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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Page.Turner

  1. I live really close to the border of the United States; being in Canada, we get a LOT of Americans coming through over the bridge. The worst ones are the young ones... Young Americans who are 19 so they hop over to Canada where they can legally drink and gamble. I used to work at a pizza joint, Little Caesars, for a few years and they never failed to cause drama. XD To note the most memorable ones would really be to note them all. They hop into LC and not only complain that we don't have the same deals as the American franchise, but they also complain because their money is considered about 10cents less than Canadian. It is not MY decision that their money is not equal or above, nor is it the manager's nor owner's fault. It is the company that sets the prices! Even so, for every American dollar, it was worth 90 cents so we would have to calculate. I cannot begin to tell you how many Americans yell and belittle you because their money is not worth the same as Canadian. But I can guarantee that if I went to the States, my Canadian dollar would not be on par either So anyway, I guess what my experience has taught me is that loud men from Detroit are scary, especially when drunk and feeling entitled. One of the most annoying things, though, is when ANYONE would come in the store and call the Supreme pizzas "deluxe" or sometimes "all dressed" :U Bonus story: My very first job was at a KFC. I had this American family come in and order regular stuff, like yeah, it was cool. But then the wife started to order poutine. For those of you unaware, poutine is a French Canadian dish consisting of fries, gravy, and cheese curds. It is also pronounced "poo-teen" XD This woman caught me off guard, however. She started saying, "... and yeah, three orders of poo-tins, please" I was basically like, "Poo-tins? what?" and she thrust her finger at the display board and was like, "Poo-tins! The, uh, little bowls of fries and junk! Poo-tins!" To which I said, "Oh, poutine!" and she was all, "Yeah, poo-tins" Like... *sigh* XD
  2. I think in your first line, you meant to say "waging war" not "wagging war" o3o Wagging is like a dog "wagging" its tail Waging is like "wage", which is to carry on
  3. Oh no! Sexism towards MEN!? How unfair! *sarcasm intensifies* I'm sorry, but I feel that the statement needs to be trivialized at least a little bit There is no sexism in MLP:FiM nor any other generation seen before. To even take the most unimportant thing about the show (the lack of male characters seen) which has nothing to do with how the show is run and try to turn it into the "plight of the male gender"? It not only is ignorant and childish, but it just heavily forces the ideal that men are more important than women and if they are, in any way, being neglected their "rights" then something HAS TO BE DONE ABOUT IT!!! But if you look in the opposite direction in the real world? MLP:FiM is nothing but a dream. Women have been, and still are, trivialized by men in modern society. But when we say something about it? When we bring it to attention? We're seen as nothing but hormonal bitches who will never get a guy with THAT kind of attitude. I could go on forever, but I won't There's no point. TL;DR There is no sexism in MLP =___= And not only is the show geared towards the female gender? It also doesn't owe you anything, such as more background males.
  4. Just watched Game Grumps finale of Silent Hill: Shattered Memories! :D

    1. Sugar Pea

      Sugar Pea

      Silent Hill has a confusing plot, but it's very well! :3

    2. Page.Turner


      It was pretty good XD The chases were hilarious

  5. Oh geeze x__x someone's fire alarm was going off for 10min and I didn't know if it was a real fire or not!

  6. Once again, my speech impediment has been mocked in public. I'm starting to think I should not join Skype calls.

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. longgone


      ...and voice chats, I'm afraid I'll embarrass myself with my not-so-great speech skills.

    3. Page.Turner


      I know where you're coming from D: I stutter, too, and I also get words mixed up. I mean, it's simple for me to write down anything I want to say and do it well! But I can't speak unless I'm reading something :/ And I can't spend my whole life premeditating what I'm going to say on cue-cards to avoid my slip ups. It's... hard. I'm working on it with a professional but progress is slow... I dunno D: I'm just so done with Skype calls in groups of people I...

    4. longgone


      I've been getting better with my stuttering, but it still remains without a doubt. But yeah, that's why I refrain from skype calls. People tell me to voice chat with them and stuff, and I always refuse. I only did it one time, and that was because the person said he would do something for me in return.

  7. Ahoy there! Long time, no see, forum... Uh, well, I have a simple question. I would first like to say that I have searched this site and have found nothing in the FAQ etc that could already answer my question. Basically, is there a policy on multiple accounts? Because I cannot delete this account, I wish to leave it be as an old tomb of what once was. I do not wish to be associated with this account any longer. I'm not asking for my account to be deleted, nor do I want my posts to be deleted. I just want to make a new account I have this weird memory of reading somewhere that multiple accounts could lead to a ban? But I'm not sure if that is or ever was true? Anyway, I would appreciate it if I can be validated or at least humored P.S I understand that I can edit my profile, even my username, to whatever I want. However, the issue I'm having is I don't want to be associated at all with anything to do that happened in the past with this account. Which means all former posts etc would still be linked to this account and thus people can still see what I used to do/be. I'm just looking for a fresh start is all
  8. Who needs sleep?

    1. Broseph Stalin

      Broseph Stalin

      I don't! Almost 11:00 and still going strong!

  9. Thanks everyone for the birthday wishes :D

  10. Je te plumerai la tête

  11. Totodile. How the hay can you say no to THAT!? It's BLUE, it's CUTE, and it's a water type Aside from that, it's evolutionary line is so rad
  12. Really, don't worry about it, it's not a big deal I'll get over it. Just enjoy your rp and have a good time
  13. Naw, I'd rather have this as my own because I have it all planned out :/ I even have the first post written for everyone since I play all NPC's as well as narrator
  14. I made a post saying when it would be started but I guess you didn't find it... Don't link yours to mine, please, just leave it as it is C: Keep yours as yours Accepted And since I need to have a lot more to say in order to post, I shall compliment you! I really like the background O: very interesting
  15. I already said it was starting in October when I get my internet; thanks for stealing my idea I don't know if I'm going to accept you now or not, I'll think about it :/ Maybe... I dunno, I feel like of bad you just took my idea.
  16. Find me on World of Equestria :D

    1. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC
    2. Page.Turner


      A website for Role playing ponies and stuff that just opened yesterday

    3. RrVPfX9cPtw59FpC


      Oh, cool! I don't roleplay though so I probably won't join :P

  17. Oh shoot, you're right D: Hmmmmmm... Well then, I guess shinx is out! O: My bad for not noticing. Thanks for catching that
  18. Any furries out there?

  19. Sometimes this week or next; I'm still waiting to get internet in my apartment, so until then, I have to travel every day to my mum's house in order to get online. So once I am stable, we'll begin C:
  20. Accepted! Love the name, too. X3 Flare Blitz We can definitely incorporate pokemon contests C: Accepted! C: And... if I have to pick? o3o I would pick either pichu or shinx X3 probably shinx
  21. Anyone else having problems with Minecraft?

    1. OkBuddy


      I don't play Minecraft, :L

  22. Accepted Accepted ^___^ Accepted! C: NOTE: Your pokémon IS allowed to evolve eventually C:
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