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Status Updates posted by Passion

  1. Only just heard, RIP Thea White [*]

  2. ⠄⠄⠄⠄⢠⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣿⣯⢻⣿⣿⣿⣿⣆⠄⠄⠄

  3. Man, I still remember the days before EQG was released and so many people including myself were skeptical, and then it gave us this, one of the most beautiful songs imho that the MLP has given birth to:


    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Passion


      Eh, I do remember all the negative attention it was getting. After all I had mixed feelings myself. In the end I doubt it deserved it.


      And yeah @Pathfinder, I remember watching it, and figured it was good. It's silly because it's the only ever MLP related movie I've been to cinema with my niece, and I remember that when it ended people started leaving. I stayed, because that song hits me harder than the entirety of the movie itself.

    3. Evil Pink One

      Evil Pink One

      .... Wait this was on cinema?

    4. Megas


      @KujamihIt had a limited release in theaters

  4. obraz.png.66224e6182e73b60165a22fdb2bf717b.png

    Hmm, yes, I wonder...

    1. Splashee


      The list I have of "people you may know" is basically a list of people that turned down my friend invitation or ignored it. Sadly.

  5. TFW you have dozens of notifications and all of them are about people posting topics in OH... I mean, OUotA. My time has passed, long ago.

  6. Uh oh, my avatar is not wearing anything green...

  7. This game is a little bit more than I signed up for :wau:

    Nice story, great for chillout, pretty graphics. But man if the narrative doesn't know when to stop sometimes.

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      I think I heard of this game at one point but then it vanished from my mind. :wacko: 

    2. Passion


      In between all the DOOMs, Warframes, Starcrafts, various MMOs and all those flashy games with over-the-top stylized appearances, graphics, stories etc, I found Haven. And after reading a synopsis, I figured it's different. Added it to Wishlist to check out one day, and the day has come.
      So far from the few hours I've spent in it, it's really relaxing. Obviously it's story driven, so it's more of an interactive... I don't know, book? Movie? Still, it's different enough for me to want to keep playing as a little distraction from all the regular games. And so far, it seems to be doing good.

    3. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      You have instantly made me interested. :o On my Xbox right now and I check for it and it is on Game Pass! Installing it now. :) Glad you reminded me of it because i remember having some intrigue towards it when it launched but I completely forgot about it.

  8. I had to chew this information for quite a while. I don't know why but I took Daft Punk for granted. It's silly. I never listened to them directly. But now that they're gone, I recognize that their music accompanied me throughout my entire life, in background. Just as they wanted to remain. I am not able to express with words how saddening it is to me to see yet another iconic band eventually fade away. Their talent was undeniable:


  9. All the essential requests have now been sent:

    1. Duality


      I wonder if senpai will notice you. :ithastolookpretty:

    2. Passion


      It does not matter if she does, devoted fanatics do not turn their backs just because their masters/mistresses fail to appreciate their devotion.

  10. I know a bunch of people over the internet whom, if I've met, I'd take to have a pint of ale with. With exception of @Duality. That man and I would find ourselves sitting in comfy chairs in a room only lit dimly by a fireplace, and the pint of ale would be replaced with a 1988' Merlot Collio Russiz while the resounding (mildly, mind you) words like "quite" and "indeed" echo in the room.

    1. Duality


      Quite indeed, my good sir. I'll bring the cheese platter and the caviar if you bring the cordon bleu and the merlot. I hear marshmallows take on a delightfully piquant woodsmoke overtone if toasted over a suitably atmospheric fireplace. :devious:

  11. The promise is still on Riki. That game better be good. Do not think I have forgotten. It has to look pretty.

    1. Rikifive


      It was the metroidvania one, right? I'm doing what I can, although I don't believe in myself if you ask me. 77EqXXE.png

    2. Passion
  12. My friend: Thanks for listening mate, I just needed to vent.

  13. post-18085-0-94274000-1381802918.jpg.cff4acca70fbd07994c5e36b64bc52ad.jpg

    It's been many years now, but thankfully I have this saved as attachment <3 Still my favourite piece of "received" art. And it's spooktober so it's only fitting to pull it out now again :>

  14. Never again shall I go to so called "haunted house". 'twas more screams and dudes running with stun gun and a chainsaw rather than atmosphere and proper scares. Low budged effort I guess.

    1. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      It sounds like all they relied on was shock value.

  15. I did it again.


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Sparklefan1234


      @Treeglow Flicker  


      I thought your motto was the third one: 




    3. Treeglow Flicker

      Treeglow Flicker

      @Sparklefan1234 I think I have used that one a few times in the past. :P

    4. Sparklefan1234
  16. No matter the question, wolves are the answer.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      "I'd like to place an order."
      "For pickup or delivery?"

    3. Sparklefan1234
    4. Passion


      @Stone Cold Steve Tuna I mean, you won't say that having your food handed over to you by wolves wouldn't be badass.

  17. Ayy, Johnny Depp is supposedly back to Pirates of Caribbean.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Passion


      Oi. Captain Jack Sparrow is Captain Jack Sparrow no matter the movie, k? Don'cha diss the capt'n. He's what I was watching them for anyway.

    3. Sparklefan1234


      Aye sea what you did thar, matey. :nom:

    4. Blackfire Blaze

      Blackfire Blaze

      Yay! There can never be too many! That goes for PotC movies and Johnny Depp movies. :yay:

  18. If I said that "I do not know what's the whole appeal Helltaker has to some people", I'd be lying.
    If I said that "I do not know why people went absolute bonkers crazy about it", I'd be telling the truth however. 2D waifus I guess? And a neat-o soundtrack.
    Then again, as a lover of anything of demonic nature, I cannot deny I enjoyed this short little adventure... even if the premise was so... "eh".

    1. Treeglow Flicker

      Treeglow Flicker

      Helltaker was short and sweet and satisfied my own love of demons. Malina is probably my favourite.

    2. Passion


      It surprised me to see Polish names in it, wasn't expecting this game to be by Polish developer. Zdrada literally means "betrayal" in Polish. Malina is "raspberry". Although pretty sure this was a wordplay on malice.

    3. Midnight Creep Show

      Midnight Creep Show

      It was a short but well done game. Judgement probably is my favourite out of them all.

  19. Shame Ody. Shame. I'm leaving on private mountain trip by the end of August and yer missing out once more.

    1. Odyssey


      Don't blame me, blame Corona-chan.

  20. image.png.1a2b38c963390175c9b7c9ae854c1a9b.png

    Mildly disturbing, m'lord.

    1. Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      Stone Cold Steve Jobs

      *pokes head out from bush*

  21. I only just now have realized... my Bananas are no more :(

  22. There's been a lot of dark arts of Necromancy dabbling on the forums recently. I knew I should not have left my personal notes out in the open after all...

    1. TheBronyHeart


      Embrace the dark arts~

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