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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by fimdash

  1. aww Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy sleeping together :)

  2. My drink of choice would be Coca-Cola. I like a bunch of other sodas too, but nothing beats classic Coke. I also enjoy drinking coffee (with cream and sugar ) but that's something I only like to have once a day, whereas I could drink Coke a few times a day. Oh yeah, sometimes I have orange juice phases lol and when I do I avoid soda completely. Oh jeez, now I'm going a bit off-topic here so I'm gonna go ahead and stop typing. OH, I should say that if we're talking alcohol, I'm underage and I don't really like drinking alcohol.. so I never touch that stuff.
  3. hello! how are you doing?

    1. The Crystal Maiden

      The Crystal Maiden

      HIIIIIIIIIIII! ;) Yeah I'm good thanks. :D I was in a bad mood yesterday but I'm all right now. :)How about you?

    2. fimdash


      Oh, glad to hear you're feeling better! I'm doing quite well :)

  4. feels good to get home after being at school all day..

    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      wat is gewd feels??????

    3. Moog the Kvlt
    4. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92


  5. Welcome to the forums Dylan hope you enjoy your time here. I'm not too big on PMVs, but I definitely like MLP fanfics a lot. Feel free to send me any good ones you like or if you'd like some recommendations Oh, and love the username! Twidash rules ^-^
  6. i love your favorite episodes choices :) we share a lot of the same favorite episodes

    1. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      yeah im pretty sure there's more that i forgot about though lol

  7. Oh wow, thanks for the suggestion. Hmm maybe. I was thinking of getting a vape pen actually haha, but I'm pretty broke atm and I want to get a really good one.
  8. no, that'd be cool though :3 TPAM lives in California
  9. known for liking Dashie and being a pretty cool guy
  10. Most weekends I just relax and catch up on sleep. I spend the day leisurely, and all the free time gives me a chance to drive somewhere like Barnes & Noble or GameStop to get a new book to read or a new game to play. Every once in a while, I'll make plans with a friend and the weekend gives us both an opportunity to meet up, which is always fun. I don't hang out very often these days, so spending time with a close friend is always amazing
  11. I currently don't smoke, but I was smoking cigarettes a few months ago. I was well aware of the adverse health effects, but I was still pretty curious on what it was like to enjoy them. So, I went in with an open mind and decided to buy a pack and try them out. At first, I wasn't really enjoying them too much, but as I kept it up I started to learn how to properly smoke them as well as learn how to enjoy them. Not gonna lie, they were pretty nice and I found myself liking them a lot. The nicotine high was nice, but it was also nice watching the paper burn as you inhaled as well as observing the details of the smoke. I started to notice that I was falling down the path of a smoker though, and I realized that I didn't want to keep it up since it's not really worth the health risks as well as the money you spend on them. I decided to stop after smoking the last of my remaining cigarettes, and I haven't smoked any since. It was pretty interesting to try, and I don't regret it at all.
  12. They look really cute in clothes, but I like them better without clothes. I think it's nice for them to dress up on occasion, but I wouldn't like it if they wore clothes all the time.
  13. Cool sig :D NightOwl did an amazing job

    1. duidamasterXD


      Thanks, and he certainly did :). It was really kind of him as well. I love Lightning Dust :D

    2. fimdash


      i thought it was a nice touch how lightning dust has the falcon as her pet

    3. duidamasterXD


      Of course. It has speed, agility, guts, style, coolness, awesomeness and radicalness. Everything she wants in a pet :3

  14. i just had some fried chicken. it was yummy :3

    1. Show previous comments  13 more
    2. Champion RD92

      Champion RD92

      @Lero yeah like i ate a giant pizza the other day lol

    3. Away


      lol first time I've seen someone mention chicken here without someone else making a Scootaloo reference

    4. fimdash




      haha that's funny XP

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