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Banner by ~ Ice Princess Silky


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Everything posted by Vertigo_95

  1. That Andy Warhol pony.

  2. Thank you all for the birthday wishes yesterday, it was very much appreciated.

    1. Riganthor


      no problem, I hope you had a great day yesterday

  3. My little sister got me a Party Cannon-esque Birthday Card.

  4. I now look at every year as a milestone, because a ton of things could have happened to me, but didn't. I'm grateful to have another birthday.

  5. So I had a job interview for tomorrow, and it has been postponed. Gives me more time to celebrate my birthday.

    1. Dark Tempest

      Dark Tempest

      I hope you have an awesome birthday tomorrow, birthdays are always better with cake. Big smiles from Dark Tempest!

  6. Grilled Cheese with multiple cheeses are the best.

  7. Hyrule Warriors Legends is the only one I have. Been meaning to get more but never got around to it.
  8. I wonder if I'm one of few who is looking forward to this new Powerpuff Girls.

  9. I made some pretty good ones. And in case, here is my mini code.
  10. Need more Pinkie/Rarity episodes.

  11. I legitimately lost my mom in the supermarket. Good thing I know how to get home.

  12. Don't mind me, I'm just going through normal Mario Kart rage.

  13. I may receive birthday balloons that were given to my two sisters if they're still good come next week.

    1. PiratePony


      What's a birthdy party without bubbles and bballoons?

  14. I wonder what MLP April Fools related content we're gonna get this year.

    1. Dark Tempest

      Dark Tempest

      I can't wait to see!

  15. I recently found out what he was saying was not even synced. And then there's this Dr.Wawee manages to make me laugh every time.
  16. I love his videos from his skits, all the way down to the gameplay. You should never forget your first Dashie video. I was doing something on Youtube that involved Rainbow Dash, and this came up in the search. I watched it, and fell in love. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qU8D4sbWTi0
  17. As if I didn't look young already, my barber shaved my mustache...

  18. Lower Manhattan is so nice, especially along the pier on the west side.

    1. PiratePony


      Especially with today's weather.

    2. Vertigo_95


      It was cold early this morning, but that changed. I somehow walked from Pier 40 all the way down to South Ferry. I did a little sight seeing while I was down there as well, like the 9/11 Memorial.

  19. When you forget to do your chores, and now you're up at 3 in the morning doing them.

  20. Made dinner for the family, and it turned out good.

    1. SUPERFOX5


      What did you make?

    2. Vertigo_95


      Curry chicken, with potatoes and chick peas, and rice and beans.

    3. SUPERFOX5


      Sounds kinda good, especially the chicken part! :P

  21. There's a possibility that a warrant has been placed on me.....

    1. Show previous comments  21 more
    2. Vertigo_95


      Being a year older in less than two weeks mean nothing because I'm still young and have alot to learn, but thank you. That changed my state of panic, to relief and fury.

    3. PiratePony


      No problem. I'd be pissed off too. One last word of advise: I'd steer clear of shipping items via Craigslist and only ship via ebay. Keep craigslist item sales there cash only, and only meet at public places, not your home. I tend to meet in lobbies of banks or in McDonald's - something with cameras, people & police around. Shipping via ebay may cost you fees, but the company also protects you from fraud, plus you can ship cheaper than USPS in person and there's tracking a...

    4. PiratePony


      ..there's tracking and a unscrupulous buyer can't claim they never got your item. Plus if it's damaged you have insurance, etc. Also you can filter out people with unpaid item strikes. It's a nice website, despite the fees. Craiglist can be shady.

  22. I'm gonna assume Twilight's mom is voiced by Tara as well.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I have no doubts on that. It just sounded like a deeper Twuilight voice.

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