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Techite Sparkle

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Everything posted by Techite Sparkle

  1. I hate sometimes how I blurt out random words out when I'm alone... out of my mind. And I said this exactly like this "Painus inside my ainus." I mean FFS it RHYMES!

  2. Truth be told. I watch the show for the story, music, and because the personalitys... but and the colors... No I also think that... Yes. It saddens me that some morals that "I" take to heart in this show I actually seen thrown aside by many people today. And that brings me to the conclusion that if people took the time they could fricken learn something from a show that was engineered for girls 7 and under
  3. Ha... Ha... Ha....... Die! -Xande

    1. IDontExistAnymore
    2. Techite Sparkle

      Techite Sparkle

      Just remembering being confused at such a minimalistic quote and getting crushed by the boss over 20 time. Its a Final Fantasy III quote xD... that game took me 2 1/2 years to beat >_>

  4. I haven't had a reason yet. Twilight has wings? Big deal I don't mind its kinda cool. And the new episodes haven't gone crazy with the concept xD...
  5. Being to smart for it might be the same case for me. The first time I sort of felt something but it faded in a day or two [Twilight one] But each time I tryed it again I started feeling less and less to nothing. Like a mental immunity. So to say :/
  6. Everebody here should be dogefied °3• *Has thumb planted firmly up butt*
  7. And it seems I feel asleep on my phone again...

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. galaxysquid


      I sometimes end up waking up with a phone on my face. Meh.

    3. IDontExistAnymore


      LoL. Welcome to the club. :P

    4. Techite Sparkle
  8. http://i.imgur.com/zXXrg51.jpg Jebus its gettin late xD. But hell I think about it every night I end up staying up till 3am in the morning xD...
    1. Show previous comments  15 more
    2. Commander Tangent

      Commander Tangent

      Yeah, Solar dust is basically me in all aspects, except for his back story past highschool.

    3. Techite Sparkle
    4. Midnight Scribbler

      Midnight Scribbler

      Back stories are all made up for mine. Just the characters are me. Yes.. Even Suit Twister, as scary as that may sound. XD

  9. Cake x Some random adorable backround bat pony with a horn. ^-^
  10. I'm going to have to go with Cadence... Mostly because I feel like she had more development in the show. And also has her extremely awesome song. This day aria.
  11. Well afterim through my playlist I'm off to sleep cuz it seems like everybodys gone xD... Yeauh...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. ghostfacekiller39


      Don't tempt him, Omny.


      Don't you do it.

    3. Techite Sparkle

      Techite Sparkle

      Yeaup I'm staying xD...

      Now where's that dress...

  12. So derpy became the internet. Is this supposed to be a good or bad thing xD...
  13. Polc Polc Polc Polc? :D? ^-^ Yes.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Techite Sparkle

      Techite Sparkle

      I'm not sure either... °3°………

    3. Commander Tangent

      Commander Tangent

      Well, if you google search it, you get an image of a rando dude with a hat xD

    4. Techite Sparkle
  14. I... want... you... INSIDE ME!!!!!!! Nvm I got ninjad. Penguins.
  15. Jasper Valentine - HILL ACT 1 GYM (Reversed).mp3 Gah I still have no words to how much this "Game" killed me inside...
  16. Does Play-Doh count as a pun?

  17. 1300Mph bouncy ball to the heart. I leave a speck of dust ^3^
  18. Warmest welcomes to the forums man ^3^ You will be able to interact with many friendly bronies here .3.
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