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Everything posted by Bojo

  1. Only $176 more for MCM and PiratePony will donate the $1000 left to reach the main goal! Let's do it guys!!! https://my.charitywater.org/poniverse/poniverse-s-making-christmas-merrier-v

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bojo


      Aaaaand thanks to some super-generous people, we did it! :D

    3. Kiri


      Aww yeah! /)

    4. Bojo
  2. Can't wait to see actual gameplay of Death Stranding!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bojo


      I hope Kojima nails it again. I don't think I'll buy a PS4 just to play that game though. You got a PS4? :o


      Heh, thank you! I was actually wondering... where's your avatar from?

    3. AmarisNsane


      Well, I suppose you could say that. It really belongs to my brother, while the PC is mostly seen as 'my thing'. We do switch up and use the other's when needed though! And that's definitely a game that I need to try.


      And not a problem! The character in my avatar is from an anime/manga called: Boku No Hero Academia by the way. I'm honestly not very big on the 'anime' thing but this one is definitely one of the exceptions!

    4. Bojo


      Oooooh, I see! It's pretty much the same here with my bro. He's got a XB1 though (So RIP my dreams of playing Death Stranding :'D )


      Oooooh I've heard of that anime. I've been trying to find sometime to watch it. I truly need to watch it this vacation!

  3. Spoiler: I'm totally NOT stalking your DA rite now in search for Stormy art reference HA HA HA

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Bojo


      Shhhhhhhhh. You'll soon see.

    3. VengefulStrudel


      Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm....very well. >:l *grumpy but excited pastry noises* c:

    4. Bojo



  4. Don't forget to vote on the MCM $750 Stretch Goal poll! http://poni.me/twXm306O90S

    1. Snow


      (For lady kiriness)

    2. CheeryFox


      Yasyas - sis is winning right now. ^-^

    3. VengefulStrudel
  5. Friday Movie Night has just begun guys! http://equestria.tv/r/cmc_clubhouse

  6. HOLY *squee* ! This is just too cute, Pastrypone! Thank you very much for making it; I truly loved it . Keep up the awesome work! Generous pastry is generous.
  7. Holy generous ponies! This is SO SO SO generous and awesome, Pirate; You truly are the best! I'd say it is extra-confirmed now: Rarity would be proud of you. Edit: Almost forgot to mention that you've already done A LOT by bringing MCM again and being the main manager of the event this time; so, thank you for being so generous!
  8. Hey! Happy Birthday!

  9. Heya! Just wanted to say that what you're doing for MCM is pretty nice and generous, thanks for the support!

    1. Rikifive



      I'm so happy, that I can do something! :3

  10. Hello! Thanks for adding my as a friend :D

    1. Summer Breeze

      Summer Breeze

      heeyy! no problem, you seem like a nice person, so why not? :D

  11. Hey pones! Let's make Christmas merrier! I mean.. if... if that's okay for you... https://mlpforums.com/topic/160012-making-christmas-merrier-v-charity-water/

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. El Duderino

      El Duderino

      Oh boy, I participated last year, but I'm pretty low on money this year. Maybe if I come across more money...

    3. Bojo


      That's okay! You should donate only IF you want/can :)

    4. El Duderino

      El Duderino

      Oh I totally want to. I love doing my part. I'm just not sure I will have money. I'll have to wait and see :)

  12. Hey! Happy birthday! :D

  13. Finally got to participate on MCM! Could donate just some dollars, but hey... it's something . May we collect 'em 3000 dollars and let those 100 people have clean water for the many, many years to come! Looking forward to see what kind of stuff will staff gift to us this time!
  14. We don't celebrate Thanksgiving in Mexico, but I want to thank you all for your friendship! Seriously guys, thanks for everything! And for those who do celebrate it, have a happy Thanksgiving!

  15. 413,714 Woah, when I first posted here, we were on 100k something. We can actually make it! ... Someday
  16. *boops you with a Marble Pie plushie* c;

  17. Cakey x @VengefulStrudel Pastry ship FTW!
  18. "The most adorable of all time"

    1. Bojo


      Damn it pastrypone, you finally embrace it!

    2. VengefulStrudel


      Oi! Blame the Cupid hamster for that, I didn't write it. :(

  19. *double-boop* c;

    1. VengefulStrudel
    2. Bojo


      *quad-boop* C:<

    3. VengefulStrudel


      *10000-boops-at-the-same-time* c:<

  20. G'night everypony! Hope you all rest well... whenever you're going to bed :P

  21. Oh boy, I actually got into remembering which, exactly, those games were, and realized I've played several Zelda games as well, but never ever finished a single of them. What the hell is wrong with me? To add to the list: GTA: Vice City and San Andreas, Gears of War, Halo: Spartan Assault, MGSV: The Phantom Pain. That's all I can think of.
  22. Meh... just... meh (and would've been meh, too, if Hillary had won tbh). I'm just intrigued to see what's gonna happen to all the US, my country, and the whole world.
  23. Tfw I'll actually have to pay for the wall

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