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Everything posted by RainbowDashiscool

  1. (I guess you did not know not everbody knows it and ok and Light Fire is unsure if it will not work as she is scared if Felicia my ponyfied shelf is lost...) Light Fire said "I hope it does not harm her!"."Flame be careful she might be backeating brains and getting you'res then you might turn into a zombie and what if she goes back too being dead agin? or what if she grows older since this vaction was really long i think I'm 17 now and you must be 18 now" as Light Fire said as she worries. Felicia grows up into 50 year's old.
  2. We'll i must of accdeintly mess up the link maybe try it on my profile here and the link is there.
  3. Ever want you're artwork of you're own artwork made for you and art work made by some member for you just in case you lose them from the coumputer being erased or you accdeintly deleted them and don't have them printed or in a cd? We'll here you go you can store them here just in case if that ever happens.I will put numbers of how many stored here but you gotta show me the pictures you wan't stored here so i can put them in order and say it was made for you or you made it for you're shelf. 1.(Made for me by Dark Heart) 2.(Made for me by Dark Heart) 3.(Made for me by Dark Heart) 4.(Made for me by Dark Heart) 5.(Made for me by Dotgif) 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25.
  4. I know it was not good but it was too much presure and i got over it this is my deviantart: http://Lightfiretheteenmare.devaintart.com/. @0blivion,@Adorkable,I will try that.
  5. Light Fire saids "Yes and yup she might try agin shes a Zombie now"."Thank you Flame :)" Light Fire said this and she blushes. (I don't know i just was trying something from sankrea its a anmie where rea sanka turns into a zombie etc...I just heard someone suggested devaintart for storeing i want too keep but uh i got deepresed from da and i might come back too da when I'm 20 or 21 year's old look at my old deviantart here: http://Lightfiretheteenmare.deviantart.com/ )
  6. I already have a deviantart and don't feel like coming back since the trolls and haters and idoits and art thief's and cyber bullies and i got deepressed since so many started too hate me when i was trying my best too help them and i just got too fustrated and deepresed there and ended up cutting my wrist 3 times with broken glass from my second grade drawing in a frame.
  7. Can someone make a thread for us members for us too store are artwork in just in case some members lose there art they requested and the art they made for them shelf's.I was just thinking this if members accdeintly lost there art for them or something else from there coumputer getting erased and not everybody print's out them.
  8. i like you're art work it's very good so i will keep on liking the one's i requested from you .
  9. Yup I'm also part polish and part hiwain so I'm a full mix there...and cool. Now i guess i found why people hated gypsy's in the olden day's it saids it here: Gypsy groups (such as the Balkan Egyptians), originated in Egypt, and in one narrative were exiled as punishment for allegedly harbouring the infant Jesus.[18]
  10. Really? some other people say i look like one of there old friends . But my Real First name is Felicia and I'm mixed with Part irish,Part gypsy(I know in the olden days people hated gypsy's and i don't know why but I'm not a bad part gypsy.),Part Russian,Part German,Part native amercian idan,Part mexican.
  11. Username:Felicia Pony Ref (picture IS needed):(Use ethier one that works best for you too draw) Deadline?:March 27th (I guess idk if it does not take long for you too do then you can forget the deadline i said.) Unanimated or Animated?:Animated Any other comments?:Can you put head phones on my ponyfied shelf? that are black with a red heart in both speakers in the front and can you add a droid razar m with the headphones connected on it and make my ponyfied shelf dance a little but not that very good since I'm not good at dancing and i do move a little while listening too songs that i like with a nice beat too them.)
  12. I'm not a parpspirite anymore i changed into a butterfly and i love butterflies . I would like too request this signature please: Resolution:(I don't know can you help me pick one please?) Pony/Vector/OC: (I'm not sure what size my ponyfied shelf has in this drawing) Background:Light Blue Text and Text Color:Felicia (For the text),Red (For the text color) Gradient:None Special Effects:With party ballons and party lights with all colors blinking andwith the mane 6 dancing . Extras:None ................................................................... (I'm usally not patcinte since i worry alot about how is my request gonna come like i requested something in deviantart and it has been a longest while with it not done and not posted for me and i lefted deviantart from hater's,drama,idoits,cyber bullies it just got way too much on deepressing me so I'm feeling better without being on deviantart as it's becoming a drama,hater's,idoits,cyber bullies,art theif's,Hackers zone now...i had one freind but she was going through deepresion too but everytime she saids shes getting off of da as she can then she started getting hurt agin and her cousin thinks I'm being mean too her cousin and idk if me and my friend are not freinds anymore and i keep on getting blamed and acussed and i try my best too help but i got so fustrated.I now help my best friend from deviantart too facebook and other people don't get that i am really helpful i was dealling with too much deepresion and fustration and i could not keep track and i try too orgnize my da profile but i will maybe come back too da if it's ever still there when I'm 20 or 21 year's old and i thought about if i ever have kids i will let them go on da (That was when i was on da and was kinda feeling ok but i changed my mind know if i ever have kids i will not let them go on da if it still has that whole idoit people,cyber bullies,art thief's,hackers,haters in da...) (Sorry about the longest story it helps me calm more by talking about it and I'm talktive also...)
  13. Ok i could not fit anymore words in too the title i will tell you why i added and more.If this is in the wrong forum you can move it too the right forum i you're a staff member who is alowed too move this too the right forum i guess i mean thread...) 1.Do you have a dream about you're favorite actor or actress? (I did with two of my favoruite actor's but one became a bad dream...kinda.) 2.Do you have a dream with you with you're favorite actor or actress? 3.Do you ever make a vutrail person that is you're favorite actor or actress? (Thats what the and more ment and i do tend too make sims out of my favoruite actor and one favoruite actor with there wife.) 4.Do you make a vutrail person of you with you're favorite actress or actor or with you're favorite actor's wife or with you're favorite actress's husband? (I did i made a christopher walken sim with his wife and me included but there younger but imagtion they aged in this one since christopher walken is 70 year's old and hes gonna turn 71 year's on march 31th so yeah he has a birthday in march when my dads birthday is march so my dad turned 51 year's old yesterday since it's probaly 1:00 am by now and Christopher Walken's wife is 69 year's old or 70 year's old because it does not say how old she is but her year is 1944 and Christopher Walken's year was 1943.)
  14. I found more pictures of me i will posting here: Me as a kid with santa caluse with my favoruite stuffed animail fufus and i named my favoruite stuffed animail that name when i was 2 year's old and i losted fufus sadly . (I will post more with none of it showing my brother since he does not wan't him too be seen in pictures on the internet anymore so yeah and one shows me as a baby with no shirt on and my real name yes i meant my whole real name since it was a graduation from kindergarden in 2004 from san fernando moroing side school and I'm not there anymore since me and my famliy moved since i was a kid at 9 or 10 or 8 or 7 something around that age and another one shows my big brother and my mom and little me and yes i looked chubby in that photo but I'm not that chubby anymore.I also lost weight from sickness when i was a kid i guess we'll i have a weak immune system so i catched colds easliy if I wasent using handsantizer and sick people around me then i will cath thoese easily from my weak immune system :/ so when i was sick more days i felt like not eating and i would not eat then i lost weight and my ribs were showing but I'm ok now since I'm homeschooled only at my home and not going too school and ive been using handsantizer with my dad and my big brother when we go too markets or some place else or touch something else that has germs on them then we get out of the market's and other places and touching something that has germs we always use handsantizer it pervent's us from getting sick and ive been eating more with no sickness anymore so I'm fine )
  15. Light Fire saids "Um Flame Felicia is a sleep right now i hope see will be fine"."Flame I love you and don't worry" saids Light Fire. (I'm a doctor who fan and yeah sometimes rp's get werid some of them are.) Light Fire saids "What is a tardis i don't see one...but i heard its from doctor who and Felicia is a fan of Doctor Who and i know Felicia since she created me". Light Fire saids "Lets keep her and use the tulpus as we can and try too stay away from her if she trys too eat are brains"."Hey Flame i made you something too" saids Light Fire. Felicia turns into a Full Zombie agin and tries too eat Flame's brains agin but she failed agin and fell down back too sleep.
  16. Ok it's no problem and today is my dads birthday and he is 51 year's old now.
  17. Today is my dads birthday so he is 51 year's old now.

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. RainbowDashiscool


      Thank you @Nuke87654 and @fimdashie for saying happy birthday too my dad :).




      No he does not have breakfest everytime he does usally eat breakfest on some days.

    3. fimdash


      lol it wasn't really a serious question xD I just really like the show that pic is from

    4. NeedsMoreGoth


      Really? Well wish him a happy birthday for me. Interesting though, my mom's 50th birthday was yesterday...

  18. 1. I lick my hands because i always think of scary words too me and i think they go on my hands so i lick them (Yup i do this and this is embraassing but i get very scared at scary stuff not much scary stuff...) 2. I talk too flies 3. I talk to spiders 4. I stare at something then it looks like it was moving but it's not really moving i'm just moving my eyes... 5. I talk too my shelf sometimes 6.I still kinda talk too my imagnary friends and imagnary famliy (We'll i did like a year ago) 7.Dance funny in the house too my family (I don't know how too dance :/) 8.Dreaming about being with the eleventh doctor because i had one werid dream with him.(I have a crush on matt smith but he's now in the second part of my crush list since i found a new crush and moved my new crush in first place of the list.) 9.I talk too the computer when it gets slow with the loading bar 10.Talk too my favoruite stuffed animal fufus (I even did when i was 13 year's old but i lost her sadly .
  19. Oh cool. I'm using mac at the moment so i use inkscape and gimp more.
  20. Omg thank you .Wait you have a ds? i got a nindendo dsi xl.
  21. Felicia saids "Uhhhhhhhh uhhhhh uhhhh" but she failed too reply too Flame as he quickly wen't away and then she cries in tears some more. The Zombie Translator pony saids "Here you go Light"."Felicia saids It's not you're fault Flame" as she said."We'll Flame raced of so he did not hear Felicia" as the zombie translator saids. Light Fire saids "Why did Flame think it was his fault taking care of you Felicia?" Felicia fell asleep as she got tired. Light Fire saids "Oh great she feel asleep we'll you can go now zombie translator pony and whats you're phone number?" The zombie pony translator saids "My phone number is 555530980812305 call me just in case you need me too translate agin" Light Fire saids "Ok" The zombie pony translator wen't home.
  22. Yay i got it right! and ummm some people usely never do that they did not know but i do read these rules.
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