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Red Storm

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Everything posted by Red Storm

  1. umm... oh *solidifies* I think I knocked him out (sorry Kira) so, I'm going to take him back to his castle... just start asking some questions or whatever.
  2. I have really bad aim for landing so I was... aiming at the door and I ended up going through the window.
  3. what in the name of luna is going on?! *collects himself* ummm... okay, w-what is your favorite holiday? but seriousssly, what is goin' on... is this... a usual thing with you, I know nothing of interviewers. *starts to lose it again* with the prince... and the, younger prince and the hugging and the randomness and the hearts and the anime dude and that one pencil that nobody noticed was there and that whole thing where I came in and broke one of your windows (sorry I'll fix that later) with that what the heck was with that whole... *goes on a rant about waffles and hopscotch or something*
  4. just lurkin' around, looking at all of these wonderful OC's, don't mind me.
  5. I drive the bursting aura into myself and my body becomes a sort of blue energy that in some respects resembles a pony. in this form I swirl around you in a torrent of ethereal magic and pick you up, and quickly drive you into the ground. "pushing yourself to the limit, 'eh Kira."
  6. your hoof goes towards my head, and just before it makes contact, I disappear and reappear four feet behind you and with a blinding flash of light, before you can react I am beside you, he says "y'know I'm a prince of something too." right after that, I slash at your chest.
  7. feel free to use kleost if you wish! http://mlpforums.com/page/eqw-characters/_/unapproved/kleost-starstorm-r95 but, feel free to take off the wings. and may I suggest putting him in the twilight wing due to his search for magical knowledge. y'know whatever.
  8. *sigh* I just want a king Sombra backstory so badly!!!' but I do think that it was a decent episode to start the season with.
  9. we... may want to take him to the hospital also...
  10. I start charging energy, a bursting aura forms around me my mane and tail turns to a metallic material, rifts form around me, my glasses instantly shatter. "I usually use this one to scare off beasts... but this will do for the situation at hand."
  11. "whateves" the metallic quality is dropped, the stars start dissipating and I put on a new pair of glasses. "that was great! I haven't battled for a while, and it's nice to refresh once and a while, y'know. but we should probably get you some medical attention" I say slowly floating down.
  12. I shoot a mysterious blast of energy and the wolves and they turn a bright blue and start coming towards you. he flies into the air. "I love that spell man."
  13. I release massive ammounts of bursting energy forms against him and he takes a stance, and before anyone can react he is on the other side of oblivion, a wound appears on his chest, I starts rechargin, and the sky is lit up with stars, rifts start forming around me, my mane and tail turn into a metallic material and his glasses shatter. "now I can do this!"
  14. *teleports behind him and kicks him in the back*
  15. OOOH BATTLEMODES! *a flare of energy instantly starts burns around him* wings at the ready he bursts foreward in a blinding flash of speed, hoof outstretched.
  16. I am still moving so fast my adrenalin kicks in and I disappear and reappear a few times before participating in the same speed based combat more power slowly building up until, I release a portion of my power into a burst of energy followed by an uppercut to your stomach.
  17. there is quite a battle raging about a mile out from Ponyvile...and I'm part of it
  18. this isn't really a complaint but... the human Cutie mark crusaders! you're youtubers! I found that a bit humorous I must admit... you know.
  19. "oh yeah. this is going to be awesome!" he says as he hovers in the air waiting for the proper time to strike, eyes glowing a light blue. he sees the dark clouds and flies foreward as fast as he can, does an arealis roll and disappears, and then a few seconds later, appears behind you, and with a swift kick drives you to the side.
  20. I wonder what happened when principal Celestia had to banish vice principal Luna to the gym locker. butserriouslyohmycelestia the problems... they were resolved to quickly. and also, when all of the mane five (without rainbow) were in one room together I was thinking oh the drama, twilight is trying to win prom queen princess of the fall formal, her friends are fighting, and the prom fall formal is tomorrow!!!
  21. oooh! this is the part I love! he says charging energy, wings spread wide I rush towards you, and just before I reach you I fly up and start coming down on you, wings on fire with a magical glow, small tremors are created as you are pounded into the ground by the sheer force of the impact. "well, that one was new." he flies up carrying you and starts bolting towards the everfree forest, and throws you in.
  22. you're not bad yourself, he says as his hooves dig into the ground in the struggle.
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