* See, look at all this magic. It's just gluing that hair on. *more finger wiggling*
  17. "Guess who's back, back again, Cozzie's back, tell a friend 8D" I finally got a new tablet, and have returned from my family reunion. This is the edited version of the picture. I know how weird you guys can be about certain stuff, so, I censored the pic c8 the original can be found on my dA. That is, if you care enough to actually go look at it LOL Starsplash likes paint, but, she's not too good at painting ._. ALSO. I changed my pony drawing style just a bit. Some relative of mine made a snide comment about how my dragons and ponies look alike. I took great offense, and changed some stuff. Why did I take offense? Because, I'm a woman, and it's easy to offend me >8c
  18. AHAH. I FINALLY GOT THIS DAMN THING DONE. TAKE THAT, DRAGPAD. Ahem. Anywho. Ignore lack of talent and correct colors. Didn't have a ref when I colored it, and the lineart and coloring was done by dragpad. Just... ignore it all. Please XD Obvious mistakes are the fault of my cat, because he ate my tablet cord.
  19. Hey guys, so, I'm on a family reunion this entire week. That means I cannot answer mail, and I won't be posting any art or blogs until Monday afternoon (or, at least, my Monday afternoon LOL) It's not that I don't have internet connection, I just don't want to waste my family time fiddling around with my laptop Try not to send me too much mail >.> Chances are if I get too much, I'll just delete it all LOL XD
  20. :I I got bored, and decided to list things that I do when I'm bored 8D YAY LISTS! 1:Troll on fail trolls on youtube 8D This is one of my favorite pastimes. Here, read my most recent addition: "I'd reply in some sort of immature way like everyone else is doing, but I'm too busy laughing my ass off at your failure trollage. Honestly. That was pathetic. So unoriginal too! Just... listing off things that you think? Tsk. I'm sure you could do better than that, bromigo! Get creative, for god's sake, then some folks would at least get a little more enjoyment out of your silly attention grabbing silliness :D" That was a lot of fun to read. Can't wait for the replies I'll get :3 2: Draw stuff. This usually happens when I get really bored XD Most cause I have to draw on paper these days... 3:Flip through my tabs, refreshing them all, just to see if I have any new mail ;-; 4: Watch crap on youtube. 5: Go find pony gifs on google search. 6: Watch favorite FIM episodes XD 7: Stalk around my house, methodically killing every mosquito I see with my bare hands, either through catching it in mid-flight, or by smashing it with my hand against either a palm or a wall 8D The best part is when they're full of blood, and they splatter everywhere... the not so fun part is cleaning it up ._. 8: Go pester my mother out in the living room. Usually I just go stalk her and make bird noises at her. 9: Mess with my cat. My favorite form of abuse that I give to my cat is squeezing him so he squeaks XD I'm a horrible owner, I know. Yet, the furball still loves me >.> Dun see how that works out, but, whatever. 10: Play videogames. This is usually my last attempt at staving off boredom. Sitting on my ass, playing ME3, or maybe R&C, or some sort of Spyro game. Usually, I ragequit after a few minutes. Scrub, rinse, repeat 8D That's what my days usually consist of. Sometimes, I get to leave the house. That's always fun. Or, my cat will bring in some sort of still alive animal... like the frog that I had on my desk this morning LOL He was alive and okay though, and was released after being discovered sitting in a bowl of stale cheezits >.> So. Yeah. Now, get out of my blog, and stahp staring into my life. It's weird. Creeper. XD HAVE A NICE DAY, MY FELLOW VELOCIRAPTORS.
  21. until

    Wish I could D: Plane tickets are spendy, especially when you can't earn the money to buy them XD
  22. Moody Luna is moody. Took a picture of this one because it was taped to my wall, and I didn't want to take it down to scan XD So, yeah, ignore that little patch of my wall there >.>This is actually an older sketch, and, despite a few irritating mistakes, I still really like it.
  23. Thankies ^-^ I'm glad that I managed to give her a good facial expression... I kind of thought she looked a little constipated, but, maybe that's just me lol.
  24. I went out on a boat yesterday to watch some fireworks (which were frigging amazing ) but, the wait before them was so boring So, I started to doodle around. Sorry if some details arn't too clear (mostly in the chest areas, I know ;-; ) I didn't erase my skeletons xD When I get a tablet, these will be finished.
  25. Thanks 8D I've never thought of my stuff as detailed before o3o I've always just seen it as a whole bunch of disorganized scribbles LOL. One brohoof shows me all the love dude. And knowing that people enjoy my stuff really means a lot to me ^-^
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