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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by slimmyjimjim

  1. Cypriss The changelings face brightened at the prostpect of going some place that had a whole lot of love, she hadn't fed since the unicorn that Nexus had sent back to the villiage they were headed to now. Though Nexus wasn't too keen on feeding upon "innocent" ponies she could tell that even he was getting hungry. She would have to form a plan to slip off and find that unicorn, its love was the most delicious thing she had ever tasted and she wanted more. "Well if you are not from this town then where are you from?"
  2. Cypriss In the time she had known Nexus she had come to think of him as the closest thing to a friend she had ever gotten and she had gotten used to they're routine of waking up traveling through undergrowth and thick forest then making camp and going to sleep. But what bothered her the most was the empty silence between them but today she was going to change that, "so tell me something about Ponyville, I'm curious as to what kind of.... town we're going to."
  3. The filly only nodded walking down a random hallway dragging the over sized suitcase behind her she trailed off down the halls thinking back to her parents funeral of which she had just came from. It was a beautiful funeral not that she had noticed but what she had noticed was that everyone was crying and they played sad music. It was like they were trying to make ponies cry but no matter how hard she tried the tears wouldn't come and so after the service she was straight over to the orphanage. Luminari sighed not seeing how a place full of kids with dead parents was going to make her feel any much better.
  4. Cypriss She trotted passed him glancing over at his expression before putting out the dieing fire with her bare hoof. His slow decent into depression hadn't concerned her at the beginning but now it had become a problem to the point off her having to keep her line reeled in, something she would've never done before, in case she caught a taste of his negative emotions. She even noticed his physical performance was lacking and they had to stop for camp sooner and sooner each night, if this continued they would be behind schedule which would prove not so good for the blue colt. "We better get moving, knowing this forest I know we'll get slowed down by something and I don't want to camp another night."
  5. She stepped inside dragging the suit case behind her her eyes had a far away look like she couldn't concentrate on what was in front of her. Her expression was blank and unreadable as she looked around the room not really seeing anything a deep sigh escaping er nostrils.
  6. Cypriss At the sound of his voice she jerked awake she spun around eyes wild she pulled her left forehoof forward a blade protruding from a strap attached to her hoof. The blade was pointed toward Nexus but when she saw who had awoken her she relaxed straightening up and fixing her extremely messed up hair, "oh it's just you. Are you ready to go?"
  7. Parcel He shakily reached his line attaching it to the stallion barely able to keep it out. His body slowly began to change into the mare Dogboots loved so much, red coat with an orange mane a horn began to grow from his head, brilliant blue eyes and a cutie mark resembling a carving tool on the flank. even in a weakened state any changeling can form a perfect copy.
  8. A dark carrage pulled up to the orphanage a grey mare stepped out a small yellow filly following after her. The grey mare carried a suit case up to the front door setting it down on the front step, she turned to the young mare now, "I'm very sorry about your parents but this is your home now." The orphan only stared at the ground and the grey mare continued, "they said you hadn't talked yet, I'm sure you're just in shock I'm sure it'll wear off after a few days." the young filly looks up with a depressed look not saying anything. "Yes, well i have to fo now but you be good..." she knocked a few times on the door looking at the suit case which had a name beautifully printed on it, "...Luminari." After saying this she walked back to the carriage and the driver pulled away.
  9. Parcel moved his tongue around inside his mouth even after clearing his throat his voice barely croaked out, "I won't be able to stop... you won't be able to survive..." He put his hooves underneith himself shakily pushing himself up, "I have to warn you... the queen she's coming back... I don't know when but I know....... I know."
  10. Honestly I have no idea why I'm so in love with this pony but i think she's amazing! Not even i understand why i have these feelings, I mean she's never had a speaking part, she probably doesn't have many fans and yet i find her so beautiful.
  11. The changeling groaned when he was moved, his ribs were very clearly showing indicating that he had not fed in a long while. His coat was paler than usual and his eyes had deep circles under them. Parcel tried speaking but no words came out only creaking gasps which made no sense. He thought to himself, "I need to feed, but I don't want to.. not right now." his lips were cracked with cheeks shallow needless to say he was in bad condition.
  12. A pale blue figure stumbled through the croud a tattered brown traveling cloak barely hanging onto the stallions back. The figure made its way up to where the earth pony and the regal princess stood and fell to the ground between them with a resounding thud, a hood covered the figures head but the glass-like blue wings protruding from torn holes in the back of the cloak was a dead give away, this was the changeling known as Parcel Shift.
  13. @@ParsoOfEquestria, Cuppie came out of this kitchen with a tray holding a couple of milkshakes and a plate of muffins, "Well, how is everypony on this fine morning! It feels like a while since I've seen you guys." She set the tray down in the middle of a table sitting down in a chair and placing her hooves neatly infront of her look up at them she smiled, "you guys can sit down if you want."
  14. ah....eh....uh.... right griffons. yea i normally only do requests that have reference pictures, but ill see what i can do. also im very sorry that i havent posted the commissions in here i have started a new commisions request thread with a different style and am incapable of returning to this one (seriously my hand wont make it) so heres the link to that if youd still like in this style i can possibly force my hand into submission, but ill see what i can do. link: http://mlpforums.com/topic/67750-closed-free-my-little-chibi-oc-requests/
  15. ehem someone did not fill out the information form i cannot do a commission without an information form sorry but youre going to have to post it or ill just draw this think willy nilly
  16. this one was awesome i love the designs and colors but i wasnt too keen on drawing the cutie mark so i statigically covered it up with her tail very clever of me if i do say so myself. a jumping forward pose you say? well i wasnt sure if you ment jumping from any side or just a view from the from and she's jumping toward the viewer so i just did from the side if you dont like it take it up wit management... oh wait i am manangement
  17. this one was hard to decide you gave me both pictures and told me to choose which one to do. do you know how much pressure that puts on me? alot. well here it is i got it in for you as a pony if you want i can redo it as a zebra omg ive seen this pony popping up all over the boards and ive always wanted to draw it sorry if that sounds creepy but there are just someponies that i must draw and i can check this one off the list thank you so much and i hope you like it i tried making this as cute as possible hopefully it worked I loved drawing this sorry that it looks more like she's floating than sitting though that kinda sucks ive never been good with sitting positions but i made her look as cute as possible im sorry if your heart melts thats my bad
  18. im so sorry i didnt know it was a fadora until after i inked the picture so it doesnt really look like it but i did the best i could with the references i had so here it is. Tada! this one i wasn't sure if you wanted individual pictures or just a group photo so here it is i kinda played with the cider bit and had to the stallions drinking some, i sorta guessed on the expressions trying to match it with what i thought their personalities to be like if it's wrong i can redo it but i did the best i could. I love your character Minty probably because she reminds me of one of my characters but either way both of these characters rock and were very fun to draw i like how you were specific about the positions in which you wanted them drawn it was very helpful. hopefully this is what you were looking for. I hate drawing this hair but i love the challenge so thank you for that. i did a more sad look and i wanted to do a kool angle to i did it from the back a little over the shoulder shot. kind of pouting but very subtle, any way i do like the fact that it was a very easy cutie mark to draw not all of them were. this one was more difficult the mane especially but i did it and the cutie mark wasnt so easy either i think i drew it too big sorry about that i can redo it if youd like. sorry about the wings? SORRY ABOUT THE WINGS?? the wings were awesome to draw though it was hard making them both identical but i did the best i could and i hope you like it
  19. oh my gosh, I am really sorry that this took so long really there isn't an y excuse for it but lately ive been dealing with my depression and it's been making me feel less motivated to do the things i love like drawing so with out further delay i shall post them all with my own comments about the process and the results if i do not post yours it is because i could not get an image. if you are unhappy with the results just post that you'd like a redo with further instructions on how you would like it to be better. this picture was fairly easy i even put every color of the rainbow in her cutie mark love the design and i hope you like the picture. again i am very sorry that it took so long. this was the first drawing i did so the head isnt as big as id like it to be but I am glad to see that you wanted another drawing hopefully it's because you liked my style and not because you were unsatisfied. if you are then i can always do a redo free of charge. this one was fun to draw however i think i got the mane a little off hopefully thats not too big of a deal i love the overall design and color but had trouble with the eyes because i didnt know what color so i looked it up but that wasnt too big of a deal hope you like it as much as i do
  20. sorry I haven't been posting lately lot of stuff irl just finished inking the last of the commissions and will start coloring soon

    1. thor9356


      Yeah, while you were working I was at Bronycon!

  21. ok time to get started on drawing #7 not sure pose to do but I'll figure it out

  22. Hello, I have six OC's and I love to draw but I dont cant vector if my life depended on it, unfortunately being unemployed leaves me with no cash so there is no way for me to repay you except in love and appreciation. I was thinking that if six people each only having to do one vector then I'll be able to have all six done without a lot of hassle. My OC's: Cuppie Cake- http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/cuppie-cake-r3459 Spark Bolt- http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/spark-bolt-r3464 Luminari- http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/luminari-r3463 Parcel Shift- http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/parcel-shift-r3461 Sweetie Pie- http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/sweetie-pie-r3460 Umbra- http://mlpforums.com/page/roleplay-characters/_/umbra-r3462
  23. just finished inking my sixth commission, gonna go to bed and draw some more in the coming day.

  24. oh my gosh yes of coarse. I take it as a huge compliment when people use my art as their profile pics. Also I would just like to inform everyone that these are hand drawn pieces so please dont expect top notch digital stuff but i do take my time to perfect each picture to the best of my ability. I'm also glad to see support from people that I've rped with in the past and people that I've done artwork for already, hopefully you're back because you like my style and not because you wanted a redo. I would just like you to know that I have started on the drawings and have quite a few done already, hopefully I will be coloring them soon and posting right after that I will try to keep you updated using my status updates so if you would like to keep track please friend me, if not that is fine as well.
  25. im so sorry but your link didn't work for me if you could retry posting it that would be awesome The last question is completely unnecisary however i think it helps me get to know what kind of person im drawing for and there fore draw a pic that would be appropriate for that type of person
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