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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Page.Turner

  1. If you're happy to hate something... I feel sorry for you. Anyway, I think anything with Equestria Girls is way over-analyzed by the fandom. Just take it for what it is and you'll be a lot happier.
  2. Taking a flash animated cartoon and suddenly making it traditional animation is just the same as "ruining" a traditional cartoon by suddenly making it computer animation.
  3. What sort of things do you typically draw? What are you hoping to draw in the future? Basically, what exactly are you trying to accomplish here in order to better yourself as an artist? Ponies? Animals? Humans? Abstract? Modern? Realism? Dadaism? If it's just anything and everything, then I would suggest you draw whale sized dog playing with a dog sized whale.
  4. To be fair, when Twilight became an alicorn she asked Celestia if she would be her student still, to which Celestia basically said, "Yeah, but not really... just in a different way" Therefore, there is no reason to have Celestia to teach Twilight about friendship anymore because she has the real thing to learn from. Twilight has come far enough that she doesn't need Celestia to tell her what to do anymore She's a grown and independent purple alicorn who don't need no other Princess in her life. Mmmmhmmmm~
  5. ∩(︶▽︶)∩ Hip hip hooray! Today is a happy day! Oh me, oh my, what a day! I really am the lucky one! Hooray! Anyway~ (≧ω≦) Uhm... I'm not exactly prepared, per se, to do an art trade because I'm in the middle of a big ol' weird OC clean up. I need to get rid of some clutter and then decide which OC's I want to keep or get rid of and- oh my D: Hee hee! Mind if I PM you when I'm ready with a reference or something? ʘ‿ʘ
  6. These. Are. Beautiful. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Fetch my smelling salts! I think I'm about to swoon~ (ι´Д`)ノ Ugh, I wish I could do ponies half as good as you do. щ(ಥДಥщ) It might be a bit presumptuous of me to ask, but would you consider an art trade instead of a commission? (︶ω︶);;
  7. I haven't won a single thing, yet. D: I've purchased about four or five, though, so it's not like I have a lot invested. X3 Congratulations, though
  8. Aww, thank you! X3 that means a lot to me!
  9. It won't raise your IQ and certainly is not a show that challenges you in any way. It might have a couple of interesting tidbits of information that you could remember and later on mention or something, but otherwise it is not a show oriented to brain work outs. It may teach morals and good social standing, but it's not going to make you more intelligent
  10. @@lighting flash, Yours is done! C: I have it edited in on the original post but I'll link it for you here so you don't have to search it out. X3
  11. This is most disturbing. Most disturbing, indeed. X3
  12. Ugh, the forums are being mean D: won't let me post/reply/brohoof without a fuss.

  13. Yes, Applejack made Twilight cry. However, the whole basis of Winter Wrap up is to wrap up winter without magic. It's been the tradition of Ponyville ever since it was founded as a town and for Twilight to come in and use her magic just because she was feeling insecure and wanted to be part of it was really ignorant of Twilight to do, even if she had the best intentions. It's not much more different than if someone who celebrated Christmas tried to push their own traditions and stuff into Hanukkah just because they didn't feel like they fit in. And the reason she cried is not because she was yelled at, it was because she was caught and embarrassed. It was already explained that Ponyville did do something to Trixie. When Twilight showed her up and got rid of the Ursa, Ponyville mocked and humiliated Trixie out of town. Not only that, but they spread the word of her failure so that everywhere she went, she was ridiculed and made a laughing stock. Had I been in Trixie's hooves, I would have done something similar. If you think about it... it kind of makes sense for them to get upset at Twilight because she's not only acting like an overly possessive sister but she was also ruining a time in Cadence's life that is supposed to be perfect and happy. The other ponies didn't know she was anything but the real Cadence and they also hadn't seen her be rude or indifferent. When you're the only person who has witnessed something, it's going to be hard to convince people otherwise. However, I don't believe they should have necessarily abandoned her, per se, but rather try to talk it out with her and maybe try to find the root of the problem. But it was convenient for the episode's sake so it had to happen, unfortunately XD
  14. self-re·spect noun noun: self-respect 1. pride and confidence in oneself; a feeling that one is behaving with honor and dignity. No. All the Mane 6 have self respect. The only thing Fluttershy is lacking is simply self confidence which is something completely different.
  15. I would love to... however, I'm personally extremely honest, harsh, overly critical, and nit-picky when it comes to editing people's work; so much so that I tend to make people angry because of it. I might even come off as pretentious/holier-than-thou. Therefore, I will simply support this and signal boost with a post! If/when you ever get around to making the story public, I would be happy to read it.
  16. This is tricky... I don't think I can even remember that far back! (But hey, I'm not that old lol) Anyway, when I was around the age of 5, I sort of remember thinking that polar bears didn't exist because I briefly forgot what they were... >___>;;
  17. Naw, I don't think she would. Given the comments, I don't even think Rarity could do it :/ I mean, there's Femme Fatal and then there's persuasion. Rarity persuades. Anyway, even if any MLP character was/is a Femme Fatal, I don't see it as being a bad thing, per se. Murder? Yeah, bad XD But using your body to get what you want? More power to you, ladies! No sex-shaming in my world <3
  18. Even toys/plushies means animation is involved. It'd have to be stop motion animation for that to work! O: the only way to be live-action ponies is to have... real ponies o__O
  19. So this is for a Canadian brony convention? If so, IT'S ABOUT DAM TIME I'm definitely entering this little contest. Not only is it a chance for me to be part of a con I probably can't otherwise go to but it's a huge chance for me to represent my country and bring pride to it! I also know quite a bit about First Nations artwork so it might help! Anyway, this needs a huge signal boost for Canadian pride <3 Edit: ACTUALLY! I'm gonna throw this out there now! If anyone else is planning on possibly attending (I might give up Anime North 2015 to go to this con instead) I'd be happy to seek out potential room mates for a hotel
  20. Does this mean all cartoons from the 2000's? or is this more conventional and going by decade, so from 2000 to 2010? If it's just 2k, then I guess I'd have to say Family Guy. 2k-2010? Samurai Jack
  21. So it's ONLY pony related role plays?
  22. Uhhhhhhh... so, you want a 2D digital drawing that has the appearance of a 3D image? Ehhhhh... it's not that it's too complicated, I could do that. However, I'm going to have to decline D: It's just going to take too much time. Sorry D:
  23. Hmmmmm... what exactly do you mean by 3D and quick shaded render? o3o
  24. @@lighting flash, @@repsol rave, OH MY GAWSH I HAVE IDEAS FOR BOTH OF YOU GUYS <3
  25. Check out the Request Guild for my antrho shop! :D Free art, yo

    1. Page.Turner


      Oh my lawd I spell anthro wrong too often! XD

    2. Sweet Pen

      Sweet Pen

      yep, me too.

      Spell everything anthro wrong is horrible x-x


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