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Everything posted by Vertigo_95

  1. Not as of recently. Kinda hard to do when you gotta wear professional clothing on job searches.
  2. The game I bought earlier this week, I used the wrong card to purchase it with....

  3. Me and my mom's birthday are so close together, that we shared cakes in the past.

  4. Super Paper Mario: I refused to save the world, so I got a Gave Over.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. PiratePony


      "But thou must."

    3. ElectronicGamerBrony


      What did Mario expect, a vacation?

    4. Vertigo_95


      Wish I could say that I learned my lesson for next time.

  5. I always had feelings for this girl who was always picked on because of her size at my old school.

    1. PiratePony


      Find her and ask her out.

  6. I actually wanted to go to that meetup, but due to financial issues I'm having at the moment, and my little sister's birthday is this week, I am unable to. The area I live in is also ghetto-like (NYCHA development in Downtown Brooklyn) but not as bad as Harlem. I believe the group was in Harlem in 2014 for a New Years Eve Party. The closest I've ever been to Harlem was the Upper West Side, and the latest I left that area was 10-10:30. You can go, but just be attentive to your surroundings.
  7. Not anymore I don't. New York supposedly has one of the cleanest tap water, and while that may be true, I will stick to filtered water.
  8. I'm not big on quoting songs, but "Life wouldn't be so precious dear, if there never was an end."

  9. $10. Can't decide between Paper Mario, a game I played before, and Super Metroid, a game I never beat.

    1. PiratePony


      Tough choice. Both are great. I'd go for Super Metroid, beat it, then play Paper Mario.

    2. ponylaces


      I would pick Super Metroid. If you never beat it, there's still a lot to explore. And it's an awesome game.

    3. Megas


      Super Metroid is fantastic, every Nintendo fan should try it at least once

  10. I faithfully tried out Fallout, but I find it boring. It doesn't catch my interest as other games.

    1. Riganthor


      you are not alone on that, I feel exactly the same

  11. The fact that we can see Pikmin running around during a system transfer on the 3DS says that we should get one for the handheld.

  12. I need to get $60 just so I can get $160. What?

  13. Back in early 2013, I had no way of the internet. The Blackberry phone I had was so beat up, that it was unusable. It wouldn't be until about the second week in January that I would receive a white iPod Touch 4th generation, that would make up for the one that was destroyed in October 2012 (around the same time I started watching MLP). I loved this thing so much, and I would end up getting an iPhone 4 a week later. After that, I got everything that would give me access to the internet: laptop, PS Vita, etc. Now here in 2016, I pretty much have everything that can go online ranging from a Galaxy Tab, and a Windows 10 laptop (both was bought with my own money), and even the iPhone 6s which I got for Christmas last year. I now try to love it, but after being stuck at version 6.1.6 for the last 3 years, and it sitting in my dresser for 3 weeks, I charge it up and use it for 2-3 days, only to go back in my dresser for another 3 weeks, it's clear that I no longer have use in it. So I'm going to sell it ( not at Gamestop for the first time. I saw that they would take it for $30 and sell it themselves for $100, and I said nope.) Hopefully someone would get usage out of it now like I did 3 years ago.
  14. I only played like two minutes of the Bayonetta 2 demo, and it already has me sold. Hopefully I could find a copy with the first game included.

  15. Can't say if I ever came across a hot sauce I didn't like, but I like all things spicy, specifically Franks, and Louisiana on Chili. Jalapeno, Cayenne are also favorites.
  16. Does Nintendo know what a LAN port looks like?

    1. Celtore


      They did in the GameCube days, though they didn't seem very confident about it.

  17. So it turns out we will be having Corn Beef and Cabbage for dinner today.

    1. PiratePony


      AS IT SHOULD BE! Fun fact: they don't have corned beef & cabbage in Ireland. They eat Irish bacon & cabbage. The reason is (cont)

    2. PiratePony


      because when the Irish moved to NYC, they lived in Jewish neighborhoods where bacon wasn't sold, so they ate corned beef, which has a similar taste & texture.

    3. Castle Bleck
  18. I ask myself the question of why must there be 3 Rainbow Roads in Mario Kart 8?

  19. It may be late, but I still gotta represent the Pie on Pi Day.

  20. It's not the same like it was a few years ago, but it still operates the same way http://www.swagbucks.com/refer/Jamar95

  21. For anyone who is in New Jersey, how much is a ride on the NJ Transit?

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. PiratePony


      how much is it, if you don't mind me asking? The oen and only time I took NJ traffic was to Red Bank.

    3. Vertigo_95
    4. PiratePony


      not bad. Cheaper than a toll bridge nowadays. enjoy your trip.

  22. If you know "The Gift of the Magi" story, you should know what to expect from this episode. That's what it sounds like, but I could be wrong.
  23. You should keep in touch with your potential buyer, otherwise it would turn them off.

  24. Ok. This theme here has multiple variations, with the first one starting in Castlevania III for the NES with Trevor Belmont (who doesn't love the Belmont clan?) Super Castlevania IV is my favorite game in the series before the Metroidvania kicked in. This variation doesn't appear until the very last level with another classic: Vampire Killer. You have to avoid this big spiky wheel as you ascend the castle of Dracula .I've died so many times doing it, but it was nice to know that once I did this part, I was only one Boss Rush away from Dracula, and beating the game. Why this version? "Personally I prefer the air." ~Falco. But seriously, I always favored the Super Nintendo over everything else when I was a kid, even the N64 and PS2.
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