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Everything posted by Vertigo_95

  1. Saw it yesterday with my sister. My expectation was rather high for this movie, and I got what I expected. I found some of the humor to be spot on, to be specific, the sloths at the DMV, and other laughs, like The Godfather, Disney spoofing their own movies, and that naturalist club. The movie had it's happy moments, sad moments, funny moments, and cute moments, and I would definitely recommend it.
  2. Sometimes I forget that the "Go to top" button exists.

  3. My most recent dream had me as Deadpool, and I was to kill everyone, but didn't because I woke up (I had the swords, and I was just waiting on the guns, but I waited too long). There was alot of other stuff thrown in there as well like that Black Panther from Zootopia, which I saw yesterday, the family from "Tyler Perry's House of Payne" and Jennette Mccurdy from iCarly, who gave me a hug. I lucid dream hard, and that is not even the limit on how strange my dreams can get.
  4. Just got home from seeing Zootopia. That movie was really sweet.

    1. Photon Jet

      Photon Jet

      I've yet to see that movie with my best friend.

  5. I've never bought anything off of anyone, mainly because I'm scared to do so. I don't want to get cheated out of my money if anything goes wrong.

  6. I really need to get on board with Zootopia before it becomes a Frozen.

  7. That runaround I had yesterday really got me hurting.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PiratePony


      Beats sitting a desk and doing nothing all day (which I've done before). What's your job?

    3. Vertigo_95


      I don't have one, I'm searching for one. They were orientations in multiple fields.

    4. PiratePony


      ohhh ok. I'm searching for one too.

  8. This kid I went to Elementary School with called me out by my full name, and I was struggling to remember his first name.

  9. I would love to know how accurate Brooklyn is in The Division, because I have seen an area I walked pass before so far.

  10. My 21st birthday is a month away. That's where I would become a full adult.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Eeehehehehehehehehe, me, I am 23, still a child at heart. ^_^ Happy early birthday though. :D

    2. Vertigo_95


      Yeah. I had no intention to change because I get older. Thank you anyway.

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Yeah, there seems to be a weird stigma in society sometimes about the moment you turn 21 or 18 or whatever, it somehow is supposed to mean some huge thingy thing about one's personality. I don't see it.

  11. I was once pumped to start a Genocide Run of Undertale, but after seeing that Pacifist ending, I'm not sure if I can bring myself to do it anymore.

    1. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      It's just so damn easy to get attached to all the characters.

    2. Mothra


      That game really messes with your emotions in the best way, pacifist run had me crying at 3 different points

  12. Walking through the entire world of Undertale after a True Pacifist Route is worth it, especially since I will be having a bad time soon.

  13. What will you do when boredom strikes?

    1. PiratePony


      I go to MLP forums!

  14. My sister is hyped up with candy at midnight, and then there's me having an adrenaline rush from the coffee I drunk. We're not going to sleep anytime soon.

  15. Ok. I have owned every single piece of hardware Nintendo has produced (except the Game Boy Micro, and Virtual Boy). I went three years without a Wii U, and I think it is about time that I got one, but in the coming months, we will probably start getting news (specifically at E3) about their new console: the NX. This thing will most likely be backwards compatible with the Wii U, with the possibility of dropping backward compatiblity with the Wii. I still have a Wii (that is compatible with Gamecube games), but since it is in the living room, and the TV is always being hogged, it sits there gathering dust, never being used. Many people say that the Wii U failed. In what way, please explain that to me. I think the Wii U has a great library with games ranging from Super Mario Maker to Super Smash Bros, even games like Splatoon, which should sell it. That's about it. I would love one considering that it is still current, but again, this could be the year of the NX.
  16. As some of you may know, Nintendo announced in their Nintendo Direct a few days ago that they will be releasing Super Nintendo games on the 3DS. One of the main problems people have with this is the fact that it is only for the New 3DS. While I do have both a New 3DS XL, and normal 3DS XL, I find it a bit silly that the older models won't support those games. I was able to play Donkey Kong Country on my older 3DS with a slightly lower frame rate from homebrewing, so I don't see how they wouldn't be able to run, even with the difference of processing power. One personal problem I have with people downing this is that you are able to play these same games on an emulator. While that may be true, I believe that it doesn't give the feel the game intended to be played. Playing OOT on a keyboard is truly a pain when it comes to aiming the Hookshot, and arrows (somehow I managed to beat the entire game), and using a Bluetooth controller that looks like a cross combination between a PS3 and Xbox controller to play DKC and Mega Man X, it doesn't deliver. The fact that they colored the buttons on the N3DS to resemble a SNES controller, they should have added this feature to go alongside the release of the handheld. And then comes this problem. Many people would like to play those games, but are not willing to upgrade just yet. The old 3DS XL that I got for my birthday (which means that I didn't pay for it) is not even 2 years old, but I went ahead and got a new one (mainly for Xenoblade and future titles). I think of this being both good and bad on Nintendo's part because while they are gaining profit for the sales of the N3DS, they are also losing profit for the people who don't want to upgrade just to play these games. It's a possibility that I went on a tangent towards the end, but this thought was in my head and I needed to address it.
  17. I wonder if I should wait a bit before getting an Apple Watch. There could be a second generation coming soon.

    1. GenderIsAnIllusion


      They be a rip off. Its just a smaller, less functional IPhone that you strap to your wrist.

  18. That moment when Safe Search doesn't work. I was looking up Toriel.....

  19. Thought I was done with my first playthrough of Undertale. Looks like I was wrong.

  20. Just finished being a good boy in Undertale. That ending though...

  21. Gotta start creating my Nintendo game list. Nintendo got me whipped.

  22. I asked my dad who would he send to Camp Crystal Lake, and he says D.Trump. I'd do the same.

    1. Castle Bleck

      Castle Bleck

      While you're at it, please send H. Clinton as well.

    2. Roughshod


      He will make that Summer Camp great again!

  23. So I'm standing in the apartment that one of my cousins died in...

  24. So I'm standing in the apartment that one of my cousins died in...

  25. What if one were to start out on a Genocide Run?

    1. Stardust Balance

      Stardust Balance

      Then you'd deserve to have a bad time.

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