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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by slimmyjimjim

  1. I looked in the request shop and noticed that there were no chibi pony art so i wanted to change that. I will draw your OC as a cute chibi pony please fill out the following form. Name(s): Picture(s): Position(s): Cutie Mark(s): Favorite Pony: I will draw up to 3 ponies in one pic. Also non-ponies are not accepted (except zebras)
  2. Background: Sugar Cube Corner Kitchen Body: Cuppie Cake (link in sig) Eyes: right eye teal and the other covered by her mane Tongue (if you don't want it normal): normal Accessories (to customize your licky): have her licking a bit of cake batter off the screen if you can Thanks so much!
  3. I would very much like to have an avatar of my oc Cuppie Cake: and for her cutie mark I'd like it on her clothes and the sprinkles are actually light blue: Keep in mind that she's a pastery chef so aprons or chef hats are aprecciated. Thanks in advanced.
  4. C the changeling backed up putting a hoof on his shoulder, "her don't even think like that, I'm sure your parents are going to be just fine at least your parents will be better off then the unicorns. Besides the life of a changeling isn't so bad you'll like it." This was the first time she'd actually took a good look at his face and she noticed his sad eyes and something plucked inside her but she only shook it off and continued walking, "c'mon we need to make a shelter." L At the mention of "the unicorn" she looked over at the two when they had finished talking she put words infront of Cypriss that said 'what about my parents?' her expression was that of anticipation when the changeling turned her head in the ponies direction. Cypriss had a bit of shock on her face as her jaw went slack before she whipped around and went back to trudging through the brush saying, "nothing."
  5. L 'But I don't get it, what happened?' she looked up at Nexus frowning 'we were having tea and then I wake up in the forest, what gives?' C Cypriss walked passed the two slowly making her way deeper into the forest, "I'm guessing creepy cabin lady didn't just put tea leaves into those drinks, but what really has me mad is all those dolls weren't just collectables. I felt feelings come from them or at least the remains of feelings," she sighed deeply, "such a waiste of food."
  6. L The fog in her mind was beginning to clear as she opened her eyes and blinked a few times. She sat up confused at where she was her vision adjusting to the light. Figures made themselves clear and she saw trees bushes and two distinct figures that turned out to be Nexus and that changeling, she walked over to Nexus 'what's going on?' C The changeling known as Cypriss shakily got to her hooves, "tch, I'll tell you what's going on, he's becoming one of us. He's becoming a changeling."
  7. C As soon as Nexus' emotions started flowing in she retracted from the unicorn and began screaming. She fell backward writhing in pain it was unbearable. All the hate and pain dried up the love she had fed from Luminari leaving her stomach as dry as the holes that riddled her body. She nearly blacked out a few times and she begged, "PLEASE STOP. NO....I....PLEASE..NOOOOOO!!"
  8. C Cypriss smirked, "you arent going to do anything, besides I'm not going to let go of this. This is the best thing I've ever had so no way get your own meal." She continued feeding sticking to her word and not believing that Nexus would keep to his. What was he going to do kill the food supply? Not likely.
  9. C "Tch, oh please don't even act like you don't want any of this," she said this as she proped up the sleeping unicorn to face Nexus placing a hoof on her face and forcing a pout out of the mare. The taste of her love was so delicious, now Cypriss had never had pony food and had nothing to comare it to but if she did she would've said that the love of this mare was spicey and flavorful with a kick but alas she cannot discribe it this way in her mind it tasted like a burning fire, warm and beautiful. And she never wanted to stop eating, "and besides I'm starving it's been forever since i had a meal and feading on that old woman drained the last of my strength so just let me have this one." she kept feeding more and more never getting enough of the taste.
  10. C Cypriss spat at the ground, "I did only what I needed to survive, don't thank me just yet. Look she's dreaming." the changeling attached her line to the mare and started feeding. L Luminari found herself back in her home in Manehattan but something was off. She was missing something she turned around and a breeze swept by when she looked up to see somepony familiar. 'Parcel' his head was tilted down apologetic, "I have to let you go now, I'm so sorry but I have to let you go." 'Parcel what are you talking about?' but he didn't seem to notice her words didn't even seem to see her at all he just kept staring at the floor and saying, "I'm going to have to let you go, but I'm coming back for you I promise." He repeating this for a few minutes from time to time Luminari would try to interupt him asking what was going on and then he looked up at her, right into her eyes and said, "I love you." and then let out a piercing scream as he was what Luminari could only explain as him being ripped into himself and disappear, out of site.
  11. China's left eye twitched, "leaving...you can't just leave not after you just got here. No you can't YOU CAN'T!'' she suddenly lunged toward them dropping the bowl of sugar cubes flying everywhere. at this Cypriss sprang into action changing into her true form immeadiately leaping at the old mare, when they collided the changeling dug her fangs into the mares neck sucking a bit of the color from her coat. She snapped back almost immediately the foul taste of the negative emotions almost made her hurl, "GET OUT NOW!" She fired a blast of green energy at the door making it smash open, all the ngative emotions whelled up in the room and seemed to follow her as she ran from the house as fast as she could not looking or caring if the others had followed. She just wanted out, out of the pony structure, out of the the death trap, out of the way of those dead ponies dead emotions.
  12. "These are my friends, we want you to be our new friends. Won't you stay with us forever...." C the fear was consuming her now her line flickering in the air wildly whipping around feeling all that had been felt just moments before all emotion was taken away trapped in a porcelain shell. the amount of negative emotion was so over powering that it was nearly madening to the changeling, she crawled over to the door dragging a limp Luminari with her. The foals eyes darting her and there not focusing on anything not seeing anything as she weakly ran a hoof over the wood of the door whispering, "get out, get out, get out, get out."
  13. C Cypriss slowly got up and stumbled over to where the young mare was sitting grabbing her with one hoof and about to move toward the door when it slammed shut the sound of several resounding lock turning in it's bolt. Cypriss stopped in her tracks her eyes wide in attention and she slowly turned to the old mare standing in the corner holding a bowl of sugar in both hooves. Her eyes too were wide but on her face was a huge smile one of her ears twitched making Cypriss fllinch. "Don't tell me you're leaving already?" her voice was ominous and eery, "we wouldn't want you to go." the young foals eyes darted around the room at the seemingly millions upon millions of tiny ponies all staring, all smiling, all used to be alive. Her line spread out feeling the remains of fear and dispare and this she felt now as she looked at Luminari half asleep then Nexus the fear filling her eyes, "Out."
  14. C Cypriss changed in a green flash, she changed into a stort slender colt that Nexus wouldn't reckognize green hair pail coat and blue eyes. the young colt looked up at the mare gave a wry smile and walked passed Nexus into the cottage looking around shifty eyed not liking being inside one bit. He sat delicately on the other couch still looking around When suddenly a old grey mare popped up from around the corner. "Hello there, how is everypony tonight!" the mare spoke in an overly cheery tone her mane was as wild as her eyes, in her magic she carried a tray and on it were three cups of pipping hot tea. "My name is China Doll, it is lovely to meet you all this evening." Cypriss snickered at the word "everypony" but the unicorn didn't seem to noice and when she floated a cup of tea to each of the travelers Cypriss took the cup in the young colts hooves but only took a sip. Changelings had digestive systems but rarely used them unless completely necissary. L As soon as she took a sip her eyes brightened, it tasted of honey, mint and a little bit of lemon just the perfect taste. She enjoyed the drink so much that she gulped down the rest of the cup. China Doll only smiled watching them for a few moment until finally she snapped back to reality, "oh, sugar of coarse!" and she dashed out of the room. When China left Luminari's eyes began to droop and she became extremely exhausted hardly able to keep herself upright. C Even Cypriss began to feel the effects of the tea and her vision blurred and she shook her head looking up at Nexus whispering, "thy drugs work fast. we need to get out."
  15. C Cypriss was fuming her anger sputtering at the surface ready to blow. She couldn't believe that her road snack had the gull to tell her off and now the bats words were only making her more mad. He was making her think and she didn't like it she liked being reckless and impulsive and most of all she liked being naive. She trudged along keeping her head low and clenching her jaw not liking any of what she was hearing finally she snapped, "shut up! I don't wanna hear it, can we just find a place to stay for the night and give it a rest." L 'you mean like that?' Luminari pointed with a hoof toward a small cottage soft smoke billowing from the chimmeny, it looked plesent enough so the unicorn trotted up to it and gave the door a quick knock. When there was no answer she stepped inside, inside it was small and quaint with two small couches and a fire place. the fire crackling inside was all the invitation that Luminari needed and she walking sitting in the couch and looking around further. besides the two couches almost every nook and cranny, every shelf and every available space had a small dainty painted glass pony. there could've been hundreds and all had so much detail they were almost life like. She finally realized that she was alone in the cottage and she looked out the open door at the two outside and beckoned for them to come in, seeing the changeling give Nexus a funny look. C Cypriss turned to Nexus, "i don't do good with houses." and it was true, it was the only trait that made her bad at impersonating ponies was that she didn't like how their buildings were always so closed off and containing but she knew the halfling was going to make her go inside none the less. "we should change, i dont think whoever lives here will appreciate one and a half changelings in their house.
  16. C Cypriss watched Nexus quizzicaly only seeing him feel the air infront of him not able to see his or other changelings lines only her own. She let out a laugh when Nexus said he thought she was "alright" thinking back to her time in the hive, she was a criminal even in the changeling world, looking out for no one else but herself. Infact the reason she was matched with Mo was so that he could calm her down but she wasn't planning on giving up so easily. "Well that's impossible for Mo to be in love because changelings don't fall in love everyone knows that even Boon..." L 'Parcel' Cypriss stopped and looked at the unicorn, "wha-" she began to say but was cut off when more words appeared 'his name is Parcel' then more ' and he can love' Cypriss smirked, "look little pony I know you think you know him but he's been Boon for a lot longer than he's had that stupid name besides did you even know that he was matched before he left?" Luminari said nothing only stared at her in disbelief and Cupriss continued, "didn't think so wow falling in love with a changeling your parents must be so proud." Cypriss sneared and then Luminari woke up out of the shock 'my parents are dead' Now Cypriss having only two possible parental figures Chrysalis (who she saw as a creator) and the changelings who raised her ( who she saw as teachers) she could not even begin to understand that kind of pain so she only drew back and walked ahead. Luminari on the other hand only looked at Nexus and gave a weak smile.
  17. Cuppie put a hoof to her chin in thought, "hmm, we don't usually serve milkshakes but I can see what I can whip up I'm sure it wouldn't be too hard." She smiled at the two mares before turning back to the little swingimg door that separated the kitchen from the rest of the bakery. She noted that Volt was acting a little weird but shrugged it off, he was probably just embarrassed from her giving him a compliment. She turned to him now, "Hey we got an order up think you can make a few milkshakes?" @@Ampharos,
  18. C She cringed at the wors husband not used to hearing the pony words and she let out a deep sigh, "I don't know, like I said I don't really know him that well and changelings don't really need to show affection so him doing that was really unnecessary. I don't know what I was doing but I could definately feel jelousy from him." Indeed Cypriss kept her line out most ofbthe time, most changelings did, and now it was out slowly flicking in the air mainly hovering over the unaware Luminari. Never feeding only feeling. M A smirk crawled across his face happy to hear that the parasite made it in, "well, as far as I can tell the horn thing plays in your favor, and besides I'd love, love, love to stay and chat but I need to go now." He waved a hoof at Corkscrew turning to walk away.
  19. C "Not exactly, they aren't like pony relationships it's more like a partnership. See, changelings are in capable of reproducing only the queen can do that, but Chrysalis cannot train all of those young changelings so each year before she lays her eggs every changeling is put into a pair. Each pair has a changeling that represents a female and a changeling that represents a male this match will then teach two hatchelings the ways of changeling life. But me and Mo were just matched we haven't even been bonded yet, I don't really know much about him just that he's the captain of the changeling guard."
  20. L Luminari hung back unsure of what was going on, for the moment she was being more drawn back than usual. She felt terrible about giving their position away sure that she would make an aweful soldier, she couldn't believe that she couldn't do the one thing she had done almost her entire life and she felt more than a little sick. When Nexus beckoned for them to leave she abliged smiling a little in relief happt that they were leaving a tense and awkward situation between Corkscew and Mo. C Cypriss looked at Mo who nodded as if in comfirmation that she could leave which she didn't need, she was going to go whether he liked it or not. And she followed after Nexus feeling disgruntled to think he could tell her what to do like he owned her, Cypriss decided to settle it with him later.
  21. C Cypriss was confused and looked back at Mo to see him smiling but it was his "I just stepped in something but I'm going to pretend I think it's funny" smile. This she recognized so well but didn't say anything about it instead she said, "you know this guy?" She saw Mo look from corkscrew to Nexus and then take a step closer to Cypriss wrapping his paper thin wing up her back and around her neck. "Why of coarse I have yet to thank you for our last meeting, I'm so glad to see you're alright." His voice was smooth and slick like silk and his tone indicated that he wasn't pleased in the least. The thing that confused her the most was his wing on her back this was an unnecessary display of effection that shouldn't have been done in public, but why was he doing this now, she wondered, why was he acting like a husbamd like some pony being all comfortable with her.
  22. Cuppie smiled remembering Volts switching, "well of coarse you showed me THAT but this is different, you didn't tell me you could fix electrical equipment I wouldve had you do it sooner I've been having to make everything by hoof. You know, you really are amazing." With that she turned back to her baking the smells over filling the room and flowing out into the rest of the bakery.
  23. L When Luminaris hooves touched tje ground once more she stood there in the middle of the room not moving frozen in fear. When she was liftwd into the air her heart stopped for more than a few seconds and now she was struggling to get her breathing under control. When the fear subsided her horn glowed and a few candles in the room were lit amd she trotted over to a dusty book. She thought that as long as they were here she'd learn a little more about the magic she could make and blew the dust from the book, immediately realizing her mistake she sucked in a deep breath and let out a high pitched sneeze. C Not looking where she was going Cypriss ran into something and stumbled backward a few steps before regaining her balance. She lookedup to see the last thing on earth she wanted to run Iinto, "Nexus what are you doing here? What did Chrysalis say?" Behind her was a larger changeling with male features and red eyes, mane and wings he was looking Nexus up and down and it didn't look like he liked what he saw, "so this is the halfling?" He said skeptically. Cypriss looked at him almost forgetting he was there, "oh yes Mo this is the halfling, Nexus. Nexus, this is my match, Mo." She was about to ask again what had happened in the throne room but then she stopped when she heard a high pitched sneeze come from inside the wall they were standing in front of.
  24. L Luminari blushed 'I don't really know much magic' she had always ment to learn new magic but had never really gotten around to it and now she was regretting it. 'I can do levitation and a few other party tricks but that's about it. I'm sorry' Her blush deepened as she mentally scolded herself feeling embaressed. Ch "I don't supose a scouts honor would be sufficient....fine then," the changeling queen grimiced and put a hoof to her chest, "I give you my word that I will not make you hard any of your precious little pony friends it's a changeling promise." She drew an "X" over her heart where she had traced there appeared glowing green lines which stayed for a moment and then disappeared. "Now I have my first job for you, I cannot use your powers unless we have the Double Lily which allows two users to share abilities. It's located somewhere in this forest find it and bring it here. You can bring as many of your friends as you want however I get to keep the traitor as leverage. And if you don't come back within three days.....I'll kill him." Her smile was cruel and vilianous a deep laugh came from within her throat knowing that she would get what she wanted, she always did."
  25. Ch She gave a slight chuckle, "oh, no need to be so dramatic. Besides if you ask me your new look is an improvement and think of all the things you could do what you could become! I could be the most powerful being in Equestria, you may know that I can control the ponies I feed on but what if I could control my subjects as well, ones like Boon who think they can just run off anytime they feel like it. I can't so this but you can." L Luminari was confused, who was Boon? Was it Parcel? If so, who did he have two names? All these questions were unimportant at the moment but she would have her answers in time. For now she followed Corkscrew out of the room keeping her head low, when the alicorn looked back she showed a few words 'stupid swiss cheese' she hid these words from Chysalis not looking for a death wish. Ch Chrysalis waved a hoof at a changeling guard to follow the two out the door and he abliged. "Now what do you say, live a long and boring life and have your friends die or you can work for me and everyone lives, the choice is yours."
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