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Banner by ~ Kyoshi Frost Wolf


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Everything posted by Page.Turner

  1. I don't have enough Stephen King to fill a book case on its own, but I do have enough to fill two shelves! Including works when he was writing as Richard Bachman. I've never read anything by Daniel Quinn or Eoin Colfer though O: what sorts of stories do they do?
  2. *raspberries* Oh jeeze... it's been so long I can't think of anything good to say back. XD Allow me to fetch my copy and re-read it XD;;;
  3. Was there ever a trap to match the trap of love?
  4. EHHHHHH, I dunno. XD Skilled? I guess. Sorry for being modest but like, I barely draw humans XD I'm honestly terrible at it. I'm so much better at drawing ponies and animals! And cartoony is the best style <3 C: UHHHH well, I literally just made a Deviantart today XD my username is chai-wolf on there. As for Tumblr? I don't post my art there (barely ever) but it's barred-owl CX I follow back If you are quoting Stephen King to me... then it's been decided. We must marry.
  5. 1-555-555-5555 C: Keen interests: murder. Favourite scented candle: sandalwood XD
  6. Thank you! I was actually thinking the same thing... my biggest problem is the visible arm :/ I just feel like I can't get the angle right. But oh! O: Thank you so much! This is so cool! I'll definitely check it out Thank you! As for the right leg? I know what you mean D: I'm going to try and "twist" it around a bit so it's not so weird-bendy stuff
  7. This is my Teen Wolf oc Carmet Bizet. And don't worry, the show may be called "Teen Wolf" but she is legal so she is okay to be nude anyway. Censored or not. XD I hope it's censored enough for the site D: if not, I will take it down and such. Anyway, I'd love some critique! The red lines were already done by my good friend.
  8. HAH! That video... awesome. However, is this in the States? O: When I was in College (I'm in Canada... and when I say College I mean not University XD) the only class we had to take that wasn't part of our program was a single random "free" credit thing. XD
  9. I guess my most annoying habit is my constant twitching. I don't have any kind of Tourette's or something, but a side effect of my medication causes me to twitch/clench my muscles uncontrollably
  10. Just when I think I'm well enough to be online... I get sick. D: Such is life.

    1. Malinter


      it happens. hope you get well soon tho. :)

    2. SnipSnap


      That sucks man :( hope you feel better soon

  11. I bet the friend who referred you is not only handsomely gorgeous but also gorgeously handsome. I hope you enjoy your stay here and that these forums treat you better than a hungry bear roaming a campsite.
  12. I think we are forgetting the villain with the best lines ever to appear on a TV show.
  13. I just mean that it's turning into a debate. XD And I don't think it should.
  14. It was way more prevalent during all of season 3, however, I will say it has died down quite a bit during all this season 4 stuff. Mostly because people are now complaining about actual show stuff and have stopped hating each other XD;; It's just... it was enough for me that I don't think I can ever "recover" my views on it. I mean, I've even gotten my own hate from other bronies to the point where (in this fandom) I refuse to reveal my gender and age.
  15. Don't get me wrong, when I say "bronies who perpetuate rape culture", I actually mean bronies I have seen/met who have the opinion of rape victims ask for it and rapists are not to blame in any case. As much as I personally hate rape jokes, I've come to terms with them. They offend me to no end, but I don't think any longer that they advocate rape. I realize that and I get it. I just don't get why people think they're funny in the first place. I would go on, but thinking about it? I'm probably going to severely offend someone soon so that's all I will say XD Anywho! In my own experience, I have not had the pleasure of seeing the good in this fandom overcome the bad. I have only ever witnessed good brony things on this site and Deviantart (and even then, it's just good art XD). However, compared to other fandoms, we can't say we are or are not better/worse than fandoms in general. Unless we gather an accurate consensus of every single fandom, it will be impossible XD But that doesn't mean we can't compare to some of the most well-known. Furries, for example, are a popular one that bronies are compared to when it's actually a really bad comparison. Furries are considered less of a fandom now and more of a sub-culture. Just as well, furries have been around a lot longer than bronies so it's like trying to compare 2013 as a year to 0-2012 as a lifetime XD I do agree bronies have done good things! it's great! But it still doesn't change my mind and it's not going to make me think that I should shoulder any of the burden for the better of the fandom. D: At the end of the day, it's just a fandom and I don't need it anymore than it needs me.
  16. My last name isn't my biological last name. My biological grandfather's name was "Day". However, stuff happened, and my grandmother married Mr. Wilson I guess my last name doesn't really mean squat to me. It's just my name and some day it may change, depending on the situation I'm in.
  17. It's pretty much already been stated correctly: Shining Armor has naught a feat worthy of being an alicorn. Also, a debate on this topic is really moot because the only person who can verify anything is Faust and not a majority vote. This would do better as a discussion than a debate O: Anyway, I think there should be the introduction of a male alicorn at some point for the fun of it, but I don't think it matters at all. Remember the episode Magic Duel? And in the end, Twilight had to preform for the delegates of Saddle Arabia? They weren't alicorns but they still had positions of high importance, being delegates and all. I think a lot of the fandom kind of focuses too much on "all or nothing". Meaning, we seem to think that ponies either need to be normal or alicorns but for some reason we don't think too much about the in-between. We should have more fun trying to design a head-cannon for how the monarchy works in Equestria than trying to put ponies in positions we don't fully understand XD
  18. The majority of encounters I've had with bronies have been negative, unfortunately. And there is a lot of negativity and misogynistic views as well as pro-rape culture. I find it's a very backwards fandom that preaches kindness but spews hate
  19. I have a purple 3DS I also love purple XD omg it's the best Also... I guess the only thing I personally don't like about the 2DS is that you can't fold it closed D: That's why I never bought one (also because I'm trying to save up for a PS4 XD) And that it's not 3D o3o I'm kind of hooked on the 3D aspect XD However, I've never played on a 2DS so I can't say with 100% conviction it's a bad system O: it's probably a fantastic system! I'm just too used to being able to close my DS system XD The last time I had a hand-held I couldn't close, it was a Gameboy Advanced XD;;
  20. Heart Gold and Soul Silver were amazing I forgot about them, really! Re-done of Gen.2 was perfect. If you buy a brand new copy, you also get a PokéWalker device that is a step counter so you can bring a pokemon with you EVERYWHERE. O____O <3 It's also the most accurate step counter out there... which surprised me, considering the amount of step counters you can buy that are specifically sports related XD
  21. Get a 3DS and buy any DS pokemon version. I'm personally a huge fan of pokemon Diamon/Pearl/Platinum C: The reason I say 3DS is because Nintendo is cancelling all wi-fi game play for the DS, DSlite, DSi, and Wii systems. The ONLY way you can do any sort of online trading will be through the 3DS. It's crap, but it's happening/already happened, I don't remember But yeah! O:
  22. Uh oh, I'm sick D:

  23. Uh oh, I'm sick D:

  24. It's really hard for me to pick, specifically. Every area of fan art (whether it be visual, musical, written, wood/metal crafting, etc) has good and bad. And I'm not talking just quality. A lot of areas just have mean, hateful, or rude messages D: So for me, I'd have to give you my favourite pieces, not my favourite medium in which to enjoy fan creations. However! If I had to choose the medium I like "best" because I look at it more? Visual art. Non animations.
  25. Hmmmmm... Are you looking to buy games, or are you looking for free games? that makes a big difference in what I would suggest. O: If you're looking for a PC game you can play in-browser, I would suggest Maple Story... ;D I love Maple Story~
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