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Everything posted by Never2muchpinkie
My third topic about this girl. They just keep coming. When Twilight first sees Shining Armor after they get off the train, she rages at him for not telling her in person he was getting married. He said he couldn't leave as he's needed for security and everything's getting beefed up. He responds that it isn't about the wedding, that someone has made a threat against the kingdom.Who made the threat? Given the ease with which Chanegelings can blend in with society as long as they can take a pony form, and that the queen herself had taken over the bride, it doesn't seem likely that anyone had the faintest idea what a changeling WAS prior to their reveal. So was it Chrysalis herself who issued the threat? To what purpose? You could argue that it's always been there, we just didn't see it until we had to, but the threat being issued resulted in a city wide shield being put up, which only made it harder for her army to attack.Instead of constantly banging on it to strain Shining Armor, if there was no idea of a threat, the shield wouldn't be up in the first place.
Well, right on the heels of another topic about Queen Chrysalis, I watched part of the episode to check something, and something else curious came up. WHY IN THE HECK DOES TWILIGHT NOT POINT OUT THE MOST OBVIOUS THING? She spent a lot of time with Cadence as a filly, and should know her magic color well. However, with a head full of suspicion of something off about the supposed Cadence, she watches 'Cadence' lift one of Applejack's treats with magic. Magic with a sickly green glow. Cadence's magic color is blue. Right then and there Twilight should have KNOWN something was wrong given how closely she watched 'Cadence' following her initial snubbing of Twilight's Sunshine, sunshine dance. Yet she never brings that up when she's accusing 'Cadence' of being evil. "Hey Cadence, do some magic. See, Princess Celestia? Green. Cadence's is blue. She was my foalsitter. I would know." Seems simple enough. That would be something she COULDN'T explain away. Shining Armor not noticing can be explained away as her brainwashing him, and we don't know if Celestia ever saw her using magic prior to her reveal, but Twilight certainly did and should have said something. Soooo...plot induced stupidity? Plot hole?
Yes, but her plan could have been enacted at any time at all. She was slowly draining the life and concentration from Shining Armor. She probably could have started the invasion at any time. However, she says that even though she don't care jack for him, she still wants him to belong to her, which is why the wedding had to come before the invasion. So, really, what is it that she needs to do? Just wait a few more hours for the wedding. Everything else is set up. Her army is busy pounding away at the shield, she's busy getting ready for the wedding and stealing a little more of his life where she can. However she uses that time is irrelevant so long as the end result is the wedding. As for Twilight's flank waving...it's part of their 'secret hoofshake.' Cadence is supposed to know it. That she acts weirded out by it is what ultimately makes Twilight suspicious in the first place. When she follows it up with, "It's me, Twilight." She doesn't backtrack and think, "Oh, crap. I'm supposed to know this pony." It's "Meh, whatever." Which only further pissed Twilight off and deepened her suspicions. Okay, she wouldn't want to do the dance, but if she had only worked a little on placating Twilight, the ONE, SINGLE pony who actually thought anything was amiss, she would have won. As she said she didn't care about anything but her end goal of marrying Shining Armor and her army invading. The cake, the reception, the dress. She herself says she doesn't care about any of them, so why not just pretend to like them to stop Twilight glaring at you? Problem solved. End speech.
I suppose the simple answer is simply: because she could. However, her plan was to marry Shining Armor, so it would make sense to act relatively like Cadence to not arouse suspicions. If everyone wasn't so wrapped up in wedding excitement they might have actually listened to Twilight earlier, which would destroy her master plan to an extent. In a way it makes sense for her to snub Twilight, as Chrysalis was shown that she was supposed to know Twilight, and Twilight might bring up old times which she would obviously have no memory of. However, as she states in her song, she doesn't care about Shining Armor, the dress, the cake, or anything else. If she didn't care then why not just play along for the hour or two before the wedding? You could see she was visibly panicked when Twilight confronted her on her actions. In the end, though, it ultimately wouldn't have made any difference. Her plan would have been a success regardless if only she hadn't sent Twilight to the Canterlot Caves. Twilight had just been royally disowned by everyone and was apologetic so she was no longer a threat.
Not exactly. I just keep having thoughts come up of things that perplex me. It's not look I'm going through the episodes and analyzing for stuff that doesn't make sense. They just suddenly come to me, these lightbulb moments. And if the thought is there, why not bring it to the forums? That's what you awesome people are here for, right?
This was something that just suddenly clicked for me. It makes sense for the parallel to the Daring Do story to have them escape by getting past the smallest and least threatening thing blocking them. However, a pony that young should be in school. On a completely unrelated note, don't her eyes looked a little derped? Looking at her, she's just maybe a TAD bigger than the CMC, and she has a similar cutie mark as the other nurses, Granted, she may be an intern, or just volunteering time or her mother also works at the hospital or whatever the case may be, but still young fillies need their rest. Rainbow Dash breaks in in the middle of the night. They shouldn't give a child the overnight shift. Why she's working there kinda harkens back to a theory I had in another topic, where I asked if there was anything beyond elementary school. My theory was that it wasn't really necessary, as given the different structure of the pony world, once you have your cutie mark that's usually where you'll find your job opportunity. All that's really required to be learned is writing, reading, and math. So maybe she was just that advanced, but still, again, why does a child have an overnight shift?
Now, simple characters are fine. If he only said eeyup and nope from the beginning it wouldn't be that strange. However, his first speaking role has him having a discussion with Applejack about how he doesn't think she can buck all the apples by herself, a conversation that goes on for about a minute of the episode. Following that, though, they give him a very simple dialect of two main words, with I believe 3 times outside of hearts and hooves day where he says something different. ("No deal" to Flim and Flam, "Uh. AJ" about Braeburn losing the seeds, and him raging at the CMC about their Gabby Gums articles) Now, in Hearts and Hooves day they throw in a bit of a explanation, by having Applebloom say he's shy, which is why she knows he won't go for another pony romantically. However, it kinda felt like they just didn't want to have a smart male in a girl's show. But that is kinda negated by Shining Armor, who is an intelligent male with a well-set personality. I like to think that's its not about a stereotype of southerner's being simple, as the rest of the family doesn't act that way(short of Applejack's not knowing that a garden party didn't involve actually gardening)
I saw a different theory on another site that Shining Armor is better at the spell, thus why he doesn't need to cast it continuously, though why knows if thats actually the case. On a completely unrelated note, I was glad for Games Ponies Play, because for goodness sake they finally cut Cadence a break, First two parter has her on the brink of exhaustion/starvation from being locked under a cave, and her next has her chronically sleep deprived from the need to keep up the shield. Though she also quickly bounces back despite all that. Girls got some guts.
You know, I didn't even process the fact that she was an alicorn despite seeing her horn and wings. It would be cool to see just a regular alicorn in the show. From what we've seen they're all a big deal.
How will Twilight Sparkle handle change?
Never2muchpinkie replied to Starlight24's topic in Season 3 Discussion
May I just say that your OC looks FLIPPIN AWESOME! I guess because it really stands out. Her wings are a different color than her coat, she seems to have invested in some tattoo's. and despite the abundance of white from her body to her mane I really like the style of her mane. Sorry. Eh hem. "I REALLY LIKE HER MANE!" (Ah, squeaky Belle. ) She really just appeals to me. Good design.
It turns out fans don't hate sentry
Never2muchpinkie replied to FNGRpony's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
The whole problem with them dating, I mean serious dating not just one episode fling, is that it would change the dynamic of the show. Not to the extent of Twilicorn, granted, but isn't the reason we love the show because they mostly shy away from girly stereotypes? We already have one married side-couple. If you look at Twilight interacting with Flash Sentry, blushing and being shy, it's not what I want to the show to revolve around. If you'll notice they made a deliberate decision to NOT show any of the Mane 6 sans Twilight in the Valentines day episode, which leaves it open whether they play the field on their free days but it's just not shown. -
I understand it from an outside source. If Cadence and Shining Armor were both at peak form then there would have been no drama.Twilight would have found the Crystal Heart, and the good guys win easily. Boring. However, from an in-universe perspective, I fail to see why she was so exhausted. With this 2-parter and A canterlot wedding we see that the two of them can both make city-wide shield's. So presumably they were taking it in turns to have one maintain a shield, while the other one investigates on the Crystal City. Shining Armor's horn got blocked on their trip back, and the trip from the train station to the Crystal Empire couldn't be too long. I forget how far apart it looked but for arguments sake let's say an hour at absolute most. So basically that meant that before Shining Armor left to greet them, a max of two hours round trip for him, Cadence was already pretty much exhausted. Given that in their premiere episodes his love for her was strong enough to give Queen Chrysalis enough power to defeat Celestia, that just doesn't seem likely that he would allow her to get like that. Going off a presumption, from what we've seen of unicorn magic there doesn't seem to be a "MP Gauge" in that using magic doesn't really seem to have a cost. All it takes it enough will, and proper concentration, and you can keep a spell up indefinitely. So what was plaguing Cadence seemed to be sleepiness, not exhaustion from using magic. Again, for her to be in such a state that she's barely keeping herself up, meant that she had to have been up for a long time without resting for maybe a day BEFORE the Mane 6 were due to arrive, something, again, that Shining Armor shouldn't have been letting happen. It would make more sense if BOTH of them were at their limits from non-stop searching and shield maintenance, in a rush to find out the answer they're looking for before Sombra finds a way past their defenses because it begs the question of why SA seemed at his peak while Cadence was on the brink of passing out. If you look at King Sombra, he doesn't seem to be attacking the shield like the Changelings did, which is why Shining Armor was having migraine's from keeping his shield active, so we can't use that as a factor. If Shining Armor had been attacked and had his magic blocked and a whole night passed with them looking for the Crystal Heart, it wouldn't bother me at all. In that case, she would have every right to be exhausted, maintaining a shield by herself, not letting herself sleep because she knows what would happen. But everything happens within the span of, say, two hours at most. It just really bugs me. Sorry for the essay.
I'm writing a fanfic which mainly focused on Applejack/Applebloom and their relationship, where AB begins to see AJ in a motherly sense since she was too young to remember their mom when she died. At one part when AJ is holding her, AB imagines it's their mother doing it. So the snag comes in when she tries to imagine her mother's voice. She couldn't know unless there was some kind of video. We have been shown in two episodes (One bad apple and Hurricane Fluttershy) that projector type movies exist, but do you think it's something common enough that your average pony would have it, or restrained to productions like instructional films and entertainment only? The staff did say they tend to shy away from showing too much technology, which could be why it doesn't show up more.
Inconsistancy in baby pony eye colors.
Never2muchpinkie replied to Never2muchpinkie's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
Well, sir, you're remembering your facts wrong. The episode has pinkie make a point of singing them a 'happy monthaversary' song, and they only say one word at the end of the episode. On the other hand, Applejack was able to say her name and form a complete thought so she'd definitely be a few months older than that. -
While checking out baby pony pics I noticed something off in the 3 episodes we are introduced to baby ponies. So the first time we see a baby pony was in Mysterious Mare-do-well, and they look like this. Plain black eyes. Since this was the first time one showed up, the different eye design helped to emphasize their youngness. The second time we saw babies was in Baby Cakes, where Pinkie takes care of the Cakes babies. This time they changed from plain black to distinct eye colors, brown and blue. Since it was the second time they probably wanted to give them the color they would grow up to have instead of raw black, though black is an eye color, so that first one may well have been correct. It helped to give them a little more individuality. Then there comes the backtrack. The diabetus inducing baby Applejack from Apple Family reunion. She looks like this. While she should look like this. Just something that bugged me. Looking at fan drawing of baby ponies where all of them have their main eye color take up their whole eye, Baby Applejack looks weird to me with black eyes instead of green eyes.
So what's up with the writers changing Scootaloo to suit the episode? In the show stoppers, it's shown quite clearly that she can't sing well. Come one bad apple, she sings great. In the cutie mark chronicles, she shows increasing disgust at the increasing sappiness and heartwarming nature of the stories. But then along came hearts and hooves day, and she's floating in the air AAWWW-ing with the rest of the crusaders when Big Mac and Cheerilee drink the love potion. Of course no character stays completely consistent in the show, but both of those are polar opposites that go against the character they were trying to develop. Possible explanations: About singing. Since it's one of those songs that is actually being acknowledged as singing, it's different than just a random song out of nowhere, the kind where everything just goes back to normal once it's done, like it didn't actually happen. Example: Sweetie Belle sings amazing in the perfect stallion song, which is a song out of nowhere, while during her campfire song she sounds horribly off-key, and is a song that is being ackowledged as actually happening. About the sappiness: At the end of the episode Rainbow Dash was okay with their group hug, so despite her sigh when Applebloom and Sweetie hugged her, she stopped caring because Rainbow was okay with it. Either that, or she just cares that much about Cheerilee that it overrode her aversion to sappy stories.
Well we don't KNOW that Scoots is an orphan. Thats just the general fanon on her since she doesn't have a sister in the mane 6 so her family isn't as important. In the show they don't say it,but one of the writers confirmed that the shooting stars that appeared from Apple Family Reunion were meant to represent her parents, along with several other hints to that effect. As for Sweetie Belle she lives with her parents, not Rarity. That one time she showed up Sweetie Belle brought over everything but the kitchen sink to Rarity's while her parents went on vacation. The general theme of the show is focusing on the younger ones, which is why the parents don't show up too often. I don't think it has any relation to them being blank flanked. Well, I usually reread the new parts I have written to check for errors. I don't know if you do any writing yourself, but I tell you no matter how many times I reread my work, if feels like there is always ONE more thing I missed, sometimes one that completely bypassed my attention because I read a word automatically. I don't know why it it, but I find I catch a lot of my mistakes MUCH easier when it's printed out and I'm reading it rather than on a screen. I'm glad you're so anxious to read it. I'll make sure to give it my best. I don't like to rush my work, either. I have to be in the mood to right, and it's getting pretty close to the endgame. Right now I'm finishing up the ending, then I have to do the beginning and it'll be done. Basically I write the sections that appeal the most to me at the time, so when I first started writing this one it was in the middle.
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The overall design is good. I don't have an issue with the wings. I think they're a nice change of pace. My main issue is the size of her head. If you block everything but her head with your hand she looks like she's supposed to be a filly. Second issue is with her visible ear. It stands out a bit too much, because it is a bit too large, so given their size her other ear should juuuuust be visible even over her hair. The last one is a bit of a minor issue. Because of the smallness of her eyes, it doesn't bring across her cross-eyed looked very well. So now that we got constructive criticism out of the way...The background is just PERFECT. I like that she's standing on one of her bubbles, with the little bit of light filtering in like she's actually riding the bubbles to the surface of an unknown land. I don't think you should quit drawing. I think you should take what information you get from critiques to improve yourself, because you have a lot of potential. After getting over the initial shock of the different art style you used, this picture is really quite well done, and could be even better with just a few tweaks. Good luck with your auction.
Thank you! I wrote a different topic one day because I noticed one of the nurses at the hospital bears a striking resemblance to Diamond Tiara's color design. It was going to end at that, but then some people who liked the idea said that it could add more to her character as the nurse in question was such a nice person. And then the spark happened, the story beginning to form itself in my head. Usually that's all it takes. Once something catches, it;s like an inferno and the whole story starts to play out in my head. So the idea is all my own, but I owe my inspiration for it to the forums. I love you guys. It's about 80% done, so as soon as I finish I will gladly post it. I have another user waiting for it already.
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CMC try and make a new friend
Never2muchpinkie replied to pinkiefan1287's topic in MLP:FiM Canon Discussion
Well it depends on the pony's personality. If they got a pony like Button Mash, who says he doesn't really care about his cutie mark, that doesn't necessarily mean he wouldn't go along with all their wacky antics and different things they try to get them. It could simply be about how much FUN he has doing it. He'd could just be along for the ride, which would really make it a lot for enjoyable for him if he isn't straining for a cutie mark.- 18 replies
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- cutie mark crusaders
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