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Flailing Dinosaurs

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Everything posted by Flailing Dinosaurs

  1. Either the time I put a nail through my foot when I was six, or the time I cut open my lip when I slipped in the bathroom and whacked my face against the corner of the counter. This was when I was five \(.__.)/
  2. I had a particularly strange dream a couple days ago, where a bunch of kids from my school put me on the hit list o-o One of my friends managed to intercept the kill order, and she helped me get away via motorcycle. The problem? Well, my brain wanted to keep the plot up (Oh goody!) so, the bad guys got motorcycles too, woo! And they were shooting at me. Not just with guns, but with fricking arrows. Arrows. Eventually they chased me into a storage unite, and cornered me. Tried to escape by running them over, and instead got shot off my bike. But, I lived! One of the lead kids made me stand on my knees, and held a gun to the back of my head, execution style, and I just managed to yell at a passing group of my own friends. Somehow I rolled over and grabbed the gun from the kid behind me, and we had a massive power struggle in the gravel. I came out victorious, and then all those kids went to jail, and I lived happily evarr aftarr. c: And then I woke up AHAHAHA.
  3. Hm. I didn't cry at the end of The Notebook, I'll tell you that LOL Usually the waterworks come out when I'm angry or really frustrated, and I reserve the best ones for actual sadness... like sad pony-fics D: Or a sad fanfic in general.
  4. I should be cleaning my room right now ;-; if I don't, I'm liable for grounding XD Ohwell, I've got another... six hours to get it done. Plenty of time... heheheh... I'm doomed D:
  5. Bottled water all the time! You just don't drink tap water in my house... unless you want an ever present taste of chlorine and stinkbugs on your tastebuds. How do I know it tastes like stinkbugs? I got really thirsty one night \(._.)/ Though, if it's available, I'll definitely drink well water, hell, I've drank water seeping out of a rock face before XD That was such good water *-*
  6. Hm. Welp. CONFESSION TIME :3 I still pee in the shower \(._.)/ woo, I'mma big girl I sometimes read porn when I'm bored just so I can laugh at the terrible writing I used to throw kittens across the room when I was little... I also used to lift them up via tail. Threw a frog at my little cousin last summer... little bastard When I was eleven, I peed in a cat box because I was too scared to go downstairs \(._.)/ I don't rinse my mouth after brushing my teeth (WOO WE GOTTA BADASS OVAH HURR) I feel the constant urge to kill things with guns. I can't wait until I go gopher hunting this week :3 Popped a friend's mom's exercise ball with a nail file, then tried to cover it up with duct tape *facepalm* Kicked a kid out of a tree once a long time ago... >.> he deserved it though LOL When I get really bored, I come onto the internet, watch a show meant for girls much younger than me, and then make weird posts in a forum made for that show. OH ALSO. I pulled down some kid's pants once because he was wearing them super low without a belt. MUAHAHAHA IS THERE NOTHING THAT I WONT DO? LOL EDIT: I also pick my nose... a lot. Woo. XD PICK ROLL FLICK SUCKAS... thank you dad, for raising such a dainty daughter alongside your wife, lol. Log on as other people on school computers and attempt to visit porn sites. Good times. I have a fettish for blood in art. Why? I have no idea. Ish sexy though XD Kicked a puppy for biting my big toe, though, it was more of a boop, (I did have an ingrown toenail going on, so dun blame me there) and he fell off my porch and fell on his head ;-; he was dumb before then though, so, no harm done!...? Meh, he's going to a petshop soon anyways XD
  7. Unicorn:ERMERGERSH! I CAN LEVITATE THIIINGGGZZZZ Earth Pony: :I Woo, I can... be a pony with a dye job... woo. Pegasus: ERMERGERSH! I CAN FLY! Now I can go sit on telephone wires and poop on people!
  8. Does it crush your soul a tiny bit whenever your ship sinks? I know my soul dies when my favorite ships sink ;-;
  9. Alright... 1:Puppets (*shudder*) 2:The dark 3:Clowns 4:Dolls 5:Dark hallways Puppets and dolls are just... ugh, no, creepy. Clowns have freaked me out from a very young age, the dark is just... no. Imagination is too great XD Dark hallways... bad things always happen in corridors. Just check out some gaming videos, and you'll see! (this is also the reason why I can't go pee at night... ever ;- Silliest fear? Um... Mirrors. Bad stuff happens with mirrors, and you see weird creepy stuff in them when you shouldn't Honorable mention: Windows at night. Guh. Too many horror movies have someone looking out their window at night, and then... BAM BAD STUFF HAPPENS.
  10. I'm a water-fire kind of person. I'm usually pretty calm and calculating, I use my head as often as I can XD Though, if I get riled up, stuff's gonna go down LOL XD I love to make my own little fires out in the fire pit, but I also enjoy a long day out by a creek. Blame my upbringing, I lived in North Carolina for years, where the best way to control ticks was through brush burning. We also lived by a series of creeks ^.^ Good childhood memories.
  11. During school, I usually get in three meals a day, but, during the summer, I don't have actual... meals XD I just kinda graze all day. How I stay skinny is a mystery to me o-o
  12. My latest WTF is when I had a girl come join my lunchtable (I feel so juvinile when I say lunchtable ._.) a while back. At first, she was okay... up until the point she started to preach her religion at me and my buds *flail* Now, I'm an atheist, but I'm cool with relegious folks-none of my business what they do in their spare time, and who they worship- so I was kinda wigged out by all the spouting of... stuff. Eventually, my friends and I got fed up with it, but, didn't say anything. This was just after I'd converted my table to MLP XD So, Love and Tolerate was something we were working with. Anyways, one day, this girl comes to the lunchtable, claiming, I shit you not that "THE CAPSLOCK KEYS ARE SATAN! YOU MUST REPENT FROM YOUR USE OF THEM! WE HAVE ALL BEEN BRAINWASHED! REPENT, AND WORSHIP OUR SAVIOR, THE SHIFT KEY!" o-o we kind of gave her a thumbs up and ignored her for the rest of the day... that was the daily WTF moment... and then... the next day...>.> The girl comes back, this time with a ziplock baggy fully of capslock keys she'd popped off the school computers. Needless to say, we banished her from the table with a quickness.
  13. Oh. Dear. Sweet. Celestia. Halp. My belly hurts from all this laughter LOL Ow ow ow ow. God, I love morons. They brighten up my day. Especially these morons! Honestly, the gay part threw me for a loop LOL I was like "Dafuq does a rainbow colored flag have to do with this video...?" then I read the comments and had a total facepalm XD I'm surprised Luna wasn't targeted here o-o I'd think she'd be a better candidate for the title of Satan lol. Sorry Luna, I love you, but, still. Welp, just goes to show: People are idiots XD I had a friend who thought the CAPSlock key was Satan in disguise. She was banished from my lunchtable a week later after bringing a bag full of CAPSlock keys she had popped off the school computers... Anyways. I'd stick around the thread, but, the smell of griffinshit is overpowering, even through my screen XD I bid you all adue. REMEMBER KIDS! MY LITTLE PONY PROMOTES SATANISM! Snkt- buahahahaa *dies*
  14. Okay, a little while ago, I was reading through comments on a fanfiction, and an interesting topic came up: the skewed ratio of mares and stallions in comparison to that of humans. It's obvious that there are many many more mares than stallions. But, why? Seeing as how ponies are mammals, it would give a fifty-fifty gender chance. I offered my own two bits (no pun intended lol) suggesting that perhaps magic, as Equestria certainly seems to be saturated with it, has a way of swaying the sex of a foal? An example would be in say, non-mammals, though, not an ideal comparison, it still has something to go off of. Crocodile eggs, if I remember correctly, are affected by temperature changes, warming producing more males, and colder giving way to more females. I may just be looking too deep into what this really is though: a childrens' cartoon, made specifically for little girls, which may have created a great gender bias... but, then again, I'm thinking more in the fanon aspect here. (also, there seem to be a lot more males in Canterlot than in Ponyville in comparison to the number of mares. For some reason, that always struck me as weird) I'd like to hear more opinions. (also, forgive me if this is in the wrong spot XD I skimmed around in the section and decided that it seemed like the right place to post)
  15. Wasn't too sure where this thing goes XD So, I stuck it in visual. Sorry for being a rulebreaker XD This is my character, Sapphire (she's actually partially mine, a good friend at school came up with her, I just abuse the dragon as I see fit! XD) SO. This is my very first gif : D I'm very happy with how it turned out c: Though, it would seem that her eyelid line didn't appear on the trip up! XD And... well, crap, secret's out, Sapphire doesn't have real eyelashes, just really long eyebrow hairs LOL I know, it's not perfec it was just something fun I wanted to try out earlier today.
  16. Thanks ^-^ Elegance was what I was going for here (even though most would argue Vinyl is anything but, lol) As for shading, it's just a late night sketch. I'll save shading for the finished piece Thanks Sketches are rough, I suppose, but they get the point across, don't they? XD And, thank you, I've been getting a lot of style complements lately o-o I guess I have a unique one? I 'unno XD
  17. The front leg closest to... the viewer, I guess? XD The way you have the shoulder-upper leg line drawn makes the whole leg seem sideways, while the knee-lower leg line says you want the leg facing the viewer, which would be a more natural position. *flail* so, that kind of makes it look awkward XD Just something I noticed other than that, the pic looks good, your lines are placed nicely, and for some reason, I keep on wanting to pinch her cheeks LOL.
  18. Unoriginal title is unoriginal. So... I feel like that one meme right now. "Draw ALL the ponies!" yup. XD This is just a sketch that I decided to color. I know it's far from perfection, and I know there are anatomy issues. I just threw this together in a fit of boredom, and decided to post it ^.^
  19. LOL True XD Then again, who knows, he might be irritated from an earlier event. Poor Fancy Pants xD. I may color it one of these days, if I feel like putting up with it It was created with intentions of coloring, but, I didn't like it enough, so I kept it blank.
  20. Well, that's what blonde is Is a super light brown, with a little yellow in it. I guess I could make it lighter, and make it more blonde, but, then it wouldn't be as accurate... Anyways, thanks ^.^ A lot of folks have been commenting about the ear tufts. I half expected to get flamed at because of them XD
  21. Thank you! I tried to add a little more... shape to the legs, give them a little muscle mass so it looks like they can move properly XD As my English teacher once said, short, simple, and to the point C: As for the ear fur, I needed something to fill the space, because just having the ear shell looks kind of... weird o-O so, I filled it in ^.^ Thanks 8D I try to make things look a little less cartoony sometimes, add a little more realism, tends to make the shapes come together easier :3 I can see how folks would try to make her look fat, the show's style is hard to replicate :/ I guess that's their way of pressing us to make our own styles ^-^
  22. Who said anything about French girls? FLEUR, HAVE YOU BEEN POISENING PEOPLE'S MINDS AGAIN? <.< >.> LOL all sillyness aside, yeah, that sounds great c: Just PM me whenever, I'm almost always online just not any time next week, ah'll be out camping with my old man >.>
  23. Lol XD Sure, I guess Depending on what they wanted drawn and the complexity. I can draw much more than ponies though, if a person is interested in something different (though not people. gawd, no. *shudder*)
  24. Aw, thankies! :3 I try to make stuff look like it fits ^.^ It's not always easy, but I try still I also try to be creative where I can be
  25. Oh, thank you! I did work hard on her XD Almost had a breakdown because I couldn't think of a good color scheme to give her o-o then I realized a few things. I'm white as paper, and I have purple and blonde hair. XD Therefore, so should my sona. AND THAT IS HOW EQUESTRIA WAS MA- herm, sorry. XD
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