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Flailing Dinosaurs

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Everything posted by Flailing Dinosaurs

  1. Meh. I decided to update my ponysona (who has undergone a hella lot of updates XD) and this is the result. This isn't just Ver 2 though, this is prolly Ver 4 or 5. this was just the second version of the pic XDoov Feathery hooves *-* I love them too much ~~(*O*)~~
  2. Fleur has evolved into: Wild Fleur! A sketch sparked by a painting I saw on dA a little while ago Why didn't I erase Fancy Pant's skeleton, I'll never know... then again, it's a sketch XD All sillyness aside... I really enjoyed jotting this down I like developing characters that havn't been developed. I dunno what the bar thingy is... scenery prop anyone?
  3. Meh. I made ART *-*/ Pinkamena, your anatomy, it bothers me. RD, your leg bothers me as well >.> hm. Ohwell, too lazy to re-upload to SAI XD Song that inspired our lady in pink: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HO4e4nCYBEo So... yeah. I arted. LOOK MOMMY, I MADE A PRETTY ~~(*o*)~~
  4. Hey, guys, remember me? Yeah, you prolly don't XD That's cool if you don't. So, listen, after a few months of being butthurt (cause you all know I was) I finally decided I missed this place (even though there are a lot of assholes here XD) and that I was wrong to up and storm out like a little girl... even though I am a little girl XD I wanted to share my pony stuff with people who actually gave a crap about the fandom, not just the random passerby on dA, or the like. So, I've returned to grace the forums with my sarcasm and buttmunchiness Woo, party *\._./* Can't garuntee how well I'll get along with you folks, but I'll try. If only people would stop being so... standoffish, you know? It's irritating. Anyway... So, yeah. Have a nice day.
  5. Welp. I've come to a conclusion that I'm not too pleased with. I'm leaving the site. Why? Because, I don't like it here, that's why XD A lot of people I've met here were really... kind of standoffish and prickly, not very nice at all ): I'm given rather harsh reviews on pictures, I mean, sure, I posted it and I should be able to handle it... but I didn't ask for critique, now, did I? I've also had a lot of people give me smartass answers when I'm trying to point something out, like when I explain that I don't use the MLP style completly, and that my style is mine, I've had some folks tell me that I should stop making my charas look so MLP-ish if I'm gonna say that I'm not using the style. Yeah, screw you too. I don't need this extra drama in my life. I may only be fourteen, but for the love of Christ on his rickety crutch, folks! Stop being so cold to others. It doesn't really define the common brony all that well, does it? I'm stressed enough as it is, so if I've ever been a little mean or something, I apologize. My gramma was recently diagnosed with cancer, and I'm dealing with a crap-ton of other stress, and I don't need the extra drama of stupidity on this site, thank you very much. Seriously, grow up. I don't care if you think my chara doesn't look right. It's my flippin' chara, so buzz off. If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all. To those who were nice to me and I actually got along with in my short month or so here... I'll miss you bromigos and bromigas. I do have a dA page if you ever want to contact me in the future. At least folks are nice over there... and not as stiff. So... I'll see you folks on the flip side, I guess. -Cozzie
  6. This, my children, is why I should not be allowed to have internet. Or art talent. But, yet, I still have both. Drew all my draggie characters, plus one that I haven't reffed yet. We've got Fletcher, Simmer, Cadence (weird coincidence, yeah. I named her before I started watching ponies XD), an- wait... dammit, forgot someone. Eff. Poor Sylvia, I forgot her. Oh well. and we have Brooklyn, Sapphire, and this new dude... who I'll reff eventually xD Enjoy all this silliness... and, that young Celestia... seem familiar? c:< MASSIVE FILE >: D
  7. I mentioned earlier, I'm still working on aging. Her proportions are something that are on purpose. She isn't too anything xD it's just my style showing through. And the hair... I'm lazy, and this is my preferred color when I'm doodling her. The actual MLP models like that are something I'm trying very hard to stray from. They just don't look right, and are just... a pain. Celestia mane colors are something I don't like using unless it's a serious picture where I try hard.
  8. Thanks! I'm still practicing on aging, though it's a bit tough to make a character older or younger sometimes. The reason her head may look a bit too small is because my style calls for more realism, which I fight with all my might XD
  9. Herp derp. This is why I should never be allowed near the internet XD I make cute things... or really grisly things. One or the other. Good thing I'm in a great mood. Enjoy your Foal!Celestia. EDIT: Lemme clear a few things up hurr XD My style demands that I give everything realistic proportions, which is extremly hard to defy sometimes, so that's why she's a bit strange looking. But this is my style! I'm not trying to use the actual show style, I'm using mine! Her mane is kind of a pain to color, so most times, I just use this base pinkish color. A lot of other artists use this too, because we're lazy XD I'm not asking for a critique on this pic at all, this was just something I doodled in my spare time.
  10. XD Thanks. It is really furry, isn't it o-o like... a pursian cat mixed with a dragon xD The bottle is a glowstick... or at least I tried to make it look like one xD
  11. Herp, when I get bored, I share random art online XD I actually did some lighting here... lolitsuckssomuch. I kind of tried... just not very hard.
  12. History books? Nah, that's silly! We havn't done anything drastically important, other than pester all the other fandoms and fill the internet with ponies and rainbows. Maybe if the bronies did something so massively life changing, maybe, just maybe we'd have a brief mention in a book. The bronies need to get their act together and do something important if they want to be mentioned as a whole in a book. Of course, they will go down in the history of internet fads, under the incredibly demeaning title of Cancer of the Internet ;-;
  13. A commission I did over on dA ^.^ Took me about two days, mostly because I was procrastinating a little here and there, but, I got it done, and, I'm very happy with how it turned out!
  14. Lol, I couldn't agree more XD Though, I don't think I could handle more complexity in a single pic XD So many weird angles to draw o-o Thanks, and I'll try to watch out for my eyes next time Thanks! I can only hope to actually aspire to something that complex though o-o this took me almost an hour, and it was just a scribble. Darn you, hands, darn you...
  15. This only happens under rare circumstances in enviornment for me. 1. Constant nagging 2. Bored out of frigging mind 3. A long break from school 4. Scribbling and, TADA. You get a random Grunt. 'Sup, Grunt. This is the first Krogan I've ever drawn, and the second ME3 fanart I've done. Kind of bullshitted his armor because it was just a scribble XD sorry.
  16. Very adorable : D ohmigod I wanna hug her. Great pic though... turning my head upside down like this hurts XD Her anatomy looks great, and, for outlining with a pen... well, outlines are hard to make with pens XD So, you did good on that. Auto cancellation of the head turnage.
  17. Merp. I got bored today. My spring break started yesterday, so I'm happy about that. I won't be answering comments tonight, so don't feel bad when I don't answer you XD I just now got home from a friend's birthday party, and I'm about to fall asleep on my computer o-o I know that I didn't put any shading on her. sorry! D: I wanted to post before bed, and didn't feel like finishing it. I might update with a shaded version tomorrow, if I'm feeling like I'm in a good mood. Enjoy everypony's favorite rhyme spouting zebra. Now... g'night.
  18. Lolyeah... I hate working with bright colors o-o that's the only reason why he's not more... bright. Gray's pretty much the only color I like to tinker with... plus I can't do color schemes to save my life XD
  19. Pff, holy cow, sorry I didn't reply to your message! Thanks. I like the show's armor great and all, but I wanted to put my own twist on it Not too sure what rank I want him as, I'll have to check my sources for the ranks (websites, my dad XD)
  20. o3o hm. I didn't think of the whole brightness factor! Hm, hm, hm. I'll have to take that into consideration in my next pic/ wallpaper, or whatever I do next. Thank you!
  21. Not too sure if this could be used as a wallpaper or not. If it can, have at it XD I don't care. This was pretty much today's junk sketch. BUT LOOK. REAL LINEART! I found a new brush today. LOOK AT THOSE BEAUTIFUL STRING SWIRLS! I LOVE THEM SO MUCH. My hand hurts. I got a blister when I was working outside. ;-; ohwell. I know I pretty much butchered some stuff, but I didn't feel like looking up a ref to look at, so... this is what you get. Worked about two hours on it. Critique? (please, nothing about incorrect accessories/ cutiemark. I already explained about that.)
  22. This was originally going to be a painting... and then I got to derping around... and this happened XD Use it as a wallpaper if you want, just don't post it anywhere without my consent. Icons can live on the right hand side XD
  23. A commish I did for Sir.Derpington Hooves of his OC riding the adult!Spike that I drew in the pic 'It's Been a Long Day' along with Derpy, Fluttershy and Vinyl. This is what popped into my head XD -O- They had been traveling in the Celestia-damned cave for days. DAYS. Spike sighed as the stallion on his back jerked at the reigns. AGAIN. All four ponies were chattering at an annoying tempo. His ears were possitivly ringing. "Why do I have to wear a bridle again?" he asks, "And don't say 'because it's kinky,' Vinyl." The white and blue pony snickers, and they keep walking. Spike hoped that these crystals would be worth it. -O- Because this was going to be a long trip.
  24. LOL GISE ITS FRYDAI EVRY1!!11!!11!!!111 OMG IM SO XSITED FOR TEH WEAKEND! OMG ROFLMAO! AND GESS WAT EL- *smashes with hammer* SHUT DAFUQ UP, YOU BASTARD. YOU BASTARD COVERED BASTARD WITH BASTARD FILLING. Aw crap, I got hotpocket sauce on my keyboard... <.< >.> *licks sauce off keys* YOUSAWNOTHING. >.> I'm watching you. <.< SO. IT'S FRIGGING FRIDAY. I MADE MY AWESOME CO2 CAR LAST WEEK... and finished it a little while ago. We raced them today ^.^ twas fun. I like to call it 'BubbleGum Constipation' because it looks like a giant spikey crap with bits of bubblegum it it! That's why you don't swallow your bubblegum, dammit. I:< My dad came home yesterday (he works in Nevada for twenty days at a time on a drill rig, and is home for ten days) and I got to stay home and go to the movies with him. We watched Jack the Giant Killer. FRIGGING COOL ASS MOVIE GUYS. The part when they pour the boiling oil over the wall into the moat, then set it on fire, I was flailing in fangirl glee. "I READ ABOUT THAT IN A BOOK OH MY GOD I READ ABOUT THAT!" Of late. Cameron (I'm pretty sure I've told you guys about him in last post) has been sending some frigging mixed signals from hell itself. Like, we were talking about homecoming (because we're going to highschool next year) and he randomly asked my friend, Lillee, who he dated a while back, if she'd go to homecoming with him. And it's like "PFFF BOI. PICK A FUCKING SIDE OR GET NOTHING DAMMIT." she turned him down, but I still went to go sulk in the library. I'm feeling better now though. :3 In other news... BATMAN AND ROBIN MADE IT TO NAME DAY! I'M SO HAPPY! The didn't die during the week, so they have their official names ^.^ THIS SONG. LISTEN TO IT. IT'S SO EPIC. IT PLAYED ON PANDORA A FEW MINUTES AGO. IT'S OMG WORTHY. I LOVE YOU PANDORA! My computer's still being kind of stupid, but, it's actually letting me post now, so I think it's happy again! : D I CAN DRAW AGAIN! IMSOHAPPYOHMYGOD WELP. It appears that's all I have for you, my fleet of velociraptors... See you next week!
  25. o3o Well. I'm glad that you could see the story! Truth be told, I never actually thought of the color scheme once while doing this picture. I seem to have a knack at making colors and patterns work. Thank you very much though!
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