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Techite Sparkle

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Everything posted by Techite Sparkle

  1. I feel like screaming for some reason.

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. AfTeRwArDs


      Besides screaming apparently.

    3. IDontExistAnymore
    4. Malinter


      don't do a fluttershy scream, no one will hear it.

  2. 9.7/10 The wings look a bit odd... Other than that. Celestia.
  3. And I think my profile is finished... for the next few months atleast ^-^

  4. For my age my handwriting sucks... And the only thing I practically ever write in cursive is my name >_>...

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. Techite Sparkle

      Techite Sparkle

      Hell ouch...

      yeah that defiantly would there...

      I herd dat sucks to have ;(

    3. long gone

      long gone

      Indeed it does. There was this one point where I couldn't even do anything without hurting myself even.

    4. Techite Sparkle

      Techite Sparkle

      aw man that sucks D;

  5. Rarity... Why are you being so cute ^3^…

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Techite Sparkle

      Techite Sparkle

      Lulz xD...

      Gahhhh. I need to post something xD...

      Or reply to a topic xD...

    3. Cakebandit :3

      Cakebandit :3

      My little forums: Posting is magic

    4. Techite Sparkle

      Techite Sparkle


  6. Finnished my profile for now... probably going to add more later tho XD...

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. AfTeRwArDs



      or maybe it is back to the future idk i get the two mixed up

  7. How do you add Spoiler to your about me page... Anybody?

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. Techite Sparkle

      Techite Sparkle

      hmm... duno. Ima be doing it in parts XD


    3. CMQuickfireTK


      well if you does can share spex, do it!

    4. Techite Sparkle
  8. I CHALLENGE YOU... TO A... *****************************************************************************.

    1. Cakebandit :3

      Cakebandit :3


    2. Blacklight


      I don't even know what it is but.... CHALLENGE ACCEPTED!

    3. CMQuickfireTK


      Raspberry Pi contest?

  9. And now I'm on the forums for the 4th time using my PC... xD..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. CMQuickfireTK


      PC's are badass!


      not if they run a Tablet OS tho

    3. Techite Sparkle
    4. CMQuickfireTK


      Yay! I only go on here with my Desktop, Thinkpad is still busy with other things :P

  10. Wait 24 hours before you can post to the Roblox forums? DIS IZ BOGUZ!!!!

    1. IDontExistAnymore


      Ugh. Roblox. My friend is a VAK and he is a really high rank. It annoys me sometimes but I play roblox if im really bored.

  11. Here I got these up from the basement quick. A hasbro example … These are some Transformers: Cybertron toys. And they practical look exactly like they did in their show. Though it was a 3D show so it is a bit more understandable... but gah still -Cybertron (Primus) -Left -Optimus Prime -Center -Cybertron (Energy) Starscream -Right But I mean these were fun to play with because you could relate their physical forms and abilitys to the show. It seems that the dolls are just covered in makeup that the mane 6 would be horrified to be seen wearing (Eccept Rarity mabe but even she looks sexier in the show itself )
  12. Yeah if I was a girl I would like to play with something I have seen before and can relate to ffs xD... I mean just add some hair that actually resembles how it actually looks in the show... that would be a start...
  13. I would have to agree 100%... This just makes Trixie Lulamoon look bad. Gah I wish they made the dolls like the 3D models of the girls from the MLP gameloft dance minigame … I mean most of the dolls look like they have no resemblance to the mane 6 in the movie at all
  14. Well I don't think that is exactly my case. I feel and understand what's going on and I react. But then my real mind is talking to me like. Making it hard to take in what I'm hearing xD ^-^
  15. Sigh... I'm slighly annoyed that they didn't exactly design of the characters in the movie. Yet its not like their intending guys to buy them. But still this is disgusting...
  16. My dad just got a windows 8 laptop and he's flipping out because it dosent have the windows 7 start menu. I download a start menu mod. The rage instantly stops... Seriously...

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Doc. Volt

      Doc. Volt

      my mum can't even hold a mouse.. not kidding...

    3. Techite Sparkle

      Techite Sparkle

      My grandpa knows how to use a computer better than my parents combined. And that holds alot of weight. Because for his age he is in excellent shape for his age. he's 79 ffs >_>

    4. Midnight Scribbler

      Midnight Scribbler

      When Windows tries to be Mac, things don't go well. XD

  17. All you and your base is mine! Derp.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Techite Sparkle

      Techite Sparkle

      Lol I know.

      Ubermode off *boop*

      Soery guys I'm afk.


      Noob rager: Ysdjdbdidjdbdodhbdiddi!!!!

    3. AfTeRwArDs


      all ur base r belong 2 us

      //l8 to the party lel

    4. Kaska


      Zero Wing is probably my favourite arcade game

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