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Status Updates posted by KrazyDashie

  1. livestreaming quiplash if anyone wants to join! (I need the players..)


  2. oh whoa, appearently theres a new pony convention in canada next year

  3. oooooh! i love that banner! 

  4. haihai

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. KrazyDashie


      how have you been? 

    3. Prospekt


      Meh. Could be better. Work has been tiring this summer. Just counting the days till I go back up to college for junior year. :derp:

      How about you?

    4. KrazyDashie


      saaame here *hug*

      ive been really inactive on here though x.x i really need to be more active... 

  5. is it just me or do reactions dont count towards your like count thingy...? just the first brohoof. like if somepony were to react with teacup or something it wont add to the reputation count. 

    is this just me? or like... is it supposed to be like that? :mlp_wat:

    1. Nature Tune

      Nature Tune

      Yes it is like that.

    2. KrazyDashie


      wonder why.. 

    3. Nature Tune

      Nature Tune

      I don't believe it was meant to be like that.

  6. aaaah! ive been inactive for too long! haaalp! also happy birthday to me ^^

  7. oh hey! thanks for the follow! :3

  8. thanks for the follow o.o

  9. has anypony heard anything from somepony named "mint chaser"? im kind of worried is all

    1. Fluttershy Friend

      Fluttershy Friend

      Unfortunately I haven't any informations about this pony. I guess that everything is OK. Maybe too busy, maybe has problem with PC, net something like that. It happens. Did you send a PM to this pony?

  10. happy new year everypony!

    1. Fluttershy Friend

      Fluttershy Friend

      Happy New Year KrazyDashie !:P

  11. oh hey! happy birthday!

    1. Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Kyoshi Frost Wolf

      Thank you KrazyDashiebutalsoPinkie. :3

  12. i have a gaming server on discord if anypony is interested  https://discord.gg/sydzQpC (I hope that link works) the name of the server is Nintendo pons, but its not limited to just Nintendo things. the server is mostly to chat, and to get together and play different multiplayer games

  13. aw man... not another spammer...

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DashYoshi


      It really sucks how common it's been getting lately. :/ There was always spam here and there but now it's every day or twice a day. :/

    3. KrazyDashie


      yeah... well at least its getting taken care of right?

    4. DashYoshi


      It is getting taken care of quite swiftly by the mods, which I really do appreciate. ^^

  14. anypony mind voting on this poll? I wish you could edit updates


    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Miss


      Oh ok so this was just made for shits and giggles XD

      Thought it was a serious poll XD

    3. KrazyDashie


      oh DX (yeah.. im bad at explaining things..)

  15. goodnight everypon

    1. Fluttershy Friend

      Fluttershy Friend

      Good night pink pony!^_^

    2. Johnny1226


      Good night dashie 

  16. i think im starting to be obsessed with rarity... :pout:

    1. Mint Chaser
    2. Snow


      Wonderful to hear darling~

    3. KrazyDashie


      rarity has always been tied with pinkie as my favourite... but.. im like I dunno. I think 50% of all my pon pictures are just... rarity.

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