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Everything posted by Halfblood

  1. ^ I do love me some Veil of Maya. [id] is a good album; I've played the shit out of Unbreakable (fav song on there). The break down is pretty sick nasty. I've recently discovered the awesome that is Threat Signal: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Zdix5FcjuLE Also, thanks to@@Crispy, I've been listening to Between the Buried and Me almost non stop. Colors, man. That's where its at.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CUHzPeQb-CA So, Koi No Yokan, the new Deftones, is the shit. Very light, experimental tunes on every track. The entire album is atmospheric, haunting, and beautiful. I know this in particular is straying further away from any "conventional" metal sound, and into a broader alternative form. But hey, it's Deftones. Anyway, here's some good 'ol .45:
  3. Time is of the essence. Too bad there is so little of it to go around!

  4. Look. Coke is the best cola out there, period . Lol, I only say that because I have tasted so many obscure colas, from RC Cola to Inca Kola, Coke is definitely the best tasting. Also, I find it easier to mix Coke with some of my favorite liquors. Pepsi just doesn't do the trick for me.
  5. I'm gonna branch out in regards to folk metal, and leave these guys here, Chinese/ Mongolian Folk Metal: Also, new Deftones came out 2 weeks ago. Anyone gave the album a listen yet? Well, you should, damn it! It's so great
  6. Lol. I instigated a folk metal post spree about a month ago, so chances are no one here now ever saw it! But here is some favorite folk metal of mine: When someone says folk metal, I always post Arkona man. Fight me.
  7. Damn. It sucks when you're writing and drawing a comic, you find that there's another artist with a similar idea of yours :(

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Dark Qiviut

      Dark Qiviut

      I get the exact same feeling as a fanfic writer.

    3. Halfblood


      Word. I'm just gonna keep doing my thing, I guess. Can't quit now; I've invested so much already!

    4. StingeMuffin


      Yeah, and then people think that the first one they saw was the "original" idea, and that the other is a knock-off. :T

  8. I have been waiting for the right time to show this song in this thread. My time has finally arrived. Sounds a bit like Andrew WK
  9. Holy mudcrabs, who would've thought vectoring could be so frustrating?! :(

  10. Fried ice cream for breakfast. Yum!

    1. Neikos


      How does that even work


    2. Halfblood


      A a tempura-battered scoop of ice cream that is then deep fried, creating an awesome crispy shell of goodness, while the ice cream remains cool and creamy! Because the frying process is relatively quick, its enough time to fry the tempura batter, but not enough time to melt the very cold ice cream inside!

  11. That's the first I've heard of Mechina. Not bad, gonna listen to more! Anyways, I'm really stuffed guys. Like, damn stuffed. All that turkey. Some melodic death metal to sooth the stomach is always good.
  12. These guys have been coming up on my last.fm metal radio. Nothing really heavy; sorta lighter prog metal, but I do love the power guitars on this particular track. They feature a bunch of guest vocalists, all from obscure bands, sooo... yeah. Good tunes, imo.
  13. These are spectacularly done! Your style is very smooth man. Everything, from line art to coloring is all very neat. The faces to these characters are full of expression and so much life! Honestly, great work! Do you mind if I ask you your set up? Program? Tablet? I am definitely gonna check some more of your art out! Seeing work like this is very inspirational and motivating fr me, so thank you for sharing your stuff!
  14. Interesting list. Good to see some Ne Obliviscaris and Whitechapel up there; two bands I am really enjoying. I'm gonna have to check out some of those other bands on there (Slice the Cake, Krallice,). Heard of 'em, but never gave them a serious listen. @Twiliscael Haha, but I love prog metal! What's errbody's opinion? Seems like majority of people dislike the vocals, but I don't mind them, they sound over produced at times, but his voice is a bit reminiscent of James LaBrie, which isn't band thing at all, 'cause I love Dream Theater.
  15. No work tomorrow! Waa-hoooooo! :D

  16. Aw man, I love table top games! Everything from Apples to Apples, to Munchkin, Chez Geek, (anything made by Steve Jackson really), Dust Tactics, Warmachine, and of course, D&D. But there's this one table top card game called Lunch Money. The entire premise of the game is that you and whoever else is playing (preferably more than 3 people) on a play ground or cafeteria, and you proceed to beat the tar out of each other in the manner of playing Attack card with actions on them; for example: Haymaker, Poke in the Eye, Kick, Roundhouse, etc, are cards you would play to deal damage to the other players. Everyone starts out with 15 health points. Of course, there are Defense cards like Dodge and Block, and special cards like Imaginary Friend, Hippie, and Humiliation that do all sorts of devastating things! The best part is, through out playing the entire game, everyone has to role play out what they are doing! So, if you play out a Grab card and follow that up with a Choke card, you are required to come up with this wacky scene and describe in detail how you go about executing your moves! I know its violent, but it's all in good, harmless fun! Honestly, if none of you have tried Lunch Money, do it. It's an awesome game!
  17. Heavy as hell. I'm gonna have to listen to more of these guys. As for me, this band could use more attention: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=WDvawO12kog&feature=relmfu I was gonna go to one of their shows in Quebec last year, with Lamb of God and Whitechapel, but that plan fell through. Some day though.
  18. Rapcore? Best I can do is Reggaecore: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=H98VbZQTVag I fucking love Skindred. My Uncle first introduced them to me a couple of years ago at one of my family shindigs. He was drunk and tried his best to rap-reggae along with the song. It was hilarious. Good tunes and memories associated with this band, so enjoy Also, some old Marilyn Manson is a guilty pleasure of mine: http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=_08iowsuOFQ When I was in middle school (late 90s), my Dad was on a Industrial Metal kick, and he loved the Matrix soundtrack, from the first movie. It had some pretty great bands on their: Deftones, Ministry, Monster Magnet, etc. That Manson song is the first track on it; also digs up some fond 'ol memories of yesteryear. Shiiiit, now I'm feeling all sappy.
  19. ^ Figured as much man. I haven't been in here in a while too; "life", the metaphorical forum blocker! And it's good seeing new blood sacrifices guys posting in ye olde Metal Thread. Also, I've been hanging around the edge of the earth lately (hur hur): http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=TU_xpBjMAZA The intro to this is pretty addicting. I don't listen to Volumes that much; sometimes their screams sound a bit "forced", but I do enjoy this song alot.
  20. Very few things will ever snap you back into reality more than a cold toilet seat :I

  21. Every time I see/ hear Mastodon, it always brings me so much joy. Great tunes from those guys, especially their older stuff. And I'm aware that many fans don't like the way their sound has progressed, but I enjoy the lighter vocals and more intricate guitar work that's been more prominent in recent releases: Also, I know I post these guys alot, but I honestly can't get enough of them. Symphonic Death Metal is slowly growing on me:
  22. Did some drawings. Mug of eggnog. Halo 4. Goodnight ponies :)

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