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Everything posted by Adachi

  1. I tend to swear when I'm with family, on my mom's side at least. I don't swear when with dad, because he's not one to swear, so I respect his choice. But when with mom, I'll swear a bit, because everyone on my mom's side swears
  2. Chuck Norris. Because if the embodiment of manliness is in MLP, the haters will no longer have a reason to say it's for little girls only. All kidding aside, Pewdiepie, because, Pewdiepie. Or The Rock! Rocky is great everywhere!
  3. Lucifer from the Shin Megami Tensei series is actually a pretty intelligent fellow who only wants freedom for us all. Let's just say that if I play a game from the series again, I'm going Chaos path
  4. I'm actually starting to appreciate what Obama has been doing. I support his immigration reform, and minimum wage has gone up while he's been in office, so I am a happy panda.
  5. What happened is I got tired of people using the word autist and horsefucker in the same sentence. I am autistic, and quite sensitive about it.
  6. I see what you mean. I just get upset when I suspect that they're allowing fan service to affect the characters. Not that I would mind if they were more than just friends, but the beauty of background ponies has always been that they fit our head canons so well, because they never spoke or were given a canon personality. People just have too differing head canons to please everypony, which is why things like Derpy not speaking fits so well. As much as I disagree with them, the soccer moms hated the voice she had, so this way, they end up not stepping on any toes, and people can imagine any voice they want for Derpy, instead of some people liking a voice, and other people hating it. I personally liked the new voice they were gonna go with, but I know that I am in the minority.
  7. Celestia's magic wasn't enough to keep NMM banished to the moon forever, she knew she would need help with her sister, since she couldn't use the elements anymore. As for Discord, same thing. She knew he would eventually be free, so she figured that she might as well put his magic to good use. In the end, he decided to stay 100% good, finding that he preferred friendship over chaos. Another thing, if anything happened to Celestia, there would be major panic, since her people relied on her so much. She was grooming Twi to become a princess, so what better way than to have her train against the upcoming threats? Like someone else said, there are things that only Celestia could do, so she needed to focus on those, and let Twi handle the things that she could do. It's not like she sat in her castle all day eating cake and drinking tea
  8. Didn't mean that in a rude way, I've just never seen people get that close to each other, unless they were intimate with each other. My bad.
  9. There is no such thing as good and evil It is better to seek out knowledge, than to be satisfied, but remain stagnant. Lyra and Bon Bon were a bit close in Rainbow Rocks. Just saiyan.
  10. I've found another thing that can be done to really annoy them. Bring up every fallacy you see, and just stick to your guns. They will make themselves out to be the stupid ones, while you (and possibly others) will be laughing.
  11. I found a really effective way. If they call you a clopper (polite word for what they really say, starts with an h), and then they mention some sexually graphic scenario involving you and a pony, you can turn that around and tell them they're the one who brought it up, and they're obviously really into it, to describe it in such detail. They'll have no counter for it, I'm doing it to a troll right now and he's accusing me of trying to make him into a clopper, but I just told him "nope, I'm not making you anything, you're the one who brought the whole thing up, I said nothing of the kind". Bet he's gonna try to change the subject, can't wait to see how much further I can mess with his head xD
  12. I'm not quite sure. She's royalty, although I know she doesn't really care about formality. I would likely still bow, but I would also feel at ease since she's not like Earth royalty.
  13. I figured I'd do one for FlufflePuff as well. I would do the same as with Twi, then we would both go to sleep with me cuddling her like a plushie. Possibly with one eye slightly open at first in case she tries to ninja me with a pillow cannon xD
  14. I would get up and hug her so fast, I might end up pulling one of my muscles in the process xD
  15. Boomerang might be a good channel for Sailor Moon. It's pretty much the nostalgia channel, they have mostly Hannah Barbara cartoons, but I believe they also have some other classic cartoons like Cartoon Cartoons.
  16. Knowing Disney, they will do worse than 4kids/DiC. Have they ever had a show or movie with a lesbian couple before? I know for sure they would never show nudity. There can only be so much wrong that can come of this.
  17. It's a turn based RPG for Android where you can recruit different units, and fuse them to level them up, then evolve them. Gameplay is pretty simple, but I think most of the strategy is in planning out parties and deciding which Brave Burst abilities and Leader ability you need. I finally started playing, although unfortunately, way too late to get Hatsune Miku as a unit ;.;
  18. I still only see the peach's castle server. I checked and I don't seem to have anything blocking servers. I'll play around a bit more, and ask on the AA forum how to fix this problem.
  19. I went on but didn't see the server, only peach's castle. Checking to see if something is interfering. Edit: Just realized, that's the map name, not the server one. Got it confused with another server that ran for a while xD
  20. I would learn every language, then play all of the awesome Japan only games
  21. I prefer that they don't try pushing too many fan ideas onto the show. For one, Vinyl and Octy don't have a voice in the show or movies, and that is fine, because there are very talented people who voice those characters, and if DHX does hire people to voice them, and it turns out they use different people who sound nothing like their fanon VAs, many people will be disappointed. In the case of fanon relationships, what's ok with some people might not be ok with others. While I wouldn't mind there being a female x female relationship, I know there would be some who would mind it. Also, this show is mainly for kids, and although it's good to teach acceptance for all sexual orientations, I think the core target audience (young girls who aren't even 10 yet) would not really understand what's going on. Then again, they would likely just see two ponies kissing and think it's cute, so as long as there's no tongue, or anything else that's suggestive. Maybe a peck, or a hug, but beyond that is kinda iffy.
  22. I agree. Normally, I regret watching spoilers for movies I want to watch, but I'm so glad I saw this scene. It gives me almost as strong feels as Terra's "I will protect everyone!" line in Dissidia, or Sailor Moon begging her silver crystal to give her the strength to protect everyone.
  23. I don't have a problem with ponies getting married in the show. Although that's because I am against the idea of having virtual pony waifus. You can't talk to them and have them respond back (although you could create a tulpa of that pony, but it's still a spiritual/psychic entity, not flesh), so I don't see a point. Although there are ponies I feel close with, especially Twilight Sparkle. My position is as long as they don't mess up a pony's character, I have no problem with them getting married.
  24. Adachi

    gaming Anarchy Arcade

    Yeah, and can you imagine if we can use custom skins and can play as our OCs? That would be awesome! /)^3^(\
  25. Adachi

    gaming Anarchy Arcade

    Anyone ever hear of this? Basically, it's a hl2 mod that allows players to create their own 3d desktop. Any file on your computer can be spawned into 3d maps as an interactable object. For instance, let's say you have some roms and an emulator. You can create arcade cabinets, Steamboxes, PC kiosks, etc to represent each of the roms, and if available, it will even automatically apply the proper artwork to each cabinet you spawn. And if it can't find the artwork, you can still look it up and apply it to your cabinet, or customize it any way you want. You could also put a Youtube music video on a wall as a wall mounted HDTV, or even as a gigantic IMAX screen (although none of the default maps have walls big enough for it I think). You can also take models from any source game if you are familiar with adding custom objects to Garry's Mod, easiest way is by going to Gamebanana or to the Garry's Mod website (Garry's Mod website downloads require a legal copy of Garry's Mod on Steam though). So your arcade can have pretty much anything you could ever want It also has multiplayer, so I propose that somepony make an official Poniverse arcade for all Bronies to enjoy. The only problem I can forsee is finding a way to keep people from spawning in objects, but I think they might have fixed it by now to make it so only the host can spawn objects. If needed, I can be the hosting pony, although I guess it would be preferable to have one of the actual staff host it (plus, my computer is great, but not all that modern and only 4g ram).
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