Everything hinges on the writers and their goals and I agree with those that say the writers are walking a tightrope. Keeping the show simple for kids but having enough depth for teens/adults. I also feel that having Twilight not loose her rough edges, not grow, would be an even bigger mistake. Celestia sent her to Ponyville to grow up and stop hiding behind her books. Her personality is much deeper than being a cynic and a smartass and we are seeing the true her now. I agree that her adorkable nature made her fun but I think it's still there. I think she is actively trying to control her scarcasm and if you notice her friends (it seems) didn't take the bait or even notice the scarcasm. People would set her off but she rarely set them off and I can only think of one time and that was during Winter Wrap Up when she, out of desperation, used magic and pissed off AJ. The other mane 5 seem much more conflict prone towards each other. Scarcasm is a part of her but I think it was a sign of being immature more than a true part of her. I agree it's fun to watch but is very one dimensional and if we truly love the show we must allow it to develop and grow. It's a bit trite, and over used, but change is hard. We all know that but it makes the show so real and textured. My 2 cents.