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The Swedish Brony

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Everything posted by The Swedish Brony

  1. Oki, closing the forums down for the night ^^

  2. Oh solrac/yaplap. You never fail to amuse me xD
    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. The Swedish Brony

      The Swedish Brony

      Confused? Don't worry, that is perfectly normal when watching a solrac video :P

    3. Mr F

      Mr F

      *Watches one vid.*

      I think I am subbing.... xD

    4. The Swedish Brony

      The Swedish Brony

      Good choice, only quality entertainment here xD

  3. My fav song as of now ^^
  4. Hmm, that's a good question considering there are so many that I like... and come on, there's over 700 different pokemon to choose now, I simply can't- Wow... is that... flygon? Oh my... so majestic and awesome... Screw what I just said! This piece of badassery is my favorite pokemon of all time! (I think)
  5. *backs away slowly* Can anypony please help me!?
  6. *gasp!* *looks at the windows I have open and sees that the notifications show* *fistbumps* Yusssssssssssssssssssssssss

    1. Aniki


      Ya know, I didn't know if that was always a thing or not and was just incredibly unobservant... so I was reluctant to mention it. *WINDOWFIST*

    2. The Swedish Brony

      The Swedish Brony

      It's kinda of a re-occurring thing. For a period of time it works and then not works for another period.

    3. Aniki


      You're right... huh. JEEZ, can't trust anyone nowadays. Not even COMPUTERS.

  7. Ok, early night today. Good night :D

  8. Right now I can see... -Google blah blah blah ad -Something about Volvo (swedish car manufacturer) -Renault car blah blah (why do I have so many car ads xD )
  9. Oh Flufflepuff, you never fail to amuse me ^^
    1. Fluttershyfan94


      Hehe, just saw that. Love Fluffle puff.

    2. Demonic Soulz
  10. I finally got my hands on the "MLP comics" and what can I say? This is way more awesome than I could possibly imagine /)^3^(\

    1. Slice0Pie



    2. The Swedish Brony

      The Swedish Brony

      Psst, take this... http://pony.bronyasia.com/book.php if somepony asks, then you didn't get this from me ;P

  11. *looks at clock, it says it's soon three in the morning* Yeah, I should probably go to bed xD G'night!

  12. I can listen to this all day x3
    1. Fluttershyfan94


      I could as well but sleep.

  13. The song of my people!? (caramelldansen is Swedish for you who do not know) This have all of my yes! Here's my OC Moonlight Scroll! And if he gets in then... he would have a "How-did-I-get-talked-into-this?" kind of expression Anyhow, good luck with the project! ^^
  14. YuOR SoUl bELoNgs To mE nOW ...Sorry, had to be done. But yes, the drawing does look very nice (apart from the soulless pits of horror you call eyes) and I have no doubts that it will turn out quite good in the end.
  15. I got no more cocoa and tiredness is creeping in... I think it's time to say g'night ^^

  16. Mmm, looks nice ^^ It kinda makes me wish I could sketch/draw... but alas, no. It's still nice to look at this though, keep up the good work!
  17. Mmm, this is some quality hot chocolate i have here... delicious -3-

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. The Swedish Brony

      The Swedish Brony

      Explicit! Excellent! Outstanding! *takes a sip* Fabulous!!

    3. Aniki


      Vivacious! Bodacious! Splendorous! *takes a swig* Righteous!

    4. The Swedish Brony

      The Swedish Brony

      ... that my good sir deserves a toast *raises cup* To wondrous words!

  18. Hell yeah I like dragons! They're like the sickest beast that has ever walked this (fictional) earth! If dragons had a youtube channel... I would like, comment and subscribe! Yeeeeeeeah...
  19. Ok gotta go, people be stealin mah wifi xD (and I'm tired :P )

  20. Something we share fellow fan of candy-colored equines. Smile Smile Smile ALL the way
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