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Steel Accord

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About Steel Accord

  • Birthday 1991-08-17

Contact Methods

  • Fimfiction
  • deviantART
  • YouTube
  • Steam ID
    Steel Accord

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Location
    Kennett Square, Pennsylvania
  • Personal Motto
    Sincerity in all things.
  • Interests
    Writing, video games, reading, movies, history, philosophy, sword fighting, martial arts in general.

    Link to ponysona:

    After all these years, I've finally created another OC!:

My Little Pony

  • Best Pony
  • Best Anthropomorphic FiM Race
    No Preference
  • Best Mane Character
    Rarity/Pinkie Pie

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  1. You know what's on my mind? The future and how everypony seems to look at it with dread rather than excitement. We're bronies, we're supposed to be the idealists in today's world!

    1. Show previous comments  24 more
    2. Taviscratch


      See, my belief in libertarianism is what led me to be annoyed with the plot of Black Flag as everyone scolded Kenway for believing that every man should be free to do as he likes as long as he doesn't stop others from doing the same. Personally, I think that's a great way of living one's life.

    3. Steel Accord

      Steel Accord

      Agreed. Thing is, he's a pirate. The job description is killing and stealing. Sure the guys he's killing and stealing from are bad but do two wrongs make a right?

    4. Taviscratch


      I guess but when Edward asks "so what are the Assassins?" Mary simply says "in short, we kill people" as if their killing is somehow better than Edward's. They keep commending him on his skill but then follow it up with "but you're no assassin" without ever explaining what makes an assassin. I can't stand anyone who thinks they're righteous like the assassins do. It's like the plot really wants to blame Kenway for the deaths of all those around him....

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