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Skeletor Brony

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Everything posted by Skeletor Brony

  1. Sounds good, I can't say I know you, but I can see success in your future. As for the difficulty getting a fiction book published compared to the difficulty getting a non-fiction book, I can see why. There are obviously lots of books made, but I think fiction books are easier to sell and make more money (but you got to spend money to make money). It's just my opinion, so don't quote me on that.
  2. Yet again everpony, I am hoping to get 20 responses from 20 different people. That will always be my goal. Then I will mark this discussion as a success.
  3. I hope your occupational road lead you to success. Send a story you made to me in the form of an email. What if you had a fresh mind, with no knowledge of your previous life? Then do you think you could do it?
  4. You don't lose any knowledge of skills, but in this scenario your friends and family don't remember you and you don't have any knowledge of them. I know this would be very hard for me.
  5. I remember a youtube video (it may have just been a blog post) that asks "If you gave everything up (your house, your job, your money, your friends and family, ect.) would you be able to work your way back up to where you are now?". I was wondering about this and felt I should ask all of you about this. Please leave comments below. New side question: Would you like be in a different city, town, village (like myself), or even a different country when you start over?
  6. Everything, except friends and family. I'd hope they could join me. I would love to make friends with the other ponies, but you can't just say, I am completely abandoning our friendship to live the dream. If they didn't or couldn't go, then I would at least hope they remember me. Nopony wants to be the forgotten friend.
  7. I understand what your saying, but I don't enjoy feeling like I'm starting something that people are going to say that I make it look like a cult or that we all force people to join. I just want to know is there anyone you would like to be a brony (as in be a brony when the show started), I shouldn't have said turn into a brony.
  8. Could someone tell me how to delete a discussion?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Skeletor Brony

      Skeletor Brony

      What about locking them?


    3. Creamy Arty

      Creamy Arty

      Only mods and admins can lock.

    4. Skeletor Brony

      Skeletor Brony

      No more info needed, thanks for the help. /)*(\

  9. I'm just going to lock this up. This seems to be taken the wrong way. It was just a question and I was looking for inputs on it. I didn't know it would be taken this way. I thought it was a good question and shame on me for that. Sorry everypony. Could someone tell me how to get rid of this.
  10. Use it like a weapon? Interesting.... Didn't expect that (in a good way of course). I understand and agree, but you have to understand that I was just looking for inputs on this. I had no intention on starting this up for an argument to start or for people to get the wrong idea. Please forgive me for this, I had no idea it would turn on me like this.
  11. Check out my most recently made discussions in Sugar cube corner for something to do.

  12. If you had the power to turn one person into a brony, who would it be? It could be someone that is all-powerful and could support the community of bronies, it could be a friend that is just so stubborn that he is against all new ideas, it could be a family member that doesn't understand your interests, it could be anyone. Maybe it'll come true some day (I could be a wizard, you never know. Maybe I'm in good with The Great and Powerful Trixie, or maybe I'm just talking out of my flank. ). So list them below, a list of top "insert number here" would be acceptable.
  13. Hmmm.. Could use a pinch of Christopher Walken. Voila! Art, made on the spot. But it needs more cow bell.... Now we need Will Ferrell! Go fetch him for me.
  14. I started Online schooling this year as a freshman and so far it feels like a safe haven from haters and trolls. I did not leave because of bullies, but it was a pro when deciding (I left because of my poor memory). My favorite part of the online school is almost no more drama. No friends to turn on you (doesn't mean no friends completely), no fighting, no arguing, no bullies obviously, and to be honest, this list could go on and on. There are still things I miss from public schooling, but as long as I get my education, I'll do it. It has some wonky hours, but so does public schooling.
  15. Why does my computer say brony is wrong every time I write it. You would think that I have used the word enough times, so why can't my computer get it through it's head that it is a word that I use.

    1. qqq


      I get the same problem. Despite words such as Celestia, Applejack and Garruk being used by Mr so much, they're apparently not words despite being in my custom dictionary.

  16. Why are there barely any pony pokemon? I want a gorgeous pegasus so I can own those filthy ground types that always use dig every 3 seconds.
  17. Does anyone remember the glorious day in which Stephen Colbert gave a shout-out to all his bronies?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Skeletor Brony

      Skeletor Brony

      Put it through youtube.

    3. Twilight Circuits

      Twilight Circuits

      we're not HIS bronies


    4. Skeletor Brony

      Skeletor Brony

      What I meant by what I said is that Stephen was talking about bronies. SNL talks about bronies and everyone talks about that, but not about The Colbert Report.

  18. Mail empty *Forever-Alone Face*

  19. Does any one else just think think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think, think,

    1. ActFast231



    2. Skeletor Brony

      Skeletor Brony

      It's a curse I can't get rid of. :(

    3. Skeletor Brony

      Skeletor Brony

      It can be helpful sometimes, though.

  20. I am christian. I respect all religions and believe that all people have there own choices when it comes to religion. It's not my business to be in people's religion anyway.
  21. What if they start a new series for MLP? (I hope they just continue FiM) What do you think it would be called and how many seasons do you think will air? I think though that if they discontinue MLP all together, the brony community will start a new show. The best brony writers, authors, and animators will gather and make a new show, probably on youtube, for the bronies to enjoy. If this happened, the show could even take the same route as "Annoying Orange" and get put on tv (most likely by Hasbro).
  22. If anypony has xbox live, hit me up with a friend request at: A True Quarian

  23. The atmosphere is so gloomy. It makes me want sunshine and green grass, not this dying brown color. CURSE YOU WISCONSIN WEATHER!

    1. Radiance64


      Yes, the weather in Wisconsin today is dreadfully gloomy... >.>

    2. Quilava


      you should come to CT, for the past month or so, our temps/atmosphere hasn't been "stable". 'Spose to be ~mid 60s tomarrow then drop back down to 40s ._.

  24. (Correct me if you disagree or I am wrong in some way) These MMORPG are being shut down because the company (Hasbro/Creators of the show) did not give the ok. If the makers have a finished game that just can not be put up because it gets taken down, then ask the company to make a deal. For instance: The creators of the game get control over it, but the company gets the money made off it. This may not work because the company could just say no, but hey, it's worth a try. And think, if we had a game, the fandom could last way longer keep getting bigger and bigger. MOAR! ehem... This could be a major development to the community. This could act as a secondary place, outside of forums (I am sure that forums will never die out), that bronies all over the world could meet up, talk, compete, ect. Please quote me if this does or doesn't work in the future. *Gives self brofist* Good speech from a 15-year-old, right?
  25. I'm not saying I am offended (I got a "chuckle" :3), but he makes us seem like were a dangerous group of serial killers. I hope they aren't turning into a show that makes fun of their viewers.
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