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Everything posted by fimdash

  1. banned because your name is twidash but you're reppin' scootalove
  2. Once my friend and I were doing crazy shit in my friend's backyard and we inadvertently bothered a beehive somehow. Out of nowhere comes a bunch of bees stinging us all over and we were like what the heckkk and ran back into his house lol. I got stung in the head and that kinda hurt but it was funny looking back on it
  3. what's good?

    1. Show previous comments  26 more
    2. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      Omg guyz bestest song eva, I'm lik totally cryin rite now it's so beautiful

    3. fimdash
    4. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      Apparently I'm incredibly random when I've just woken up haha

  4. You're going to love me.. why don't you love me..
  5. nah, nothing wrong with that at all TPAM likes to read on his/her leisure time
  6. go for it TPAM participated in Celebrity Avatar day
  7. since we both have apple bloom avatars currently, happy birthday! :)

    1. Apple      Bloom

      Apple Bloom

      We do! :o Thank you! :D

  8. Some girls I've met smelled really good XD not sure if it's them or their perfume or what. I love the smell of good food too of course, as well as candy scents. Beside food and girls, I also like the smell of a new book, which is one of the reasons why I've never used a kindle before, despite all the benefits a kindle offers.
  9. I just have plain brown eyes. There's really nothing that significant about them, but I don't really care lol. They look fine, and that's good enough for me.
  10. What's up twidash1993 Ooh, we seem to have some things in common! I was also born in 1993, and I got into MLP in late 2012 as well. Twi and Dashie are also two of my favorite ponies, but I can't say that Scootaloo is my favorite CMC (that goes to Sweetie Belle). I hope to see you around
  11. Hey Amethyst Star, nice to meet you! I like your pony username Amethyst Star is pretty nice, and has a great design. This place is pretty packed with fans, so you've definitely come to the right place if you were looking for a brony community with a large amount of members. See ya around
  12. Hmm there are a few things I suppose. My hands kind of shake, and I just feel paranoid as heck. I also often think of the worst case scenario of what could happen, and that usually frightens me to overcome these nervous feelings, I usually take deep breaths and tell myself "let's get this over with." It kind of works I guess.
  13. loves Twilight, but also loves Rainbow Dash too
  14. Apple Bloom is pretty cute :)

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. fimdash


      lmao you're quick to jump to conclusions, aren't ya? XD

    3. Homura Akemi

      Homura Akemi

      Who doesn't like fillies?

    4. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      @Lero yeah i have to admit that ribbon is cute though... (no pedo)

  15. ooh really like your avatar :)

  16. Ah. I dunno, maybe it'll grow on me more if I continue to listen to it. Many other people seem to like it a lot. You should check out their self-titled album if you haven't heard it already!
  17. So I just checked out the latest Dance Gavin Dance album. It had a few good songs, but it didn't really amaze me all that much. I absolutely loved their first two albums, so those really set the bar high on what the band is capable of. Happiness was pretty meh imo and DBM2 had a few really good songs, like Elder Goose. So yeah, definitely a few good songs, and overall a decent album. Also the new singer totally sounds like Buster Baxter lol
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